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Radiation Data Scraping Requirements for Web Databases

Web Databases Scraping Requirements for Radiation Data
Target Web Databases:
1) GSFC database: https://radhome.gsfc.nasa.gov/radhome/RadDataBase/RadDataBase.html
2) ESCIES database: https://escies.org/labreport/radiationList
3) DOEEET database: https://www.doeeet.com/home
a. This database requires a free registration for getting the download link
4) EEE Radiation database: https://www.eeeradiation.com/login
a. This database requires a free registration for logging in
1) For each data base above, provide source code of the scraping python script.
2) For each data base above, provide required data (described below) in a CSV file (One file for
each database).
General Data Requirements:
This section provides general requirements applied for all databases.
For each database, place the field name on the first row in the result CSV file.
For each database, the electric part number (part references) shall be scrapped.
For each database, place electric part number as first column in the result CSV file.
For each database, if unit (Volt, MeV, etc) exists for a field, place the unit in parathesis after the
field name.
5) For each database, all webpages shall be scraped for data. Some databases require “click” on
the part number to show detailed information for that part.
Detailed Data Requirements:
For each database, scrape the following fields for every part number:
1) GSFC database: https://radhome.gsfc.nasa.gov/radhome/RadDataBase/RadDataBase.html
a. Part Number
b. Function
c. Manufactures
d. Date
e. Files or reports (provide link to each individual file)
f. Test Type
g. Category
h. Test Level
2) ESCIES database: https://escies.org/labreport/radiationList
a. Description
b. Manufacturer
c. Part Type
d. Source/User
e. Date
f. Report
g. TID (provide link to each individual file)
h. SEE (provide link to each individual file)
i. TNID (provide link to each individual file)
3) DOEEET database: https://www.doeeet.com/home
a. Part Number (under general data)
b. Part Type (under general data)
c. Manufacturer (under general data)
d. All fields in “Radiation: Potential Sensitivity” menu (if exists) (require a click to expand
e. All fields in “Radiation Features: SEE” menu (if exists) (require a click to expand menu)
f. All fields in “Radiation Features: TID & TNID” menu (if exists) (require a click to expand
g. All fields in “ADDITIONAL INFO -> Radiation information” menu (if exists) (require a click
to expand menu)
i. This menu is in table format after expanding
ii. Capture all fields in the table to a separate CSV file (provide link to each
downloadable file in the table)
iii. Name the separate CSV file DOEEET_< Part Number>_Addition.csv
4) EEE Radiation database: https://www.eeeradiation.com/login
a. Part number
b. Manufacturer
c. Device function
d. Technology
e. Node
f. Lot date code /wafer lot no
g. Test facility
h. Particle
i. Energy
j. Dose rate
k. Bias
l. Test temperature
m. TID minimum
n. TID maximum
o. Displacement damage fluence (cm2)
p. SEL LET threshold minimum (MeV-cm2/mg)
q. SEL LET threshold maximum (MeV-cm2/mg)
r. SEGR/SEB/Destructive SEE LET threshold minimum (MeV-cm2/mg)
s. SEGR/SEB/Destructive SEE LET threshold maximum (MeV-cm2/mg)
t. Survival voltage (V)
u. Reference
v. Results