ISU PENELITIAN AKUNTANSI DI MASA DISRUPSI DIGITAL Disampaikan pada : Accounting Webinar Series Vol.1, 31 Januari 2022 Oleh : Zaldy Adrianto, Universitas Padjadjaran. INOVASI DIGITAL • “AT LEAST 40% OF ALL BUSINESS WILL DIE IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS... IF THEY DON’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO CHANGE THEIR ENTIRE COMPANY TO ACCOMODATE NEW TECHNOLOGIES.” JOHN CHAMBERS, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN & CEO CISCO SYSTEMS Perkembangan teknologi Lebih Cepat dari sebelumnya DISRUPSI TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP AKUNTANSI DALAM RI 4.0 • Data Analytics and Visualization • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning • Internet of Things and Cloud Computing • Robotics Process Automation • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger (incl. NFT) DISRUPSI TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP AKUNTANSI DALAM RI 4.0 SHARING ECONOMY • Desentralisasi • Kekuatan ekonomi di setiap individu • Memaksimalkan aset ‘idle’ • Menghilangkan peran perantara • Memfasilitasi komunikasi antara individu yang hendak melakukan pertukaran barang dengan uang. EVOLUSI PASAR MODAL • Tahun 1100an di buka bursa komoditi pertama di Perancis • Bursa Saham Pertama dibuka di Antwerpen, Belgia tahun 1400an • Saat ini bursa saham dan bursa komoditas telah tersebar di seluruh dunia dengan konektivitas real time. • Perdagangan saham memulai digitalisasi sejak tahun 1970an hingga saat ini bisa menggunakan personal gadget • Kegiatan pinjam meminjam telah ada sejak ribuan tahun sebelum masehi • Bank pertama didirikan pada abad 14 di Italia • Pemrosesan transaksi pada awal perbankan sangat tradisional • Banking digital 2.0 menggunakan teknologi dalam menciptakan proses yang cepat. EVOLUSI PERBANKAN DIGITAL AND MOBILE PAYMENT BIG DATA • Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. -IBM- BIG DATA Veracity Setiap hari di hasilkan 2,5 exabytes data, dan berlipat ganda setiap 40 bulan (tahun 2012). Rata – rata perusahaan menyimpan data 100 terabytes Kecepatan penciptaan data / informasi (sensors, IoT) Data dalam berbagai bentuk (messages, picture, video, GPS Signal, dan lain – lain). 30 Milyar konten di upload di Facebook tiap bulan. Kerentanan dari sisi akurasi dan validitas. Value Memiliki value apabila di olah dengan tepat Volume Velocity Variety MANFAAT BIG DATA ANALYTICS • Dalam transaksi e-commerce, retailer online memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat rekomendasi produk secara personal bagi setiap konsumen, sehingga memicu pembelian serta memandu setiap konsumennya. • Beberapa retailer online bahkan telah mengolah data yang besar dari transaksi internal dengan data dari media social. • Di sektor publik, Big data analytic adalah faktor utama dari ‘smart cities’ dalam pemanfaatan teknologi digital secara intensif untuk membuat keputusan. CONTOH IMPLEMENTASI BIG DATA UOB Bank Singapore The big data risk management system enables the bank to reduce the calculation time of the value at risk. Initially, it took about 18 hours, but with the risk management system that uses big data, it only takes a few minutes. Through this initiative, the bank will possibly be able to carry out real-time risk analysis in the near future Analyzes massive database with data from customer purchases, social networks, and signals from around the web German World Cup Analyzed very large amounts of video and numeric data about individual Soccer Team player and team performance on itself and competing team PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS • Predictive analytics menggunakan analisa statistik, data historis, data mining, serta asumsi kondisi masa depan dalam memprediksi trends di masa depan. • Contoh: perusahaan asuransi menggunakan berbagai variable untuk memprediksi pembayaran polis. • Predictive analytics mengunakan big data dari sektor private dan public, termasuk data dari media social, transaksi konsumen dan output dari sensor serta mesin. TOOLS WHAT IS INTERNET OF THINGS? •The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of such objects) that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks HOW DOES IT? HOW THIS IS IMPACT YOU IOT-BASED SMART FARMING • Utilize wireless IoT applications to collect data regarding the location, well-being, and health of their livestock • Monitor pregnant cows: • Sensor powered by battery is expelled when its water breaks. • This sends an information via the Internet to the rancher. IOT PROVIDER IOT IMPLEMENTATION BY FINTECH COMPANIES • Wireless Self-Checkout • Amazon Go is one of the most popular IoT in Fintech examples. Its self-checkout service is already expanding across other brands. Instead of waiting in line and dealing with a cashier, the customers get their cards scanned by IoT devices at the exit. IOT IMPLEMENTATION BY FINTECH COMPANIES • IoT-Driven Car Insurance Plans Car insurance is getting more fair than ever. Metromile started offering per-mile plans, which are based on the mileage. The IoT devices count the mileage, and the users pay an adequate amount on a monthly basis. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • “The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.” • Don & Alex Tapscott, authors Blockchain Revolution (2016) WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN • Information held on a blockchain exists as a shared — and continually reconciled — database. This is a way of using the network that has obvious benefits. • The blockchain database isn’t stored in any single location, meaning the records it keeps are truly public and easily verifiable. • No centralized version of this information exists for a hacker to corrupt. • Hosted by millions of computers simultaneously, its data is accessible to anyone on the same blockchain WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN • A distributed database. • Picture a spreadsheet that is duplicated thousands of times across a network of computers. • Then imagine that this network is designed to regularly update this spreadsheet. • Then you have a basic understanding of the blockchain. BRIEF HISTORY • On October 31st 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto released the blockchain white paper, outlining a purely peer to peer electronic cash / digital assets transfer system • This is the first popular implementation of blockchain and is attributed as birthing today’s blockchain industry • Since then, additional blockchain have been popularized, Ethereum, various hyperledger solution as well as numerous others ‘blockchain like’ solutions SIMPLY DEFINED, BLOCKCHAIN IS.. • • • • • • • • P2P distributed architecture Decentralized Peers Transaction Encryption process Immutable logfile (called ‘ ledger’) Consensus mechanism Optional smart contract By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. CENTRALIZED VS DISTRIBUTED Blockchain is a programming language that allows users to write more sophisticated smart contracts, thus creating invoices that pay themselves when shipment arrives or share certificates which automatically send their owners dividends if profit reach a certain level The economist Blockchain adalah sebuah sistem penyimpanan digital yang terdiri dari banyak server (multiserver). Pada teknologi blockchain, data yang dibuat oleh satu server dapat di replikasi dan verifikasi oleh server yang lain. Online pajak Blockchain adalah suatu sistem transaksi manajemen data digital yang tersebar dimana semua pengguna sistem tersebut mempunyai satu konsensus bersama APPLICATIONS OF THE BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY BLOCKCHAIN DI INDONESIA BLOCKCHAIN DALAM BISNIS PROS OF BLOCKCHAIN • Immutability • Fault tolerance • less likely to fail accidentally • Attack Resistance • more expensive to attack • once data is stored, it cannot manipulated • much harder to collude and to act in fraudulent way CONS OF BLOCKCHAIN • Because of the nature of blockchains, it will always be slower than centralized databases. • Signature verification. Every blockchain transaction must be digitally signed - computationally complex, and constitutes the primary bottleneck. • Consensus mechanisms. In a distributed database such as a blockchain, effort must be expended in ensuring that nodes in the network reach consensus. • Redundancy. This is about the total amount of computation that a blockchain requires. Whereas centralized databases process transactions once (or twice), in a block chain they must be processed independently by every node in the network. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ MACHINE LEARNING • Dalam bentuk yang paling ambisius, AI merupakan upaya membangun sistem computer yang dapat berpikir dan berperilaku seperti manusia. • Ilmuwan komputer Alan Turing di tahun 1950 mendefinisikan komputer dengan kecerdasan adalah saat manusia berdialog dengan komputer tersebut dan tidak mampu membedakannya. EVOLUSI AI • Tingkat kesalahan Image recognition programs turun dari 25 persen menjadi 3 percent in 2018; • Kesalahan natural language speech recognition turun dari from 15 persen menjadi 6 persen • Google’s Translate program mencapai 85 persen akurasi • personal assistants seperti Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), Cortana (Microsoft), dan Now (Google), serta aktivasi sistem mobil menggunakan suara. MACHINE LEARNING • ML dimulai dari dataset yang luar biasa besar dari pupuhan ribu hingga jutaan data points secara otomatis mencari pola tersembunyi atau relasi antara data tersebut. • Facebook menggunakan machine learning untuk mengidentifikasikan pola dari data, serta melakukan estimasi kemungkinan seorang user akan mengklik iklan tertentu berdasarkan pola perilaku. IMPLEMENTASI AI/ML • Computer Vision, • Speech recognition • Language translation • Transaction analysis • Targeted online ads • robotics BANK OF TOKYO MITSUBISHI CUSTOMER SERVICE MENGGUNAKAN AI FACE IDENTIFICATION APPS FROM HSBC. ROBOTICS PROCESS AUTOMATION • RPA is a form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots (bots) or on artificial intelligence (AI)/digital workers BENEFIT OF RPA • Keuntungan utama dari robotic automation adalah penurunan biaya, meningkatkan kecepatan dan akurasi serta konsistensi, serta memperbaiki kualitas dan skala produksi. • Automation menyediakan keamanan ekstra, khususnya untuk data penting dan di industry jasa keuangan RPA ACTUAL DEPLOYMENT • Banking and Finance Process Automation • Mortgage and Lending Process • Customer Care Automation • e-Commerce Merchandising Operation • Optical Character Recognition Application • Data Extraction Process E-GOVERNMENT • Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) • Perpres no. 95 tahun 2018 tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik • SPBE adalah Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk memberikan layanan kepada pengguna SPBE • Penyelenggaraan SPBE Mencakup pengaturan unsur – unsur SPBE dan manajemen SPBE DOMAIN SPBE (PERMENPANRB NO 59 TAHUN 2020) • Kebijakan tata kelola Kebijakan Tata Kelola • Perencanaan strategis SPBE • Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi • Penyelenggara SPBE Manajemen • Penerapan Manajemen SPBE • AUDIT TIK Layanan • Layanan Administrasi Pemerintahan • Layanan Publik PELUANG – PELUANG RISET • Landasan Teori 1. Basis Literatur terdahulu 2. Perlu mempertimbangkan konteks 3. Ada kemungkinan mengembangkan teori baru • Pilihan Publikasi • Melihat paper dan penulis terkait PILIHAN METODE RISET 1. Studi literature sistematis (SLR) 2. Empiris, eksperimen, survey, kasus. 3. Konseptual 4. Desain dan Pengembangan (Design Science) 5. Bibliometrix, metadata, content analysis 6. etc IS/ IT INTERACTION MODEL SISTEM INFORMASI DI DUNIA BISNIS (LAUDON, 2018) DESIGN SCIENCE Hevner, A.R., March, S.T., Park.,J., & Ram.,S.(2004). Design Science in Information System Research. MIS Quarterly, 75-105 DESIGN SCIENCE RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM RESEARCH THEMES: A SEVEN-TEEN YEARS DATA DRIVEN TEMPORAL ANALYSIS Goyal, Sandeep; Ahuja, Manju; Guan, Jian. (2018). Communications of the Association for Information Systems. (vol.43). Article 23. INFORMATION SYSTEM RESEARCH THEMES: A SEVEN-TEEN YEARS DATA DRIVEN TEMPORAL ANALYSIS Goyal, Sandeep; Ahuja, Manju; Guan, Jian. (2018). Communications of the Association for Information Systems. (vol.43). Article 23. Information systems, Dominant Paradigms, And Emerging Concept: A Community Clustering Analysis of the Highest Impact Topic in Information Systems Research. Allen, P. Jonathan, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy • Solid Arrow indicate a direct citation relationship • Dashed arrow, more indirect relationship • ‘Design Science’ and ‘Knowledge sharing’ are the highest impact topic outside the dominant paradigms A Bibliometric analysis of Accounting Information systems Journals and Their emerging technologies contributions Chiu, Victoria; Liu, Qi; Muehlmann, Bridgette; Baldwin, Amelia Annette. (2019). International Journal Of Accounting Information Systems Vol 32, page 24-43. JOURNAL • European Journal of Information Systems • Information System Journal • Information System Research • Journal of AIS • Journal of Information Technology • Journal of MIS • Journal of Strategic Information System • MIS Quarterly. BEBERAPA RESEARCH QUESTION • Bagaimana Dampak Teknologi pada Keputusan akuntansi? • Karakteristik teknologi yang akan meningkatkan keandalan informasi? • Bagaimana teknologi monitoring (IoT) mempengaruhi manajemen, akuntansi manajemen, audit, atau internal audit? • Bagaimana adopsi perusahaan (besar, kecil, menengah) terhadap teknologi blockchain? • Bagaimana peranan AI dalam meningkatkan prosedur audit? TERIMAKASIH Isaac Newton BIODATA SINGKAT Nama Zaldy Adrianto, SE., M.ProfAcc., Ak. Dosen dan Peneliti Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Padjadjaran. Asessor Sistem Pemerintahan berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) tahun 2021. S1: Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Padjadjaran; Riwayat Pendidikan S2: Faculty of Profession, The University Of Adelaide Pekerjaan Bidang keahlian Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, IT GRC, System Analysis and Design, Internal Control, Analisa Proses Bisnis