Minimus Workbook 1 Teacher’s Notes 1a pater - Flavius is the father. infans - Rufus is the young child. mater - Lepidina is the mother. filia - Flavia is the daughter. 1b Rufus est. He is Rufus Minimus et Vibrissa sumus. We are Minimus and Vibrissa filius - Iulius is the son. feles - Vibrissa is the cat. servus - Corinthus is the slave. mus - Minimus is the mouse. Minimus sum. I am Minimus servi sunt. They are slaves. Iulius et Flavia estis. You (pl) are Iulius and Flavia Vibrissa es. You (s) are Vibrissa. 1c Y Z M Y P Q M S R H S E L E F T N U O K Z F F L A V I A W P Y N S F J M I N I M U S V A Q A M U V I Q K S B H E G I O T W F V H S L S U I V A L F S G T R R P S U I M Q Z I O R Z J B P E A N U H U Z F B O G K E Z V S T A I T T S U S U F U R N T W E F M C A N D I D U S E S I W R N V I B R I S S A O T F J A N I D I P E L R W K D A U W E D O J D V K Y H O C Y M D C M U T Z J O N N Z M C Z W A E S J G I U L I U S Z Y R I T R P U F E U V G K M V C J Y 1d valete and salvete need several mice. salve! and vale! need one mouse each. 2d rana maxima est delphinus benignus est vespa improba est vacca sordida est sciurus parvus est Vibrissa callida est porcus ignavus est Minimus strenuus est 2b Iulius strenuus est/Iulius is energetic Flavia benigna est/Flavia is kind Iulius callidus est/Iulius is clever Flavia ridicula est/Flavia is funny Iulius garrulus est/Iulius is talkative Flavia callida est/Flavia is clever Iulius ridiculus est/Iulius is funny The frog is very big The dolphin is kind The wasp is naughty The cow is dirty The squirrel is small Vibrissa is clever The pig is lazy Minimus is energetic 3b I scribo purgo 3c you singular laboras legis laboramus verro purgat spectamus he/she/it verrit we work I sweep she cleans we watch we spectamus ridetis sedes scribunt coquit ©Minimus Et Cetera 2015 you plural ridetis sedetis you (pl.) smile you (s) sit they write he cooks they intrant Minimus Workbook 1 3e bombitat mugimus sibilo stridetis garris coaxant grunnio murmurat mugiunt coaxamus Teacher’s Notes he buzzes garritis grunnit sibilas strident grunnimus bombito murmuras mugio coaxamus strideo we moo I whistle you (pl) squeak you (s) chatter they croak I grunt she purrs they moo we croak you (pl) chatter he grunts you (s) whistle they squeak we grunt I buzz you (s) purr I moo we croak I squeak 4a A N V A N V V A N The angry wasp is buzzing. The friendly dolphin smiles. We like delicious dinners. A N V V A N The lazy slaves are sleeping. You watch the beautiful birds. 4d scribo I write verro I sweep tango I touch scribis you (s) write verris you (s) sweep tangis you (s) touch scribit he/she/it writes verrit he/she/it sweeps tangit he/she/it touches scribimus we write verrimus we sweep tangimus we touch scribitis you (pl) write verritis you (pl) sweep tangitis you (pl) touch scribunt they write verrunt they sweep tangunt they touch 5a Adjectives careful, bad, sweet, quick, good, fierce, angry 5b Adverbs often, quickly, fiercely, soon, well, badly, always Candidus cooks the beautiful peacock skilfully. Flavius orders the brave soldiers to fight fiercely. Lazy Vibrissa tries unsuccessfully to catch Minimus. Clever Pandora always arranges Lepidina’s hair. Iulius writes his letters well, so Corinthus is happy. 5c celeriter curro – I run quickly. dementer salto – I dance madly. suaviter canto – I sing sweetly. diligenter laboro – I work carefully. ferociter pugno – I fight fiercely. segniter coquo – I cook lazily. ©Minimus Et Cetera 2015 O Minimus Workbook 1 Teacher’s Notes 6a singular nouns amicus, porcus, vespa, servus plural nouns tunicae, stili, ludi, pilulae, cerae, sciuri, vaccae, delphini 6b The pig sings/is singing. The dolphins sleep/are sleeping. The squirrels fly/are flying. The cow writes/is writing. The wasps cry/are crying. The frogs sit/are sitting. 6d octo ranae. quinque simiae. duo elephanti. septem echini. tres sciuri. quattuor vaccae. sex cuniculi. decem vespae. 7a Singular orders Plural orders relinque! Leave it! redi! Go back! veni! Come! audite! Listen! sistite! Stop! sumite! Pick up! demitte! Put down! procede! Go forward! audi! venite! Come! portate! Carry! Listen! cave! Be careful! 7b 7c 1 2 T F 3 A P I L U G S 4 S C U T I 5 7 8 A G A T L E 11 G L A D I 12 C A P R I D O N T U E T S C E U R L I S C tacete! surgite! sede! cave! sistite! A 8d S G abi! O I C L O I 9 10 6 U M I UM N thermae, fornax, palaestra, apodyterium, tepidarium, sculponeae, caldarium, oleum, strigil, frigidarium, piscina, sudarium, latrina, spongia, fascinum. E A O 9a 9c in pro e sub ad inter per prope circum trans de super away from – e, in – in, between – inter, under – sub, on top of – super, across – trans, in front of – pro, towards – ad, next to – prope, down from – de, around – circum, away from – e. 10a Claudia is happy because Lepidina is visiting (quod). Iulius enters the garden and plays (et). Candidus is working carefully but Corinthus is sleeping lazily (sed). Although Rufus is tired, he is not sleeping (quamquam). The ring is gold and so it is precious (itaque). Minimus is small; the elephant, however, is very big (tamen). Vibrissa is fat; therefore, she is not running quickly (igitur). ©Minimus Et Cetera 2015 Minimus Workbook 1 Teacher’s Notes 10b 11a I N N U S U E R U A C Q D M N A M A T O R I U S C Y R M U N O D I L L I P A C U C U B I C U L U M C G H B Z Q O S U L U N A L Y I V V X S U S O I T E R P S G U R K Y W G E M M A E X M U T N E M A L L I P A C D Z M U T N E U G N U Q J I M P R O B U S H I V D O S V O V O v. Pandora praises Flavia and comforts Iulius. S N B T S A T N E T N O C 11b F M N B T W G G D E L D Q W F G B U X X K L E K D I 12a S V O O O i. Pandora looks after Flavia, Iulius and Rufus. S V O S O ii Flavia cooks the dinner and Rufus watches Flavia. S V O V O iii. Iulius tastes the dinner and throws it away. S V O S V O iv. Flavia scolds Iulius; meanwhile, Rufus eats dinner. i.Candidus Pandoram videt. ii.Corinthus Candidum videt. iii.Minimus Rufum videt. iv.Vibrissa Corinthum videt. v.Lepidina Flavium videt. vi.Rufus Lepidinam videt. vii.Pandora Flavium videt. 12b Perseus Medusam necat. Daedalus Icarum monet. Pandora cistam aperit. Echo Narcissum spectat. Narcissus Narcissum amat. Actaeon Dianam videt. Graeci equum faciunt. Cyclops unum oculum habet. 12c Rufus and Iulius and Flavia are sitting down. The slaves are working hard. Rufus and Iulius and Flavia are watching. R: Look Candidus! F: I like Candidus because he’s kind. R: I also like Candidus, because he is making a lovely sword. I: Candidus cooks a very good dinner. O: Hooray! We like Candidus! R: Look Corinthus! F: I don’t like Corinthus. I: Why don’t you like Corinthus? F: Because Corinthus is always teaching writing. I: Flavia! How lazy you are! R: I like Corinthus because he is always telling a story. I: Look Pandora! How beautiful she is! R: Flavia! Why are you crying? You are also beautiful! F: Thank you, Rufus. R: Look Vibrissa! Hello Vibrissa! F: Come here, Vibrissa! I: Listen everyone! Vibrissa is purring. ©Minimus Et Cetera 2015