Orientation on DepEd-DOH JMC No. 1 s. 2021 - Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Faceto-face Learning Modality November 22-25, 2021 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Preparation for School Year 2020-2021 Preparations for SY 2020-2021 under the BE-LCP (i.e. resources for distance learning modalities) Preparation for possible conduct of Limited F2F Classes Conduct of the Learning Continuity and Safe School Operations Survey. Dec 2020 Jun-Oct 2020 Creation of Pilot F2F Composite Team Start of Pilot Implementation -Continuous discussions and coordination with key DepEd Offices and stakeholders in developing the joint issuance on the pilot implementation Conduct of consultation among different stakeholders Nov. 15, 2021 - Start of Pilot Implementation for Public Schools Jun-Sep 2021 Mar 2021 Jan-Feb 2021 Pilot F2F Proposal President Duterte approved the conduct of a pilot implementation for the face-to-face classes. However due to the new variants of COVID-19, the President recalled the earlier decision Nov. 22, 2021 - Start of Pilot Implementation for Selected Private Schools May 2021 Oct-Nov 2021 Coordination with key stakeholders Finalization & Approval of the Guidelines Senators file a resolution for the immediate launch of the pilot implementation Validation and finalization of the structure, components, and key elements of the draft guidelines On September 20, 2021, the President approved the conduct of face-to-face classes in minimal-risk areas. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WHY LIMITED F2F CLASSES? NECESSITY FOR LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES a. b. c. d. e. f. Address difficulty in monitoring and assessing learning progress remotely Mitigate inequalities and unevenness in access to technology, household resources, and student skills for self-learning Allow resumption of activities that cannot be done at home, such as the workshop requirements in the TechVoc Track Ease the negative mental health impact of the lack of face-to-face interaction among children Absence of more responsible adult in the family qualified to take the role of learning facilitator With resumption of face-to-face classes, schools can help in the enforcement of health standards in school setting DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ORIENTATION OBJECTIVES • Level off on the DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 s. 2021 - Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality; and • Discuss issues and challenges on the preparation for the expanded implementation of limited face-toface classes. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face Learning Modality DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY OBJECTIVES OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES ● Deliver quality basic education in a safe learning environment to learners in low-risk areas ● Address the teaching and learning gaps encountered in the distance learning modalities ● Strengthen the school-community health and safety support system for all children STRATEGY FOR THE F2F IMPLEMENTATION Pilot 1 Implementation 2 Expanded Phase DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3 New Normal OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK SHARED RESPONSIBILITY DepEd & DOH LGU / Community SAFE OPERATIONS TEACHING & LEARNING INCLUDING THE MOST MARGINALIZED WELL-BEING AND PROTECTION POLICY · FINANCING Schools & Families Based on UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank Framework for Reopening Schools and DepEd Shared Responsibility Principle DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Other Concerned Government Agencies Eligibility of Participation to the Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY OF PARTICIPATION SCHOOLS (BOTH PRIVATE & PUBLIC) ● located in minimal-risk areas based on criteria set by DOH ● passed the school safety assessment using the School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) ● have expressed support from LGUs (Barangay, Municipality, City, Province) in the form of a resolution or letter of support allowing them to participate in face-to-face classes ● secured expressed support and consent of parents of students who WILL participate in the reopening of face-to-face classes, in the form of a written Consent Form DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY OF PARTICIPATION For private schools that signify to participate, the following requirements shall be complied prior to the authorization from the Regional Director: 1. Submission of a formal letter addressed to the Regional Director expressing the following: a. interest to implement limited face-to-face classes; b. willingness to submit a report on lessons and recommendations on a monthly basis during the pilot implementation and quarterly for the expanded implementation of face-to-face classes 2. The following attachments shall be submitted along with the formal letter: a. implementation plan for the face-to-face classes including class program, class schedule, and health and safety protocols (including testing capacity and arrangements for all students and personnel attending schools). b. clear protocols for medical isolation, school re-closures and reopening in the event of detected cases among students or school personnel. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY OF PARTICIPATION TEACHERS & EMPLOYEES ● All teachers and employees who are 65 years old and below and with no diagnosed comorbidities shall be eligible to provide service during the conduct of the face-to-face classes. Likewise, teachers and employees who are considered PWDs, are pregnant and lactating, whose services are indispensable under the present circumstance may be considered eligible, (as provided for in CSC Memorandum Circular No. 18, s. 2020). Regardless of the vaccination status, teachers and other employees are eligible to participate, while those with stable comorbidities may join voluntarily. School administrators may decide on teachers and other employees then schedule based on careful analysis of risks and benefits. ● COVID-19 vaccination shall remain an essential strategy to complement the existing implementation of the Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment, and Reintegration (PDITR) strategies, which is the cornerstone of the country’s response to prevent further transmission. DepEd shall encourage teachers and personnel, regardless of employment status, to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Vaccination shall follow the country’s allocation framework for priority eligible population. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY OF PARTICIPATION LEARNERS ○ Participation is VOLUNTARY with signed written consent from parent/guardian ○ Only learners from within the city/municipality where the school/learning center is located shall be considered ○ Can walk going to school, or, with regulated public transportation, or with available private transport ○ Without existing comorbidities Participating schools may further do prioritization of learners according but not limited to the following conditions: ○ Children who require childcare, such as those whose parents must work outside the home, or who have no directly available and immediately responsible adults/ guardians at home; ○ Learners heavily dependent on face-to-face learning interventions, such as Key Stage 1 learners (Kindergarten to Grade 3); ○ Learners who struggle to meet the required learning competencies; ○ Senior high school learners enrolled in Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track requiring workshop equipment in school; and ○ Learners that are documented to be affected by mental health concerns that may be eased by face-toface interactions. The school shall provide a referral process to address mental health concerns. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Guidelines on Safe Reopening ❏ Safe Operations ❏ Ensuring Teaching & Learning ❏ Including the Most Marginalized ❏ Wellbeing & Protection DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS 1 MANAGING SCHOOL OPERATIONS This shall guide schools on how to safely manage school operations during the conduct of limited face-toface classes: - Classroom layout and structure School Traffic Management Protective measures, hygiene and sanitation practices and respiratory etiquette School Sanitation and Waste Management Communication Strategy Contingency Plan School lockdown & Reopening 2 HOME-SCHOOL COORDINATION This shall provide guidance to school regarding the coordination arrangements between home and school, and other stakeholders (i.e. Barangay Health Emergency Response Team) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS MANAGING SCHOOL OPERATIONS PREPARATIONS FOR SCHOOL REOPENING • setting up schools physical structures, WASH facilities and supplies, personal protective equipment (PPEs), health and safety protocols, learning materials, class programs, and human resource requirements in accordance with these guidelines and the DOH Administrative Order No. 2021-0043 • involvement of the community in the school reopening process to shape the perceptions of risks and effectively respond to the health crises through localized efforts • adjusting of class programs according to schools Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) • orienting learners, parents, guardians, teaching and non-teaching personnel, external stakeholders and LGU of the eligibility for participation, existing protocols, mechanisms, and procedures needed in conducting face-to-face classes • conducting simulation activities among school personnel regarding protocols and routines to replicate and discuss possible scenarios during the actual conduct of face-to-face classes DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS MANAGING SCHOOL OPERATIONS HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS • Classroom Layout & Structure. ○ Physically redesign the classroom to ensure physical distancing • School Traffic Management. ○ Establish safe entrance, exit, drop-off, and pick-up points, and contact tracing procedures for all those entering the school premises • Protective measures, hygiene and sanitation practices and respiratory etiquette. ○ Setting up of proper sanitation and hygiene facilities (i.e. handwashing station) ○ Provision of face masks to learners, teachers, and school personnel and availability of emergency health kits ○ Provision of daily health monitoring tool ○ Designate school health safety officers to take charge of health and safety protocols DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS MANAGING SCHOOL OPERATIONS HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS • School disinfection, sanitation and waste management. ○ Availability of hand soaps, sanitizers, and alcohol-based solutions in key areas of the school and mechanisms to properly sanitize and disinfect the schools ○ Routine sanitation of frequently touched surfaces • Communication strategy ○ Setting up of proactive COVID-19 local hotline/helpdesk that connects to and coordinates with hospitals/LGUs • Contingency plan ○ Following a decision model and preparing a contingency plan for closing and reopening the school in case of COVID-19 resurgence. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS MANAGING SCHOOL OPERATIONS CLASS SIZE Schools following the required number of learners per classroom: KEYSTAGE ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM NUMBER Kindergarten Maximum of 12 learners in a class Grades 1 – 3 Maximum of 16 learners in a class Grades 4 – 6 Maximum of 20 learners in a class Grades 7 – 10 Maximum of 20 learners in a class Grades 11 – 12 Maximum of 20 learners in a class TVL Workshop / Science Labs Maximum of 12 learners DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAFE OPERATIONS HOME-SCHOOL COORDINATION COORDINATION MECHANISMS • Coordination with Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) of the Local Government Unit (LGU) in ensuring health protocols are observed properly • Operationalize the Preventive Alert System in Schools (PASS), teachers routinely conduct health inspection. • Ensure health personnel or designated “clinic teacher” are physically present at the school clinic during school days • Orientation of parents/guardians in health and safety protocols in school and at home (i.e. pick-up and drop-off, minimum health and safety requirements, reinforcing health and safety protocols at home) • Home-school coordination on health status of learners DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING & LEARNING 1 GUIDANCE FOR CLASS SCHEDULING This shall guide schools on implementing blended learning approach (class schedules, proposed teaching tasks for F2F classes) 3 CURRICULUM DepED prescribes the K-to-12 Curriculum as a minimum requirement for all public and private schools that will participate in the implementation of face-to-face classes. However, for the pilot face-to-face classes, the focus of instruction shall be on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). 2 ENSURING TEACHING & LEARNING DELIVERY This shall provide schools a general guide regarding teaching load, monitoring of class attendance, instructional time, and limitations with class recitation, group work and other school activities DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING & LEARNING ENSURING LEARNING DELIVERY TEACHING & LEARNING APPROACH ● Blended Learning approach will be applied ● 1-week straight face-to-face classes and 1-week straight Distance Learning (alternating) ● 1 teacher per class for Kinder to Grade 3 ● Only subjects that require laboratories/workshops for SHS will be allowed for face to face, the rest of the subjects will be on distance modality ● Max of 4.5 hours stay in school, except for Kindergarten (max of 3 hours stay in school) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING & LEARNING ENSURING LEARNING DELIVERY RESOURCES AND SCHEDULES • Learning resources needed for the face-to-face classes should be sufficient. ○ Textbooks will be utilized for face to face (available in every school) ○ Self-Learning Modules for Distance Learning (pre-deployed) ○ Supplemental learning resources • Class schedules shall be arranged equitably so that all qualified learners will have the opportunity to attend face-to-face classes. The school shall ensure that arrival, breaks, and dismissal time are staggered to avoid crowding of learners in the schools canteen and gates. Regardless of the learners’ schedule, they shall only be allowed to have lunch in their respective homes. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING & LEARNING ENSURING TEACHING DELIVERY TEACHER WORKLOAD • The teacher load/s should be arranged equitably and fairly so that each teacher follows the maximum 6-hour classroom teaching per day. • Since physical distancing has to be observed during the face-to-face sessions, teachers may allot the instructional time to: • Explicitly teach the “least learned/mastered” content and performance standards • Conduct authentic classroom assessment of learning • Review the previous lessons • Provide remediation/intervention • Closely monitor the attendance so that the teacher can determine which participating learners are exhibiting difficulties in coming to school. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING & LEARNING ENSURING TEACHING DELIVERY CLASSROOM & SCHOOL ACTIVITIES • Group work which involves close contact shall not be allowed during face-toface classes to avoid close contact with one another. • Schools shall be prohibited to conduct physical or face-to-face large gatherings and activities that will require close contact or where physical distancing may not be possible (e.g., school activities, field trips, sports festivals, flag ceremony). • Appropriate learning and development assistance (i.e. coaching, mentoring, training) for teachers shall be provided to ensure their ability to deliver relevant teaching and learning strategies. School-based learning action cells (SLAC) must be regularly conducted based on the assessed needs of the teachers in providing instructional support to learners. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION INCLUDING THE MOST MARGINALIZED For marginalized children, the framework recognizes that school reopening will mean going beyond opening the school gates for teachers and learners. For this group of learners, these factors shall be considered: a. Identification of learners who are most marginalized in terms of access to learning as indicated in the eligibility of learners; b. Development of learning strategies to cater to the needs of the marginalized learners; c. Coordination with partner agencies for the provision of assistive devices to SPED learners who will participate in the face to face implementation; d. Provision of other school health-related and nutrition services e. Ensuring their safety and well-being by following health protocols. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WELLBEING & PROTECTION This shall provide guidance on how to prevent the possible transmission of COVID-19 among the learners, personnel, and other stakeholders. SUPPORT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE SCHOOLS • • • • • • Strategies to Prevent COVID-19 Strategies to Detect COVID-19 Strategies to Isolate and Treat COVID-19 Psychological Support Immunization and other School Health Services Strategy to Reintegrate DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WELL-BEING & PROTECTION SUPPORT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE SCHOOLS • Detection and Referral • • • • Temperature checks before entering the school premises Discourage visitors and external stakeholders to enter the school Conduct of daily rapid health check inside the classroom Setting up of school clinic for health emergencies • Proper Ventilation • Ensuring proper ventilation of classrooms and maximize natural airflow (i.e. open windows) • Contact Tracing and Quarantine • • Cooperate with local health authorities in contact tracing activities if there is a confirmed positive case in the school Set up transition mechanisms from limited face-to-face to full distance learning if school needs to lockdown DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WELL-BEING & PROTECTION SUPPORT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE SCHOOLS • Psychological Support • • • • Mental health support shall be conducted by advisers in the first days (i.e. kumustahan) Maintain guidance office SDOs shall set up counseling services (e.g. hotline) Engage parents and guardians in providing mental health support to learners • Vaccination of Teachers and School Personnel • • The IATF has categorized teachers and school personnel under A4 priority. Close coordination with their respective LGU to vaccinate teachers. • Vaccination of Learners for other Diseases • Coordination with LGU on routine immunization of children and other health service needs DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WELL-BEING & PROTECTION SUPPORT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE SCHOOLS • Other Support • Continued access to outpatient health services for physical and mental health resilience including mental health, immunization and other school-based health services DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Roles and Responsibilities ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Department of Health (DOH) Department of Education (CO) Regional Office Schools Division Office Participating Schools LGU and the Community DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Department of Health (DOH) - shall provide technical assistance to other NGAs, and other stakeholders, and to LGUs, institutions, and other stakeholders through its Centers for Health Development (CHDs) for the updating of localized guidelines consistent with this issuance. The DOH shall continuously update the set minimum public health standards based on the most recent evidence available. • Department of Education (DepEd) shall base their COVID-19 Response and Mitigation Strategies on the exposure risk severity of the community, as guided by the Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATFEID) risk classification levels, and the exposure risk rating of the nature of work or activities involved. The risk assessment shall be done across all settings in developing local and internal guidelines for commensurate action, especially for high-risk personnel and activities. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Level Central Office (National) Roles & Responsibilities ● Provide overall policy directions in the implementation of the limited face-toface classes ● Formulate national guidelines and standards on the conduct of pilot implementation of face to face ● Monitor and assess the implementation of limited face-to-face classes; ● Coordinate with Inter- Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Department of Interior and Local Government, and National Task Force against Covid-19 ● Develop a COVID-19 Response and Mitigation Strategies based on the exposure risk severity of the community, as guided by the Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) risk classification levels, and the exposure risk rating of the nature of work or activities involved. Mobilize resources to meet the standards of the health and safety protocols DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Level Roles & Responsibilities Regional Offices (ROs) ● Prepare a regional implementation plan for the conduct of limited face-to-face classes ● Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the limited face-toface ● Provide technical assistance to SDOs regarding the conduct of limited face-to-face classes, as necessary ● Mobilize resources to meet the standards of the health and safety protocols ● Orient SDO key officials on the standards and process of pilot implementation of face-to-face classes DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Level Schools Division Offices (SDOs) Roles & Responsibilities ● Prepare a division implementation plan for the conduct of limited face-to-face classes ● Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the limited face-to-face classes ● Provide technical assistance to schools regarding the conduct of limited faceto-face classes, as necessary ● Mobilize resources and support from community stakeholders to meet the standards of the health and safety protocols ● Orient SDO key officials on the standards and process of pilot implementation of face-to-face classes ● Orient school heads, LGUs on the standards of pilot implementation ● Validate the results of the School Safety Assessment Tool for public and private schools ● Submit to Regional office the validated list of participating schools DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Level Participating School Roles & Responsibilities ● Ensure the strict implementation of health and safety protocols during face-to-face classes ● Submit the result of the school safety assessment to the SDO ● Orient parents, community, barangay officials, civil society organizations and other partners about the pilot face-to-face classes process, standards, roles and responsibilities ● Secure written support from Local Government Units ● Secure consent from parent/legal guardian ● Develop contingency plan in case of school lockdown ● Mobilize resources and support from community stakeholders (i.e. LGU, parents, health workers, NGO, among others) to meet the standards of the health and safety protocols ● Establish coordination mechanisms with BHERT and LGUs for referral system, contact tracing, school traffic management, disinfection, school lockdown, among others ● Establish psychosocial support mechanisms to learners and school personnel DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES LGU AND THE COMMUNITY • LGU shall formulate local policies/ordinances of managing traffic during school days. LGU shall enforce rerouting when necessary. • LGU shall ensure availability of medical personnel and standby vehicle for use when need or emergency arises. • LGU shall ensure that school premises are secured and shall be free from bystanders, transient vendors of foods, tricycle drivers and other nonessential presence of individuals. • LGU and the community shall observe measures to ensure safety of learners and other school personnel. This shall include access to COVID-19 testing kits and medical facilities. • LGU and the community shall establish an information dissemination system that updates students, parents, and school staff about the evolving situation and measures taken in the event of COVID-19. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RELATED ISSUANCES • OM-OSEC-2021-002 - School Contingency Plan Manual for the Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes • DepEd Memo 71, s. 2021 - Preparations for the Pilot Face-to-Face, Expansion, and Transitioning to the New Normal • DepEd Memo 72, s. 2021 - Accountability Map for the Preparations for the Implementation of the Limited Faceto-Face Learning Modality DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TOOLS & IEC MATERIALS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tools & IEC Materials TOOLS • Schools Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) - Annex B of the JMC • School Contingency Plan (OMOSEC-2021-002) • Health Monitoring Tools - Annex E of the JMC IEC MATERIALS • • • • • • • • MHPSS reference materials (DFTC Memorandum No. 98, s. 2020) FAQs on Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes IEC materials on hygiene practices and respiratory etiquette DOH infographic materials on maintaining MPHS (#BIDASolusyonPlus) DOH IEC materials on #BIDAcommutertips, #BIDABikerTips, and Umiwas sa Skeri Activities Guide on Step-by-Step Daily Routine for Learners, Guardians,Parents, and Teachers WinS IEC Materials (OUA Memo 08210109) Ready Kids Infomercial Video for Ligtas Balik Eskwela DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Accessing DOH hashtags via FB DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Accessing DOH IEC Materials through DOH website DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAMPLE IEC MATERIALS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION F2F Infomercial Video DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FAQs on the Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION What are the bases for selecting the public and private schools participating in the pilot implementation? • • • • • Located in minimal risk areas based on the assessment of DOH Passed the School Safety Assessment Tool Must be accessible to students thru walking, or the area has regulated public transportation Has support from the LGU thru a resolution or letter of support Secured consent of parents of students participating in the face-to-face classes What are the additional requirements for private schools signifying to participate in the pilot implementation? • • • Submit a formal letter to the RD signifying (a) interest to implement f2f classes and (b) willingness to submit a report on lessons and recommendation on the implementation of f2f classes Implementation plan Protocols for medical isolation, school re-closure and re-opening (in the event of a detected COVID-19 case) Will all grade levels be included in the pilot implementation? • Only learners from the Key Stage K-to-3 and selected secondary learners from Senior High School (SHS) in minimal-risk areas shall participate What is the School Safety Assessment Tool? • A tool based on the DepEd-DOH JMC to assess the readiness of schools to ensure the safety of learners and school personnel • Has four (4) main areas: (a) Managing School Operations, (b) Focusing on Teaching and Learning, (c) Wellbeing and Protection, (d) Home-School Coordination ○ Managing School Operations - focuses on the essential mechanisms, facilities and materials needed to guide schools on safely managing school reopening and operations ○ Focusing on Teaching and Learning - focuses on mechanism and required materials to ensure that quality education will be delivered to students, while also ensuring that teachers are provided guidance and support to teach learners ○ Wellbeing and Protection - focuses on the PDITR strategy of DOH to minimize the possible transmission of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects (NOTE: PDITR - Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate) ○ Home-School Coordination - focuses coordination mechanisms between the home and school, as well as other stakeholders, to ensure that health and safety protocols shall be strictly followed even outside the school premises What are the requirements to ensure safety inside the school? • • • • • • • • Temperature check before entering the school Handwashing station with soap Sanitizer/ alcohol Emergenyc health kit Daily health monitoring tool Rearranging the chairs in classrooms to maintain 1-2 meters distance Proper Ventilation Installation of signages and markers What does it mean when a school is given a Safety Seal? • Upon passing the School Safety Assessment Tool and further validation by the SDO, a school will be given a Safety Seal • It signifies that schools comply with the minimum public health standards set by DOH • It also signifies the commitment of the school, parents, and community to maintain the safety of learners and teachers within the school premises Who will be allowed to work/report at the school? • All teachers and employees who are 65 years old and below and with no diagnosed co-morbidities shall be eligible to provide service during the conduct of the face-to-face classe • All school personnel who will report to school shall be fully vaccinated – IATF Resolution 148-B, s.2021: “In areas where there are sufficient supplies of COVID-19 vaccines as determined by the National Vaccines Operation Center (NVOC), all establishments and employers in the public and private sector shall require their eligible employees who are tasked to do on-site work to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Eligible employees who remain to be unvaccinated may not be terminated solely by reason thereof.” What are the criteria for learners to be eligible to participate in the pilot implementation? • Participation is VOLUNTARY with signed written consent from parent/guardian • Only learners from within the city/municipality where the school/learning center is located shall be considered • Can walk going to school, or, with regulated public transportation, or with available private transport • Without existing comorbidities • To ensure protection across all diseases and implement healthy habits, parents/guardians shall be encouraged to be up-todate with the routine immunizations of their young children, especially for non-COVID19 diseases that are vaccine preventable such as, but not limited to, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. Are there priority students which shall be included in face-to-face classes? Participating schools may further do prioritization of learners according but not limited to the following conditions: • Children who require childcare, such as those whose parents must work outside the home, or who have no directly available and immediately responsible adults/ guardians at home; • Learners heavily dependent on face-to-face learning interventions, such as Key Stage 1 learners (Kindergarten to Grade 3); • Learners who struggle to meet the required learning competencies; • Senior high school learners enrolled in Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track requiring workshop equipment in school; and • Learners that are documented to be affected by mental health concerns that may be eased by face-to-face interactions. The school shall provide a referral process to address mental health concerns Why is it important to have limited face-to-face classes? • Address difficulty in monitoring and assessing learning progress remotely • Mitigate inequalities and unevenness in access to technology, household resources, and student skills for self-learning • Allow resumption of activities that cannot be done at home, such as the workshop requirements in the TechVoc Track • Ease the negative mental health impact of the lack of face-to-face interaction among children • Absence of more responsible adult in the family qualified to take the role of learning facilitator • With resumption of face-to-face classes, schools can help in the enforcement of health standards in school setting How many students will be allowed inside the class? The school shall follow the required number of learner per class: • Kindergarten: maximum of 12 learners in a class • Grades 1 – 3: maximum of 16 learners in a class • Grades 4 – 6: maximum of 20 learners in a class • Grades 7 – 10: maximum of 20 learners in a class • Grades 11 – 12 maximum of 20 learners in a class • TVL workshop and science laboratory – maximum of 12 learners in a workshop/laboratory What will be the teaching & learning approach for the pilot implementation of face-to-face classes? • • • • • Blended Learning approach will be applied 1-week straight face-to-face classes and 1-week straight distance learning (alternating) 1 teacher per class for Kinder to Grade 3 Only subjects that require laboratories/workshops for SHS will be allowed for face to face, the rest of the subjects will be on distance modality Max of 4.5 hours stay in school, except for Kindergarten (max of 3 hours stay in school) What is the schedule for face-to-face classes? • Face-to-face classes shall be conducted alternately for weeks • All face-to-face classes shall be conducted half-day • – Kindergarten: Not to exceed 3 hours – Grade 1 to Grade 3: Not to exceed 4.5 hours – Senior High School: Not to exceed 4.5 hours Class schedules shall be arranged equitably so that all qualified learners will have the opportunity to attend face-to-face classes. The school shall ensure that arrival, breaks, and dismissal time are staggered to avoid crowding of learners in the schools canteen and gates. Regardless of the learners’ schedule, they shall only be allowed to have lunch in their respective homes. How will cleanliness and safety be maintained in schools? • Availability of hand soaps, sanitizers, and alcohol-based solutions in key areas of the school and mechanisms to properly sanitize and disinfect the schools • Routine sanitation of frequently touched surfaces • In partnership with the DOH and LGUs, schools will implement proper cleaning and disinfection What are the detection mechanisms of COVID-19 in school? • Temperature checks before entering the school premises • Discourage visitors and external stakeholders to enter the school (visitors must set an appointment with the school head) • Conduct of daily rapid health check inside the classroom • Setting up of school clinic for health emergencies Vaccination Requirements • The Department of Education (DepEd) and National Task Force (NTF) on COVID19 agreed to accelerate the vaccination of teachers and school personnel. This will be parallel to the existing mechanism of teachers directly registering with their respective LGUS. • DepEd shall generate a linelist of all teachers and school personnel that have yet to be vaccinated which will be the basis of NTF for the allocation of vaccines to respective LGUs where the pilot schools are located. Part of the agreements is for DepEd, NTF and LGU to determine the most efficient arrangement for the vaccination, including the possible clustering of areas and identification of host LGUs and vaccination sites and set vaccination schedules for teachers and school personnel. • The completion of the accelerated vaccination of DepEd teachers and school personnel will provide an additional layer of protection to all participants of the faceto-face classes, and supports as well the overall vaccination drive of the national government. Thank you! Planning Service – Policy Research and Development Division ps.prd@deped.gov.ph (02) 8635 3976 2/F Alonzo Building, DepEd Complex, Pasig City DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 53