Thank you for downloading my FREEBIE: Writing a Public Service Announcement. I hope you find it useful and enjoy making a PSA with your students. If you have any questions, please email me at I look forward to your feedback. STEP 1: SELECT TOPIC STEPS TO WRITING A PERSUASIVE PSA Select topic to spread awareness AND research ★ Select a topic/problem you feel passionate about ★ Narrow focus to 1 main problem STEP 6: PUBLISH & SHARE STEP 5: CREATE & EDIT STEP 4: STORYBOARD STEP 3: RESEARCH & PLAN STEP 2: CRITIQUE SAMPLES Watch and critique sample PSAs ★ Watch Sample PSAs ★ Use the PSA Critiquing Checklist to analyze the sample PSAs Research & Plan your PSA ★ Research and take notes on facts, statistics, and solutions ★ Engage Audience ★ Introduce problem (with facts, statistics, quotes, images) ★ Offer Solutions/Call to Action Create a visual storyboard ★ Sketch how the PSA will look frame by frame ★ Includes: Sketch, Description, Camera Angles (if needed), Audio Notes (Voice Over, Music, etc.) Create and Edit your PSA (use video, images, text, voiceover, etc.) ★ Use apps such as iMovie and Clips (or other video creation tools) to make your PSA ★ Edit it down to less than 60 seconds Publish and Share your PSA ★ Now that you have created your Public Service Announcement it is time to share it with your intended audience © 2018 The Primary Professor PSA CRITIQUE CHECKLIST PSA CRITIQUE CHECKLIST Name _______________________________ Name _______________________________ ❏ Persuasive facts/statistics ❏ Persuasive facts/statistics ❏ Emotion evoking images or video ❏ Emotion evoking images or video ❏ Voice Over (easy to understand) ❏ Voice Over (easy to understand) ❏ Dramatic camera angles or black and white for effect ❏ Dramatic camera angles or black and white for effect ❏ Mood evoking music ❏ Mood evoking music ❏ 30 to 60 seconds ❏ 30 to 60 seconds ❏ Clearly state or show problem ❏ Clearly state or show problem ❏ Offers solutions ❏ Offers solutions ❏ Includes a call to action ❏ Includes a call to action PSA CRITIQUE CHECKLIST PSA CRITIQUE CHECKLIST Name _______________________________ Name _______________________________ ❏ Persuasive facts/statistics ❏ Persuasive facts/statistics ❏ Emotion evoking images or video ❏ Emotion evoking images or video ❏ Voice Over (easy to understand) ❏ Voice Over (easy to understand) ❏ Dramatic camera angles or black and white for effect ❏ Dramatic camera angles or black and white for effect ❏ Mood evoking music ❏ Mood evoking music ❏ 30 to 60 seconds ❏ 30 to 60 seconds ❏ Clearly state or show problem ❏ Clearly state or show problem ❏ Offers solutions ❏ Offers solutions ❏ Includes a call to action ❏ Includes a call to action © 2018 The Primary PSA PSA Planner Engaging Lead: (Wow Fact, Shocking Statistic, Quote, Image) Topic/Problem Supporting Facts/Statistics Supporting Facts/Statistics Possible Solution Possible Solution Call to Action: PSA PSA STORYBOARD STORYBOARDS SHOULD INCLUDE ❏ Sketch ❏ Description ❏ Camera Angles (if needed) ❏ Audio Notes (Voice Over, Music, etc.) ❏ Graphics/Text PSA Quick Rubric PSA Quick Rubric Name _______________________________ Name _______________________________ 1 2 3 4 Introduces a topic/problem 1 2 3 4 Introduces a topic/problem 1 2 3 4 Uses accurate supporting facts to develop points 1 2 3 4 Uses accurate supporting facts to develop points 1 2 3 4 Video grabs audience attention 1 2 3 4 Video grabs audience attention 1 2 3 4 Provides solutions or a call to action 1 2 3 4 Provides solutions or a call to action 1 2 3 4 Creates mood through music/sounds 1 2 3 4 Creates mood through music/sounds 1 2 3 4 Message in PSA is clear throughout 1 2 3 4 Message in PSA is clear throughout 1 2 3 4 Overall Score 1 2 3 4 Overall Score PSA Quick Rubric PSA Quick Rubric Name _______________________________ Name _______________________________ 1 2 3 4 Introduces a topic/problem 1 2 3 4 Introduces a topic/problem 1 2 3 4 Uses accurate supporting facts to develop points 1 2 3 4 Uses accurate supporting facts to develop points 1 2 3 4 Video grabs audience attention 1 2 3 4 Video grabs audience attention 1 2 3 4 Provides solutions or a call to action 1 2 3 4 Provides solutions or a call to action 1 2 3 4 Creates mood through music/sounds 1 2 3 4 Creates mood through music/sounds 1 2 3 4 Message in PSA is clear throughout 1 2 3 4 Message in PSA is clear throughout 1 2 3 4 Overall Score 1 2 3 4 Overall Score © 2018 The Primary