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Social Studies 10 Course Outline - Winter/Spring 2022

Ms. Mander
L.A. Matheson Secondary School
Course Outline – Winter/Spring 2022
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
– Malcolm X
Personal and Social Responsibility
We will be critically analyzing and reflecting upon the following big ideas throughout this semester in
Social Studies 10:
Global and regional
conflicts have been a
powerful force in
shaping our
contemporary world
and identities.
The development of
political institutions is
influenced by
economic, social,
ideological, and
geographic factors.
Worldviews lead to
different perspectives
and ideas about
developments in
Canadian society.
Historical and
injustices challenge
the narrative and
identity of Canada as
an inclusive,
This semester in Social Studies 10, we will learn about some of the major social, political, and economic
changes that have taken place within a local and global context both historically and in the present
day. We will discuss, reflect upon, and deconstruct the concept of power and we will investigate and
analyze the ways in which power has – and continues to be - gained, maintained, and
challenged/reclaimed by various individuals and communities. This course will provide you with the
skills and knowledge that you need to better understand social issues/injustices and the complexities
of our world. Furthermore, we will examine all of the key themes and topics in Social Studies 10 from
a social justice perspective and with a focus on Indigenous worldviews.
Students are expected to be able to do the following:
Use social studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze
ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments, and compare varying
perspectives on their significance at particular times and places, and from group to group
Assess the justification for competing accounts after investigating points of contention, reliability
of sources, and adequacy of evidence, including data (evidence)
Compare and contrast continuities and changes for different groups at particular times and places
(continuity and change)
Assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups influence events,
decisions, or developments, and analyze multiple consequences (cause and consequence)
Explain and infer different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, or events by
considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews, and beliefs (perspective)
Make reasoned ethical judgments and actions in the past and present, and assess appropriate ways
to remember and respond (ethical judgment)
The skills and knowledge that you will gain in this course will assist you in your quest for a just and
sustainable world. In addition to the core and curricular competencies listed above, we will focus on
the First Peoples Principles of Learning and student-centered learning throughout the duration of the
This class emphasizes self-understanding and inquiry-based learning. Using the core competencies
and the curricular competencies, students engage in regular goal setting and the teacher provides
constructive feedback to guide growth.
You have all semester to work on and improve your skills. In the end, your mark will come from your
teacher’s observations as well as your evidence (i.e. assignments/projects) that are based on the
curricular competencies. Your final mark is based on the best work you produce. Please see our
assessment letter and learning map for additional information.
Source: The core competencies, big ideas, and curricular competencies listed above have been obtained directly from the
Social Studies 10 Curriculum (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
In addition to our classroom agreements, please be mindful of the following:
Inclusive Classroom Community: Our classroom must be a welcoming and inclusive space for
everybody. Please treat all members of the classroom community with kindness and respect.
Social Justice and Indigenous Perspectives: It is expected that all members of the classroom
community will approach all of the topics in Social Studies 10 with an open-mind, sensitivity, and
respect. Social Justice and Indigenous perspectives will be incorporated and valued in both the
curriculum and classroom throughout this semester.
Attendance: You are expected to arrive to each class on time prepared with all of the necessary supplies
and materials. However, if you are going to be late or absent, please contact Ms. Mander and/or the
school to inform the office staff. Furthermore, if you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to
ask for assistance and complete any missing assignments/work.
Materials/Supplies: You are expected to arrive to each class prepared with a binder, loose leaf lined
paper, black and blue pens, pencils, erasers, and highlighters. Furthermore, if possible, please bring
an electronic device to class with you so that you can access Microsoft Teams when/if needed.
Submitting Work/Academic Honesty: It is expected that you will complete all of the assignments and
projects with care and honesty and that you will submit all of your work on time.
Extra Assistance: Please do not hesitate to ask for extra help! In addition to e-mail/messaging Ms.
Mander on Teams, you are also welcome to stop by room B210 at lunch time or after school to receive
extra assistance on coursework.
If you or your parents/guardians have any questions about the course or your progress in Social
Studies 10, please feel free to contact me via e-mail and/or telephone:
E-mail: mander_m@surreyschools.ca
L.A. Matheson Secondary: 604-588-3418
information/updates/announcements related to our course.
I am looking forward to working with you this semester!