BENV0003 MSc LL Dissertation “Discomfort Glare: The Impact of the Spectral Power Distribution and Spatial Frequencies within Glare Sources on Discomfort Glare Ratings” by BXSJ8 30/08/2019 Paper submitted in part fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Light and Lighting Bartlett School of Energy, Environment and Resources University College London Word Count: 14077 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Acknowledgments I would to thank my supervisor, Peter Raynham, for his support and guidance during the process of writing this dissertation. I would also like to thank my family and my girlfriend for their continued support and motivation over the years. I BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Contents Figures .................................................................................................................................................................... III Tables .....................................................................................................................................................................VI Images .................................................................................................................................................................. VIII Abstract .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Disability glare .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Discomfort Glare ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Mechanisms and objective measures of Discomfort Glare ............................................................................................... 7 Subjective Methods for Evaluating Discomfort Glare .................................................................................................. 11 The Psychology of Discomfort Glare........................................................................................................................... 15 Research Aim .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 The Experiments ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 Pilot Phase ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Main Experiment .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 Discussion ............................................................................................................................................................... 52 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................................................. 57 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................i Appendix 1: Ethics application .................................................................................................................................. iv Appendix 2: Participant invitation email ................................................................................................................ xxiv Appendix 3: Experiment information sheet .............................................................................................................. xxv Appendix 4: Questionnaire .................................................................................................................................. xxviii II BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Figures Figure 1: A representation of the comfort and acceptance scales used by Geerdinck (Geerdinck, 2012). ...................14 Figure 2: The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test results for Gerrdinck’s comparison between the acceptance and comfort scales (Geerdinck, 2012). ...............................................................................................................................................14 Figure 3: The views used in Tuaycharon and Tragenza 2007 study in their ranked order (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2007) ................................................................................................................................................................................16 Figure 4: The main effect of wavelength on discomfort glare ratings predicted for 0.3lx stimuli. (Michael Flannagan, Michael Sivak, Michael Ensing, 1989)..........................................................................................................................18 Figure 5: The spectrum produced by the white glare images..............................................................................................23 Figure 6: The spectrum produced by the red glare images. ................................................................................................24 Figure 7: The spectrum produced by the blue glare images................................................................................................24 Figure 8: The spectrum produced by the green glare images..............................................................................................25 Figure 9: A normal Q-Q plot showing normality for the pilot study data. .......................................................................28 Figure 10: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colour for the pilot study ..................................28 Figure 11: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the pilot study .................................29 Figure 12: The discomfort glare threshold data from the healthy control group from Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson (2000) by the colour of the light source. (Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000) ..............................30 Figure 13: The normal Q-Q plot showing normality of the main study data. ..................................................................31 Figure 12: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colour for the main experiment........................32 Figure 13: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the no patterns images (images 1, 7, 13, 19) are included in the data. ..................................................................................33 Figure 14: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the chequered images (images 2, 8, 14, 20) are included in the data. ..............................................................................34 Figure 15: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped right images (images 3, 9, 15, 21) are included in the data. ...........................................................................35 Figure 16: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped left images (images 4, 10, 16, 22) are included in the data. ...........................................................................36 Figure 17: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped vertical images (images 5, 11, 17, 23) are included in the data. ....................................................................37 III BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Figure 18: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped horizontal images (images 6, 12, 18, 24) are included in the data. ...............................................................38 Figure 19: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the main experiment. .....................39 Figure 20: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the white data only. ........................40 Figure 21: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the red data only. ............................41 Figure 22: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the blue data only. ..........................42 Figure 23: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the green data only. ........................43 Figure 24-27: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating during the experiment. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................44 Figure 28-32: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the white glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................45 Figure 33-36: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the red glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................45 Figure 41-44: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the blue glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................46 Figure 37-40: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the blue glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................46 Figure 45-48: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the no pattern glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................47 Figure 49-52: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the chequered glare images only......................................................................................................................................................................47 Figure 57-60: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped left glare images only. ...........................................................................................................................................................48 Figure 53-56: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped right glare images only. ...........................................................................................................................................................48 Figure 65-68: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped horizontal glare images only. .........................................................................................................................................49 Figure 61-64: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped vertical glare images only. ...........................................................................................................................................................49 Figure 70: The plot shows the negative trend in the data; however, the correlation coefficient shows the trend is weak. ................................................................................................................................................................................50 IV BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Figure 69: The plot shows the negative trend in the data; however, the correlation coefficient shows the trend. ......50 Figure 71: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colour for the main experiment of this paper. 52 Figure 72: The transmission curves published in “The wavelength of light causing photophobia in migraine and tension-type headache between attacks”. High corresponds with blue, medium corresponds with green and low corresponds with red. (Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000) .....................................................................53 Figure 73: The SPD of the glare images characterised as white. ........................................................................................54 Figure 74: The SPD of the glare images characterised as red. ............................................................................................54 Figure 75: The SPD of the glare images characterised as blue. ..........................................................................................54 Figure 76: The SPD of the glare images characterised as green. ........................................................................................55 V BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Tables Table 1: A representation of the De Boer 1973 Scale. The original 1967 scale was updated in 1973 so rating 9 became just noticeable instead of unnoticeable. (Fotios, 2015). .......................................................................................12 Table 2: A representation of the scale version of the Hopkinson multi-criterion system. This is the single item scale version used by many researchers (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2005; Geun, Ju and Jeong, 2011). ....................12 Table 4: The custom scale used in this experiment. .............................................................................................................26 Table 3: The original 1973 De Boer scale .............................................................................................................................26 Table 5: The qualifiers used, and the definitions given to the participants during the pre-experiment briefing. .........26 Table 6: Results from the paired samples tests comparing responses to the different patterns within the glare images. The only pairs that reach statistic difference (pairs 2, 6, 11, 12, 13) were comparison between the high frequency patterns and the lower frequency pattern or with the no pattern images, this however was not always true for this sample. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red............................................................................................................................................................29 Table 7: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image colour. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................32 Table 8: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image colour with all data from images containing patterns removed. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. ...................................................................................................................................33 Table 9: Paired sample comparison between glare image colour for data obtain from images containing a chequered pattern. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 34 Table 10: Paired sample comparison between the data for the chequered and striped right conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. ..................................35 Table 11: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped right conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................35 Table 12: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped left conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................36 Table 13: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped vertical conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................37 Table 14: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped vertical conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................38 VI BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Table 15: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image pattern. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................39 Table 16: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the white data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................40 Table 17: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the red data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................41 Table 18: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the blue data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................42 Table 19: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the Green data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. .....................................................43 Table 20: The mean glare scores for each participant across all glare images. Scores equal to or lower than 5 are highlighted in red with scores greater than 5 being highlighting in green indicating the high and low sensitive groups, red being the high sensitivity group. ..............................................................................................................44 Table 21: The difference between the actual and predicted means for each glare image presentation. The total of each third and eighth of the data shows a decrease in glare rating as the experiment progressed........................50 Table 22: Shows the order each participant viewed the glare images in. The colour of the cells represents the perceived colour of each glare image. ..........................................................................................................................51 VII BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Images Image 3: White, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 ......................................................................................................21 Image 2: White, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 ......................................21 Image 1: White, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. ..........................................................................................21 Image 6: White, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 ................................................................21 Image 4: White, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 ......................................................................................................21 Image 5: White, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 ................................................................21 Image 7: Red, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. ..............................................................................................21 Image 9: Red, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 ..........................................................................................................21 Image 8: Red, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 ..........................................21 Image 12: Red, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 ..................................................................22 Image 11: Red, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 ..................................................................22 Image 10: Red, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039........................................................................................................22 Image 13: Blue, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. ...........................................................................................22 Image 14: Blue, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 .......................................22 Image 15: Blue, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 .......................................................................................................22 Image 16: Blue, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 .......................................................................................................22 Image 17: Blue, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 .................................................................22 Image 18: Blue, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 .................................................................22 Image 21: Green, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039....................................................................................................22 Image 20: Green, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 ....................................22 Image 19: Green, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. ........................................................................................22 Image 24: Green, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 ..............................................................23 Image 23: Green, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 ..............................................................23 Image 22: Green, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039....................................................................................................23 VIII BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Abstract Modern discomfort glare research has three key aims: to create an objective measure for discomfort glare, to find the physiological causes behind the phenomena, and to increase our understanding of the underlying psychology of discomfort glare perception. Within the branch of research focused on the psychology relating to discomfort glare perception, interest in the field of view is one of the proposed factors that could be having an impact. This paper argues that this concept may be masking the effect of a number of other factors. Two of these proposed factors are the spectral power distribution of the glare source and the spatial frequencies within the glare source itself. Traditionally, this field of research focuses on discomfort glare from windows, with simulated windows occasionally being used as replacements, allowing for precise control of luminance. The same thinking has been applied to self-luminous devices in this study. The results show that spectral power distribution and spatial frequencies do have an impact on glare perception. Glare sources that contain a higher proportion of high energy wavelengths (white and blue) are rated as causing increased discomfort glare, in comparison to glare sources that contain higher proportions of medium or low energy wavelengths (green and red). Also, as shown in past research, medium spatial frequencies caused increased discomfort. The smaller of those patterns that contain medium spatial frequencies produced the highest discomfort among the participants. This indicates that the concept of interest may in fact be masking the impact of a number of other factors on the perception of discomfort glare. 1 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Introduction The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) defines glare as: “the sensation produced by luminance within the visual field that is sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted to cause annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance and visibility” (Rea, 2000) Voss (1999) proposed eight types of glare, the first four of which are experienced very rarely and the final four more frequently: 1/ Flash blindness: this is a temporary state of complete bleaching of retinal photopigment caused by sudden exposure to an extremely bright light source. 2/ Paralysing glare: named after the phenomenon by which a person is paralysed by sudden illumination. 3/ Exposure to bright enough light to cause retinal damage. 4/ Distracting glare: is produced by bright flashing lights in the peripheral visual field. 5/ Dazzle or saturation glare: this is caused when a part of the visual field is too bright and is experienced very rarely indoors. 6/ Adaption glare: this is experienced when the visual field is exposed to a dramatic and sudden increase in luminance of the whole visual field. The seventh and eighth form of glare are the two most commonly experienced and are essentially different reactions to the same stimulus: a wide variation in luminance across the visual field (Boyce, 2014). 2 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 7/ Disability glare 8/ Discomfort glare The final two types of glare proposed by Voss (1999), will be discussed in greater detail; the latter of the two is the primary subject of this paper. Disability glare Disability glare disables the visual field to some extent and is produced by light scattering in the eye, which is known as veiling luminance (Vos, 2003; Boyce, 2014; Yingxin Jia, 2014). This has two effects: it decreases the luminance contrast of the retinal image, reducing visibility, and the increased retinal illumination reduces threshold contrast which will increase visibility. Of the two effects of veiling luminance, the first is the most prominent, meaning disability glare is always accompanied by a reduction in vision (Boyce, 2014). A comparison between the visibility of an object seen in the presence of a glare source with the visibility of the same object seen through a uniform luminous veil can be used to measure the magnitude of disability glare. When the two visibilities are identical, the veiling luminance is a measure of the disability glare produced by the glare source and is called the equivalent veiling luminance (EVL) (Boyce, 2014). The formula for EVL is: Where: πΏπ£ = 10ΣπΈπ Θ−2 π LV = The EVL (cd/m2) En = The illuminance at the eye from the glare source (lx) = the angle between the line of sight and the nth glare source (degrees) n Since disability glare is a product of illuminance at the eye and the angle between the glare source and the line of sight, disability glare can occur when the glare source is located outside of the visual field. Discomfort glare, however, is only perceived when the glare source is located within the visual field. 3 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Discomfort Glare The Commission Internationale de l’EΜclairage (CIE) makes a distinction between disability glare, defined as, “glare that impairs the vision of objects without necessarily causing discomfortβ, and discomfort glare, defined as, “glare that causes discomfort without necessarily impairing the vision of objectsβ (CIE, 1987) Although disability glare and discomfort glare are defined as above, the assumption should not be made that disability glare does not cause discomfort and that discomfort glare does not impair vision. Boyce notes: “As for the disabling effect of what is conventionally called discomfort glare, the failure to find any effect of visual capabilities is probably more a matter of measurement sensitivity than anything else” (Boyce, 2014) While disability glare is well understood, having an effect on visual capabilities which can be measured using psychophysical procedures and having a plausible mechanism behind the phenomena, discomfort glare is not as well understood (Boyce, 2014). Discomfort glare has been the focus of research for many years, starting in the first half of the 20th century and culminating in more recent research. The focus of this research has been the physiological causes, the environmental causes, and the prediction of discomfort glare (Einhorn, 1979; Flannagan et al., 1989; Clear, 2012; Boyce, 2014). Although a number of suggestions have been made for the physiological cause of discomfort glare, including pupil constriction (Hopkinson, 1956), pupillary hippus (Howarth et al., 1993) and muscle tension around the eye (Murray, Plainis and Carden, 2002), no cause has been proven beyond doubt. However, there is consensus on the environmental factors that cause discomfort glare. The main factors in the visual field that cause discomfort glare are source luminance levels (Luckish and Holladay, 1925), background luminance levels (Clear, 2012), angular subtense of the source (Luckish and Guth, 1946), eccentricity of the source from the line of sight (Holladay, 1926; Clear, 2012), and the arrangement of the glare source and illuminance at the eye (Bullough et al., 2008). Discomfort glare is a subjective response, as it is essentially a form of pain sensation. However, researchers and engineers have developed formulae to quantify and predict discomfort glare. These prediction models include British Glare Index (BGI), Discomfort Glare Index (DGI), Cornell Glare Index (CGI), Unified Glare Rating (UGR), Visual Comfort Probability (VCP), Discomfort Glare Probability (DGP), Predicted Glare Sensation Vote (PGSV), Osterhaus’ Subjective Rating (SR) (Clear, 2012; Yingxin Jia, 2014). 4 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Of these glare models, specifically related to small sources indoors, only two are in widespread use today. These are VCP and UGR (Boyce, 2014). The formula for UGR is as follows: Where: ππΊπ = 8log( 0.25 πΏ2π π )Σ( 2 ) πΏπ π Lb= The background luminance (cd/m2) Ls= The luminance of the glare source (cd/m2) = The solid angle subtending the observer’s eye by the glare source (steradians (Sr)) P= The Guth position index of the glare source As can be seen from the UGR formula, the main factors in the visual field that cause discomfort glare are accounted for. The original UGR formula is restricted in its use to sources within the size range 0.0003-0.1 Sr at the eye. A new function was added later that makes the formula valid for small sources. By replacing the function πΏ2π π with 200πΌ2 /π 2, increasing for sources below 0.005m2 (Boyce, 2014). Where: I = Luminance intensity of the source in the direction of the eye (cd) R = The distance to the eye from the glare source (m) For sources with areas greater than 1.5m2, a transitional formula was introduced: πΊπΊπ = ππΊπ + (1.18 − ( 0.18 )) 8 log 2.55 πΆπΆ Where: ( (1 + ( πΈπ )) 220 (1 + ( πΈπ )) πΈπ ) CC = Ceiling coverage equal to π΄0 /π΄1 . A0 = The projected area of the glare source towards the nadir (m2) A1 = The area lit by one glare source (m2) 5 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Ed = The direct illuminance at the eye from the glare source (lx) Ei = The indirect illuminance at the eye (lx) GGR and UGR work on the same scale, meaning the same value for GGR and UGR represent the same level of discomfort glare (Boyce, 2014). UGR has been shown to correlate with subjective ratings of discomfort glare for a single source, for multiple sources in a simulated office, and in a real office environment. However, it is worth noting that the subjective rating was always lower than the predicted value produced using UGR. This means UGR could be leading to overestimations of discomfort glare, causing some luminaires to be rejected during the design process when they may not be if another glare model was used. (Akashi, Y. Muramatsu, R. Kanaya, 1996). The other most commonly used glare model, VSP, is predominantly utilised in North America. For a single source, the formula is as follows: Where: πΊππππ ππππ ππ‘πππ = π = (0.50πΏπ β π) (π β πΉ 0.44 ) Ls = The luminance of the glare source (cd/m2) Q = (20.4Ws+1.52Ws0.2-0.075), where Ws is the solid angle of the glare source subtending the eye (Sr) P = Guth Position Index F = the average luminance of the field of view including the glare source (cd/m2) For multiple sources the value M is summed to give the discomfort glare rating (DGR): π·πΊπ = (Σππ )π Where a = n-0.0914. n is the number of glare sources. 6 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 As can be seen by comparing the formula for UGR and VCP, they are concerned with the same environmental variables but process them in different ways. The modern glare model UGR represents a compromise between a number of older national models, designed to ensure that there is some international unity on the rating of discomfort glare, in an attempt to make conversations on the subject easier (Boyce, 2014). However, there are still flaws in our methods for evaluating discomfort glare. Clear (2012) found that all glare models, including UGR and VCP, performed poorly when compared to the original Luckish and Guth data that formed the basis for their creation. Other researchers have also found inconsistencies while using models including UGR and VCP (Stone and Harker, 1973; Rodriquez and Pattini, 2014). In order to improve our methods for evaluating discomfort glare a greater understanding of the mechanisms and the psychology behind the perception of the phenomena is needed, and this improved understanding needs to be reduceable to practice. Mechanisms and Objective Measures of Discomfort Glare “We cannot measure discomfort glare objectively, since it is essentially a psychological phenomenon” (Einhorn, 1979) Discomfort glare is often assessed using subjective methods including rating scales such as the De Boer and Hopkinson scales. However, this has not stopped researchers from seeking an objective method to measure and evaluate discomfort glare by researching the physiological mechanisms behind the sensation. If, like with disability glare, a plausible physiological cause for discomfort glare was found that scaled with an increase in the perception of glare, our ability to measure and predict discomfort glare would be greatly improved. Many attempts have been made to isolate this physiological cause (Perry, 2002; Yingxin Jia, 2014). One possible physiological mechanism which contributes to discomfort glare involves the action of the pupil. Hopkinson (1956) investigated the role that pupil constriction may have on discomfort glare. A number of conclusions were drawn from Hopkinson’s work: 1/ The slightest sensation of glare caused the pupil to contract from its maximum. 2/ Pupil diameter is related to the illumination on the eye and to the size of the source producing the illumination. 7 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 3/ The diameter of the pupil is not directly related to discomfort glare, and instead seems to be a product of illumination at the eye. 4/ In the presence of intolerable glare, the pupil varies in diameter irregularly, however this also occurred when participants concentrated on a fixation point when no glare was present. Hopkinson concluded, in part, that the sensation of discomfort may be associated with the actions of the sphincter and dilator muscles surrounding the iris, due to signals received from exposure to a high luminance area with a low luminance background. However, Hopkinson states that pupillary hippus is more likely to be caused by illuminance produced at the eye by the glare source and the background than by a direct effect of discomfort glare. Fry and King (1975), also support this claim (Fry and King, 1975; Yingxin Jia, 2014). A correlation between pupil actions and subjective ratings of discomfort glare have also been found by other researchers. Lin et al. (2015) found that pupil constriction and glare ratings on the De Boer scale correlate with a coefficient of (R2=-0.61, p<0.001), but they also found that there was correlation between eye movement (saccades) and ratings on the De Boer scale (R2=0.94, P<0.001). They noted that severe discomfort glare increased the speed of eye movement and caused greater pupil constriction. Stringham et al. (2011) also found that greater visual discomfort is associated with greater iris constriction (R2 =0.429, p<0.037) (Stringham et al., 2011). However, other studies have failed to replicate this correlation. Howarth et al. (1993) failed to replicate Hopkinson’s results from his 1956 paper, “Glare Discomfort and Pupil Diameter”. More recent research has also explored the relationship between pupil responses and discomfort glare evaluations. It has been shown that greater source luminance causes greater pupil constriction. 750,000 cd/m2 causes significantly greater pupil constriction compared to 20,000 cd/m2, and that pupil constriction increases more between 20,000-205,000cd/m2 than between 205,000-750,000 cd/m2. It has also been shown that background luminance has an effect on pupil response, with a decrease in background luminance being associated with an increase in pupil constriction. This change in pupil size is significantly correlated with subjective ratings of discomfort glare (r = 0.659 (r2 = 0.434), F = 584.92, p<0.0001) (Tyukhova and Waters, 2018). Although subjective ratings of discomfort glare and pupil size have been shown to be significantly correlated, it is reasonable to suggest this is likely caused by increased retinal illuminance and not the perception of discomfort glare (Tyukhova and Waters, 2018). Retinal illuminance is a product of source position, solid angle, and source luminance. Therefore, if the luminance of a glare source increased so would the retinal illuminance, and by consequence pupil constriction would increase. 8 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Using pupil size and fluctuations to measure discomfort glare may lead to false readings as they are influenced by many factors other than light, including the age of the observer, the distance from the eyes to the object in focus, and emotions such as fear and excitement (Boyce, 2014; Tyukhova and Waters, 2018). Another proposed mechanism that could be used to measure discomfort glare is the reaction of the extra-ocular facial muscles. The sensation of discomfort glare is always accompanied by flinching of these facial muscles (Berman et al., 1994; Murray, Plainis and Carden, 2002). Murray et al. (2002), state, that regardless of the physiological causes of discomfort glare, the predictable accompaniment of the sensation by muscle action may give us an objective method to measure discomfort glare in the lab and in the field. They propose their Ocular Stress Monitor (OSM), a device composed of a portable transmitter and a narrow band amplifier allowing measurements of the electrical activity of the extra-ocular muscles to be taken remotely in a range of situations. The OSM uses three electrodes placed below the lower eye lid (active), one lateral to the bottom eye lid (reference) and one placed on the forehead (ground). The impedance for the experiment was set to 10K . The electromyographic (EMG) processor consisted of two parts, 1) a radio transmitter incorporated with a input amplifiers and a narrow band filter, 2) a separate receiver containing a low and high pass filter, a peak detector and integrator, along with a tone generator, output buffer amplifiers, and a small loud speaker. (Murray, Plainis and Carden, 2002) Using the OSM, it was found that the activity of the extra-ocular muscles strongly correlates with subjective ratings of discomfort glare varying from a maximum coefficient of r2 = 0.817 to a minimum r2 = 0.659. In all cases the correlation coefficient was significant with p<0.001 (Murray, Plainis and Carden, 2002). Berman et al. (1994) also found agreement between subjective evaluations of discomfort glare and EMG readings of the extra-ocular muscles. Although it appears that EMG measurements of the extra-ocular muscles could potentially be used as an objective method for measuring discomfort glare, there is potential for false readings if the OSM is used in the field for research. Although Berman et al. (1994) found a strong correlation between the EMG measurements and subjective ratings, they also reported that EMG measurements taken around the ear correlated with subjective ratings of discomfort glare. This indicates that the muscular reaction may be to general discomfort and pain, and if the OSM is used for field research it may not be possible to limit the experience of discomfort to discomfort glare alone. More research is needed to fully assess the reliability of using the extraocular muscles as an objective method for measuring discomfort glare, and to assess the reliability of the OSM. More recent research collaborating with neuroscience experts has revealed that neural activity may play a role on discomfort glare perception and severity. Evidence has emerged that discomfort from the visual scene could be cause by the hyperexcitability of neurons (Fernandez and Wilkins, 2008; Juricevic et al., 2010). 9 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 In relation to discomfort glare, where an individual is exposed to a high luminance light source, saturation or hyperexcitability of neurons is likely, and it has been suggested that this is a homeostatic response to decrease the metabolic load (Wilkins et al., 1984). It follows that under conditions that cause discomfort glare, we would be likely to find increased activity in the areas of the brain that process visual information. In a recent study, neural activity was monitored using fMRI while participants were exposed to stimuli that caused discomfort glare. In this study participants were organised into low and high sensitivity groups for their perception of discomfort glare using an adjustment method. The bold responses measured using fMRI were then compared between the two groups (Bargary et al., 2015). They found that under conditions that cause discomfort glare bold responses were located in the bilateral lingual gyrus, bilateral cuneus and superior parietal lobe - all of which have been shown to play a role in the processing of visual information (Vanni et al., 2002; Koenigs et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2018). They also found that bold responses at every light level were significantly higher among the high sensitivity group (bilateral lingual gyri (left: t(27=6.76, p(c),0.01; right: t(27)=6.47, p(corr)<0.01), bilateral cunei (left: t(27)=7.01, p(corr)<0.01; right: t(27)=6.31, p(corr)<0.01), superior parietal lobule (left: t(27)=6.43, p(corr)<0.01; right: t(627)=6.36, p(corr)<0.01). They found this increased activity even when the light level was below the participants’ discomfort glare threshold, suggesting that these increased neural responses are not necessarily directly connected to the perception of discomfort glare. However, a positive correlation between participants’ discomfort glare sensitivity and the magnitude of neural activity was found, suggesting that there is a relationship between the degree of hyperexcitability and individual sensitivity to discomfort glare (Bargary et al., 2015). Although this is strong evidence which supports the idea that neural hyperexcitability is responsible, at least in part, for the sensation of discomfort glare, it doesn’t necessarily explain the pain response. It has been suggested that the pain response may be a mechanism to encourage behaviour to reduce the metabolic load caused by increase neural activity (Wilkins et al., 1984). However, more research is needed to confirm this conclusion. There are a number of possible physiological mechanisms that could be the cause of discomfort glare, and among these, some may be useful as objective measures for the sensation. However, much more research is needed before firm conclusions are made about the physiological process that leads to discomfort glare, and as research into objective measurements base their validity on comparisons with subjective methods, it is unlikely they will completely replace subjective methods of measuring discomfort glare. In relation to discomfort glare, Perry is noted as saying: “There are manifestly no simple and obvious explanations of the phenomenon” (Perry, 2002) 10 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Subjective Methods for Evaluating Discomfort Glare There are many ways to assess participants’ perception of discomfort glare and many of these have been shown to be reliable and valid, however the use of them comes with the trappings of all subjective methods. The perception of discomfort glare is often assessed using introspective methods. These methods use a number of different procedures, but they all rely on the participants’ ability to assess the glare they are perceiving and report that accurately to the researcher, either on a questionnaire or by stating a number or qualifier, or by simply stating that the source is glaring. Three of these introspective methods are the staircase method (also known as the up-and-down method), the adjustment method, and rating scales (Stone and Harker, 1973; Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2005; Geerdinck, 2012; Oxford Dictionaries, 2019). The staircase method was first introduced by Tom Norman Cornsweet in 1962 and is used to assess absolute thresholds for a stimulus. In the case of discomfort glare, a participant will be exposed to a glare source which will be adjusted upwards when glare is not perceived and downwards if glare is perceived. These adjustments happen in smaller and smaller increments until the threshold for the individual’s perception of glare is reached, meaning that no more adjustments can be made, or a predefined number of adjustments is reached. Once this has taken place, the threshold can be calculated using the mean values of a given number of stimuli (Cornsweet, 1962; Oxford Dictionaries, 2019). The adjustment method is similar to the staircase method, in that a participant is exposed to a stimulus, and the intensity of the stimuli is adjusted up or down based on the participants’ responses. The key difference is that, with the adjustment method, the subject is often unaware of the particular values of the stimulus, meaning the process by which a participant settles on a value is less clear compared to the computing of a threshold based on the data obtained from the staircase method (Cornsweet, 1962). The lack of ambiguity in the staircase method can be a disadvantage. As the participant is fully aware of the way in which the stimuli are adjusted, they can manipulate the results very easily while appearing to give meaningful data (Cornsweet, 1962). The other most popular method for assessing discomfort glare perception are rating scales. There are a number of rating scales in use, but for glare research, the two most popular are the De Boer scale and Hopkinson’s multi-criterion scale (De Boer, 1967; Geerdinck, 2012; Fotios, 2015). 11 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30/09/2019 Qualifier Unbearable Disturbing Just acceptable Satisfactory Just noticeable Table 1: A representation of the De Boer 1973 Scale. The original 1967 scale was updated in 1973 so rating 9 became just noticeable instead of unnoticeable. (Fotios, 2015). Rating 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Qualifier Intolerable Just intolerable Just uncomfortable Just acceptable Just perceivable Imperceptible Table 2: A representation of the scale version of the Hopkinson multi-criterion system. This is the single item scale version used by many researchers (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2005; Geun, Ju and Jeong, 2011). These scales require participants to give a number rating for their glare perception that is associated with a qualifier which describes the degree of glare sensation, allowing statistical analysis to be conducted. Although scales such as the De Boer and Hopkinson scales have been used for a long time, and many of the studies that use these scales seem valid and reliable - especially when comparisons between new physiological measures and these scales strongly correlate - there are issues with them. 12 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 One major flaw of the De Boer scale, which is not shared by the Hopkinson scale, is the lack of an option for no glare sensation. Before the 1967 edit, the De Boer scale’s ninth qualifier was unnoticeable, which is similar to the Hopkinson’s scale’s use of imperceptible. This provides an option for no discomfort glare sensation. Although it is a useful qualifier since it indicates a level of discomfort glare that was previously not included in the scale, the change to just noticeable means that the participants are forced to misreport their no glare sensation as a miniscule glare sensation, creating bias towards the perception of at least some discomfort glare. Fotios recommends adding a tenth option to the scale to account for a no discomfort glare response (Fotios, 2015). This qualifier could simply be no discomfort glare, and as it would have a corresponding rating higher than just noticeable, statistical analysis would not be compromised. Another issue with the De Boer scale which is discussed by Tyukhova and Water is the counterintuitive nature of the scale. Traditionally, on a numbered point scale, people would assume the higher number equals the highest rating, however on the De Boer scale, this is inverted with nine becoming the least glaring option. Some researchers state that this may confuse participants when they make their ratings (Tyukhova and Waters, 2018). However, the counterintuitive nature of this scale may force participants to play closer attention to the scale during the experimental briefing, meaning that they spend more time understanding how qualifiers correspond to each rating. Researchers have attempted to improve these scales by assessing the impact of specific qualifiers on the obtained data. The original 1967 and the edited 1973 De Boer scale contain the qualifiers satisfactory below just acceptable. Fotios (2015) questions whether feeling any intensity of discomfort glare could be considered satisfactory. Taking his ideas further, is it reasonable that a satisfactory sensation could be considered less intense than a just acceptable one? In the Oxford English Dictionary, satisfaction is defined as “fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this” (Oxford Dictionary, 2019c), and acceptance is defined as “able to be agreed on; suitable” or “moderately good; satisfactory” (Oxford Dictionary, 2019a). These qualifiers seem to be inconsistent with the numerical ratings they are given. The qualifier disturbing is also placed below unbearable, implying that a sensation “causing anxiety; worrying” (Oxford Dictionary, 2019b) should be assessed below one that would be “not able to be endured or tolerated” (Oxford Dictionary, 2019d). Again, this seems inconsistent and has the potential to cause confusion among the participants using the scale. Inconsistency within the qualifiers is not exclusive to the De Boer scale. Geerdinck (2012) criticises the Hopkinson multi-criterion scale for its use of the terms just acceptable and just comfortable on the same scale. Gerrdinck employed two scales in his experiments, one that was 13 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 exclusively concerned with comfort, and another exclusively concerned with acceptance. Both scales, like the De Boer and Hopkinson scales, were nine-point scales. Figure 1: A representation of the comfort and acceptance scales used by Geerdinck (Geerdinck, 2012). The comfort scale appeared to represent a more critical analysis of the glare setting than the acceptance scale, and the difference was statistically significant for all settings used other than the seventh and eighth. Figure 2: The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test results for Gerrdinck’s comparison between the acceptance and comfort scales (Geerdinck, 2012). The significant difference between the two scales indicates that the chosen qualifiers have a significant effect on how participants evaluate the glare they perceive. Taking this into account, any inconsistency in the chosen qualifiers could potentially confuse the participants’ ratings and thus decrease the validity and reliability of results. Fotios (2015) recommends two improvements to rating scales: that the qualifiers are clearly defined, and that there is a clear option to indicate no glare sensation (Fotios, 2015). The first recommendation could be improved by specifying qualifiers that describe a consistent scale of progression, making the scale simpler and therefore easier to understand. 14 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 The Psychology of Discomfort Glare In previous sections, some potential physiological mechanisms and objective measurement methods for discomfort glare were evaluated. This section will focus on the potential effect that psychological factors may have on the perception of discomfort glare. Considering discomfort glare essentially constitutes a pain response, it is reasonable to assume its perception is governed by similar mechanisms. It has been shown that emotional states may either increase or decrease sensitivity to pain, with emotional states traditionally considered negative causing an increase in pain sensitivity and the reverse being shown for positive emotional states (Weisenberg, Raz and Hener, 1998; Rainville, Bao and Chrétien, 2005). It follows that complex sources that cause discomfort glare which have the potential to elicit emotional responses (for example, self-luminous screens and windows) could potentially cause increased or decreased subjective ratings of discomfort glare, depending on the information they contain. There is some evidence to support this concept, however, it is not direct. Rather than focus on positive or negative emotional responses, researchers exploring the impact that views, for example on a screen or through a window, may have on discomfort glare perception instead focus on the concept of visual interest. This concept implies that subjective interest in the content of the visual field may have an impact on participants’ tolerance too, or perception of discomfort glare. A number of studies support the idea that increased interest in the visual field may reduce subjective ratings of discomfort glare. In 2007, Tuaycharon and Tragenza conducted two experiments to explore the impact of visual interest. The first experiment compared subjects’ ratings of discomfort glare of a window covered with a diffusing sheet, with ratings of an uninteresting view and an interesting view. The second experiment compared subjects’ responses to natural and urban views, and views with three layers of view (sky/distant view, middle distance and surfaces close to the window), with views limited to the middle distance. The subjective ratings were recorded using a Hopkinson-like scale and the DGI equivalents for the ratings were calculated. The views used in the experiment were assessed and ranked during a preliminary experiment from one (most interesting) to ten (least interesting) (Figure 3) (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2007). 15 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Figure 3: The views used in Tuaycharon and Tragenza 2007 study in their ranked order (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2007) In experiment one, 72 subjects were assessed (40 men and 32 women), with 20 men and 15 women who wore spectacles, and no colour blindness recorded. They found that both the most interesting view and the least interesting view were statistically significantly less glaring than the blank view (with the diffusing sheet) (p<0.01), and that the most interesting view was statistically significantly less glaring than the least interesting view (p<0.01) (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2007). 16 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 In experiment two, 96 subjects were assessed (44 men and 52 women), with 26 men and 24 women wearing spectacles. They found that natural views were statistically significantly less glaring than urban views (p<0.01), and that views with 3 layers were statistically less glaring than views with 1 layer (p<0.01). However, further analysis revealed no interaction between the factors natural, urban, 3-layer and 1-layer. These results are supported by a number of other studies (Osterhaus, 2001; Tuaycharoen and Tregenza, 2005; Geun, Ju and Jeong, 2011; Shin, Yun and Kim, 2012). However, there are inconsistencies in the findings related to the impact of interest in and the content of the visual field on discomfort glare. It has been shown that view content may only influence discomfort glare perception when the view is either very good or very bad, i.e. very interesting or very uninteresting (Hellinga, 2013), or that there is no effect whatsoever of interest in view content on discomfort glare ratings (Hirning et al., 2013; Iwata et al., 2017). Clearly view content does have some effect on discomfort glare ratings, though, the use of the concept of visual interest may be masking the impact of other factors. The use of the term interest in research exploring discomfort glare perception may be masking the impact of other factors, namely colour, defined by its spectral power distribution, and pattern, defined by its spatial frequency. It is well established that certain patterns cause discomfort, with the factors that influence discomfort including shape, spatial frequency, duty cycle, contrast and cortical representation (Wilkins et al., 1984; Juricevic et al., 2010; Wilkins, 2012). None of these factors have been assessed in studies which explore the impact view may have on discomfort glare, so they cannot be discounted as a cause in part of the varying levels of discomfort found in these studies. At a glance, it is clear that all the views used by Tuaycharon and Tragenza in their 2007 experiments would clearly be assessed very differently when using these factors, especially when comparing natural and urban scenes. The views in Tuaycharon and Tragenza (2007) also clearly differ in the range of colours they contain, as natural and urban scenes are depicted with differing degrees of sky visible within them. Since the colour of an object is the product of the intensity of the incident light at each wavelength and the reflectance of the surface at each wavelength: Where: πΆ(π) = πΌ(π) × π (π) C( ) = Colour stimuli I( ) = The intensity at each wavelength R( ) = The reflection of the object/surface at each wavelength 17 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 It is reasonable to believe that the resulting spectrum incident at the observer’s eye from these views may have had an impact on their subjective ratings of perceived discomfort glare. There is evidence that suggests spectral content has an influence on discomfort glare perception. Bullough (2009) found that discomfort glare ratings using the De Boer scale for 450nm were systematically lower than ratings for 510, 590, 650 and 700nm, indicating increased discomfort glare when exposed to higher energy wavelengths. This was true for both 5 and 10 off-axis to the left of line of sight (Bullough, 2009). It has also been shown that discomfort glare thresholds in healthy individuals when exposed to broadband spectrum stimuli, judged to correspond to blue, green, red and white, were lower for the blue and red sources compared to the green. A two-way analysis of the variance of wavelength indicated statistical difference between the wavelengths used (F=91.582; df=2, 116; P=.0001) (Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000). This trend has also been indicated when using monochromatic sources that contain interference filters with peak wavelengths at 480, 505, 550, 577, 600 and 650nm, with bandwidths at half maximum ranged from 7.1 to 11.4nm. The main effect of wavelength was found to be significant F(5,70) = 121.23, p<.0001 (Figure 4) (Flannagan et al., 1989). Figure 4: The main effect of wavelength on discomfort glare ratings predicted for 0.3lx stimuli. (Flannagan et al., 1989) As can be seen in Figure 4, perceived discomfort glare is increased at higher energy wavelengths compared to lower energy wavelengths, with the increase in discomfort towards 600nm breaking the trend. In direct contradiction to the above, it has been shown that there is a decrease in discomfort caused by a high luminance light source at 460nm. This decrease in discomfort sensitivity was in 18 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 opposition to a general increase in sensitivity as the wavelengths approached the higher energy end of the spectrum, which the researchers suggest may be cause by the absorption of light by macular pigment which has a peak absorption of 460nm (Stringham, Fuld and Wenzel, 2003). More recently, three experiments were conducted by Sweater-Hickcox, Narendran, Bullough and Fryssinier, to assess the impact that different coloured luminous surrounds had on discomfort glare perception from LED sources. The first experiment was designed to assess the impact different source spectral power distribution (SDP) have on subjective ratings for discomfort glare, the second experiment was designed to assess if a reduced surround luminance has a similar effect as in the first experiment, and the third experiment was used to validate the results from the second experiment (Sweater-Hickcox et al., 2013). The first experiment showed a significant difference between yellow and blue luminous surrounds (p<0.05), with the blue luminous surround condition being rated as more glaring. No significant difference was found between the yellow and white luminous surround. However, in experiment two and three, no effect of source SPD was found (Sweater-Hickcox et al., 2013). Similar to previous research, it is suggested that this discrepancy in sensitivity to high energy wavelengths may be caused by macular pigment (Stringham, Fuld and Wenzel, 2003; SweaterHickcox et al., 2013). Sweater-Hickcox et al. (2013) varied the viewing angle between their experiments, with experiment one being 4 and experiment two and three being 2 . It is known that macular pigment is concentrated within the central 5 of the retina, with the high concentration being found in the central 2 (Howells, Eperjesi and Bartlett, 2011; Sweater-Hickcox et al., 2013). This could explain the lack of difference found in subjective ratings for discomfort glare in SweaterHickcox et al. (2013) experiment two and three. More research is needed to confirm the effect of SPD (colour) on discomfort glare perception, especially in complex glare sources. These two factors, SPD (colour) and spatial frequency, may in part be the cause of the decreased discomfort glare found in research concerned with visual interest, especially considering that natural scenes were often found to be less glaring than urban scenes. However, biophilia could also have played a part in causing these decreased ratings. 19 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Research Aim Research into discomfort glare caused by complex glare sources including windows and simulated windows, which are essentially backlit screens, has suggested some complex interactions between glare source content and the perception of discomfort glare that cannot be explained by the traditional factors. These include source luminance, luminance of the immediate surround, background luminance, angular subtense of the source, eccentricity of the source from the line of sight, the arrangement of the glare source and illuminance at the eye. As the use of devices that can create complex images (self-luminous displays) is constantly increasing, and these devices are often being used in environments in which discomfort glare is likely to be experienced, understanding the interaction between image content (view) and glare perception is increasingly important. The research question was: “Does the SPD of and spatial frequency within a complex glare source have a measurable effect on subjective evaluations of discomfort glare?” This question can be split in two: 1/ Is there a measurable effect of the SPD of a glare source on subjective evaluations of discomfort glare? 2/ Is there a measurable effect of the patterns within a glare source, characterised by their spatial frequency, on subjective evaluations of discomfort glare? 20 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 The Experiments Pilot Phase Methodology Glare images: 24 different images were created that contained 4 distinct colours and 4 varying patterns. These images were: Image 1: White, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. Image 2: White, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 Image 3: White, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 Image 4: White, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 Image 5: White, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 6: White, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 7: Red, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. Image 8: Red, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 Image 9: Red, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 21 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Image 10: Red, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 Image 11: Red, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 12: Red, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 13: Blue, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. Image 14: Blue, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 Image 15: Blue, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 Image 16: Blue, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 Image 17: Blue, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 18: Blue, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 19: Green, with 0 cycles horizontal and 0 cycles vertical. Image 20: Green, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.993, Horizontal frequency in degrees: 1.457 Image 21: Green, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 22 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Image 22: Green, frequency of pattern in degrees: 0.039 30/09/2019 Image 23: Green, with 0 vertical cycles, horizontal frequency in degrees: 0.086 Image 24: Green, with 0 horizontal cycles, vertical frequency in degrees: 0.086 Each participant was shown the glare images in a different and random order. The SPD of the four colours used in the glare image: SPD of the White Glare Images 2.00E-03 1.80E-03 1.60E-03 W/γ‘/nm 1.40E-03 1.20E-03 1.00E-03 8.00E-04 6.00E-04 4.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm 710nm 760nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 5: The spectrum produced by the white glare images. 23 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 SPD of the Red Glare Images 3.00E-03 W/γ‘/nm 2.50E-03 2.00E-03 1.50E-03 1.00E-03 5.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm 710nm 760nm 660nm 710nm 760nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 6: The spectrum produced by the red glare images. SPD of the Blue Glare Images 1.80E-03 1.60E-03 W/γ‘/nm 1.40E-03 1.20E-03 1.00E-03 8.00E-04 6.00E-04 4.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 7: The spectrum produced by the blue glare images . 24 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 SPD of the Green Glare Images 2.50E-03 W/γ‘/nm 2.00E-03 1.50E-03 1.00E-03 5.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm 710nm 760nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 8: The spectrum produced by the green glare images. Glare source: The images were displayed on a 13.3” LED retina screen (180mm vertical, 285mm horizontal, 0.053m2), the screen luminance was maintained at 100cd/m2 across all the images, with a black rest screen with a luminance of 0.3cd/m2 presented between each image. The screen was viewed from 0.5m away at line-of-sight (0 ), presenting 11.7 on the visual field. Background luminance was maintained at 0.033cd/m2. Sample: 5 participants (4 male, 1 female), the lowest age band was 18-25 years and the highest 50-60 years. 2 participants wore correcting spectacles. 4 participants were students on the MSc Light and Lighting course at UCL. The sample was an opportunity sample, with a none lighting professional or student included in the sample. 25 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Subjective rating scale: Initially the De Boer scale was chosen as the rating scale for participants to report their glare perception, however there are two major flaws in the scale that lead to the creation of a custom scale. Firstly, the qualifiers are confusing and have conflicting definitions, and secondly there is no option to report no discomfort glare. Rating Qualifier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unbearable 9 Just noticeable Disturbing Just acceptable Satisfactory Table 3: The original 1973 De Boer scale Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qualifier Unbearable Just Unbearable Bearable Noticeable Just noticeable No discomfort glare Table 4: The custom scale used in this experiment. The two extremes of the scale (ratings 1 and 9) and the numerical order were kept the same to give some consistency with the De Boer scale. The qualifiers describing the intermediate positions on the scale were changed to closer reflect a gradient between the two extremes, with a 10th qualifier added describing no discomfort glare. The no discomfort glare option was added to the scale as 10 so the option could be incorporated into the data analysis. Qualifier Unbearable Just Unbearable Bearable Noticeable Just noticeable No discomfort glare Definition Not able to be endured or tolerated Only just intolerable Able to be endured or tolerated Easily seen or noticed; clear or apparent Not easily seen or noticed; unclear No discernible sensation of discomfort Table 5: The qualifiers used, and the definitions given to the participants during the pre-experiment briefing. 26 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 The experiment definition of discomfort glare: • Is distracting and is uncomfortable around the eyes • You may feel the need to look away from the screen • Details on the screen may become blurred • The edge of the screen may become blurred The main indictor of discomfort glare is an uncomfortable feeling around the eye, this feeling may vary in its intensity but is always present with discomfort glare. Participants were given this definition to read before the experiment. Procedure: Upon entering participants were given a copy of the subjective rating scale to familiarise themselves with, an experiment information sheet to re-read and keep if they wanted, and the experimental questionnaire that contained a definition of discomfort glare and some questions for them to fill out. Once they felt comfortable with the subjective rating scale, they were briefly tested on their knowledge of the scale by being asked to recall the qualifier that matched a numerical rating, they were then given the opportunity to spend some more time revising the scale. Once the participants felt they were ready to start the adaption phase began. The light levels were dimmed so the background luminance levels reached 0.033cd/m2. Then a 3 minute adaption phase was timed before the first glare image was presented. After the 3 minute mark the participants could activate the timed presentation of the glare images by pressing the spacebar. This trigged a timed presentation where the glare images were presented over 5 seconds with 90 seconds rest between images. Participants stated their ratings of the glare image after the 5 second presentation during the rest period. The experiment could be paused at any time if the participant required, and when recommencing the experiment an adaption phase of 3 minutes was implemented as in the beginning of the experiment. In order to keep the participants focused on the glare images the questionnaires were filled out by the researcher when the participant vocalised their rating. Copies of all the paperwork used in the experiment can be found in the Appendices. 27 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Test for normality: Before the data analysis was conducted the data was tested for normality and was found to have a normal distribution (Figure 9). Figure 9: A normal Q-Q plot showing normality for the pilot study data. Results Mean Subjective Ratings by Colour The comparison between the average subjective ratings suggest a trend similar to previous research (Flannagan et al., 1989; Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000). However, statistical difference was only reached between the White and Green conditions (t = -2.892; df = 29; p<0.007). The White and Red conditions came close to statistical difference (t =-1.841; df = 29; p<0.076). Subjective Glare Rating The effect of colour (SPD): 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 5.87 5.50 5.30 4.87 White Red Blue Green Figure 10: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colour for the pilot study 28 BENV0003 BXSJ8 The effect of pattern: 30/09/2019 The average subjective ratings compared across pattern suggest that the patterns with higher frequencies cause greater discomfort (images 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22 correspond to striped right and striped left on Figure 6). This is consistent with past research (Wilkins et al., 1984; Juricevic et al., 2010; Wilkins, 2012). Subjective Glare Rating Mean Subjective Ratings by Pattern 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 5.65 5.85 5.7 5.8 4.85 4.45 No pattern Chequered Stripped Right Stripped Left Stripped Stripped vertical Horizontal Figure 11: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the pilot study However, statistical differences were not always found when comparing the high frequency patterns with the no pattern or other frequency patterns used (Table 6) Paired Samples Test for the Pattern Conditions t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 No Pattern - Chequered -0.084 19 0.934 Pair 2 No Pattern – Striped Right 3.269 19 0.004 Pair 3 No Pattern – Striped Left 1.633 19 0.119 Pair 4 No Pattern – Striped Vertical -0.45 19 0.658 Pair 5 No Pattern – Striped Horizontal -0.459 19 0.651 Pair 6 Chequered – Striped Right 2.96 19 0.008 Pair 7 Chequered – Striped Left 1.473 19 0.157 Pair 8 Chequered – Striped Vertical -0.304 19 0.764 Pair 9 Chequered – Striped Horizontal -0.164 19 0.872 Pair 10 Striped Right – Striped Left -0.857 19 0.402 Pair 11 Striped Right – Striped Vertical -3.339 19 0.003 Pair 12 Striped Right – Striped Horizontal -3.008 19 0.007 Pair 13 Striped Left – Striped Vertical -2.703 19 0.014 Pair 14 Striped Left – Striped Horizontal -2.058 19 0.054 Pair 15 Striped Vertical – Striped Horizontal 0.139 19 0.891 Table 6: Results from the paired samples tests comparing responses to the different patterns within the glare images. The only pairs that reach statistic difference (pairs 2, 6, 11, 12, 13) were comparison between the high frequency patterns and the lower frequency pattern or with the no pattern images, this however was not always true for this sample. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 29 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Evaluation Healthy (Control) Data from Main et al (2000) Discomfort Glare Threshold The data suggests that there is an effect of glare source colour (SPD) on the perception of discomfort glare. 30/09/2019 7 6.5 6.63 6.31 6.14 6.18 6 5.5 5 Green appears to cause the least 4.5 intense experience of discomfort, 4 which is consistent with previous Unfiltered High Low Medium research (Flannagan et al., 1989; (white) Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength (red) (blue) (green) Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000). However, the Figure 12: The discomfort glare threshold data from the healthy results for the other coloured control group from Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson (2000) by the images are not completely colour of the light source. (Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000) consistent with other studies. Figure 7 shows the results of the healthy control group from Main et al. (2000), where the threshold for the unfiltered (white) condition indicates that a white source would cause a lower level of discomfort glare compared to a high (red) and low (blue) wavelength sources. However, the trend in the pilot data for colour seem to follow a similar trend found by Flannagan et al. (1989). With lower subjective ratings found in the higher energy end of the spectrum, and the highest ratings being found in the middle of the spectrum and the lower energy end of the spectrum producing ratings in between (Figure 4). They used an unedited version of the 1973 De Boer scale. (Flannagan et al., 1989) The pattern data is consistent with previous research. The patterns that cause the most discomfort have medium spatial frequencies, which have been shown to cause the most discomfort when present in the glare images used. (Juricevic et al., 2010; Wilkins, 2012) However, the sample size in the pilot was very small and in order to draw any meaningful conclusions a larger sample is needed. As the data seems to be valid when compared to previous research the methodology was not altered when moving into the next experimental stage. 30 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Main Experiment Methodology The methodology was identical as the pilot study. This would allow the data from the pilot to be used in the final analysis. Sample: 11 participants (4 females, 7 males), the lowest age band was 18-25 years and the highest 50-60 years. 4 participants wore correcting spectacles. 5 participants were students on the MSc Light and Lighting course at UCL. The sample was an opportunity sample, with 6 none lighting professionals or students included in the sample. The addition of these 11 participants made the final sample for analysis 16, with 5 females, 11 males. 9 participants were students on the MSc Light and Lighting course and 7 were non lighting professionals. Test for normality: The data obtained from the main study was tested for normality and was found to be normal (Figure 13). Figure 13: The normal Q-Q plot showing normality of the main study data. 31 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Results 30/09/2019 Mean Subjective Ratings by Colour As in the pilot phase the main experiment’s data suggests that colour (SPD) has an impact on the perception of discomfort glare. However, the trends differ between the pilot and the main experiment. Subjective Glare Rating The effect of colour (SPD): 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 5.73 5.67 5.21 4.97 White Red Blue Green In the pilot the green images were Figure 12: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between perceived as the least glaring colour for the main experiment. (mean subjective rating = 5.87), whereas after the addition of the data from the 11 participants from the main experiment, the red images seem to be perceived as the least glaring. However, the red and green image conditions did not reach significant statistical difference in either the pilot study (p<0.418) or the main experiment (p<0.793), suggesting the difference in their subjective ratings is not significant. This was the only change in the overall trend in the data between the pilot and the main experiment. As in the pilot the Green and White image conditions reached significant difference (p<0.002), however unlike in the pilot the Red and White conditions also reached significant difference (p<0.003). This indicates that images that contain a broader range of the spectrum may cause increased discomfort glare compared to images that contain a higher percentage of the medium (green) or low (red) energy wavelengths. This could be explained by the inclusion of the high (blue) energy wavelengths within the white images. The White and Blue image conditions did not reach significant difference in either the pilot (p<0.227) or the main (p<0.299) experiment, whereas the Blue and Red (p<0.045) and the Blue and Green (p<0.031) conditions did reach significant difference. Indicating that a higher proportion of high energy wavelengths within the image may be increasing the perception of discomfort. Paired Sample Test and correlation Results Between Colours Sig, (2-tailed) t df R2 y= Pair 1 White - Red 0.003 -3.022 95 0.0442 0.8163x+4.8034 Pair 2 White - Blue 0.299 -1.045 95 0.1871 0.4466x+2.9892 Pair 3 White - Green 0.002 -3.114 95 0.2129 0.4793x+3.285 Pair 4 Red - Blue 0.045 2.027 95 0.0428 0.2412x+3.8264 Pair 5 Red - Green 0.793 0.263 95 0.0174 0.3843x+3.4651 Pair 6 Blue - Green 0.031 -2.194 95 0.2986 0.5499x+2.8026 Table 7: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image colour. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 32 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Mean Subjective Ratings by Colours Excluding All Patterns 6.5 Subjectuve Glare Rating When looking at the data for colour while excluding all the data for the glare images that contain patterns the overall trend is different. The data trend more closely resembles that of the data obtained from the pilot study, with statistical difference only being found between the White and Green, and the Blue and Green conditions (Table 8). 30/09/2019 6.00 6.0 5.69 5.5 5.13 5.06 5.0 4.5 4.0 White Red Blue Green Figure 13: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the no patterns images (images 1, 7, 13, 19) are included in the data. Paired Sample Test and Correlation Results Between Colours Excluding all Patterns Sig, (2-tailed) t df R2 y= Pair 1 White - Red 0.323 -1.022 15 0.1171 0.3286x+4.0238 Pair 2 White - Blue 0.876 -0.159 15 0.5604 0.7736x+1.2088 Pair 3 White - Green 0.038 -2.27 15 0.5093 0.7189x+2.3604 Pair 4 Red - Blue 0.402 0.863 15 0.0777 0.2999x+3.4193 Pair 5 Red - Green 0.62 -0.506 15 0.1123 0.3515x+4.001 Pair 6 Blue - Green 0.029 -2.406 15 0.6168 0.7657x+2.0759 Table 8: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image colour with all data from images containing patterns removed. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 33 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Mean Subjective Ratings Between Colours for the Chequered Pattern Data 7 Subjective Rating The trend in the subjective ratings between the colours used in the experiment for the chequered data is similar to the data obtain comparing colours across all the images used. However, unlike the no pattern data significant difference was not reached between any of the variables tested (Table 9). 30/09/2019 6.4375 6.5 6 5.5 5.625 5.3125 5.1875 5 4.5 4 White Red Blue Green Figure 14: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the chequered images (images 2, 8, 14, 20) are included in the data. Paired Samples Test Between Colour for the Chequered Data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 White Chequered - Red Chequered -2.029 15 0.061 Pair 2 White Chequered - Blue Chequered 0.198 15 0.846 Pair 3 White Chequered - Green Chequered -0.536 15 0.6 Pair 4 Red Chequered - Blue Chequered 1.806 15 0.091 Pair 5 Red Chequered - Green Chequered 1.187 15 0.254 Pair 6 Blue Chequered - Green Chequered -0.788 15 0.443 Table 9: Paired sample comparison between glare image colour for data obtain from images containing a chequered pattern. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 34 BENV0003 BXSJ8 The subjective ratings for each colour for the no pattern and the striped right data did not reach significant difference (Table 10), this was also true for comparisons between the variables within the striped right data (Table 11). Mean Subjective Ratings Between Colours for the Striped Right Data 7 6.5 Subjective Ratings Comparing colours across the data obtained for the images containing the striped right pattern (images 3, 9, 15, 21), the trend is similar to that of the data from the no pattern comparison with the means for the striped right data being lower than that of the no pattern data. 30/09/2019 6 5.3125 5.5 4.9375 5 4.5 4.75 4.4375 4 White Red Blue Green Figure 15: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped right images (images 3, 9, 15, 21) are included in the data. Paired Samples Test Comparing the No Pattern Data with the Striped Right Data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 White Striped Right - White No Pattern -0.824 14 0.424 Pair 2 Red Striped Right - Red No Pattern -0.645 14 0.529 Pair 3 Blue Striped Right - Blue No Pattern -0.706 14 0.492 Pair 4 Green Striped Right - Green No Pattern -0.769 14 0.455 Table 10: Paired sample comparison between the data for the chequered and striped right conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. Paired Samples Test Between Colours for the Striped Right Data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 White Striped Right - Red Striped Right -0.605 15 0.554 Pair 2 White Striped Right - Blue Striped Right -0.447 15 0.661 Pair 3 White Striped Right - Green Striped Right -1.066 15 0.303 Pair 4 Red Striped Right - Blue Striped Right 0.296 15 0.771 Pair 5 Red Striped Right - Green Striped Right -0.878 15 0.394 Pair 6 Blue Striped Right - Green Striped Right -1.165 15 0.262 Table 11: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped right conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 35 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Mean Subjective Ratings Between Colours for the Striped Left Data 7 6.5 Subjectve Rating The data from the striped left pattern conditions show that the white image produced the most intense sensation of discomfort glare, with all the other coloured images producing significantly less intense discomfort glare (Figure 16 and Table 12). Significant difference was not reach between the other glare images. 30/09/2019 6 5.4375 5.5 5.125 5.0625 Blue Green 5 4.5 4.125 4 White Red Figure 16: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped left images (images 4, 10, 16, 22) are included in the data. Paired Samples Test Between Colours for the Striped Left Data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 White Striped Left - Red Striped Left -2.44 15 0.028 Pair 2 White Striped Left - Blue Striped Left -2.513 15 0.024 Pair 3 White Striped Left - Green Striped Left -2.167 15 0.047 Pair 4 Red Striped Left - Blue Striped Left 0.463 15 0.65 Pair 5 Red Striped Left - Green Striped Left 0.706 15 0.491 Pair 6 Blue Striped Left - Green Striped Left 0.105 15 0.918 Table 12: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped left conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 36 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Mean Subjective Ratings Between Colour for the Striped Vertical Data 7 6.5 6.5 Subjective Rating The data from the striped vertical images shows a similar trend to the data obtain by comparing the ratings of the coloured images while all the pattern data is included (Figure 17). However, in this sample no significant differences were reached (Table 13). 30/09/2019 6 5.5 5.5625 5.5 5.75 5 4.5 4 White Red Blue Green Figure 17: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped vertical images (images 5, 11, 17, 23) are included in the data. Paired Samples Test Between Colours for the Striped Vertical Data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 White Striped Vertical - Red Striped Vertical -1.426 15 0.174 Pair 2 White Striped Vertical - Blue Striped Vertical -0.104 15 0.919 Pair 3 White Striped Vertical - Green Striped Vertical -0.473 15 0.643 Pair 4 Red Striped Vertical - Blue Striped Vertical 1.46 15 0.165 Pair 5 Red Striped Vertical - Green Striped Vertical 1.039 15 0.315 Pair 6 Blue Striped Vertical - Green Striped Vertical -0.299 15 0.769 Table 13: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped vertical conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 37 BENV0003 BXSJ8 Mean Subjective Ratings Between Colour for the Striped Horiontal Data 7 6.3125 6.5 Subjective Ratings The subjective ratings compared between colour across the striped horizontal images show a different trend to the other data samples, with the green condition being considered to cause the least discomfort glare, and the other images causing similar levels of discomfort. 30/09/2019 6 5.5 5.375 5.4375 5.5 White Red Blue 5 4.5 4 Green Figure 18: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colours for the main experiment. Only the striped horizontal images (images 6, 12, 18, 24) are included in the data. Paired Samples Test Between Colours for the Striped Horizontal Data t df Sig. (2tailed) Pair 1 White Striped Horizontal - Red Striped Horizontal -0.136 15 0.894 Pair 2 White Striped Horizontal - Blue Striped Horizontal -0.202 15 0.843 Pair 3 White Striped Horizontal - Green Striped Horizontal -1.925 15 0.073 Pair 4 Red Striped Horizontal - Blue Striped Horizontal -0.128 15 0.9 Pair 5 Red Striped Horizontal - Green Striped Horizontal -2.267 15 0.039 Pair 6 Blue Striped Horizontal - Green Striped Horizontal -1.772 15 0.097 Table 14: Paired sample comparison between the data for the striped vertical conditions. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. The results of the main experiment indicate there may be an effect of SPD (colour) on the subjective evaluation of discomfort glare, however statistical difference was only found between a few of the conditions. It is also reasonable to conclude that the spatial frequency of the patterns within the glare images would have influenced the glare ratings when looking at the smaller samples within the main data sample. Further analysis was conducted to assess the impact of the pattern spatial frequency on glare rating. 38 BENV0003 BXSJ8 The effect of pattern: 30/09/2019 Mean Subjective Rating by Pattern Subjective Glare Rating 6.0 5.83 The trend in the data for the 5.66 5.8 5.64 main experiment resembles the 5.47 5.6 trend from the pilot study, with 5.4 5.2 the patterns with a spatial 4.94 4.86 5.0 frequency 0.039 (images 3, 4, 9, 4.8 10, 15, 16, 21, 22) producing a 4.6 4.4 significant difference in subjective 4.2 ratings between these patterns 4.0 and those with spatial frequencies No pattern Chequered Stripped Stripped Stripped Stripped Right Left vertical Horizontal of 0.993 vertical and 1.457 horizontal (images 2, 8, 14, 20), Figure 19: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between with those with spatial frequencies pattern for the main experiment. of 0 vertical and 0.086 horizontal (images 5, 11, 17, 23), and those patterns with spatial frequencies of 0.086 vertical and 0 horizontal (images 6, 12, 18, 24) (Figure 14 and Table 9). Paired T Test and correlation results between patterns (all colour data) Sig, (2-tailed) t value df R2 y= Pair 1 No Pattern -Chequered 0.557 -0.591 63 0.155 0.3769x+3.5795 Pair 2 No Pattern-Striped Right 0.052 1.982 63 0.1157 0.3341x+3.032 Pair 3 No Pattern-Striped Left 0.068 1.857 63 0.1373 0.3262+3.1537 Pair 4 No Pattern-Striped Vertical 0.193 -1.316 63 0.2277 0.466x+3.2763 Pair 5 No Pattern-Striped Horizontal 0.491 -0.692 63 0.2048 0.4127x+3.3992 Pair 6 Chequered-Striped Right 0.01 2.648 63 0.1332 0.375x+2.7443 Pair 7 Chequered-Striped Left 0.013 2.563 63 0.1523 0.3593x+2.9103 Pair 8 Chequered-Striped Vertical 0.49 -0.695 63 0.217 0.4765x+3.1405 Pair 9 Chequered-Striped Horizontal 0.955 -0.056 63 0.1525 0.3725x+3.5553 Pair 10 Striped Right-Striped Left 0.763 -0.303 63 0.2282 0.428x+2.8577 Pair 11 Striped Right-Striped Vertical 0.002 -3.27 63 0.1394 0.3717x+4.0221 Pair 12 Striped Right-Striped Horizontal 0.003 -3.124 63 0.2547 0.4684x+3.38 Pair 13 Striped Left-Striped Vertical 0.001 -3.561 63 0.2572 0.5634x+3.0464 Pair 14 Striped Left-Striped Horizontal 0.002 -3.269 63 0.3452 0.6087x+2.6509 Pair 15 Striped Vertical-Striped Horizontal 0.546 0.607 63 0.1491 0.3601x+3.5577 Table 15: Paired sample test and correlation data for comparison between glare image pattern. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 39 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Subjective Rating The trend in the data while The effect of Pattern Accross the White Data comparing the effect of pattern 7 for only the white glare image 6.5 data is similar to the trend obtained using the complete 6 5.5 sample (all coloured glare 5.375 5.3125 5.5 5.0625 images). However, the mean 5 subjective rating is lower for all 4.4375 pattern conditions compared to 4.5 4.125 the complete data set, indicating 4 No Chequered Stripped Stripped Stripped Stripped that colour and pattern both pattern Right Left vertical Horizontal impact the subjective rating of discomfort glare. This effect was Figure 20: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the white data only. also found while exploring the effect of colour, with the white condition producing the lowest subjective rating (most intense glare perception). Fewer of the pattern conditions reached significant statistical difference for the white data set, however those that did were comparisons between the images with spatial frequencies of 0.039 and those with spatial frequencies of 0.993 vertical and 1.457 horizontal, those with spatial frequencies of 0 horizontal and 0.086 vertical, and those with spatial frequencies of 0.086 horizontal and 0 vertical. (Table 16). Paired T Test results between patterns for the white data t df Sig. (2-tailed) -0.42 15 0.68 Pair 1 No Pattern White - Chequered White Pair 2 No Pattern White - Striped Right White 0.85 15 0.409 Pair 3 No Pattern White - Striped Left White 2.12 15 0.051 Pair 4 No Pattern White - Striped Vertical White -0.731 15 0.476 Pair 5 No Pattern White - Striped Horizontal White -0.598 15 0.558 Pair 6 Chequered White - Striped Right White 1.147 15 0.269 Pair 7 Chequered White - Striped Left White 2.643 15 0.018 Pair 8 Chequered White - Striped Vertical White -0.401 15 0.694 Pair 9 Chequered White - Striped Horizontal White -0.102 15 0.92 Pair 10 Striped Right White - Striped Left White 0.53 15 0.604 Pair 11 Striped Right White - Striped Vertical White -1.387 15 0.186 Pair 12 Striped Right White - Striped Horizontal White -1.431 15 0.173 Pair 13 Striped Left White - Striped Vertical White -2.756 15 0.015 Pair 14 Striped Left White - Striped Horizontal White -3.024 15 0.009 Pair 15 Striped Vertical White - Striped Horizontal White 0.19 15 0.852 Table 16: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the white data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 40 BENV0003 BXSJ8 The Effect of Pattern Across the Red Data 7 6.5 6.4375 6.5 Subjective Rating The trend in the data for the comparison of the effect of pattern for the red data shows that the patterns with spatial frequencies of 0.039 still produced the lowest subjective rating, and were therefore considered to cause the most discomfort glare. However, in this sample the Striped Horizontal condition produced a similar response on average. 30/09/2019 6 5.6875 5.4375 5.5 5.4375 4.9375 5 4.5 4 No Chequered Stripped Stripped Stripped Stripped pattern Right Left vertical Horizontal Figure 21: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the red data only. As with the white data sample significant statistical differences were found between patterns with spatial frequencies of 0.039 and those with spatial frequencies of 0.993 vertical and 1.457 horizontal, those with spatial frequencies of 0 horizontal and 0.086 vertical, and those with spatial frequencies of 0.086 horizontal and 0 vertical (Table 17). Statistical difference was also found between the Chequered and the Striped Horizontal images, however this could be a product of the sample used, as a number of participants reported an aversion to the red glare images compared to the other images used. Paired T Test results between patterns for the red data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 No Pattern Red - Chequered Red -1.695 15 0.111 Pair 2 No Pattern Red - Striped Right Red 1.399 15 0.182 Pair 3 No Pattern Red - Striped Left Red 0.453 15 0.657 Pair 4 No Pattern Red - Striped Vertical Red -1.421 15 0.176 Pair 5 No Pattern Red - Striped Horizontal Red 0.62 15 0.544 Pair 6 Chequered Red - Striped Right Red 3 15 0.009 Pair 7 Chequered Red - Striped Left Red 1.777 15 0.096 Pair 8 Chequered Red - Striped Vertical Red -0.126 15 0.901 Pair 9 Chequered Red - Striped Horizontal Red 2.284 15 0.037 Pair 10 Striped Right Red - Striped Left Red -0.939 15 0.362 Pair 11 Striped Right Red - Striped Vertical Red -2.398 15 0.03 Pair 12 Striped Right Red - Striped Horizontal Red -0.984 15 0.341 Pair 13 Striped Left Red - Striped Vertical Red -2.512 15 0.024 Pair 14 Striped Left Red - Striped Horizontal Red 0 15 1 Pair 15 Striped Vertical Red - Striped Horizontal Red 1.901 15 0.077 Table 17: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the red data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 41 BENV0003 BXSJ8 The Effect of Pattern Across the Blue Data 7 6.5 Subjective Rating The blue only data seems to be producing smaller differences in the subjective glare responses for the different patterns. The subjective glare ratings for patterns with spatial frequencies of 0.039 are closer to the subjective rating for all the other patterns compared to the other data samples. The paired t tests also showed no statistical difference between the subjective ratings for the patterns in this data sample (Table 18). 30/09/2019 6 5.5625 5.5 5.125 5 5.1875 5.5 5.125 4.75 4.5 4 No Chequered Stripped Stripped Stripped Stripped pattern Right Left vertical Horizontal Figure 22: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between pattern for the blue data only. This could indicate that the colour of the glare source is interacting with pattern in a way that causes these images to be considered similarly uncomfortable, even with the differing patterns. Paired T Test results between patterns for the blue data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 No Pattern Blue - Chequered Blue -0.085 15 0.933 Pair 2 No Pattern Blue - Striped Right Blue 0.659 15 0.52 Pair 3 No Pattern Blue - Striped Left Blue 0 15 1 Pair 4 No Pattern Blue - Striped Vertical Blue -0.875 15 0.395 Pair 5 No Pattern Blue - Striped Horizontal Blue -0.588 15 0.566 Pair 6 Chequered Blue - Striped Right Blue 0.723 15 0.481 Pair 7 Chequered Blue - Striped Left Blue 0.102 15 0.92 Pair 8 Chequered Blue - Striped Vertical Blue -0.535 15 0.6 Pair 9 Chequered Blue - Striped Horizontal Blue -0.518 15 0.612 Pair 10 Striped Right Blue - Striped Left Blue -0.739 15 0.471 Pair 11 Striped Right Blue - Striped Vertical Blue -1.932 15 0.072 Pair 12 Striped Right Blue - Striped Horizontal Blue -1.567 15 0.138 Pair 13 Striped Left Blue - Striped Vertical Blue -0.692 15 0.5 Pair 14 Striped Left Blue - Striped Horizontal Blue -0.728 15 0.478 Pair 15 Striped Vertical Blue - Striped Horizontal Blue 0.104 15 0.919 Table 18: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the blue data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 42 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Subjective Rating The green data shows a similar The Effect of Pattern Across the Green Data trend as previous data sets, with 7 the patterns with spatial 6.3125 6.5 frequencies of 0.039 producing 6 6 lower mean subjective ratings 5.75 5.625 than the other patterns. Also, the 5.3125 5.5 5.0625 mean subjective ratings for all the 5 patterns are higher compared to 4.5 the white and blue data samples. This follows from the colour 4 No Chequered Stripped Stripped Stripped Stripped comparison tests showing that pattern Right Left vertical Horizontal the subjective responses to the green images were higher Figure 23: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between compared to the white and blue pattern for the green data only. coloured images, indicating that the green glare images produce lower discomfort glare responses. As with previous data samples significant statistical difference was only found between the glare images with spatial frequencies of 0.039 , however in this case statistical difference was only found between two conditions, the Striped Left and Striped Horizontal images, and the Striped Right and the Striped Horizontal conditions. The Striped Horizontal images have a spatial frequency of 0 vertical and 0.086 horizontal (Table 19). Paired T Test results between patterns for the green data t df Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 No Pattern Green - Chequered Green 0.696 15 0.497 Pair 2 No Pattern Green - Striped Right Green 1.047 15 0.312 Pair 3 No Pattern Green - Striped Left Green 1.558 15 0.14 Pair 4 No Pattern Green - Striped Vertical Green 0.473 15 0.643 Pair 5 No Pattern Green - Striped Horizontal Green -0.512 15 0.616 Pair 6 Chequered Green - Striped Right Green 0.689 15 0.502 Pair 7 Chequered Green - Striped Left Green 1 15 0.333 Pair 8 Chequered Green - Striped Vertical Green -0.243 15 0.812 Pair 9 Chequered Green - Striped Horizontal Green -1.337 15 0.201 Pair 10 Striped Right Green - Striped Left Green 0.565 15 0.58 Pair 11 Striped Right Green - Striped Vertical Green -0.89 15 0.387 Pair 12 Striped Right Green - Striped Horizontal Green -2.449 15 0.027 Pair 13 Striped Left Green - Striped Vertical Green -1.58 15 0.135 Pair 14 Striped Left Green - Striped Horizontal Green -3.596 15 0.003 Pair 15 Striped Vertical Green - Striped Horizontal Green -1.454 15 0.167 Table 19: Paired sample data for comparison between glare image pattern for the Green data. Statistically significant differences are highlighted in green, with the reverse being highlighted in red. 43 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Individual differences in discomfort glare perception: While collecting the data for the study it became clear that a subset of the participants exhibited increased sensitivity to discomfort glare. Their mean glare scores taken across every glare image were noticeably lower compare to the other participants (Table 20). Participants mean subjective rating Participant number Mean Subjective rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6.25 6.38 5.38 6.08 2.92 7.29 6.67 6.08 3.83 6.50 4.21 6.08 5.58 4.75 3.75 4.63 Table 20: The mean glare scores for each participant across all glare images. Scores equal to or lower than 5 are highlighted in red with scores greater than 5 being highlighting in green indicating the high and low sensitive groups, red being the high sensitivity group. In order to assess whether these differences in participants subjective responses were consistent across all conditions, the frequency that they used each glare rating was calculated for each condition and compared to one another. As an example, only participants 5, 9, 6 and 7 will be included in this section, being the two most and the two least glare sensitive individuals in the sample. 8 7 6 6 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subjective Rating Frequency of Each Glare Rating for Participant 9 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each galre rating Frequency of Each Glare Rating for Participant 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Subjective Rating 8 9 7 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of Each Glare Rating for Participant 7 10 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of Each Glare Rating for Participant 6 8 10 8 8 8 6 2 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Figure 24-27: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating during the experiment. 44 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Subjective Rating The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of each glare response to the white stimuli for Participant 5 Frequency of each glare response to the white stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 4 0 5 6 7 1 0 8 9 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the white stimuli for Participant 7 2 1 0 0 Frequency of each glare response to the white stimuli for Participant 6 10 Subjective Rating The occurence of each lare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating Figure 24-27 indicate that participant 5, 6 ,7 and 9 were reasonably consistent when giving subjective ratings that correspond with increased or decrease glare sensitivity. However, the overlap between some of the participants required further investigation. The frequency of each response was calculated for each condition. 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 3 4 5 0 6 0 7 8 0 9 0 10 Subjectve Rating Frequency of each glare response to the red stimuli for Participant 6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 1 0 6 Subjective Rating 7 8 9 10 The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of each glare response to the red stimuli for Participant 5 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating Figure 28-32: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the white glare images only. Frequency of each glare response to the red stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the red stimuli for Participant 7 4 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 0 5 6 7 Subjective Rating Figure 33-36: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the red glare images only. 45 Frequency of each glare response to the blue stimuli for Participant 5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 0 0 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the blue stimuli for Participant 6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 3 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10 Subjective Rating 30/09/2019 The occurence of each glare rating BXSJ8 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating BENV0003 Frequency of each glare response to the blue stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the blue stimuli for Participant 7 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 8 9 10 0 5 6 7 Subjectuve Rating Figure 37-40: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the blue glare images 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the green stimuli for Participant 6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 0 0 5 6 7 Subjective Rating 8 9 10 The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of each glare response to the green stimuli for Participant 5 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare tating only. Frequency of each glare response to the green stimuli for Participant 9 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the green stimuli for Participant 7 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 0 0 9 10 Subjective Rating Figure 41-44: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the blue glare images only. 46 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the no pattern stimuli for Participant 6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 3 4 0 5 6 0 7 8 0 9 10 Subjective Rating 30/09/2019 The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of each glare response to the no pattern stimuli for Participant 5 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating BXSJ8 Frequency of each glare response to the no pattern stimuli for Participant 9 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 The occurence of each glare rating BENV0003 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the no pattern stimuli for Participant 7 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 0 5 6 Subjective Rating 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 3 0 4 1 1 0 5 6 0 7 8 9 0 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the chequered stimuli for Participant 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subjective Rating 7 8 9 10 The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of each glare response to the chequered stimuli for Participant 5 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating Figure 45-48: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the no pattern glare images only. Frequency of each glare response to the chequered stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 5 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the chequered stimuli for Participant 7 2.5 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 9 10 0 5 6 7 8 Subjective Rating Figure 49-52: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the chequered glare images only. 47 Frequency of each glare response to the striped right stimuli for Participant 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the striped right stimuli for Participant 6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 5 6 7 0 8 9 10 Subjective Rating 30/09/2019 The ocurence of each glare rating BXSJ8 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating BENV0003 Frequency of each glare response to the striped right stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 0 0 3 4 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of each glare response to the striped right stimuli for Participant 7 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 9 10 0 5 6 7 8 Subjective Rating 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of eash glare response to the striped left stimuli for Participant 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subjective Rating 7 8 9 10 The occurence of each glare rating Frequency of eash glare response to the striped left stimuli for Participant 5 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating Figure 53-56: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped right glare images only. Frequency of eash glare response to the striped left stimuli for Participant 9 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 8 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of eash glare response to the striped left stimuli for Participant 7 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 0 5 6 7 Subjective Rating Figure 57-60: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped left glare images only. 48 Frequency of eash glare response to the striped vertical stimuli for Participant 5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8 0 9 0 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of eash glare response to the striped vertical stimuli for Participant 6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 1 0 0 7 8 9 1 10 Subjective Rating 30/09/2019 The occurence of each glare rating BXSJ8 The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating The occurence of each glare rating BENV0003 Frequency of eash glare response to the striped vertical stimuli for Participant 9 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 0 0 3 4 9 10 Subjective Rating Frequency of eash glare response to the striped vertical stimuli for Participant 7 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 5 6 7 8 0 0 9 10 Subjective Rating Figure 61-64: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped vertical glare images only. Frequency of eash glare response to the striped horizontal stimuli for Participant 5 3 3 2 Axis Title Axis Title 4 Frequency of eash glare response to the striped horizontal stimuli for Participant 9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 Axis Title 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 0 6 7 8 Axis Title 9 10 Axis Title Axis Title 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Frequency of eash glare response to the striped horizontal stimuli for Participant 7 2 0 0 Axis Title Frequency of eash glare response to the striped horizontal stimuli for Participant 6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 1 0 6 7 8 0 9 10 Axis Title Figure 65-68: The frequency with which participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 used each subjective rating for the striped horizontal glare images only. 49 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 The deeper analysis of the frequency of each glare response given by participants 5, 6, 7 and 9 show they consistently rated at either end of the scale with few ratings diverging from this pattern. This indicates that these participants were in fact either more sensitive (participants 5 and 9) or less sensitive (participants 6 and 7) to discomfort glare. This is consistent with a number of previous studies exploring discomfort glare. (Stone and Harker, 1973; Bargary et al., 2015) The effect of order: An analysis on the impact order may have had on the participants ratings of each glare image was conducted. Difference between the actual and predicted means for each glare source 1st Third 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.3 -0.2 2nd Third -0.5 -0.4 0.2 -0.4 -0.3 0.0 1.3462 Totals 1.84 0.3 0.1 3rd Third -0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.0 -0.3 0.6 -0.4 -0.4460 -0.32 -0.60 -0.04 0.3 -0.8 -0.1 -0.3 -0.9001 -0.24 -0.02 0.51 -1.14 Table 21: The difference between the actual and predicted means for each glare image presentation. The total of each third and eighth of the data shows a decrease in glare rating as the experiment progressed. The totals of each eighth of the data from Table 21 The differences between the predicted and actual means for each glare presentation 0.8 2.00 y = -0.0206x + 0.2573 R² = 0.1402 0.6 y = -0.0602x + 0.6927 R² = 0.2502 1.50 0.4 1.00 0.2 0.50 0.0 -0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0.4 30 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0.50 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 Figure 69: The plot shows the negative trend in the data; however, the correlation coefficient shows the trend. -1.00 -1.50 Figure 70: The plot shows the negative trend in the data; however, the correlation coefficient shows the trend is weak. 50 30 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 There is a small effect of the order of presentation causing a decrease in the subjective rating of the glare images. This could indicate a number of effects. The decrease in the subjective rating could indicate that the rest period of 90 seconds was not enough to return to the original state of adaption, and the accumulative effect of this caused a decrease in the subjective rating over the course of the experiment. This decrease in subjective rating could also indicate increased accuracy in the use of the scale, however a longer experiment and repeated tests with the same sample and the same scale would be needed to confirm this. The order each participant viewed the glare images were randomised, therefore reducing the impact order effects had on the final data set. The order each participant viewed the glare images in can be found in Table 22. Order of stimuli presentation for each participant participant number Glare source number 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 3 2 12 1 5 11 7 4 9 6 8 17 13 10 15 20 18 21 19 16 24 22 14 23 3 19 24 10 13 12 6 7 3 11 9 8 20 1 21 15 17 5 2 23 16 18 22 14 4 4 21 2 12 3 10 11 7 6 9 4 24 17 13 1 15 18 20 16 5 23 8 22 14 19 5 11 13 2 12 23 3 18 9 15 19 7 17 24 10 2 20 5 21 4 16 1 22 14 8 6 13 7 3 11 24 6 17 8 10 1 9 20 21 19 5 12 15 2 23 22 16 4 14 18 7 11 6 3 13 24 7 10 8 17 1 9 18 21 15 5 14 20 2 23 19 16 4 22 12 8 7 11 13 24 3 6 10 17 8 1 21 15 18 9 14 5 2 20 23 19 12 4 22 16 9 3 11 7 10 24 1 13 6 21 14 17 8 16 9 23 5 18 22 15 20 12 4 19 2 10 10 13 7 21 24 3 11 17 1 14 23 8 12 9 20 5 18 22 2 6 16 4 19 15 11 3 21 7 13 17 10 11 24 8 14 9 20 12 23 1 5 18 22 2 6 16 4 19 15 12 11 9 10 14 1 13 3 24 17 22 21 5 15 19 7 20 18 8 4 23 16 2 6 12 13 14 3 13 19 22 4 15 24 10 1 21 5 23 18 7 20 11 12 6 9 17 8 16 2 14 22 15 1 21 10 14 3 24 13 4 18 23 20 5 7 19 9 12 8 2 6 17 16 11 15 11 16 17 6 2 8 12 9 19 13 7 5 4 23 18 20 24 3 14 10 21 1 15 22 16 8 23 17 1 19 11 20 16 2 9 22 5 4 13 3 12 24 15 7 18 21 6 14 10 Table 22: Shows the order each participant viewed the glare images in. The colour of the cells represents the perceived colour of each glare image. 51 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Discussion The effect of colour (SPD): The psychology surrounding the perception of discomfort glare is an extensive field with a number of areas of specialty, one of which is the impact interest in the content of a glare source (view) may have on the perception of discomfort glare. However, this concept may be masking the impact of a number of separate variables on the perception of discomfort glare. This paper poses the question if SPD, when it has an impact on colour appearance, and the patterns within images, characterised by their spatial frequencies, could be among the variables masked by the concept of visual interest. The results from this paper suggest there is an effect of SPD on the perception of discomfort glare, with SPDs containing a majority of low or medium energy wavelengths producing high subjective ratings (lower sensations of discomfort glare), and the reverse being true for SPDs containing a majority of high energy wavelengths. The SPDs measured in this experiment correspond to colour appearances assessed as white, red, blue and green. Previous research assessing the impact of spectral content may have on discomfort glare has produced similar results to my own (Flannagan et al., 1989; Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000; Stringham, Fuld and Wenzel, 2003; Bullough, 2009; Sweater-Hickcox et al., 2013). Subjective Glare Rating A number of studies has shown that sources producing SPDs containing a high proportion of higher energy wavelengths cause participants to increase their subjective Mean Subjective Ratings by Colour ratings of discomfort glare (Flannagan 6.0 5.73 et al., 1989; Main, Vlachonikolis and 5.67 5.8 Dowson, 2000; Bullough, 2009). This is 5.6 5.4 also found when comparing the 5.21 5.2 subjective ratings by colour from the 4.97 5.0 main experiment (Figure 71). However, 4.8 some researchers have not found this 4.6 to be the case, with participant 4.4 4.2 responses indicating a decrease in 4.0 discomfort glare perception at 460nm White Red Blue Green (Stringham, Fuld and Wenzel, 2003). This decrease has been speculated as Figure 71: Comparison of the mean subjective glare ratings between colour for the main experiment of this paper. being caused by the action of macular pigment absorbing the high energy wavelengths with its peak absorption at 460nm, and is supported by research in the relevant medical areas (Sharpe et al., 1998; Howells, Eperjesi and Bartlett, 2011; Stringham et al., 2011; Lima, Rosen and Farah, 2016). As macular pigment density is most concentrated at the fovea, with its concentrations decreasing outwards towards 5.5 of angular subtense (Snodderly, Auran and Delori, 1984), with a source 52 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 subtending 5.75 of visual angle, it is reasonable to conclude that macular pigment is likely responsible for the decrease in discomfort glare ratings at 460nm. With the source for this experiment subtending 11.76 , it is likely that there was a reduced effect of macular pigment, supported by the fact the SPDs corresponding to blue and white were rated as causing increased discomfort glare. Although there are examples of previous research that support the findings that SPDs with higher proportions of medium and low energy wavelengths cause decrease discomfort glare compared to those SPDs with high proportions of high energy wavelengths, comparisons between experiments should be made with care. One such example is the study by Main et al. (2000); although their results show similar findings to my own, their SPDs will have differed significantly from those in this study. They have not published the SPD of their halogen emitter and instead have published transmission curves (Figure 72-76). Figure 72: The transmission curves published in “The wavelength of light causing photophobia in migraine and tension-type headache between attacks”. High corresponds with blue, medium corresponds with green and low corresponds with red (Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000). 53 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 SPD of the White Glare Images 2.00E-03 1.80E-03 1.60E-03 W/γ‘/nm 1.40E-03 1.20E-03 1.00E-03 8.00E-04 6.00E-04 4.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm 710nm 760nm 710nm 760nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 73: The SPD of the glare images characterised as white. SPD of the Red Glare Images 3.00E-03 2.50E-03 W/γ‘/nm 2.00E-03 1.50E-03 1.00E-03 5.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 74: The SPD of the glare images characterised as red. 54 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 SPD of the Blue Glare Images 1.80E-03 1.60E-03 W/γ‘/nm 1.40E-03 1.20E-03 1.00E-03 8.00E-04 6.00E-04 4.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm 710nm 760nm 710nm 760nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 75: The SPD of the glare images characterised as blue. SPD of the Green Glare Images 2.50E-03 W/γ‘/nm 2.00E-03 1.50E-03 1.00E-03 5.00E-04 0.00E+00 360nm 410nm 460nm 510nm 560nm 610nm 660nm Wavelength(nm) Figure 76: The SPD of the glare images characterised as green. 55 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Although a direct comparison cannot be made because of the missing SPD for the halogen source used in Main et al. (2000), it is clear that it would have differed greatly from those in this experiment. The use of a halogen source edited using subtractive colour mixing (Lee Filters lighting gel) would produce a much smoother curve than a LED retina screen using additive colour mixing to create the required colour appearance. Despite the lack of a direct comparison, there is evidence suggesting that SPD, when it is sufficiently different to cause a change in the colour appearance of a glare source, does influence the perception of discomfort glare. However, as the analysis has shown, the differences in subjective ratings are not always significant, therefore no firm conclusions can be drawn, and further research is needed. The effect of pattern: The results for the pattern research are consistent with previous studies, with patterns containing medium spatial frequencies producing increased discomfort (Wilkins et al., 1984; Fernandez and Wilkins, 2008; Juricevic et al., 2010; Wilkins, 2012). The smaller of those patterns that contain medium spatial frequencies produced the highest discomfort among the participants, although these responses were not always statistically different to the responses for the other patterns. This indicates that the spatial frequencies within a complex glare source can have an impact on the observer’s perception of discomfort glare. General discussion: As this study was conducted using a glare source with a low luminance (100cd/m2), it is not known if the findings of this study could be replicated at high luminance levels. Other studies have used threshold methods, in which once the participants reported the sensation of discomfort glare, a lux level was recorded at the subjects’ eye (Flannagan et al., 1989; Main, Vlachonikolis and Dowson, 2000; Sweater-Hickcox et al., 2013). However, none of these exceeded 17lux at the eye. In terms of this experiment, repeating the procedure at luminance intervals of 50cd/m2 until 500cd/m2 was reached would give an indication of whether the same effect is present at higher luminance levels. This could be repeated for SPD and spatial frequency. 56 BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Conclusions Researchers exploring the impact that interest may have on discomfort glare perception should attempt to record the spatial frequencies and SPD of the views they use, as there is evidence that this may be a contributing factor leading to different ratings for discomfort glare when assessing complex glare sources. Colour preference was not controlled in this experiment and may have influenced the subjective ratings given. However, it must be noted that some participants anecdotally stated an intense dislike for the red glare images used in this experiment, and yet these images were rated as the least glaring, suggesting this may not have a significant impact. SPD, when it is different enough to cause a change in colour appearance, may have an impact on discomfort glare perception. 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The study involves exposure to 24 different glare sources and rating your experience of glare on the de Boer rating scale. This study is being carried out by a student from MSc Light and Lighting. Not including any travel time your participation in the experiment will take a maximum of one hour on the 17st or the 24th of May 2019 depending on your availability. If you are interested in taking part in this research project a full information sheet is attached along with a consent form for you to sign. If you have any questions, please email Daniel Spreadborough at If you would like to take part specific location information will be provided at a later date. Thank you for considering being part of the project. Kind regards, Daniel Spreadborough. xxiv BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Appendix 3: Experiment information sheet Experiment Information Sheet Research title: “Discomfort Glare: Colour and Subjective Perception” You are being invited to take part in a research project. Before you decided it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what participation will involve. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. Thank you for reading this. What is the project’s purpose? This project aims to build on research into discomfort glare with the hope of clarifying the impact colour may have on our perception of glare. Why have I been chosen? You have been chosen for this study because you self-reported normal eye sight and no visual related diseases or disorders that could affect the study, or mean you are harmed during your exposure to bright light sources. Including yourself a number of other participants that fulfil the above criteria have been selected for participation. They were approach by email or responded to the experiment advert under the same circumstances as yourself. Do I have to take part? Taking part in the study is entirely voluntary and that refusal to agree to participate will involve no penalty. You may discontinue participation at any time without penalty. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to sign a consent form, which you will also be given a copy of. You can withdraw at any time without giving a reason. What will happen to me if I take part? The experiment takes place during a one-hour time slot which will include a briefing by the experimenter, the experiment and a de-briefing. During the briefing the experiment will be reexplained and any questions you have will be answered. The experiment will consist of exposure to 24 glare stimuli, exposure will last 5 seconds, and you will have 1:30 to rest and report your glare assessment before exposure to the next stimuli. You will be able to stop the experiment at any time if you need a break or you wish to completely discontinue the experiment. xxv BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 If uninterrupted the experimental stage will last 10 minutes, an hour is set aside to give you time for any potential breaks you may need, the briefing and debriefing. During the debriefing you will be given the opportunity to have any remaining questions you have answered; these include any questions you have about the processing of your data. You will also be given the opportunity to be contacted with the results of the study once the final report has been completed. No expenses that occur on your way too, during, or on your way from the experiment will be covered by the researcher or the institution responsible for awarding the degree. What do I have to do? There are no restrictions placed on you while taking part in this experiment. All you need to do is arrive at the experiment location in time for your chosen time slot. What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part? As the study is researching the impact colour may have on the perception of discomfort glare, you, as a participant, may experience brief intervals of discomfort while viewing a glare source. The level of discomfort will be no more than can be experienced while viewing a retail standard computer screen, and discomfort may not be experienced at all. There will be no lasting effects of participating in the experiment. What are the possible benefits of taking part? Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the project, it is hoped that this work will contribute to the understanding of the perception of discomfort glare, and therefore allow designers to create more comfortable environments. What if something goes wrong? If you feel that you have been treated unfairly or feel you have been put in a situation you have not consented to as stated in the consent form, you may contact the research supervisor with your complaint. Should you feel your complaint has not been handled to your satisfaction by the researcher or the research supervisor you can contact the Chair of the UCL Research Ethics Committee to take further action. Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential? All the information that we collect about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. You will not be able to be identified in any ensuing reports or publications. If any identifying information is written on your experimental questionnaire it will be destroyed and you will be provided with a new blank one. Any contact information you provide will be stored separately from any consent forms you have signed and from the experimental questionnaire. Contact information will only be kept with your xxvi BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 permission and only for the purpose of contacting you with the results of the experiment upon the completion of the written report. What will happen to the results of the research project? The data you provide as part of the experiment will only be used in the dissertation project “Discomfort Glare: Colour and Subjective Perception” in part fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Light and Lighting. Your raw data will be deleted on the 31st of August 2019, and the only surviving data will be included in the written dissertation. Who is organising and funding the research? The organiser of this research is the researching student Daniel Spreadborough. There is no outside funding and all equipment was either provided by UCL as part of the researcher’s degree program or was provided by the researcher himself. Contact for further information Principle contact: Daniel Spreadborough Contacts email address: A copy of this information sheet will be provided by the researcher before the experiment begins for you to review. Please also keep a copy of this document for future reference, and please contact the researcher on the above email address if you are interested in taking part. Thank you for your interest in taking part in this study. Yours sincerely Daniel Spreadborough xxvii BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 Appendix 4: Questionnaire xxviii BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxix BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxx BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxi BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxii BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxiii BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxiv BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxv BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxvi BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxvii BENV0003 BXSJ8 30/09/2019 xxxviii