RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE S.No Description Hazard Hazard Effect ( Consequence ) Standard Control Measures Risk Level L 1 General and preparation activities Lack of communication In adequate procedure Unskilled personnel, Weather condition, Injuries to the personnel, Heavy rain, High wind, Poor understanding of workers, 2 Mobilization of personnel Less experience personnel, Poor communication, Personnel with partial disability, Young workers. Poor execution of structure, Failure to follow workplace safety, Difficult to respond in emergency situations. Safety orientation to the workers, Tool box talk for the workers prior to commencement of activity Must be aware of weather condition Skilled personnel should be employed, The workers should understand the local language, Young workers should be monitored by the foreman. LXS=R S R Additional controls and Risk reduction measures Action Responsible Residual Risk Level LXS=R L S R C 2 M No hurry to carry out any activities, Display warning signs, Provide shelters to the workers Project Engineer A 1 L C 3 M Safety awareness trainings should be given to workers, Workers should be medically fit to carry out activities, Young workers should be trained and monitored by Project Engineer. B 2 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE the foreman 3 Mobilization of construction materials Wrong specification of materials, Less quantity, Storage and segregation of materials, Injury due to manual handling of materials, Exposure to dust, Noise, Harm to fingers, Cut injury, Falling object from height, Failure of heavy equipment’s, Speeding of the vehicle in site, Poor signalling, Poor maintenance of vehicle or heavy equipment’s. Poor structure and inadequate quality, Injury to the personnel, Spinal cord dislocation, Severe back pain, MSD, Silicosis, Hearing loss, Abrasion, Head injury, Overturning, Caught in between, Failure of brakes and hydraulic oil leaks. Material selection should be in accordance with the standard, Construction materialsstorage area should be properly barricaded, Unloading of materials under supervision of foreman, No horse play in the site, Vehicles should be maintained properly. Non-essential personnel should be away from site, Use PPE. C 3 M Materials should be stored in designated area, Personnel should be trained enough in order to carry out loading – unloading activities, The vehicles should not be overloaded, During rainy season material movement should be done with extreme care and supervision, Signaller must be available to carry out loading and un loading Project Engineer, Site In charge. B 1 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE 4 Marking the profile for excavation of retaining wall Loose materials / Stones Dust Wet Soil Poor Communication Awkward body postures Slip /Trip Silicosis Failure of contact MSD Severe back pain Sprain Remove loose materials and stones from site, Use dust mask to avoid inhalation of fine particles, Do not twist your body, Personnel must be able to understand the local language. C 2 M 5 Excavation Underground facilities, Cave in, Restricted access, Lack of Lighting, Oxygen deficiency, Water flooding, Poor communication. Electrocution, Damage to pipelines, water flooding, asphyxiation, difficult to escape from the site, IDLH. Check for any existing underground facilities, Shoring must be provided to avoid sliding of soil, Personnel should enter in excavation with C 4 M activities, Use PPE. Clear the workplace prior to commenceme nt of any activities, Extreme care to be taken while working on Wet soil, Personnel should be aware of manual handling techniques, Appropriate PPE must be worn. Do not keep the excavated soil near the excavation area, Vehicle movement should not be allowed near the excavation, Site Engineer,Crew. B 2 L Project Engineer, crew, Vehicle drivers. A 4 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE adequate PPE, If water flooding occurs must be drained out prior to enter in to excavation. 6 Pouring of plain cement concrete Cave in Slip/Trip Inhalation of fine particles Manual handling Fall from height Falling of object Overload Awkward body posture Silicosis Back ache MSD Personnel Injury Ensure shoring is in place and check for stability, Use dust mask, Do not throw mortar pan with concrete from higher level to lower level, Do not overload the mortar pan, Do not keep C 3 M Warning signs should be displayed, Personnel should have adequate access to enter/exit from excavation, Standby man should be available, Personnel must be able to properly communicate, Use adequate PPE. Provide ladder for access, Use proper manual handling techniques to carrying smaller loads, Provide barrier and handrails to avoid slip/trip, Use PPE. Site In charge, Crew. A 3 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE 7 Dressing of Random Rubble masonry Flying objects Inhalation of Dust MSD ( musckelo Skeletal Disorder) Sliding of soil Failure of shoring Eye Injury Silicosis Abrasion Finger injury Cave in 8 Marking of retaining wall Slip/Trip Failure of shoring Lack of oxygen Lack of sunlight Poor communication Asphyxiation, Cave in Unable to understand the language, mixer machine near the excavation area. Use appropriate hammer, Ensure the hammer head is secured wooden grip available, Do not twist body, Use safety goggle to protect eyes, Do not leave loose materials on concrete surface, Provide Ladder for ease of access, Ensure adequate C 2 M Use correct Site In tools, charge,crew. Trained personnel should be available for monitoring the activity, Use Dust mask and hand gloves, Check the stability of shoring, Ensure the bracings of shoring not removed or loosened. B 2 L C 2 M Provide proper access, Ensure the workers are able to understand the local language, B 2 L Project Engineer, site in charge. RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE 9 Mixing of cement mortar Inhalation of dust particles Slip/trip Fall from different level Caught in between Damaged oil hose Improper maintenance of mixer machine Noise Vibration Over loading of fine and coarse aggregate in mixer machine Silicosis Personnel injury Failure of bearing Failure of brake system Overturning of mixer machine, Finger injury, Hearing loss due to continuous exposure to noise, 10 Erection of scaffolding Fall from height Falling object In adequate experience Damaged scaffolding tubes, In adequate base plate, In appropriate bracing to the scaffolding Injury to the personnel, Scaffolding collapse. lighting is available, Check for shoring stability. . The machine operator must have experience to operate the machine, Ensure the mixer machine is properly maintained and greasing applied for bearing and wheels, No horse play , Use appropriate PPE’s, Materials should be transferred from lower level to higher level through buckets, Experienced personnel should erect the scaffolding. Ensure the shoring is properly secured. C 4 M Ensure the machine has adequate maintenance record, Do not overload the mixer machine, Restrict the personnel movement near mixer machine. Site in charge, Crew. A 4 L E 2 M Scaffolding tubes should not have any bends, Scaffolding erection should be monitored by supervisor, Plumb checks Site in chargescaffoldi ng crew A 3 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE 11 Construction of Retaining wall Manual handling Overload Inhalation of fine particles Awkward body posture Fall from height Falling object Ingestion of cement dust Slip/Trip Poor communication Lack of training and experience Injury to the personnel, Back ache, Sprain, MSD, Silicosis, Unable to understand the language. Ensure experienced masons are carrying out activities, Do not throw materials from different level, Use PPE, Ensure the workers able to understand language. E 2 M to be done during erection of scaffold, Use Safety harness to avoid fall from height. Use manual handling techniques, Use dust mask to avoid inhalation of fine particles, Use Scaffolding platform to execute structure, Use safety harness to avoid fall from height. Crew, Site in charge, Project Engineer. A 3 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE 12 Curing of Retaining wall Slip / Trip Fall from height Wet soil Name : K.Basheerudeen Date : 25-09-2015 Signature : Personnel injury. Name : Date : Signature : Use PPE D 1 M Adequate PPE’s must be available, Ensure the worker should take extreme care while working on wet soil, Curing should be done in specific time. Site in charge. A 1 L RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX HAZARD SEVERITY (CONSEQUENCE) 1 Minor Minor Injury / Minimal pollution effect / No loss time / No internal disruption / No downtime 2 Low Injury which requires medical attention / 1-3 day loss time / Minor pollution effect / Minor internal disruption / 1 Day downtime 3 Medium Potentially life threatening Injury causing temporary disability (e.g. fractures) and/or requiring medivac / Potential long term absence / Pollution with some onsite/offsite impact / Disruption possibly requiring outside help to manage / Downtime between 1 and 7 days 4 High Major life threatening injury or causing permanent disability (e.g loss of limb) / Incomplete recovery / Pollution with significant impact / Very serious business disruption / Up to 4 weeks downtime 5 Major Fatality or multiple fatalities, or multiple life threatening injuries causing permanent disabilities / Massive pollution with significant recovery work / catastrophic business impact and national/global media interest / Over 1 month downtime LIKELIHOOD (PROBABILITY) A Unlikely B Remote C Possible D Probable E Very Likely Could only occur under a freak combination of factors. AC (less frequent than 10-5) May occur only in exceptional circumstances. AC (10-5 to 10-4) Could occur at some time. AC (10-4 to 10-2) Would no require extraordinary factors to occur at some time. AC (10-2 to 10-1) Almost certain to happen if conditions remain unchanged. AC (10-1 to 1) A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 RISK ASSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RETATINING WALL AT YERCAUD COTTAGE LOW (L) Any task that has this risk ranking is generally acceptable. The work environment and methodology presents minimal risks to personnel (see A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, A3, A4 on the above matrix) MEDIUM (M) Any task that has this risk ranking is only acceptable if the Risk is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). ALARP assessments should be completed by suitably qualified and experienced persons. Personnel completing tasks which are in this band should be fully aware of the risks which exist and the control measures put in place to minimize them (see D1, E1, C2, D2, E2, B3, C3, B4, C4, A5, B5 on the above matrix). HIGH (H) Any task that has this risk ranking must not be completed. It should be refined or further control measures put in place to reduce risk (see D3, E3, D4, E4, C5, D5, E5 on the above matrix).