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Best Broadcast Medium: TV vs Social Media

Short Paper: Which broadcast medium is best?
To me, the best broadcasting medium is one that reaches the highest percentage of your
target audience. Television ads also give the creator a larger creative platform and more time to
get the message across. However, social media and webpage broadcasting, I believe, are the best.
I think, with television streaming options including no ads and music streaming platforms, that
these broadcasting mediums are not nearly as effective as they were just a few years ago. There
are signs that “as competition continues to move into the streaming space and price points
tighten up on the cable TV side, streaming services will be looking to squeeze out revenue in
additional ways, and showing commercials is historically the way to do that.” (Tandy, 2018). So
obviously we can’t count television out just yet.
I read an article referring to a study from Horowitz Research about advertising mediums,
and it says that social media is the best way to reach the majority of people 35 and under.
Television is still the number one way to reach people over 35. I personally think that in the
future companies will rely more on social media advertising as the older generations of people,
unfortunately, start to die. Technology seems to die as well once the next invention comes along.
One example of technology dying off and being replaced with modern technology is the cell
phone and landline phone. Once the cell phone was widely obtainable, the landline phones
decreased. In an article from Global Telecoms Business, Analyst Paul Budde says, “US telecoms
markets show that broadband penetration has slipped in the world league table, while mobile
ownership has now reached 88% of the population and -- as in other countries --landline
ownership is in steady decline” (You could even go as far as to say that the landline telephone
replaced handwritten letters. So, who is to say that new technology will come along in the next
couple of years and shake up the way companies advertise.
"Millennials Feel Social Media is the Most Effective Advertising Medium--But Don't Count TV
Ads Out Yet, New Horowitz Study Finds." GlobeNewswire 3 May 2018. Business
Insights: Global. Web. 4 Feb. 2022.
Tandy, Alex. “Streaming Will Kill Cable TV in 10–15 Years”. Medium. 2018, December 11.
https://medium.com/@alex.tandy/streaming-will-kill-cable-tv-in-10-15-years5b75a9f60686 (Para. 12)
US landline decline continues as mobile use approaches saturation. (2009). Global Telecoms
Business, 103, 36–37.