NURS 409 Spring 2022 PACE UNIVERSITY LIENHARD SCHOOL OF NURSING COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS DEPARTMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES ABSN PROGRAM COURSE SYLLABUS I. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE NURS 409 Concepts of Evidence Based Practice CRN # 25038, 25267, 25289 NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3 credits II. FACULTY Course Coordinator Keiko Iwama, PhD, MSN, RN, CCRN Assistant Professor Email: Preferred Contact Method: Email Office Hours: TBD Office Location: 163 William Street, Room 530, New York, NY 10038 EBP Team Mentors Dr. Sarit Orlofsky PhD, MSN, CNS-MS, RN, CDP Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing Email: Preferred Contact Method: Email Office Hours: TBD Office Location: Lienhard Hall, L307 Dr. Catherine S. Finlayson, PhD, RN, OCN Associate Professor Email: Preferred Contact Method: Email Office Hours: TBD Office Location: Wright Cottage, 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570 Dr. Noreen Brennan, PhD, RN Clinical Assistant Professor Email: Preferred Contact Method: Email Office Hours: TBD NURS 409 Spring 2022 1 NURS 409 Spring 2022 PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: Level I ABS Program PRE-REQUISITES: MAT 134 or equivalent III. COURSE DESCRIPTION This accelerated course focuses on understanding and appraising the research evidence that informs clinical practice. Students are expected to formulate a clinical practice question, find, synthesize, and evaluate the research evidence related to that question, and determine implications for practice. Topics will foster a spirit of inquiry that will enable the student to be a creative and innovative nurse, and contribute to the improvement of quality outcomes for patient care. IV. COURSE OBJECTIVES Within a framework of primary health care and consistent with professional standards the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. V. Identify types of evidence (sources of knowledge) that form the basis of nursing practice. Formulate focused, searchable clinical questions as a foundation for finding evidence. Find the best available research evidence related to a clinical question. Critically read available research evidence. Synthesize evidence on a clinical problem from several sources for application to practice. Appraise a systematic review for application to practice. Differentiate between research and performance improvement objectives and projects. Assess adherence to legal/ethical principles in nursing research and in performance improvement projects. TEACHING STRATEGIES: Readings, discussion forums, group work, assignments, library work and zoom field experiences. VI. REQUIRED MATERIALS REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1 VII. Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2022). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. (5th Ed). Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1-284226324 COURSE REQUIREMENTS Course Outlines and Syllabus are current as of January 20, 2022, and are subject to change. Any change will be announced in class and posted on Classes. NURS 409 Spring 2022 2 NURS 409 Spring 2022 The minimum passing grade for this course and all other undergraduate nursing courses is “77%” or “C+” METHODS OF EVALUATION: All work must be submitted on or before the due date. Late work will not be accepted and earns 0% toward your course grade. Students must achieve at least 77% to pass the course. CITI Training for Human Subjects* Online /assignments /quizzes ** Practice Improvement Proposal Abstract Practice Improvement Proposal Poster Drafts Practice Improvement Proposal Poster Presentation 5% 45% 16% 9% 25% *CITI Training for Human Subjects must be completed in the assigned time frame (week one) of the course, and proof of completion submitted to the faculty as directed. Failure to complete at that time will result in an immediate “F” as student will not be able to proceed in the other course activities. There are no exceptions to this. **Exams may be given at any time during the semester and spontaneous quizzes may be used in the calculation of course grades. Should a student miss a class exam, an alternate format make-up exam may be given at the discretion of the faculty. Exam questions will be drawn from any and all course material. All written work, including Classes postings, must be appropriately referenced using the 7th edition of the APA manual. Points will be deducted for inaccurate use of APA format in all work submitted. LSN Department of Undergraduate Studies Grading Criteria: A AB+ B BC+ = = = = = = 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 (4.0) (3.7) (3.3) (3.0) (2.7) (2.3) C CD+ D DF NURS 409 Spring 2022 3 = = = = = = 73-76 70-72 67-69 60-66 No such Grade Below 60 (2.0) (1.7) (1.3) (1.0) (0.0) NURS 409 Spring 2022 COURSE GRADE CALCULATION POLICY: During the course of the semester grades for assignments are normally posted in Classes. When grades are posted they will be displayed to the hundredth (2 decimal places). Note: Trailing zeros will be dropped and will not show in Classes. Final grades are expressed as a whole number, as per university policy. At the completion of the course, all final grades will be rounded to the whole number and reported as such on PacePortal. EXAMPLE Method of Evaluation Assignment One: Exam One: Exam Two: Final Exam: Final Paper: Case Study VII. Percent Grade Earned 88.57 76.32 91.45 85.4 90.01 76.66 20% 20% 20% 25% 10% 5% Points 17.714 15.264 18.29 21.35 9.001 3.833 85.452 Final Grade 85% TOPICAL OUTLINE I. Introduction to evidence-based practice (EBP) and the research process A. Components of EBP B. Steps of the research process C. Relationship between EBP and research D. Levels and quality of evidence E. Reading a research study II. Formulate focused, searchable clinical questions (comparison of research questions/problems to clinical questions. A. Relationship of question to type of evidence B. Introduction to quantitative and qualitative designs III. Find the evidence to answer clinical questions A. Systematic searching for evidence B. Hierarchy of databases IV. Critically read and understand the evidence: A. Single studies using different research designs B. Systematic reviews: integrative reviews and meta-analyses V. Relationship between research evidence and performance improvement A. Use of research evidence in development of protocols and practice improvement projects B. Evaluation of practice innovations VI. Legal and ethical issues NURS 409 Spring 2022 4 NURS 409 Spring 2022 A. Ethical principles B. Legal issues C. Institutional Review Board VIII. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students must accept the responsibility to be honest and to respect ethical standards in meeting their academic assignments and requirements. Integrity in the academic life requires that students demonstrate intellectual and academic achievement independent of all assistance except that authorized by the instructor. Plagarism: Please use appropriate citations to denote the work of others. Use ‘turnitin’ to assure you are not plagarizing the work of others. The use of an outside source, including electronics sources, in any paper, report or submission for academic credit without the appropriate acknowledgement is plagiarism. It is unethical to present as one’s own work the ideas, words or representations of another without the proper indication of the source. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to give credit for any quotation, idea or data borrowed from an outside source. Students who fail to meet the responsibility for academic integrity subject themselves to sanctions ranging from a reduction in grade or failure in the assignment or course in which the offense occurred to suspension or dismissal from the University. IX. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES The University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities includes providing reasonable accommodations for the needs of students with disabilities. To request an accommodation for a qualifying disability, a student must self-identify and register with Coordinator of Disability Services for his or her campus. No one, including faculty, is authorized to evaluate the need and arrange for an accommodation except the Coordinator of Disability Services. Moreover, no one, including faculty, is authorized to contact the Coordinator of Disability Services on behalf of a student. For further information, please see Information for Students with Disabilities on the University’s website. You can contact the Coordinator at 212-346-1526 (New York Campus) or 914-773-3710 (Pleasantville Campus). X. STATEMENT OF SELF-CARE: Your academic success in this course and throughout your college career depends heavily on your personal health and well-being. Stress is a common part of the college experience, and it often can be compounded by unexpected life changes outside the classroom. The Pace Community strongly encourages you to take care of yourself throughout the term, before the demands of midterms and finals reach their peak. Please feel free to talk with me about any difficulty you may be having that may impact your performance in this course as soon as it occurs and before it becomes unmanageable. Please know there are a number of other support services on campus that stand ready to assist you. I strongly encourage you to contact them when needed as well. The Counseling Center Just In Case information supplies potentially life-saving mental health information to Pace University students, staff, and faculty, putting vital information and support options at your fingertips, just in case you or a friend needs help. Go to the Just in Case page on the Pace website or go to "Counseling Center" on the MyPace or the Pace Safe app. NURS 409 Spring 2022 5 NURS 409 Spring 2022 During this academic year, the following information on Coping Emotionally with COVID-19 may also be useful for you. Department Pleasantville New York City Advising Center for Exploring Majors First-year: (914) 7733756 | (914) 773-3757 (212) 346-1798 Affirmative Action Office (914) 923-2610 (212) 346-1310 Center for Spiritual Development (914) 773-3767 College of Health Professions Academic Advisement UG (914) 773-3961 UG (914) 773-3347 Grad (914) 773-3114 UG (212) 618-6027 Grad (914) 773-3114 Counseling Center (914) 773-3710 (212) 346-1526 Dean for Students Office (914) 773-3351 (212) 346-1306 Dyson College Academic Advisement (914) 773-3781 (212) 346-1518 International Student/Scholars (212) 346-1368 Lubin School of Business Academic Advisement UG (914) 773-3531 UG (212) 618-6550 Grad (212) 618-6440 Office of Multicultural Affairs (914) 773-3628 (212) 346-1546 Office of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness (212) 346-1931 Office of Student Assistance (OSA) (877) 672-1830 Pace Women’s Justice Center (914) 287-0739 Pforzheimer Honors College Academic Advisement (212) 346-1697 Residential Life (914) 597-8777 (212) 346-1295 Seidenberg School Academic Advisement Sexual Assault Prevention & Education (212) 346-1931 Study Abroad (212) 346-1368 Student Accessibility Services (914) 773-3710 (212) 346-1526 Student Engagement (914) 773-3767 (212) 346-1590 University Health Care (914) 773-3760 (212) 346-1600 NURS 409 Spring 2022 6 NURS 409 XI. Spring 2022 TECHNOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE: For a list of Pace Information Technology Services see For live assistance with a technological concern, contact the Pace Helpdesk at 914-773-3648 or create a work request at The Calendar – You can always see the university academic calendar at XII. COURSE CALENDAR: The course calendar/weekly schedule is posted separately XIII. CLASSROOM CLIMATE: Our Pace community benefits from the richly unique experiences and individual diversity each of us bring. Intellectual growth and development happen when we engage in free and open discourse that challenges our own assumptions and beliefs. Together we all have the responsibility to create and maintain an environment where differences are respected and valued. To that end, we will challenge all manifestations of bias and discrimination to maintain a climate of mutual respect and civility. Whether you are learning in an online or on campus environment, the same expectations of courtesy and conduct apply. All classroom interactions should remain civil, respectful, and supportive. If you disagree with someone, aim to acknowledge your disagreement in a respectful way. Try responding with a question to open up further discussion (e.g., I’m not sure that I understand your point of view. Can you say more?). When working online, choose your words carefully. It’s easy for someone to misinterpret your meaning when they can’t see your expressions or hear the tone of your voice. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face-to-face communication, your comments may be misinterpreted. The student can also contact Pace’s Chief Diversity Officer Tiffany Hamilton at (212) 346-1879, or Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator Mr. Bernard Dufresne at (212) 346-1310, XIV. SEX-BASED MISCONDUCT POLICY AND PROCEDURE: Pace University is committed to providing a safe environment for every member of its community and to ensuring that no student, faculty or staff member is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any University program or activity on the basis of sex. Accordingly, the University prohibits the following forms of Sex-Based Misconduct: sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation and stalking. Instructors are a non-confidential resource and have an obligation to report any information about sexual assault with the Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator NURS 409 Spring 2022 7 NURS 409 Spring 2022 – Bernard Dufresne,, 163 Williams Street, Room 1017, (212) 346-1310. The Title IX/Affirmative Action Office is responsible for investigating violations of the sexual misconduct policy. Go here for more information about the Pace University sexual misconduct policy. Members of the University community who believe that they have been subjected to Sex-Based Misconduct are encouraged to report such incidents to the University and, where applicable, to local law enforcement. Confidential resources include the University Counseling Centers, Offices of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness and University Healthcare. Contact information for those offices may be found in the self-care section below. NURS 409 Spring 2022 8