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“Navigating the Great
Resignation in Aviation”
Vesa Paukkeri
CEO, CTS Engines
Aero-Engines Americas
January 27, 2022
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Family Tradition
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What is the “Great Resignation?”
A record 4.5 million U.S.
workers quit their jobs in
November 2021
Nearly 33 million U.S.
workers quit their jobs
from April to November
Credit: The Conversation
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U.S. Driven/Global Phenomenon
More than 42 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs in 2021 so
far (December numbers are due in February 2022).
In August, Bankrate survey found 55% of American Workers
want to change jobs and 56% of respondents said adjustable
working hours and remote work are a priority
A March 2021 Microsoft survey of 30,000 workers across 31
countries found 41% planned to leave their job in 2021.
Europe seems to be a lagging indicator, potentially resulting
from differences in the U.S. and European labor markets.
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Job openings have recovered
There is no shortage of
opportunities for people
to change jobs
10.6 million job openings
in the United States in
November 2021
Credit: The Washington Post
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People seem less willing to work
Total jobs and openings
have recovered
Fewer people are willing
to work – why?
Credit: The Washington Post
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Why aren’t people working?
Pandemic impacts on
employers have
diminished substantially
Many more people are
retiring rather than work
Credit: The Washington Post
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Trend towards remote work
13.7% of jobs posted on
LinkedIn designated as
“remote” in May 2021
vs 1.9% in March 2020
According to Ladders, a
career site for high-paying
jobs, 25% of all
professional jobs paying
>$80,000 will be remote
by the end of 2022
Credit: LinkedIn
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Debate: Resign v. Reprioritize
“The Great Resignation foregrounds the language of
job status, but misses a parallel, arguably bigger
story: the radical realignment of values that is
fueling people to confront and remake their
relationship to life at home, with their families, with
their friends, and in their lives outside of labor.”
- Kathryn Hymes, WIRED magazine
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Family Tradition, Part 2
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What makes Aviation different?
Aviation requires heavy investment in
STEM education skills
10,000-hour rule / mastery
Lost workers = Lost mentors
Safety is critical 24/7
Lack of flexibility in scheduling
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How should we deal with this?
Build 2-way communication between
management and workers
Listen to understand
Embrace uncomfortable change
What can we do to attract women and
minorities into our workforce?
Aviation skews heavily white and male
Women’s labor force participation hit
a 33-year low in January
Attracting women and minority
workers back into the workforce –
and into aviation in particular – will
require significant effort, thought and
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CTS Engines: Who We Are
Leading MRO solutions for mature engines
Years of experienced leadership
Expert engineering specialists
Highly skilled qualified technicians
Investments in the latest equipment and technology
Committed to the safety of our customers and their engines
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