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The Heat Is On: Summer Park Descriptive Writing

Write a descriptive piece called The Heat Is On, about a park on a hot day in summer. In your
writing, focus on colour, sound and movement to help your reader imagine the scene. Write
between 600 and 900 words.
Heat Is On
My back sizzled against sweltering bars of the rusty bench I lay on. The denim
jacket stewed my body, which was now moist with ticklish beads of sweat. The
inside of my pale blue Jordans was soaked and my toes felt sticky. My palm rose,
protectively, above my eyes to eclipse the scorching sun. Every square inch of my
skin, sunburnt, begged me to stop scraping the peeling blue paint off the rusty old
bench and return home. But I lay there, staring at nowhere in the perfect, and
cock-tail blue sky.
The fierce razor glass blades stretched in every direction, glared at me, ready to
slit open my skin. The distant drumming of woodpecker irritated my eardrums as
if it were about to pounce upon me. Occasional rustles of oak leaves agitated me
under the blazing fiery wheel in the sky. My sizzling body on the bench, was too
preoccupied to be tested upon by another tormenting experiment. However, the
mumbling of bees, sounding like buzz saws continued cranking, showing no
sympathy to my wearied self.
A child’s giggle tore away the lazy monotonous buzzing of bee, which felt closer to
thousands of electric shavers turned on at once than symphonies of hymns. The
fiery ring of lava-red was still endeavoring upon the celestial blue, peaceful sky.
However, I forced my smoldered bones to rise from the blue barbeque it had
been resting on. I set my discoloured, dampened feet free from the tormenting
Jordans and rested them on downy soft grass tendrils.
The immense vista leading to the innocent giggle was jaw dropping. The Prussianblue vault of velvet above seemed to solder into the liquid blanket of silver below.
The speckled orange amongst the Elysium-green banks nodded in the perfect
harmony of the wind. The cuckoo, cuckooed in its verses from far inside the
greenery. The river sizzed, and slapped, and swished against the banks, lashing
occasional pebbles, adding a beat to natural symphony.
The cool, upland breeze, flooded through the everlasting branches of the lively
tree, as it casted a vague shadow onto the grasses ' fine green. A fresh sunlight
beam penetrated through the branches of the tree, illuminating perfect spheres of
water upon its green wands. And there was the boy, absorbed in his own little
world. He liberated another chuckle as his brother sprayed pearls of aqua on him.
His giggle softened the environment, as if his gentle sound could make the sun
grow humble and the fires burn warmer. How carefree the other boy looked!
Could having a little brother really be that great? My numb and almost
transparent feet were blanketed by the sweetness of the scene, and now, as the
sunlight painted my lips red, my hair ebony, and my eyes honey-like, the cruelty of
the fiery sun just seemed another illusion of my lost thought.
I ambled on velvety soft lush, summer grass, embracing the swoosh of cool breeze,
soothing my searing thought. As lances of sunlight splashed the meadow, the fury
of Apollo seemed more of his soothing haiku. The horizon was now varnished in
golden amber, marking the end of another remarkable day. Remarkable for me.
I strolled along the busy streets of Manhattan. The streetlamps crafted a necklace
of moonstone, bejeweling the purple night sky. I sauntered on the familiar
footpath, enjoying the rhythmless music of the traffic. I put on my most genuine
smile and opened the door.
“Mom, Dad! I’m sorry! Let’s sign the papers. I am ready for adopting a little