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Europe Before 18th Century: Social & Economic Changes

➢ Prior to the 18th century, Europe was ruled by different variations of hereditary,
monarchical rule. ➢ This led to increased poverty in cities and towns as well as increased
frustration with not being able to find one's way as an individual. ➢ The older feudal system,
while not allowing for much movement across social classes, did provide relative security. ➢
The shifting social arrangement meant more uncertainty, and greater movement of people
out of their traditional farming and peasant roles into newer entrepreneurial areas such as
merchants and manufacturers. ➢ Many countries within Europe experienced increased
poverty in city centres, with resultant stress and unrest. ➢ Adding to the challenges of those
facing poverty was the stance of the Catholic Church, which promoted poverty as a state of
the blessed. ➢ Similar to the vows of poverty taken by Catholic religious leaders, those
living in poverty were thought to be closer to the kingdom of God.