Ms. Sameroff Living Environment ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do organisms generate energy when oxygen is not available. OBJECTIVE(S) Vocabulary Objective: SWBAT explain how organisms get energy in the absence of oxygen. ENL Modification Standards 9-12.WHST.5 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS1-3), (HS-PS1-10) LS1.A: Structure and Function PS3.A: Definitions of Energy DO NOW 4 min (3 min independent + 1 min whole-class review/shareout) Students will be given a question about running. Possible CFU questions can be: Why do you think your legs and muscles feel tired? After a quick share out I inform students that today we will be learning about how organisms get energy in the absence of oxygen. STRUCTURE OF THIS LESSON: This lesson is designed to be completed in 1 period. However allowance will be made for interruptions (special events, etc) and the lesson will be continued the next day if necessary. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (vocabulary) 6 min Students will be provided with a definition of fermentation. Picture will be provided (differentiation) Sentence started and picture provided (differentiation) Then teacher will transition into the learning goal. ACTIVITY #1 Guided Practice/Modeling (12 min ) Teacher will model how to find the answers in the reading, diagrams, and charts provided on the worksheet. Teacher will break it down into clear understandable steps. Teacher will model how to answer guided questions. I do, we do Teacher will monitor students as they complete Activity #1 CFU: How do you make ATP without oxygen? Explain alcoholic fermentation. Explain lactic acid fermentation. ACTIVITY #2 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (15 min) Students will be given true false statements, fill in the blank. Students will answer Regents Questions covering prior and current topics (D, D, C) CFU: What is the purpose of fermentation? EXIT (5 min) Describe the overall process of photosynthesis, including the reactants and products. After the lesson, now I understand… Something I still need help with… Modifications for Living Environment Checklists (on worksheet) KWL Chart Tips and hints Highlighters Read directions orally Self-assessment Sequence chart Vocabulary list Sentence starters ENL strategies/accommodations Spanish-English Living Environment Dictionary, word wall Repetition Gestures Advanced Macromolecules chart Some students have already passed the Living Environment Regents, and have the needed credits. These students are enrolled in the Earth Science Curriculum. They will be completing assignments in Holt, Rinehart and Winston’s interactive textbook