RUBRIC for READ-TO-TEACH Name: _________________________Per: ____ Objective Requirements Best ON Time; Prepared ARRIVE BEFORE BELL. Name and lesson on the board; start class on time. All materials needed present and ready to use. Personal Lesson Plan used during lesson (timing mapped out) 5 QOTD; In-to Information On the Chapter Activity Quiz or written assessment Time: Question, quote or quickwrite on board. Creative “in-To” for your chapter. Interactive, brings discussion into chapter Time: Creative summary of chapter. Clear explanation of most important points and/or themes of your chapter. All characters and plot changes within the chapter acknowledged and reviewed. Same information used again later on quiz Time: Creative Fun Engaging Learning Well prepared Materials Time: Students show what they have read/learned based on reading and lesson itself in a written format (TO BE GRADED!!). Appropriate questions and review of answers Summary Time: Finish up lesson with review (can be quiz answered after you have collected written part). Closure, points or prize awarded. Originality, Organization, Classroom management, Presence Time: Original and creative lesson. Students learn and enjoy. Flow from tasks smooth and clear; lesson plan is used and followed. Instructions and time allotted made clear. Students understand and are attentive--not too much talking or distractions going on. Speaking presence professional and directed to class (not to me!) Score 3 7 10 10 5 10 Tardy( -5) ______ Approved Lesson Plan ______/5__ One page reflection on experience _____/10__ REFLECTION ON TEACHING: Name:_______________________ Per: _____ (To be turned in the FOLLOWING DAY!!! Considered late otherwise- 50%) 1. How did your lesson go overall? On a scale of 1-10(best) how do you think you rated? WHY? 2. How well do you think your “students” learned the chapter? How well did you learn the chapter as an “expert” 3. What specific things could you have done better? Why did they not succeed? 4. What specific things went as well as you planned? Why do you think they did? 5. What would you do differently if you could do it again? 6. What advice would you give the next teaching group? 7. What new perspective do you have about teaching and learning while acting as the “teacher” for the day?? 8. Graded Quiz scores: Please write down each students quiz score and out of how many points.