The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at IJHCQA 20,7 572 Received 10 May 2006 Revised 24 July 2006 Accepted 17 September 2006 Safety self-efficacy and safety performance Potential antecedents and the moderation effect of standardization Tal Katz-Navon The Arison School of Business Administration, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel Eitan Naveh Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, and Zvi Stern Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new safety self-efficacy construct and to explore its antecedents and interaction with standardization to influence in-patient safety. Design/methodology/approach – The paper used a survey of 161 nurses using a self-administered questionnaire over a 14-day period in two large Israeli general hospitals. Nurses answered questions relating to four safety self-efficacy antecedents: enactive mastery experiences; managers as safety role models; verbal persuasion; and safety priority, that relate to the perceived level of standardization and safety self-efficacy. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the scale’s construct validity. Regression models were used to test hypotheses regarding the antecedents and influence of safety self-efficacy. Findings – Results indicate that: managers as safety role models; distributing safety information; and priority given to safety, contributed to safety self-efficacy. Additionally, standardization moderated the effects of safety self-efficacy and patient safety such that safety self-efficacy was positively associated with patient safety when standardization was low rather than high. Hospital managers should be aware of individual motivations as safety self-efficacy when evaluating the potential influence of standardization on patient safety. Originality/value – Theoretically, the study introduces a new safety self-efficacy concept, and captures its antecedents and influence on safety performance. Also, the study suggests safety self-efficacy as a boundary condition for the influence of standardization on safety performance. Implementing standardization in healthcare is problematic because not all processes can be standardized. In this case, self-efficacy plays an important role in securing patient safety. Hence, safety self-efficacy may serve as a “substitute-for-standardization,” by promoting staff behaviors that affect patient safety. Keywords Standardization, Safety, Israel Paper type Research paper International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Vol. 20 No. 7, 2007 pp. 572-584 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0952-6862 DOI 10.1108/09526860710822716 Introduction It is estimated that 44,000 to 98,000 patients die each year as a result of treatment errors in the US healthcare system. The total national annual cost of treatment errors is estimated between $17 and $29 billion (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America The authors would like to thank Anat Drach-Zehavi and Efrat Neter for their helpful comments. and Institute of Medicine, 2000). The accuracy of these numbers has been challenged (McDonald et al., 2000), but there is general agreement that patient safety problems, as expressed by the number of treatment errors, is serious (Chassin and Galvin and National Roundtable on Health Care Quality, 1998; Leape, 2002). Treatment errors are increasingly viewed as organizational, not simply clinical outcomes. This emergent interpretation emphasizes the importance of organizational psychology theories that explain treatment error occurrence. Organization safety in general, is defined as freedom from accidental injury (Perrow, 1984; Roberts, 1990), related to the employee safety and other organizational stakeholders including customers. In healthcare, patient safety refers to avoidance, prevention, and amelioration of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from healthcare processes (i.e. iatrogenic). These adverse outcomes include errors and accidents caused by medical actions (in contrast to disease complications), events that result from equipment failure, failure to complete a planned action as intended (e.g. surgical events, events involving devices, patient protection, and care) or the use of the wrong plan to achieve an aim (Gaba, 2000; Leape, 2002). Traditionally, when patient safety is compromised, the root cause is generally found in inadequate safety rules and procedures. Our premise is that, in order to assure patient safety and avoid treatment errors, hospitals should develop and implement safety procedures (Perrow, 1984). Formal safety procedures are written organizational rules and routines that are valuable to the organization because they define how safety requirements will be met successfully. Research findings have inconsistently determined the extent to which this emphasis on standardization leads to patient safety improvement (Leape, 2002). Self-efficacy has been suggested as a necessary condition for a wide range of individual performances (Bandura, 1997; Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998). In this study, we use self-efficacy in the context of safety, identify its antecedents, and demonstrate its moderating effect on patient safety in conjunction with the standardization level. Literature review Safety self-efficacy Self-efficacy perceptions influence one’s motivation to engage in specific behaviors (Bandura, 1997). Thus, self-efficacy holds much promise for understanding safety actions in organizational settings, specifically, patient safety in healthcare organizations. Self-efficacy is defined as people’s judgment of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated performances. It is concerned not with skills but one’s judgments of what one can do with one’s skills. Hence, different people with similar skills, or the same person under different circumstances, may perform differently, depending on variations in their beliefs of personal efficacy (Bandura, 1997). Personal efficacy expectations determine whether an individual initiates coping behavior, expends task-related efforts and sustains efforts despite disconfirming evidence. Self-efficacy is a situation-specific cognition that is highly focused on a particular task. Decades of empirical research generated a great number of studies that demonstrated positive relationships between task-specific self-efficacies and different motivational and behavioral outcomes in a variety of settings (Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998). For example, Tierney and Farmer (2002) developed a new concept, creative self-efficacy and demonstrated its influence on creativity. Some researchers became interested in the more trait-like generality self-efficacy dimension, termed general self-efficacy (Chen et al., 2001). In this article, we follow Bandura’s state-like self-efficacy conceptualization. Safety selfefficacy 573 IJHCQA 20,7 574 Despite self-efficacy’s potential influence on safety performance, little attention has been directed toward the concept in a safety context. Thus, we use safety self-efficacy and define it as one’s belief in one’s ability to assure patient safety. Safety self-efficacy is qualitatively different than other related concepts, such as safety consciousness (Barling et al., 2002), which have been used in the literature in order to explain individual safety performance. Safety consciousness focuses on the individual’s awareness of safety issues as well as more behavior-specific knowledge required to ensure safety. Safety self-efficacy, on the other hand, focuses on one’s judgment of one’s ability to assure patient safety. Safety self-efficacy antecedents We used Bandura’s (1997) self-efficacy conceptual framework to guide our understanding and selection of safety self-efficacy determinants in the healthcare setting. Self-efficacy beliefs are constructed from three principal information sources: (1) Enactive mastery experiences that serve as capability indicators. (2) Vicarious experiences that alter efficacy beliefs through comparison with attaining other role models. (3) Verbal persuasion (Bandura, 1997). In the case of safety self-efficacy, we suggest one additional contextual self-efficacy source, the perceived priority given to safety within the organizational unit (Katz-Navon et al., 2005; Naveh et al., 2006). Thus, to develop a nomological net, specific to safety self-efficacy, we considered four determinants: (1) Enactive mastery experiences. The efficacy-performance relationship is cyclic (Lindsley et al., 1995); that is, performance affects self-efficacy, which, in turn affects performance and so on. The conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior required has been shown to have a positive effect on performance (Bandura, 1997). Past successes build a robust belief in one’s personal efficacy perception, while failures undermine it. Bandura (1997) emphasized that after people gain experience performing tasks, past performance should become the major explanatory factor of future self-efficacy. Indeed, in Sexton et al.’s (1992) study, perceived self-efficacy accounted for variance in the first performance stage, but after this initial “break-in” phase, earlier behavior accounted for most of the variance in the succeeding task performance. Similarly, self-efficacy correlated more with past performance than with future performance. Self-efficacy significantly predicted future performance only when past performance was held constant (Locke et al., 1984). There is also a body of literature that emphasizes the importance of how humans learn by making mistakes. Thus, analyzing performance allows the individual to make adjustments in future efforts based on the previous decrease or increase in performance. Thus, in the context of safety, one’s past experiences in successes or failures maintaining patient safety should increase or decrease, respectively, one’s safety self-efficacy. The self-efficacy theory locates performance with the individual. There is another line of thought in risk management, however, suggesting that this is a phenomenon that is co-created within the work group. H1. Enactive mastery experiences will be positively associated with safety self-efficacy. (2) The manager as a role model. People also develop their self-efficacy from role model vicarious experiences. Role modeling by supervisors is crucial for efficacy development in complex challenging activities (Bandura, 1997) such as those that confront healthcare personnel. Gist and Mitchell (1992) believed employees may lack criteria by which to determine task success, while models demonstrating effective performance strategies provide employees with data by which to assess their efficacy. Supervisors may also engage in acts of verbal persuasion that are conducive to self-efficacy formulation (Bandura, 1997). Healthcare personnel’s perceptions of their supervisors’ safety-related activities and methods express the extent to which they believe their supervisor is committed to patient safety (Zohar, 2002). Supervisors set the tone and tempo for safety, for example, by emphasizing safety behaviors: H2. Perceptions of managers’ safety role models will be positively associated with safety self-efficacy. (3) Verbal persuasion. Information and knowledge shape self-efficacy assessments (Gist and Mitchell, 1992). Thus, we would expect to see an association between safety-related knowledge and safety self-efficacy. The formal safety-information flow within an organization deals with delivering several information types to employees; such as unusual events, potential hazardous conditions and safety training sessions (OHSAS 18001, 1999). Several safety-related knowledge sources usually exist in healthcare systems: safety training; routine distribution of information about potential hazards; learning from past experiences and errors. Safety information dissemination to employees constitutes an organization’s planned effort to improve employees’ current and future safety performance by increasing their self-efficacy and redirecting their attention toward safety (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2003; Ford et al., 1994). Information about safety provides staff members with guidelines for performing their job in a safe manner, which shapes the belief one has in one’s ability to assure patient safety: H3. Safety information perceptions will be positively associated with safety self-efficacy. (4) Priority of safety. Safety priority refers to employee expectations and daily behaviors regarding work-unit balance, workload and pressures for productivity and safety (Zohar, 2000). Working in a safe manner often entails working at a slower pace, investing extra effort, or operating under less-comfortable conditions. Consequently, whenever work pressure increases, employees use a complex system of considerations to set the relative priorities for safety versus speed or productivity. These considerations include for example, organization evaluation, feedback, and reward systems (Kerr, 1975). When safety priority is perceived as low, employees will focus on productivity and will perceive they do not have the necessary resources for maintaining patient safety. Thus, their safety self-efficacy will be low. On the other hand, when safety priority is perceived high, employees will sense that the organization supports and rewards their safety behaviors and thus, their safety self-efficacy will be high: H4. Safety priority will be positively associated with safety self-efficacy. Safety selfefficacy 575 IJHCQA 20,7 576 Safety self-efficacy, standardization and patient safety Numerous studies examined self-efficacy behavioral consequences in work organizations (Bandura, 1997; Gist and Mitchell, 1992; Locke and Latham, 2002; Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998). The majority found that self-efficacy ratings were positively correlated with performance. Many healthcare studies established relationships between patients’ self-efficacies and the success of their clinical medical treatment (Bandura, 1997, pp. 279-286; Fries et al., 1998). Nevertheless, we could not find any study that established the relationship with self-efficacy specifically regarding patient safety. Traditionally, in the healthcare industry, the treatment errors and lack of patient safety were related to disease complications (Leape et al., 1991) or ergonomic factors (Donchin et al., 1995). Recently, however, most researchers agree that staff cognition and motivation are also associated with safe patient care provision (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America and Institute of Medicine, 2000; Katz-Navon et al., 2005). Elevated self-efficacy leads to certain cognitive outcomes (e.g. broader information searches, greater memory recall) and sustaining efforts linked to performance (Bandura, 1997). Accordingly, high safety self-efficacy beliefs should enhance persistence levels and coping efforts individuals need to demonstrate when encountering challenging situations such as keeping a high level of patient safety: H5. Safety self-efficacy will be positively associated with patient safety. The healthcare environment is complex in terms of its task characteristics, since each patient is unique. In order to control complexity and assure patient safety, healthcare organizations place a strong emphasis on high standardization, i.e. the use of safety procedures. Standardized work entails detailing how work should be performed to reduce the variance associated with each task and thereby improve overall performance (March, 1991). Procedures rigidly detail the sequence of steps that should be taken for to complete tasks safely. Their aim is to assure safety performance by reducing the risk of errors and managing the elements of uncertainty and risk inherent in work methods (Brunsson and Jacobsson, 2000). Healthcare organizations implement safety procedures even though research results regarding the extent to which they lead to safety improvement are inconsistent (Leape, 2002). In healthcare, strict adherence to safety procedures can only partially ensure good safety performance, because uncertainty is high, and proper patient care necessitates flexibility and constant decision-making. In uncertain situations, formal procedures that should ensure safe employee behavior cannot encompass all possible daily work situations (Gittell, 2002). We argue that safety self-efficacy suggests a possible solution for the debate on the preferable level of standardization in the healthcare context. Following Mischel et al.’s (1977, pp. 333-352) weak and strong situation’s theory, we posit that low standardization represents a weak situation where there is no clear structure that tells staff how to behave safely. On the other hand, high standardization is a strong situation, in which there is a clear structure that specifically instructs staff members how to behave safely. High safety self-efficacy should influence performance in a weak situation more than in a strong one. Safety self-efficacy should be less important for safe performance in a strong high standardization situation since, when standardization is high, there is a clear structure that directs employees exactly how to act. When employees perceive the level of standardization to be high, low and high self-efficacious employees should perform relatively well since following the standard assures safety performance. Perceived high standardization should help even the less efficacious employees achieve good safety performance. On the other hand, in the weak, low standardization situation, employees perceive that there are no rules to follow, and good safety performance requires higher motivation. Thus, low self-efficacious employees, who lack a structured environment, perform worse than highly efficacious employees: H6. Level of perceived standardization will moderate the effect of safety self-efficacy on patient safety in such a way that safety self-efficacy will be positively associated with patient safety when standardization is perceived as low rather than high. Methods Participants We surveyed 161 nurses using a self-administered questionnaire over a 14-day period in two large private non-for-profit Israeli general hospitals. Each hospital treats more than 100,000 patients annually. We administered the questionnaires during working hours. We randomly distributed questionnaires to 200 nurses in the different wards and asked them to voluntarily participate in a study about patient safety. This constituted a response rate of about 80 percent. Mean nurses’ seniority was 10.7 years (SD ¼ 8:6 years) with a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 37 years in their profession. Measures . Safety self-efficacy was assessed using six items (Alpha Cronbach Reliability a ¼ 0:82 which measures inter-item consistency or agreement of values within cases). Since self-efficacy is task-specific as we noted earlier, we constructed the safety self-efficacy scale by focusing the questions from the general efficacy scale to the safety domain. For example, “I can give my patients safe medical care”, “I am confident in my ability to keep the safety procedures of my unit”. This and all other independent measures were scored on a five-point Likert-type scale from not at all or to a very slight extent (1) to a very large extent (5). . Enactive mastery experience was measured using the annual number of treatment errors made by the unit members in the year before the questionnaire was administered. Personal capabilities are easier to judge for activities that produce independent objective indicators of adequacy (Bandura, 1997). In healthcare, patient safety and treatment errors tend to have no absolute measure of adequacy. Consequently, the staff must appraise their capabilities in relationship to the others’ attainments. For example, a nurse may make a certain number of treatment errors in a certain period of time. However, that nurse would have no basis for judging whether this is acceptable or poor safety performance without knowing how others have performed. Personal past performance cannot always serve as a reference for what is good performance since the employee would have no basis for judging without knowing how others have performed. Thus, each employee can use the unit’s annual number of treatment errors as a reference to assess her/his performance. . Manager as a role model was assessed using six items, e.g. “In my unit, the unit head approaches team members during work to bring safety issues to their attention”; “In my unit, the unit head ensures there are no hazards” (a ¼ 0:86). . Safety information was measured with four items, e.g. “in my unit, there are many safety training programs” (a ¼ 0:077). Safety selfefficacy 577 IJHCQA 20,7 . . 578 . . Priority of safety was measured with seven items, e.g. “in my unit, in order to get the work done, one must ignore some safety aspects” (a ¼ 0:85), and standardization was measured using four items, e.g. “In my unit, there are many written procedures” (a ¼ 0:82). General self-efficacy was assessed using three items based on Chen et al. (2001): “I am confident in my ability to perform my work”, I have confidence in my ability to perform the different tasks required on my job’ and “I have the required skills to perform my job” (a ¼ 0:69). Safety consciousness was assessed using two items adapted from Barling et al. (2002) applied to patient safety: “I always use the protective equipment needed in my work (e.g. rubber gloves, robe)”, and “I am well aware of the safety risks of my work” (a ¼ 0:56). Patient safety was measured using nine questions that specified potential safety failures. These potential failures were developed based on Committee on Quality of Health Care in America and Institute of Medicine (2000). Since accidents are rare events (Perrow, 1984). We asked respondents to assess the number of near-misses in each of the nine potential safety failures that happened to them in the last three months. For example, “How many times in the last three months did you nearly give a patient the wrong medicine?” or “How many times in the last three months have you nearly misidentified a patient?” The measure was the sum of the numbers reported in response to all nine potential safety failures. Results First, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using SAS, version 9.1 to test whether general self-efficacy, safety self-efficacy and safety consciousness are three sufficiently distinct factors. The analysis was performed on variance-covariance matrices with pair-wise deletion of missing values. The three-factor CFA yielded an acceptable “fit” (Bollen, 1989) of x2 (46, N ¼ 157) ¼ 74:22, p , 0.01, NNFI ¼ 0:94, CFI ¼ 0:95, and RMSEA ¼ 0:06. All the standardized factor loadings in the model were above 0.6 (most loadings were around 0.7). The means, standard deviations, and correlations among the variables are summarized in Table I. Testing H1 to H4, potential safety self-efficacy antecedents, we regressed safety self-efficacy on enactive mastery experiences, manager as a role model, verbal persuasion and safety priority (see Table II). Results demonstrated significant effects for: manager as a role model; verbal persuasion and priority of safety and a non-significant effect for enactive mastery experiences. Thus, H2 to H4 were supported. Testing H5 and H6, we regressed patient safety on safety self-efficacy and standardization, and their two-way interaction. We also included general self-efficacy and safety consciousness in the analysis as control variables. To effectively partial-out all hospital variance, thereby eliminating the potential lack of independence in the unit level residual, we dummy coded the hospital and used it as a control variable. Because the safety performance dependent variable was a count variable of infrequently occurring events that had only non-negative integer values, we used a negative binomial regression analysis (Gardner et al., 1995). In model 2, Table III, results demonstrate that general self-efficacy, safety consciousness and hospital had near zero magnitude insignificant effects. Hence, we regressed another model without these three General self-efficacy Safety self-efficacy Safety consciousness Enactive mastery experiences Manager as a role model Verbal persuasion Priority of safetya Standardization Patient safety 4.57 4.02 4.6 15.74 3.82 3.47 2.31 3.73 3.5 0.48 0.52 0.51 0.84 0.70 0.72 0.76 0.67 5.47 SD 0.31 * * * 0.44 * * * 0.23 0.33 * * * 0.19 * * 20.26 * * * 0.41 * * * 20.18 * * 1 0.21 * * * 0.03 0.21 * * * 0.17 * * 20.30 * * * 0.38 * * * 20.28 * * * 2 0.06 0.27 * * * 0.28 * * * 2 0.15 0.30 * * * 2 0.21 * * * 3 2 0.01 0.08 0.05 0.22 0.09 4 0.40 * * * 20.09 0.40 * * * 20.01 5 6 0.04 0.40 * * * 20.13 Notes: a Note that a high score on priority of safety signifies a lack of priority: *p , 0.1; * *p , 0.05; * * *p , 0.01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mean 8 20.30 * * * 7 20.22 * * * 0.35 * * * Safety selfefficacy 579 Table I. Mean, standard deviation, and correlation among the variables (n ¼ 162) IJHCQA 20,7 variables (Cohen, 1988). Results demonstrated significant main effects and interaction (see model 3, Table III). To understand interaction, we followed the graphing method outlined by Aiken and West (1991). Figure 1 shows that when standardization was perceived high, there was no difference in the number of near-misses between high and low safety self-efficacy. However, when standardization was perceived low, there were fewer near-misses for 580 Model 1 safety self-efficacy Table II. Regression analysis of safety self-efficacy on its antecedents (standardized b coefficients) Table III. Negative binomial regression of safety performance on self-efficacy and procedures suitability (b coefficients with S.E. in parentheses) Figure 1. The effect of safety self-efficacy on patient safety by levels of standardization Enactive mastery experiences Role modeling Verbal persuasion Priority of safetya R2 F 0.02 0.13 * 0.137 * * 20.295 * * * 0.14 6.34 * * * Notes: a Note that a high score on priority of safety signifies a lack of priority; *p , 0.1; * *p , 0.05; * * *p , 0.01 Intercept Safety self-efficacy Standardization General self-efficacy Safety consciousness Safety self-efficacy £ standardization Hospital Dispersion estimate Notes: *p , 0.1; * *p , 0.05; * * *p , 0.01 Model 2 patient safety Model 3 patient safety 11.42 * * * (4.20) 2 2.11 * * (1.09) 2 1.84 * (1.13) 2 0.01 (0.22) 2 0.22 (0.20) 0.41 (0.28) 0.00 (0.2) 1.02 (0.16) 10.97 * * * (4.18) 22.22 * * (1.08) 21.97 * * (1.12) 0.43 * (0.28) 1.04 (0.16) high safety self-efficacious staff members as compared to less self-efficacious staff members. Discussion While other industries also have to deal with customer safety (for example, airlines and nuclear power plants), healthcare safety demands specific care. Additionally, while customer safety in other high reliability industries can be assured through technological solutions, reliability analyses or expert systems and healthcare customer safety depends greatly on personnel. Consequently, safety self-efficacy is highly relevant to safety performance. Although hospital staff try to ensure patient safety, they are not completely successful and treatment errors are still a major problem. The present study adds theoretical and empirical tiers to our understanding of treatment error origins. Theoretically, by introducing safety self-efficacy, the study captures its antecedents and its influence on safety performance. Also, the study suggests it as a boundary condition for the influence of standardization on safety performance. According to Bandura (1997), the first and most influential self-efficacy antecedent is past experiences with the task at hand. However, in the present study, past experiences with patient care were not significantly associated with safety self-efficacy. This unexpected result may be explained by the hospital context. The healthcare environment is complex in task characteristic terms, since each patient is unique and each situation is different. Thus, knowledge of past results only partially helps one’s ability to cope with different situations. One other possible explanation is a measurement issue because past experiences were measured on the unit, while self-efficacy was measured individually. In addition, Bandura (1997) suggested two other self-efficacy antecedents: role modeling and verbal persuasion. Managers, who emphasize safety, serve as safety role models. Thus, their employees have higher safety self-efficacy. The healthcare system supplements employees with information about safety that emphasizes the ultimate importance of keeping patients safe. Providing information about potential hazards can develop employees’ safety self-efficacy since a definition of the problem is part of its solution. Following Katz-Navon et al. (2005), who prioritized safety as a treatment error explanation, we suggest that safety priority as safety self-efficacy is an antecedent. This issue of priority has received special attention in the safety literature (Zohar, 2002). Our results demonstrate that safety priority was significantly associated with safety self-efficacy over and above the other three antecedents. High safety priority means that in the necessary tradeoff between safety and other organizational outcomes (e.g., speed, productivity) priority is given to safety. Knowing this, the individual is motivated to operate safely. Furthermore, we found a significant interaction between self-efficacy and standardization and their influence on patient safety. Safety self-efficacy has no effect on performance in highly standardized environments. However, implementing standardization in healthcare is problematic (Leape, 2002), and not all processes can be standardized. In these cases, self-efficacy plays an important role securing patient safety. Hence, safety self-efficacy may serve as a ‘substitute-for-standardization,’ by promoting staff behaviors that affect patient safety. Future research should address specific mechanisms by which safety self-efficacy influence specific safety behaviors. Finally, in our study, safety self-efficacy influenced patient safety while general self-efficacy and safety consciousness did not. This is an important finding because the literature tends to Safety selfefficacy 581 IJHCQA 20,7 582 underline general self-efficacy instead of the situation specific efficacies (Chen et al., 2001). For example, in healthcare, a physician may have a high general self-efficacy that s/he can treat his/her patients well, and at the same time has low safety performance. Limitations and future research Our measure of enactive mastery experiences was at the unit analysis level while self-efficacy was measured individually. Future research should develop alternative measures of enactive mastery safety experiences. Second, the collection of safety data in organizations in general, and in hospitals specifically, is subject to problems of willingness to report because employees may tend to under-report errors (Leape, 2002). Recently, Studdert et al. (2004) argued that transparency became the patient safety movement leitmotif (Sage, 2003; Berwick and Leape, 1999). To learn from errors, hospitals must first identify them; to identify them, they must foster an atmosphere that is conducive to openness about reporting mistakes. Hospitals and physicians are urged to be honest with patients about medical errors, and to report such events to one another and to regulators. Finally, healthcare risk managers who collect data about patient safety and treatment errors are limited if they have only partial information. However, the present study used participants as self-informers about their own near-misses. This may cause a potential same-source bias. However, we used two different methods for measuring the independent variables (i.e. the Likert scales) and the dependent variable (a count variable). Also, the correlations between the independent and dependent variables were low, which decreases the possibility of same-source bias (Kennedy, 1998, pp. 183-193). Nevertheless, future research on patient safety should address measurement of patient safety and treatment error problems. Management implications Healthcare managers can count on standardization to assure patient safety. However, because they operate in complicated healthcare settings, they must remember that standardization is not always possible or desirable; especially in situations that require individuals to improvise. In this case, safety self-efficacy should be developed and increased in order to increase patient safety. Managers can increase safety self-efficacy first by being safety role models (see further discussion in Katz-Navon et al., 2005). They should point out potential hazards to staff, insist on implementing procedures and guide employees’ safety behaviors. Additionally, employees should receive information about safety through consistent safety training programs and safety information flows. 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