PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS Techniques for Checklists This document provides the techniques to check the checklist items. It will be published in FCTM. This is advanced information that Airbus may modify before its publication in the operational manuals end of 2020 Airbus Ref : D19031792 – 09-Dec-2019 PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 NORMAL CHECKLISTS FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL COCKPIT PREPARATION Checklist trigger: Departure briefing completed. GEAR PINS & COVERS…………………………………………………………………………REMOVED The PF confirms that the gear pins and covers were checked removed (e.g. during the walkaround). The PF announces “REMOVED”. FUEL QUANTITY ....................................................................................................................... ____ KG The PF checks the FOB and fuel distribution on the FUEL SD page, and compares with the computerized flight plan. The PF announces e.g. “Fifteen thousand three hundred thirty kilograms balanced”. SEAT BELT ......................................................................................................................................... ON The PF checks the memo The PF announces “ON”. ADIRS ................................................................................................................................................ NAV The PF checks on the MCDU that the ADIRS are on NAV. The PF announces “NAV”. BARO REF ........................................................................................................................ _____ (BOTH) The PF and PM check and read the QNH setting (or QFE ), th standby altimeter (CM1). The PF then PM announce e.g. “QNH One Zero One Three”. BEFORE START Checklist trigger: - Pushback clearance or start clearance received, and - Before Start flow pattern completed. PARKING BRAKE ................................................................................................................... The PF checks the PARK BRK memo. The PF announces e.g. “ON”. T.O SPEEDS & THRUST ................................................................................................. _____ (BOTH) The PF reads aloud V1, VR, V2 and thrust setting on the FMS PERF page while PM checks V1 and V2 on the PFD . The PF announces e.g. “V1 One Two Five, VR One Two Five, V2 One Two Nine, Flex Fifty Two”. The PM reads aloud V1, VR, V2 and thrust setting on the FMS PERF page while PF checks V1 and V2 on the PFD. The PM announces e.g. “V1 One Two Five, VR One Two Five, V2 One Two Nine, Flex Fifty Two”. BEACON.............................................................................................................................................. ON The PF checks the BEACON sw on the overhead panel The PF announces “ON” PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS AFTER START Checklist trigger: On hand signal from the ground personnel. ANTI ICE........................................................................................................................................... ____ The PF checks the WING ANTI ICE pb and ENG 1(2) ANTI ICE pb on the ANTI ICE overhead panel. The PF announces e.g. “Engines OFF Wings OFF”. PITCH TRIM .................................................................................................................................. ____% The PF checks the pitch trim wheel is at the expected takeoff CG value The PF announces e.g. “thirty two point four percent” RUDDER TRIM……………………………………………………………………………………… NEUTRAL The PF checks the rudder trim is within the tolerance (±0.3 ° for A320; ±0.6 ° for A330 and A340) The PF announces e.g “NEUTRAL” TAXI Checklist trigger: T.O CONFIG pb pressed and cabin report received. FLIGHT CONTROLS ................................................................................................. CHECKED (BOTH) The PF confirms that the flight controls check was performed. The PF then PM announces “CHECKED”. FLAPS SETTING ......................................................................................................CONF ____ (BOTH) The PF and the PM check and compare the flap setting on the EWD and FMS PERF page . The PF and the PM announces the configuration displayed on EWD e.g. “CONF 1+F”. RADAR & PRED W/S ........................................................................................................... ON & AUTO The PF checks on the ND that the weather radar is ON The PF checks on the pedestal that the predictive windshear is AUTO The PF announces “ON AND AUTO” ENG MODE (A320) / START (A330/A340) SEL ...................................................................................... The PF checks that IGNITION is displayed or not on the memo. The PF announces “IGNITION” or “NORM” PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 NORMAL CHECKLISTS FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL ECAM MEMO……………………………………………………………………………….T..O NO BLUE ⁻ AUTO BRK MAX ⁻ SIGNS ON ⁻ CABIN READY ⁻ SPLRS ARM ⁻ FLAPS .T.O ⁻ T.O CONFIG NORM The PF checks no blue items on the ECAM memo. The PF announces “TAKEOFF NO BLUE”. LINE-UP Checklist trigger: - Line-up clearance received, and - Before Takeoff flow pattern completed. T.O RWY ..................................................................................................................... ____ (BOTH) The PF and PM confirm that the line-up is performed on the intended runway and intersection. The PF then PM announce the runway and intersection (e.g. Runway one four Left Bravo four). TCAS ........................................................................................................................................ ____ The PF checks the TCAS mode selector. The PF announces "TA ONLY" or "TA/RA". PACK 1 & 2 .............................................................................................................................. ____ The PF checks the PACK 1 pb-sw, PACK 2 pb-sw and APU BLEED pb-sw on the AIR overhead panel. The PF announces “ON” or “ON supplied by APU” or “OFF”. PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS DEPARTURE CHANGE Checklist trigger: Revised departure briefing completed. RWY & SID ............................................................................................................................_ The PF checks the runway, the shift and the SID on the FMS. The PF announces e.g. “Runway One four Right”, “Shift five hundred meters” and “SID NEEDLE ONE”. FLAPS SETTING CONF ____ (BOTH) The PF checks and compares the flap setting on the PFD and FMS PERF page. The PF announces the configuration displayed on PFD e.g. “CONF 1”. T.O SPEEDS & THRUST .......................................................................................... _____ (BOTH) The PF reads aloud V1, VR, V2 and thrust setting on the FMS PERF page while PM checks V1 and V2 on the PFD. The PF announces e.g. “V1 One Two Five, VR One Two Five, V2 One Two Nine, Flex Fifty Two”. The PM reads aloud V1, VR, V2 and thrust setting on the FMS PERF page while PF checks V1 and V2 on the PFD. The PM announces e.g. “V1 One Two Five, VR One Two Five, V2 One Two Nine, Flex Fifty Two”. FCU ALT ..................................................................................................... The PF checks the altitude on the glareshield. The PF announces e.g. “Five thousand feet”. PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS APPROACH Checklist trigger: Below 10 000 ft AAL and barometric reference set. BARO REF ........................................................................................................................ _____ (BOTH) The PF and PM check and read the QNH setting (or QFE standby altimeter (CM1). The PF then PM announce e.g. “QNH One Zero One Three”. SEAT BELT ..........................................................................................................................................ON The PF checks the memo The PF announces “ON”. MINIMUM ............................................................................................................................... The PF checks the baro or radio minimum on the FMA. The PF announces e.g. “BARO Four hundred fifty feet” or “RADIO One hundred sixty feet”. AUTO BRAKE ........................................................................................................................ _____ The PF checks the autobrake mode on the autobrake panel. The PF announces the autobrake mode e.g “LOW” or “MED”” . ENG MODE (A320) / START (A330/A340) SEL………………………………………………………._____ The PF checks that IGNITION is displayed or not on the memo. The PF announces “IGNITION” or “NORM” LANDING Checklist trigger: LDG CONF set and cabin report received. ECAM MEMO……………………………………………………………………………….LDG NO BLUE LDG GEAR DN SIGNS ON CABIN READY SPLRS ARM FLAPS SET The PF checks no blue items on the ECAM memo. The PF announces “LANDING NO BLUE”. CABIN .. ............................................... ....................................................................................READY The PF confirms that the cabin report is received. The PF announces “READY PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS AFTER LANDING Checklist trigger: After Landing Flow pattern completed RADAR & PRED W/S………………………………………………………………………………….OFF The PF checks on the pedestal that the weather radar and predictive windshear are OFF. The PF announces “OFF”. PARKING Checklist trigger: SEAT BELTS sw OFF. PARKING BRAKE OR CHOCKS ....................................................................................................... SET The PF checks the PARK BRK memo or confirms that the ground personnel set the chocks. The PF announces “PARKING BRAKE SET” or “CHOCKS SET”. ENGINES……………………………………………………………………..……………………………OFF The PF checks the master levers and engine parameters on EWD. The PF announces “OFF”. WING LIGHTS ...................................................................................................................................OFF The PF checks the WING LIGHTS pb-sw on the EXT LT overhead panel. The PF announces “OFF”. FUEL PUMPs……………………………………………………………………………………………OFF The PF checks the FUEL pb-sw on the overhead panel. The PF announces “OFF”. PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES A320/A330/A340 FLIGHT CREW TECHNIQUES MANUAL NORMAL CHECKLISTS SECURING THE AIRCRAFT Checklist trigger: After the last passenger left the aircraft (if securing the aircraft is intended). OXYGEN………………………………………………………………………………………….OFF The CM2 checks the CREW SUPPLY pb-sw on the OXYGEN overhead panel. The CM2 announces “OFF”. EMER EXIT LIGHT………………………………………………………………………………OFF The CM2 checks the EMER EXIT LT sw on the SIGNS overhead panel. The CM2 announces “OFF”. EFBs .................................................................................................................................................. OFF The CM2 checks the EFBs. The CM2 announces “OFF”. BATTERIES ....................................................................................................................................... OFF The CM2 checks the BAT pb-sw on the ELEC overhead panel. The CM2 announces “OFF”. Intentionally left blank