Uploaded by ernestoaguirre730

Music Analysis Presentation Assignment

Group Members:
Presentation Date:
Song Analysis Presentation
● Find a piece of music that features your instrument.
● Watch a performance of that piece on Youtube or other video platforms. (minimum of 4
minutes in length)
● Fill out the questions below (you have to make a copy of this google doc and save it to
your own drive)
● Make a google slides presentation on the information you answered for the questions;
explaining what you found interesting about the song your group chose.
● After your presentation, facilitate a class discussion around your song where the class
discusses the different musical elements of the song. (Just like our music discussions
earlier in the semester)
● Submit everything to google classroom (google slide presentation, this packet, and any
discussion materials)
Your Instrument(s):
Selected Piece:
Date the Piece was Composed:
Musical Era/Genre:
Musician or Group:
Link to Recording:
Why did you choose this piece?:
How were these musical elements used?:
Class Presentation
For your group’s google slide presentation you must include the following…
Minimum of five slides (make your slides creative with backgrounds, images, etc.)
Each of the four musical elements (Dynamics, Instrumentation, Melody/Lyrics and
Timbre) must be included. The other song information is up to the group.
Everyone must have a speaking part in the presentation at some time, however, you can
delegate one person to facilitate the class discussion; this would count as their speaking
Be creative in your presentation and class discussion. Use props, costumes, music, or
everything else you can think of to make the presentation unique.
Class Discussion
After your group’s slide presentation, the group will facilitate a whole class discussion on the song. If not
done already, the group will play a recording of their song choice, and lead the class through a discussion
of the musical elements of your song. It is the group’s job to have questions planned to push
conversation, and draw out meaningful responses from the class. It is not required, however, your group
will find it beneficial to create handouts or other materials to help the discussion. Any materials created
must be submitted to the google classroom assignment.
Submission Checklist
Submit all Materials by the designated presentation day
1. Music Discovery Assignment Packet (This Packet)
2. Google Slides Presentation
3. Any Discussion Material Used