See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Comparison of California Bearing Ratio and Pin Puncture Strength Testing Used in the Evaluation of Geotextiles Article in Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board · January 2017 DOI: 10.3141/2656-01 CITATIONS READS 2 465 3 authors: Stacy Van Dyke 4 PUBLICATIONS 7 CITATIONS Hani Titi University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 71 PUBLICATIONS 526 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Rani Elhajjar University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 100 PUBLICATIONS 1,085 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Feasibility Study for a Freeway Corridor Infrastructure Health Monitoring Instrumentation Testbed View project Minnesota Department of Transportation Contract # 84297: Rapid Chloride Penetration Research View project All content following this page was uploaded by Rani Elhajjar on 22 February 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Comparison of California Bearing Ratio and Pin Puncture Strength Testing Used in the Evaluation of Geotextiles Stacy Van Dyke, Hani Titi, and Rani El-Hajjar applications. ASTM D4833 (Standard Test Method for Index Punc­ ture Resistance of Geomembranes and Related Products) has been used in the past to determine the puncture resistance value. ASTM, AASHTO, and the geotextile industry have replaced ASTM D4833 with D6241 (Standard Test Method for the Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles and Geotextile-Related Products Using a 50-mm Probe), because ASTM D4833 has been deemed insufficient in classifying geotextile materials. However, many departments of transporta­ tion throughout the country and FHWA Section 716 still refer to ASTM D4833. Other state departments of transportation refer to ASTM D4833 and D6241 or provide a list of alternative test methods to be considered in place of these tests. Narejo et al. (1), Jones et al. (2), Hsieh and Wang (3), Koerner and Koerner (4), Rawal and Saraswat (5), and Askari et al. (6) con­ ducted studies of varying relationships based on exclusive material types, with woven or nonwoven materials. Studies have compared ASTM D4833 and D6241 or determined a trend in a specific manu­ facturing or material classification. A study of the correlation of the pin and California bearing ratio (CBR) puncture resistance testing methods, independent of manufacturing or material type, has not been attempted. The objective of this research was to use ASTM D4833 and D6241 to test several geotextiles with a controlled material type and mass per unit area, to describe the relationship between the pin and CBR puncture strength, rather than between material types. In addition, the study investigated whether weave type affects the puncture resistance of a geotextile’s performance. Geotextiles are commonly used in pavements, earth retaining structures, and landfills, as well as in other geotechnical applications. The puncture strength test evaluates the ability of geotextiles to withstand stresses and loads during construction, which are among the severe conditions that geotextiles can experience. ASTM has recently replaced the standard pin puncture strength test, D4833, with the California bearing ratio (CBR) puncture strength test, D6241. However, many state departments of transportation and the FHWA still refer to ASTM D4833. Other state departments of transportation refer to ASTM D4833 and to D6241 or provide a list of alternative test methods to be considered in place of either of these tests. The objective of this research was to correlate the CBR and pin puncture strengths for various categories of geotextiles, regardless of weave type and mass per unit area. Five types of polypropylene geotextiles, three nonwoven and two woven, were subjected to testing in accordance with ASTM D4833 and D6241 standard procedures. Ten and 15 samples of each geotextile type were tested with CBR and pin puncture strength tests, respectively. All five types of geotextiles exhibited puncture strength values, whether pin or CBR, which were consistent within each group. Similarly, distinct load-displacement curves were exhibited within each material group. Statistical analyses were conducted to establish a correlation between the CBR and pin puncture strength values. The correlations were successfully used to estimate the CBR puncture strength values from the pin test with reasonable accuracy (R2 = .78). Geotextiles are a broad group of fabrics used in civil and geo­ technical engineering applications. According to ASTM D4439, a geotextile is “a permeable geosynthetic comprised solely of tex­ tiles. Geotextiles are used with foundation, soil, rock, earth, or any other geotechnical engineering-related material as an integral part of a human-made project, structure, or system” (p. 3). Geotextiles are commonly classified by the function they serve, the manufactur­ ing process used to make them, and their base material. Geotextiles typically serve one or more of the following functions: separation, filtration, reinforcement, protection, and drainage. One common test used with geotextiles is the puncture strength test, which evaluates the ability of geotextiles to withstand stresses and loads during service life, including the construction process, the severe conditions that geotextiles are subjected to in geotechnical Background Puncture strength testing of geotextiles dates to the 1970s with ASTM D751, but it was found that this test produced inaccurate data because the probe tip slipped through textiles rather than ruptur­ ing them. By the 1980s, the ASTM D35 committee recommended that the puncture test be run with ASTM D3787, but with a constant rate of extension, an 8-mm diameter, flat-tip probe, strain rate of 300 mm/min, and compression ring clamps (7). In the past decade, four key standards have been available for geo­ textile puncture strength testing. The first standard, ASTM D3786, uses an inflatable rubber membrane to deform the geotextile into the shape of a hemisphere through a ring with a diameter of 30 mm until the geotextile bursts. The second standard, ASTM D4833, is a variation of ASTM D3787, which utilizes a slip-free ring clamp and probe with an 8-mm diameter and a 45° beveled edge. The samples are subjected to tension or compression until rupture occurs. Neither ASTM D3786 nor D4833 is currently recognized by ASTM as an acceptable geotextile Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee, 3200 North Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211. Corresponding author: H. Titi, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2656, 2017, pp. 1–11. 1 2 Transportation Research Record 2656 test method. These tests are no longer accepted because, as described by Koerner, “lightweight nonwoven fabrics had a rather large statisti­ cal variation” in puncture strength “between small areas of somewhat dense fibers and other small areas with sparse fabrics” (8) (http:// The larger probe used in the D6241 standard reduces this statistical impact. The final method, D5494, is also relevant but should only be used on a geotextile when a geotextile-geomembrane system is being tested. Measure ASTM D4833 (Pin) Currently, AASHTO M288 has replaced ASTM D4833 with D6241. In 2010, ASTM D3786 and D4833 information was no longer reported by Geosynthetic Materials Association members (9). The ASTM D4833 and D6241 standards are similar, except for a few key alterations of the clamp and probe system. Figure 1 presents a summary comparison of the pin and CBR standards, as well as the testing fixtures and plungers used in puncture strength testing. ASTM D6241 (CBR) Probe Diameter 8 mm ± 0.1 mm 50 mm ± 1 mm Probe Chamfer–Edge 45°, 0.8 mm 2.5 mm ± 0.5 mm Specimen Minimum Outer Diameter 100 mm Clamp outer diameter + 10 mm Specimen Unsupported Diameter 45 mm ± 0.025 mm (clamp inner diameter) 150 mm Compression Speed 300 mm ± 10 mm/min 50 mm/min Maximum Allowable Slippage None allowed 5 mm Number of Tests 15 10 Lab Temperature 21°C ± 2°C 21°C ± 2°C Lab Relative Humidity 65% ± 5% 50%–70% Test Conclusion Break Break Resistance Reported Maximum Maximum (a) (b) Probe Probe Clamp Clamp CBR Pin Base (c) Base (d) FIGURE 1 Comparison of ASTM pin and CBR puncture strength testing of geotextiles: (a) table comparing ASTM D4833 (pin) and ASTM D6241 (CBR) values, (b) plungers used for CBR and pin puncture strength testing, (c) pin puncture fixture, and (d) CBR fixture. Van Dyke, Titi, and El-Hajjar Studies on this topic have consisted of two groups: investigations that address variations in puncture strength testing methods (3, 6), and studies that address variations in the materials tested (2, 4, 5). Clamping Mechanism Because ASTM D4833 and D6241 have a dual plate-screw clamping mechanism, clamping slippage and technician variations inherently result. Hsieh and Wang suggested hydraulic clamping mechanisms for pin puncture strength testing (3). They tested a polypropylene (PP) and woven PP and polyester (PET) mix. All the tests were conducted at constant rates of compression of 300 ± 10 mm/min and 50 mm/min for ASTM D4833 and D6241, respectively. The puncture strength resistance varied more significantly for the ASTM apparatus than it did for the hydraulic testing mechanism. The CBR puncture strength (ASTM D6241) for the PP and PP-PET geotextiles, both woven materials, was eight times the pin puncture strengths (ASTM D4833). Hsieh and Wang also indicated that ASTM D4833 results varied less than those for ASTM D6241 (3). Rate of Compression The rate of compression used for puncture resistance testing is inher­ ently expected to affect the maximum value of puncture strength. Askari et al. studied the effects of test speed and fabric weight on the puncture resistance of PET needle-punched, nonwoven geo­ textiles using ASTM D6241 and D4833 (6). The material weights were 460, 715, 970, and 1,070 g/m2 and the tests were conducted at five speeds: 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 mm/min. Askari et al. deter­ mined that weight and speed affected the maximum puncture strength resistance for both tests (6). The 50-mm plunger size used in ASTM D6241 is preferred, because it is less influenced by irregularities in the fiber densities (8). Askari et al. also described the failure of a geotextile using three distinct stages of material failure (6). During the first stage, the com­ pression forces resulted in a rearrangement or movement of fibers. During the second stage, the fibers became more tightly packed and had an added frictional interaction among them, which increased their ability to resist higher loads. The third stage included puncture failure as a result of a sudden separation of fibers. Mass per Unit Area Jones et al. found the relationship between mass per unit area and puncture strength resistance to be nonlinear for needle-punched geo­ textiles (2). It was proposed that the performance was derived from the frictional interaction between fibers. The study tested high-, medium-, and low-performance, needle-punched, nonwoven geotextiles with matching mass per unit area of 1,000 g/m2. Koerner and Koerner directly compared nonwoven PP and PET samples with similar mass per unit area (4). All the PP samples were continuous filament, but two types of PP materials were used: con­ tinuous filament and staple fibers. They were all tested without a geomembrane system and on three puncture resistance tests, ASTM D4833, D5494, and D6241, two of which were explored in this study. Five mass per unit areas of three classifications of materials were used. Unlike Jones et al. (2), all the materials tested by Koerner and Koerner (4) showed an essentially linear connection between 3 increased mass per unit area and puncture resistance. Because the material used by Jones et al. (2) was not indicated, it is difficult to say why a linear relationship was not found. Koerner and Koerner also found relationships between the three puncture mechanisms used (4). The test relationships were developed among nonwoven materials exclusively. The PP continuous filament resulted in com­ parable pyramid and pin resistances, and CBR about seven times the pin resistance. With ASTM D4833, the PP continuous filament and staple fiber yielded similar results, which were two times larger than the PET values. With ASTM D5494, the PP results were, again, about the same, and 35% higher than the PET puncture strengths. With ASTM D6241, the PP puncture strengths were comparable, and 25% higher than the PET values. Weave Of the studies found involving pin and CBR puncture tests, none used a combination of woven and nonwoven materials. The studies examined exclusively nonwoven or exclusively woven materials. It is of interest to discover if geotextiles made of like materials and with the same mass per unit area, yet with different manufacturing processes, perform similarly in puncture resistance tests. Methodology This study examined literature from geotextile suppliers used in the midwestern United States. Of the most common materials used in those states, nearly all were composed of 100% PP. This was likely because PP costs less than PET and has a lower specific gravity, resulting in about 25% more fibers per unit weight (10). The high fiber count increases the mass per unit area and, therefore, the punc­ ture strength of the material. The average and standard deviation of the puncture strength of the PP materials also vary less than those of PET (3). For these reasons, PP materials were tested because they are more commonly used and statistically vary less, allowing for a better comparison of the tests rather than the material. This study’s researchers contacted major geotextile manufacturers in the United States to obtain materials for testing, to accom­ plish the research objectives. The geotextiles selected for testing were woven and nonwoven and had one of three mass per unit areas. The material uses varied. Table 1 presents a description of the materials that were tested. All the geotextile materials were supplied in approximately 12-by12-ft sections. Fifteen 120-mm diameter samples were cut along the material diagonal for testing with the ASTM D4833 standard. Ten 240-mm-diameter samples were prepared for testing with the ASTM D6241 standard, and were taken along a parallel diagonal over approximately the same width of material. The sample selection layout is illustrated in Figure 2a. Diagonal sampling captures maximum material variability in both directions. The samples were taken parallel to one another and over the same material width to reduce the impact of variability in material location on the results of the two test methods. High-quality sewing shears were used to cut all the samples. The samples were taken no closer than 6 in. from the edge for the ASTM D6241 test­ ing, and no closer than 16 in. from the edge for the ASTM D4833 testing, to meet all the requirements. In addition, any crushed or deformed areas were excluded. In the event of a deformed area, best efforts were made to select samples from nearby areas, as shown 4 Transportation Research Record 2656 TABLE 1 Materials Selected for Research Geotextile Designation Material Type Weave Type Use–Application PP PP PP PP PP Nonwoven Woven Nonwoven Woven Nonwoven Drainage–separation Separation Drainage–separation Filtration–separation Drainage–separation A B C D E in Figure 2b. The samples follow the general diagonal, but do not include the folded material. The samples were labeled for later iden­ tification as needed. A small crosscut scissors was used to cut bolt holes in each specimen. Figure 2, c and d, shows samples that were prepared to be tested. Material B easily lost fibers during handling, because it was a woven material with limited fiber-to-fiber frictional interaction. To prevent changes in mass and loss of material, all the woven Material B samples were outlined with a thin glue layer. The Mass/Unit Area, oz/yd2 (g/m2) 4 (136) 4 (136) 8 (271) 8 (271) 12 (406) glue layer was close enough to the perimeter of the sample so that it would never contact the clamping fixture. Each geotextile sample was affixed to the corresponding ASTM test fixture. The sample was then marked along the inside circum­ ference of the clamp. This marking was used to determine whether slippage had exceeded the maximum allowed per ASTM require­ ments. Using the universal testing machine located in the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Engineering Mechanics and Composites 12 ft Specimen selected for testing 16 in. 6 in. Specimen for ASTM D4833 (CBR) Specimen for ASTM D4833 (pin) Crushed–deformed areas are excluded 12 ft (b) Half of geotextile roll not used in testing (a) A CBR Specimens B C D Pin Specimens (c) (d) FIGURE 2 Preparation of geotextile specimens for testing: (a) layout of samples, (b) sample selections near a deformed area, (c) geotextile specimens prepared for pin and CBR puncture stress tests, and (d) woven and unwoven geotextile materials. E Van Dyke, Titi, and El-Hajjar 5 TABLE 2 Summary of Pin and CBR Puncture Strength Tests Geotextile Material Type ASTM Test Number of Test Samples Average Puncture Load, lb (N) Standard Deviation in Puncture Load, lb (N) Coefficient of Variation in Puncture Load (%) Average Elongation (mm) D4833 D6241 D4833 D6241 D4833 D6241 D4833 D6241 D4833 D6241 15 10 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 15 73 (324) 362 (1,611) 100 (443) 733 (3,261) 115 (510) 595 (2,648) 178 (790) 1,392 (6,190) 240 (1,069) 1,268 (5,642) 10 (43) 41 (184) 7 (29) 20 (92) 21 (93) 57 (255) 18 (81) 151 (673) 16 (73) 101 (451) 13.3 11.4 6.6 2.8 18.3 9.6 10.3 10.9 6.8 8.0 0.50 (12.7) 1.89 (48.0) 0.35 (8.9) 1.40 (35.6) 0.46 (11.7) 1.88 (47.8) 0.46 (11.7) 1.44 (36.6) 0.59 (15.0) 2.47 (62.7) A (nonwoven) B (woven) C (nonwoven) D (woven) E (nonwoven) Results and Analyses Research Lab, the puncture rod was lowered at a constant rate of extension until it completely ruptured the test sample. R-Controller was used to record the time, load, and displacement for all the sam­ ples. Geotextile materials sometimes display a double peak in the load-displacement graph. Per ASTM standards, the initial puncture strength value was reported even if the second peak was higher. The results of the pin and CBR puncture strength tests on the geo­ textile samples are summarized in Table 2. Figure 3 depicts the pin puncture strength of 15 specimens of Material A. The puncture load versus displacement is shown in Figure 3a. Inspection of Figure 3a Displacement (mm) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 100 440 90 400 80 360 70 320 280 60 240 50 200 40 160 30 500 120 400 250 150 40 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 1 0 0.3 500 100 80 0.2 1,000 200 10 0.1 1,500 300 50 0 Average 350 20 0 2,000 450 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Test Sample Number 1.1 (b) Displacement (in.) (a) Displacement (mm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 500 60 1,750 350 1,500 1,250 250 1,000 200 750 150 350 250 150 100 50 250 50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Displacement (in.) (c) 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 1,000 200 100 0 1,500 300 500 0 2,000 400 Puncture Strength (lb) 2,000 400 Load (N) Load (lb) 450 300 Average 450 500 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Test Sample Number 9 10 (d) FIGURE 3 Pin and CBR puncture strengths for samples of Material A, nonwoven geotextile: (a) pin load-displacement curves, (b) pin puncture strength bar chart, (c) CBR load-displacement curves, and (d) CBR puncture strength bar chart. In the bar charts, the error bars indicate standard deviations. Puncture Strength (N) 0 Puncture Strength (N) 4 Puncture Strength (lb) 2 Load (N) Load (lb) 0 6 Transportation Research Record 2656 A representative puncture strength failure curve of Material D, one of the woven materials tested, is shown in Figure 4b. The curve consists of five phases: fiber rearrangement, load resistance, mono­ filament failure (puncture resistance), secondary fiber rearrange­ ment, and multifilament failure. In the woven material, the first peak is followed by a second peak due to load redistribution increasing the maximum resistance before material failure after the second peak. As with the nonwoven materials, the curve begins with a slight slope as the plunger makes contact with the sample. Because the geotextile weave still contains voids, the fibers are free to rearrange without resisting the probe motion. As the fibers lose their ability to move rel­ ative to one another, they begin to develop internal material stresses as the fiber-to-fiber interaction increases and the respective filaments develop tensile strains. Eventually, the tensile strain increases until the displacement, where monofilaments begin to rupture. Unlike non­ woven geotextiles, woven geotextiles may reach a secondary peak resistance that is greater than the puncture strength when the multi­ filaments fail. The dip between successive peak resistances occurs because the material fibers are again able to rearrange and fill newly formed voids in the geotextile weave. Additional peaks may be observed if extension of the probe is allowed to continue. The images of the CBR puncture test to failure of the Material D specimen shown in Figure 5, g to l, describe these stages. The results for all pin and CBR puncture strength tests of the geotextile samples are plotted in Figure 7a to compare the two test puncture strength values. The geotextile samples tested with ASTM D6241 showed a lower coefficient of variation compared with ASTM D4833 for Materials A, B, and C but a higher coef­ ficient of variation for Materials D and E. Thus, one test is not preferred over the other based on testing variability. The study developed a means to estimate the CBR puncture strength based on a known pin puncture strength. Askari et al. used ASTM D6241 to study the effects of test speed on the puncture resistance of PET needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles (6). Although the material tested was PET rather than PP, the results of the tests were used in the current study to develop the general relationship between test speed and puncture resistance. The ratio of increase in puncture strength caused by an increase in speed was determined to be 1 to 4, or 0.25. demonstrates that all the geotextile samples that were tested exhibited consistent behavior. Figure 3b depicts a bar chart of the pin puncture strengths for all the Material A samples. The pin puncture load at failure varied from 56 lb (250 N) to 94 lb (418 N), with an average 73 lb (324 N) and a coefficient of variation of 13.3%. Figure 3c depicts the CBR puncture load versus displacement for the Material A samples. Figure 3d shows a bar chart of the CBR puncture strengths for all the Material A samples. The CBR puncture load at failure varied from 324 lb (1,441 N) to 457 lb (2,033 N), with an average 362 lb (1,611 N) and a coefficient of variation of 11.4%. A representative CBR puncture strength failure curve of Material A, nonwoven, is shown in Figure 4a. The curve consists of four phases: fiber rearrangement, load resistance, maximum resistance, and puncture failure. The curve begins with a slight slope as the plunger makes contact with the sample. Because the fibers still contain voids, they are free to rearrange without resisting the probe motion. As the fibers lose their ability to move relative to one another, they begin to develop internal material stresses as the fiberto-fiber interaction increases. The load resistance increases because of the fiber-to-fiber interaction, resulting in the region of increased slope. Eventually, the material develops new voids as the fiber-tofiber interaction fails. When the pressure on the material extends beyond the load that the fiber-to-fiber interaction can withstand, the material punctures. The images of the CBR puncture test to failure of a Material A specimen shown in Figure 5, a to f, describe these failure stages. Figure 6, a and b, depicts the pin puncture strength of 15 indi­ vidual Material D geotextile samples. The pin puncture load versus displacement is shown in Figure 6a. Inspection of Figure 6a dem­ onstrates that all the geotextile samples that were tested exhibited consistent behavior. Figure 6b depicts a bar chart of pin puncture strengths for all the Material D samples. The pin puncture load at failure varied from 150 lb (669 N) to 208 lb (926 N), with an aver­ age 178 lb (790 N) and a coefficient of variation of 10.3%. Fig­ ure 6c depicts the CBR puncture load versus displacement for the Material D samples. Figure 6d shows a bar chart of CBR puncture strengths for all the Material D samples. The CBR puncture load at failure varied from 1,152 lb (5,125 N) to 1,557 lb (6,925 N), with an average 1,392 lb (6,190 N) and a coefficient of variation of 10.9%. Displacement (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Displacement (mm) 35 40 45 50 0 400 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2,000 Load (lb) 800 Material Failure Load (lb) 200 400 6,000 1,200 5,000 Load Resistance 4,000 800 Material Failure Fiber Rearrangement Fiber Rearrangement 100 7,000 Puncture Resistance (Monofilament Failure) 1,200 Load Resistance 3,000 2,000 400 Nonwoven 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Displacement (in.) (a) 1.4 1.6 1.8 1,000 Woven 0 0 8,000 2 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Displacement (in.) (b) FIGURE 4 Mechanism of puncture strength failure demonstrated by using a load displacement curve of representative material: (a) Material A, nonwoven geotextile; and (b) Material D, woven geotextile. 2 Load (kN) 1,600 300 Maximum Resistance (Multifilament Failure) Secondary Fiber Rearrangement 1,600 Maximum Resistance Load (lb) 15 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) FIGURE 5 Failure stages of nonwoven and woven geotextiles subjected to the CBR puncture strength test; for a Material A specimen, nonwoven geotextile: (a) fiber rearrangement, (b) load resistance begins, (c) fiber extension, (d) material voids become apparent, (e) puncture, and (f) recoil; for Material D, woven geotextile: (g) fiber rearrangement, (h) load resistance begins, (i) fiber elongation, ( j ) monofilament failure, (k) fiber rearrangement and continued multifilament load resistance, and (l ) multifilament failure. 8 Transportation Research Record 2656 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 220 960 880 800 720 640 560 480 400 320 240 160 80 0 200 180 Load (lb) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Puncture Strength (lb) 4 Load (N) 2 1,800 8,000 1,600 7,000 1,400 Average 1,200 6,000 5,000 1,000 4,000 800 3,000 600 2,000 400 Puncture Strength (N) Displacement (mm) 0 1,000 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Test Sample Number 0.9 (b) Displacement (in.) (a) Displacement (mm) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 1,400 1,200 Load (lb) Average 1,800 1,600 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 7,000 1,400 6,000 1,200 5,000 1,000 4,000 800 3,000 600 2,000 400 1,000 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Test Sample Number Displacement (in.) (d) (c) 8,000 1,600 Puncture Strength (N) 10 Puncture Strength (lb) 5 Load (N) 0 9 10 FIGURE 6 Pin and CBR puncture strengths for Material D samples, woven geotextile: (a) pin load-displacement curves, (b) pin bar chart, (c) CBR load-displacement curves, and (d) CBR bar chart. With this ratio, Equation 1 is proposed to estimate the CBR puncture strength based on preexisting pin values for nonwoven geotextiles: Strength CBR,estimated = 0.25 × Strength pin,measured Area p,CBR Area s,pin Rate pin Area p,pin Area s,CBR Rate CBR (1) where Areap,CBR = area of the CBR probe, Areas,CBR =area of the CBR inner clamp (by using sample unsupported diameter), Areas,pin = area of the pin inner clamp (by using sample unsupported diameter), Areap,pin = area of the pin probe, RateCBR =constant rate of compression of CBR puncture testing, and Ratepin = constant rate of compression of pin puncture testing. Substituting standard ASTM values into Equation 1, the following equation is obtained for nonwoven geotextiles: Strength CBR,estimated = 5.270 × Strength pin,measured (2) The results of the testing indicate that change in compression rate has a different effect on puncture resistance for woven materials. This rate has a relationship of approximately 0.35. Substituting the standard ASTM values into Equation 1 and using 0.35 instead of 0.25, the following equation is obtained for woven materials: Strength CBR,estimated = 7.378 × Strength pin,measured (3) Equations 2 and 3 were used to estimate the CBR puncture strength from the pin puncture test results, as depicted in Figure 7b. To find a general formula for all samples, Equation 4 is proposed, using 0.3 in Equation 1 as the average value: Strength CBR,estimated = 6.324 × Strength pin,measured (4) Equation 4 was used to estimate the CBR puncture strength from the pin puncture test results, as depicted in Figure 7c. For compari­ son, Figure 7d shows the line obtained from Equation 4 as well as the line of best fit for the measured test results. The line of best fit equation for the measured puncture strength averages is Equation 5, which has the coefficient of determination R2 = .789. Equation 4 simplifies to Equation 6 for the samples tested and has R2 = .781. The Van Dyke, Titi, and El-Hajjar Pin Puncture Strength (N) 400 800 1,200 0 8,000 Pin Puncture Strength (N) 400 800 1,200 1,600 1,200 4,000 800 Material A Material B Material C Material D Material E PS(CBR) = 6.04 PS(pin) 400 0 0 100 200 2,000 CBR Puncture Strength (lb) 6,000 CBR Puncture Strength (N) 6,000 1,200 4,000 800 Measured Averages Estimated Averages (Equations 2 and 3) 0 300 0 100 200 300 Pin Puncture Strength (lb) (b) Pin Puncture Strength (N) 400 800 1,200 0 Pin Puncture Strength (N) 400 800 1,200 1,600 4,000 800 2,000 400 Measured Averages Estimated Averages (Equation 4) 0 0 0 100 200 Pin Puncture Strength (lb) (c) 300 CBR Puncture Strength (lb) 6,000 1,200 CBR Puncture Strength (N) 1,600 CBR Puncture Strength (lb) 0 0 Pin Puncture Strength (lb) (a) 0 2,000 400 6,000 1,200 4,000 800 2,000 400 Measured Averages Estimated Averages (Equation 4) Measured Averages Line of Best Fit 0 CBR Puncture Strength (N) CBR Puncture Strength (lb) 1,600 CBR Puncture Strength (N) 0 9 0 0 100 200 Pin Puncture Strength (lb) (d) 300 FIGURE 7 Comparison of estimated CBR puncture strength with the proposed equations: (a) CBR versus pin average puncture strength (PS) for all materials tested, (b) CBR puncture strength estimated with separate equations for woven and nonwoven materials, (c) CBR puncture strength estimated with Equation 4, and (d) CBR puncture strength estimated with Equation 4 and line of best fit for measured results. 10 Transportation Research Record 2656 statistical results show a reasonable correlation between the measured and estimated puncture strength values with the pin and CBR tests based on Equation 6. Strength CBR = 50.17 + 5.82 × Strength pin Strength CBR = 6.33 + Strength pin (all values in lb) (all values in lb) (5) (6) Jones et al. determined that unit weight is not a good indicator for geotextile performance (2). In this study, two sets of materials were tested with the same unit weight. Materials A and B were made of the same material and had unit weights of 4 oz/yd2, but Material A was needle punched and Material B was woven. Likewise, Materials C and D were of like materials, had a unit weight of 8 oz/yd2, and were needle punched and woven, respectively. To examine the effects of weave on maximum puncture resistance, typical CBR puncture results for Materials A and B, which have the same mass per unit area of 4 oz/yd2 and base material, are plotted in Figure 8a. Likewise, Materials C and D, which have the same mass per unit area of 8 oz/yd2, are plotted in Figure 8b. Again, the only difference in the two sets of materials was whether they were woven or nonwoven. The CBR puncture resistance of Material C (8 oz/yd2) was approx­ imately double that of Material A (4 oz/yd2). Material D (8 oz/yd2) showed a puncture resistance approximately double that of Material B (4 oz/yd2). These results indicate that woven materials (with the same base material and mass per unit area as a nonwoven material) will exhibit a CBR puncture strength approximately double the nonwoven strength. Further insight into the puncture strength of non­ woven materials was supported by Koerner and Koerner (4). Koerner and Koerner determined that staple fiber and continuous filament nonwoven materials exhibit similar CBR puncture strengths (4). This finding is likely because the puncture resistance of nonwoven materials is dependent on the fiber-to-fiber contact points, which are directly proportional to the mass per unit area. The nonwoven materials (A and C) failed at approximately the same displacement at failure as shown in Figure 8. The woven materials (B and D) also experienced similar displacements at puncture fail­ ure. These findings imply that the elongation at puncture failure is determined by weave type, rather than mass per unit area. Conclusions The objective of this research was to correlate the CBR and pin puncture strengths for various categories of geotextiles, regardless of weave type and mass per unit area. Five types of PP geotextiles, three nonwoven and two woven, were subjected to testing in accordance with ASTM D4833 and D6241 standard procedures. Ten and 15 samples of each geotextile type were tested using CBR and pin puncture strength tests, respectively. All five types of geotextiles exhibited puncture strength values, whether pin or CBR, that were consistent within each group. Sta­ tistical correlations were developed to estimate the CBR puncture strength values from the pin test with reasonable accuracy. Equation 2 can be used to estimate CBR puncture strength based on the pin test puncture strengths of PP nonwoven materials only, and Equation 3 can be used to estimate the CBR puncture strength based on pin test puncture strengths of PP woven materials only. Equation 4 can be used to estimate the CBR puncture strength based on the pin test puncture strengths of all PP geotextiles. Equa­ tion 4 had a coefficient of determination of R2 = .781. The line of best fit for the materials that were tested had a coefficient of determination of R2 = .789. The CBR puncture resistances of materials with similar mass per unit area and base material, but with different weave types, were also examined. Woven PP materials exhibited a CBR puncture strength that was approximately double that of nonwoven PP materials with the same mass per unit area. The CBR displacement-elongation at puncture failure is determined by weave type rather than mass per unit area for PP materials. Displacement (mm) 20 40 0 800 1,600 Material A (Nonwoven, 4 oz/yd2) Material B (Woven, 4 oz/yd2) Material C (Nonwoven, 8 oz/yd2) Material D (Woven, 8 oz/yd2) 3,000 600 6,000 4,000 800 1,000 200 2,000 400 0 Load (N) 2,000 400 Load (lb) 1,200 Load (N) Load (lb) Displacement (mm) 20 40 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Displacement (in.) (a) 2 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Displacement (in.) 2 (b) 2 FIGURE 8 Load-displacement curves for the CBR puncture test: (a) Material A (PP, nonwoven, 4 oz/yd ) and Material B (PP, woven, 4 oz/yd 2), and (b) Material C (PP, nonwoven, 8 oz/yd 2) and Material D (PP, woven, 8 oz/yd 2 ). Van Dyke, Titi, and El-Hajjar 11 Acknowledgments 2. Jones, D. R. V., D. A. Shercliff, and N. Dixon. Difficulties Associated with the Specification of Protection Geotextiles Using only Unit Weight. Proceedings of the 2nd European Geosynthetics Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2000. 3. Hsieh, C., and J.-B. Wang. Clamping Mechanism Effects on the Puncture Resistance Tests of High Strength Geotextiles. Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, pp. 47–53. 4. Koerner, G. R., and R. M. Koerner. Puncture Resistance of Polyester (PET) and Polypropylene (PP) Needle-Punched Nonwoven Geotextiles. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2011, pp. 360–362. 5. Rawal, A., and H. Saraswat. Stabilisation of Soil Using Hybrid Needle­ Punched Nonwoven Geotextiles. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2011, pp. 197–200. .2010.06.006. 6. Askari, A. S., S. S. Najar, and Y. A. Vaghasloo. Study the Effect of Test Speed and Fabric Weight on Puncture Behavior of Polyester Needle­ punched Nonwoven Geotextiles. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2012, pp. 1–7. 7. Suits, L. D., R. G. Carroll, Jr., and B. R. Christopher. ASTM Geotextile Committee Testing Update. Geotextile Testing and the Design Engineer. ASTM STP 952 (J. E. Fluet, Jr., ed.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1987, pp. 161–175. 8. Koerner, B. Mullen Burst Test? Geosynthetics, October 2013, p. 15. 9. Bygness, R. Say Goodbye to #4833. Geosynthetics, February 2010, p. 56. 10. Koerner, R. Polypropylene vs. Polyester. Geosynthetics, June 2012, p. 43. This research was supported in part by the Wisconsin Highway Research Program (WHRP), the Wisconsin Department of Trans­ portation, and the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (UWM). The authors acknowl­ edge the WHRP Technical Oversight Committee chair and members Andrew Zimmer, Jeff Horsfall, and Bob Arndorfer for their guid­ ance and comments. The authors also acknowledge Issam Qamhia, Peng Yang, Seyed Shams, and the UWM Engineering Mechanics and Composites Laboratory for technical assistance, as well as Brian Mullen and the UWM Structural Laboratory for conditioning a selection of samples. The authors extend special thanks to Teri Krock and Brett Odgers of TenCate Geosynthetics for supplying geotextile materials and to Jay Schabelski of Romus, Inc., for constructing the clamping fixtures and probes. References 1. Narejo, D., R. M. Koerner, and R. F. Wilson-Fahmy. Puncture Protection of Geomembranes Part II: Experimental. Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1996, pp. 629–653. View publication stats The Standing Committee on Geosynthetics peer-reviewed this paper.