US Domestic Airline Database (American Airlines) American Airlines is the largest airline in the USA in terms of revenue and passengers carried. With over thousands of domestic flights carrying hundred-thousand of passengers daily, database is the only sorting option. Hence, we are designing a database that will capture all the information including Airports, Employees and the Transactions among others. Undoubtedly designing a database for an airline can become complex, so we have added some limitations. • We are assuming that each flight starts at source and ends at destination without any intermediate stops. • We are assuming that 1 booking can be made for only 1 person. • There is no limit on baggage allowance. • There is fixed airfare which depends on the route and class of travel • All flights scheduled have fixed departure and arrival time with no delays. • No pre-booking of seats allowed. Passengers are given seat number at the time of check-in at the airport. Only class of travel is preferred at the time of booking, no seat number. Data Requirements: Aircraft: • • • • • • Each aircraft has a unique number Capacity (Number of seats) in the aircraft Types of class available in the aircraft Model type of the aircraft Year of Manufacture of the aircraft Manufacturing company Here types of classes available in the aircraft depends on the model type of the aircraft. Some aircrafts have all the classes: First, Main Cabin Extra, Business and Main Cabin, while some of them don’t. Database will have class wise capacity and total capacity of an aircraft. Model Type depends on the manufacturing company. Airport: • Each airport has a unique airport code defined by IATA (International Air Transport Association) • Name of the airport. • City and the State where the airport is. • One airport has multiple terminals. Each airport has Ground Attendants and Administrative Support. Routes: • Each flight route has a unique route ID • Route’s source and destination airport • Distance between source and destination airport Flight is scheduled using the route. Airfare: • There will be a unique Fare ID for each flight route • Class of travel and type of model • Total fare in USD Each route will be assigned the fare. Fare will vary depending on the class preferred and model of the aircraft. So, a route can have multiple fares based on class and model type of the aircraft. Passenger: • The Database will have all personal information of the passengers. Each passenger has a unique ID, Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number, Email ID. • Home City of the passenger. Employee: • Each employee has a unique Employee ID. Database will also capture Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number, Email ID of the employee • Designation of the employee: Pilot, Co- Pilot, Flight attendants, Ground attendants, Administrative support • The work location of the employee Here, work location refers to the airport where the employee is working. Employees are associated with airports. Ground attendants and Administrative support can work only for one airport. Pilot, Co-Pilot and Flight attendants can work for multiple airports. Flight Schedule: • • • • • • • • Each flight has unique flight ID and the aircraft number. Route ID Date and Day of Journey. Departure and Arrival Time along with the Time Zone Source and Destination Airports Duration of flight Pilot, Co-Pilot and Flight attendants for each flight. Airfare of the flight. One route can have multiple aircrafts and one aircraft can have multiple routes. Pilot, Co-Pilot and Flight attendants can be on multiple routes and one route can have multiple Pilot, Co-Pilot and Flight attendants. Flight of same route can be on multiple days and also on same day. Bookings: Each booking has a unique PNR. Date of booking. Flight ID All information of passenger: Name, Age, Gender, Phone number and class of travel • All information about flight: Date of Journey, Departure and Arrival Time along with the Time Zone and Airport Terminal, Source and Destination Airports, Duration of flight, Airfare of the flight. • • • • As each booking has the flight ID, it will help serve various business goals of Airline. One Flight ID can be on several bookings. Business Goals: • Airlines will get information regarding which route has highest and lowest number of passengers by the bookings and Flight schedule details. • Airlines will get information regarding which airport has most and least passengers travelling by bookings. • Which class of travel is more preferred? • We can figure out which time of the day is more preferred by the booking details. • We can figure out which day of the week is more preferred by the booking details and the flight schedule. • Database will help serve advertisement purposes for the airline and the airline can also provide extra information about the new features of airlines using the passenger’s personal information.