NAME: MACHHI VISHWAS R ENROLL: 180280105028 INDUSTRY: LONSEN KIRI BASIC INFORMATION ADDRESS: Plot no. 498,500,545,577/B,584/B,585 to 589 Village: Dudhvada-391450 Taluka: Padra , Vadodara PHONE: (079)265-74371/72/73 FAX: (079)265-74374 E-MAIL: Company website: No of Employees: 500 LONSEN KIRI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Lonsen kiri chemical industries limited is a non-govt company, incorporated on 09 apr, 2008. It's a public unlisted company and is classified as'company limited by shares'. Company's authorized capital stands at rs 15000.0 lakhs and has 96.666664% paid-up capital which is rs 14500.0 lakhs. Lonsen kiri chemical industries limited last annual general meet (AGM) happened on 11 sep, 2017. The company last updated its financials on 31 mar, 2017 as per ministry of corporate affairs (MCA). Lonsen kiri chemical industries limited is majorly in manufacturing (metals & chemicals, and products thereof) business from last 14 years and currently, company operations are active. Current board members & directors are MANISHKUMAR PRAVINCHANDRA KIRI, YAO JIANFANG, YONG JI, HETAL NESAL SHAH, JAYESHKUMAR GAJANAND VYAS, RUAN WEIXIANG, HUI TIANGEN ZHANG, XUBIN JINGGEN HE and SHIXIN HUIREN LUO . Lonsen Kiri Chemical Industries Limited Details CIN U24114GJ2008PLC053537 Date of Incorporation 09 Apr, 2008 Status Active Company Category Company limited by Shares Company Sub-category Non-govt company Company Class Public Business Activity Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Authorized Capital 15000.0 lakhs Paid-up Capital 14500.0 lakhs Paid-up Capital % 96.666664 Registrar Office City Ahmedabad Registered State Gujarat Registration Number 53537 Registration Date 09 Apr, 2008 Listing Status Unlisted AGM last held on 11 Sep, 2017 Balance Sheet last updated on 31 Mar, 2017 Electricity source Lonsen Kiri has a boiler room which is used for power generation for whole plant. Water source Lonsen Kiri’s biggest water resource is Padra canal. Types of dyes: Natural Dye Synthetic Dye Direct Dye Disperse Dye Reactive Dye Solvent Dye Reactive dye is the dye that can react with a fibre to form a covalent link, that is forming a permanent attachment in the fibre and could not be removed by repeated treatment with boiling water under neutral conditions. Consequently, the dyes become parts of the fibre, leading to outstanding colour fastness to wash. RAW MATERIALS Raw materials are essential part of any industry. Raw materials are generally counted in tons/month. This tons/month count is based on purity count of respective material. Purity count can be simply explained by an example…. If 500kgs of material is used which contains 408 kgs of sulfuric acid then product consumption is noted as 408kgs. Some of the most used Raw materials are as follows…. HCL H.acid Hydrogen Peroxide Oleum(23%) Sodium Bicarbonate Soda ash 70% H2SO4 98%H2SO4 PRODUCTS LK has 3 plants which produces 3 types of reactive dyes throughout operation. Below info of Sulfo Tobias Acid and Sulfo J Acid are given Keta Reactive P Dyes: These are monochlorotriazine dyes most suitable for Printing and continuous dyeing . They have brilliant colours and very good storage stability. Keta Reactive HE Dyes: HE dyes are suitable for dyeing cotton and other cellulosic materials. These dyes possess significantly higher exhaustion and fixation efficiency which results in appreciable cost reduction, in comparison to conventional reactive dyes. PRODUCTION CAPACITY When an order is taken/resgistered a 6 month plan is carried out including these steps. Raw material purchase by purchase department Total raw material consumption decided by lab experiments This data is provided to plants Whole plan is carried out in plants Product is ready now. Here are some max capacities of the plants in Lonsen Kiri. Indigo: 950 mton/month Levaflix: 250 mton/month Synthesis: 18000 mton/month As any other industry Lonsen Kiri also tries to grow and for that new ways of production are always in search. Reaserch and Development department is given duty to find better, more efficient and cheaper alternatives of already established ways. • LK industry’s biggest customers consume 90% of the total product. • Main customers which have biggest consumption of products, buffer stock is stored for these customers in advance and when needed it is used. • In case when buffer stock is not used it is delivered in next order. • But there are times when additional production is required as per demand, this is added in next term of plan. • Also buffer stock is also taken aside in case when customer asks for emergency stock. WASTE TREATMENT Evaporator Spray Dryer Waste colllection in 3 tanks Oil sepration Evaporation(for concentration) Condensation Dryer Collection of heavy particles Collection of light particles Ground dumping