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Software Project Tools: Automation, VCS, Build Systems, CI/CD

Tools of Software
Canvas Pages
Spring 2020
1. Automation, Security, Licensing - Choosing
Why automate?
Software Development Process
Release Process
Shell Programming:
POSIX: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX
(Links to an external site.)
UNIX Shells, Configuration: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell
(Links to an external site.)
Shell Invocation: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script
(Links to an external site.)
Shell programming generals: ​http://gsd.web.elte.hu/lectures/tools/tools-2/
Links to an external site.
Bashisms: ​https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh
(Links to an external site.)
Regular expressions:
Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
Regular Expression Samples
Regular expressions: ​http://gsd.web.elte.hu/lectures/tools/tools-1/
Links to an external site.
Regexp in more detail: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
(Links to an external site.)
Play with regexp: ​https://regexr.com/
(Links to an external site.)
Choosing Technology:
● Software Licenses: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_license
● (Links to an external site.)
● What about data?
● Development in Cloud environment
● Typical security breaches
● Passwords
○ https://www.xkcd.com/936/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Use Password Managers!
● Do we need Anti-Virus Software?
● Keep Best Practices at all times!
Useful stuff for non-technical friends: ​https://switching.software/
(Links to an external site.)
Useful stuff for technical gurus: ​https://prism-break.org/
2. Version Control Systems
VCS = Version Control System
Why do we use VCSs?
Getting back most up-to-date version, keeping track of changes.
Documenting and storing change history.
Avoiding conflicts between developers.
Supporting different workflows.
Supporting multiple versions / releases.
There are a lot:
(Links to an external site.)
Centralized Workflows:
● VCSs: Subversion, CVS, Perforce
Distributed Workflows:
● VCSs: Git, Mercurial, GNU Bazaar, BitKeeper
Subversion (SVN):
● SVN Introduction: ​svn.html
● SVN Quick Guide:
● (Links to an external site.)
● Git Introduction Slides: ​git-elte-2.pdf
● Thorough and Accurate Quick Guide for Everything:
● (Links to an external site.)
3. Build Systems History - from Autotools to CMake
Build Systems
Why a Build System?
Software Delivery & Deploy
Cross-Platform Build
Outlook on Build Automation:
(Links to an external site.)
Wiki: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)
(Links to an external site.)
GNU Make Manual: ​https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html
(Links to an external site.)
Slides on Autotools: ​https://www.lrde.epita.fr/~adl/dl/autotools.pdf
(Links to an external site.)
Autotools Mythbuster: ​https://autotools.io/index.html
(Links to an external site.)
CMake Guides: ​https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/#guides
(Links to an external site.)
CMake Reference: ​https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/
(Links to an external site.)
Ninja build system: ​https://ninja-build.org/manual.html
4. Build Systems - Ant, Maven, Gradle + Artifact
Build Systems for Java
​ - Ant, Maven, Gradle + Artifact Repositories
Java Build Systems (​slides​)
Artifact Repositories (​slides​)
● Software Repository
● Artifact Repository
(Binary repository manager:
● (Links to an external site.)
● Software Package Management Systems:
● (Links to an external site.)
Advanced Build Summary (​slides​)
5. Testing Basics
Testing Basics
● Why? CI / CD? ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration
● (Links to an external site.)
● Simple Levels of Testing (triangle of testing)
○ 0. asserts / different builds
○ 1. unit
○ 2. integration
○ 3. system
● Real Ways of Testing
○ Types:
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Methods:
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Levels:
○ (Links to an external site.)
● Unittest frameworks
○ JUnit / JMock: See ​testing_java.zip​ and ​https://junit.org
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ & ​http://jmock.org/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ GTest / GMock See ​testing_cpp.zip​ and
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Nosetests ​https://nose.readthedocs.io
○ (Links to an external site.)
● Test Expectations: ​gtesting.cpp.html
6. CI / CD ... towards DevOps
Advanced Builds
Multiple Builds because of
Debug / Release / ReleaseWithDebug (+Obfuscation)
Free / Commercial / With Extra Feature
Release per Branch (eg: 1.4 maintenance, 2.0 new release)
Release per Platform
Special Builds
○ Coverage
○ Memory / Leak Checking
○ Thread Checking
CI/CD & Automation towards DevOps - ​ci.pdf
● Jenkins ​https://jenkins.io/
7. CI Extra Tools
Tools for Code Verification
"The earlier it is caught, the cheaper it is to fix."
● Compiler Settings / Flags (warnings, warnings as errors -> No
Warning Policy)
● Static Analyzers
○ List of Tools per Language
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ FindBugs ​http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ also see
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Cppcheck ​http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ also see Demo
○ PMD ​https://pmd.github.io/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ also see Documentation
■ CPD = copy-paste-detector - code duplication
○ SonarQube ​https://www.sonarqube.org/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Clang Static Analyzer ​https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Clang Tidy ​https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ CodeChecker (@ELTE)
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Pylint ​https://www.pylint.org/
○ (Links to an external site.)
● Coverage Analysis
○ EclEmma ​http://www.eclemma.org/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ gcov ​https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov.html
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ and ​gcov.cpp.html
● Profiling
○ List of Performance Analysis Tools
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ VisualVM ​https://visualvm.github.io/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Gprof ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gprof
○ (Links to an external site.)
Tools for Code Maintainability
● Documentation Generators
○ Comparison of Documentation Generators
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Javadoc ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javadoc
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Doxygen ​http://doxygen.nl/
○ (Links to an external site.)
● Code Styles & Standards / Auto-Formatting
○ pep8 ​https://pypi.org/project/pep8/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ flake8 ​https://pypi.org/project/flake8/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ Checkstyle ​http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ also see list of checks
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ ClangFormat
○ (Links to an external site.)
○ (no standard, you decide and configure)
● Code Metrics
○ Kind of Static Analysis, see tools there (Pylint,
8. Containers and Virtualization
Why to talk about Virtualization?
● You need the cloud
● But the cloud is complex
○ Rivaling technologies
○ Different ecosystems (sometimes closed)
○ Multiple levels (as Service Models)
○ (Links to an external site.)
■ IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service
■ PaaS - Platform as a Service
■ SaaS - Software as a Service
● Lack of understanding the basics
Why to Virtualize?
● Multiple small (​guest​) machines on one big (​host​) machine
controlled and monitored by a program (​hypervisor​)
● Pros
○ Cost saving
○ Energy saving (Green Computing)
○ Easy inspection and control
○ Automated deployment and shutdown
○ Live migration (Uptime)
● Cons
○ Less stable performance
○ Sharing of resources
○ Time sharing (Response Time)
Here, it is not
● Application Virtualization (from ​Wine​ to ​JVM,​ ​Mono​)
● Virtual Memory
● Emulation (​QEMU, DOSBox, VICE)​
Full Virtualization
...also called Hard Virtualization
Different guest / host opsys
Not always possibel -> special CPU instruction set needed
Performance problems
Hardware-assisted​ virtualization
Paravirtualization​ (modified guest)
● KVM, Xen, Virtualbox
Operating-system-level Virtualization
● ...also called ​Containerization
● ...also called Soft Virtualization
● Multiple user spaces separated by the same kernel
○ jails
○ partitions
○ containers
○ virtual environments
● Low overhead
● Knowledgeable allocation of resources (RAM, storage)
● File system isolation (​chroot -​ 1982)
● Copy-on-write storage (union file systems) -> images (like in
● LXC, OpenVZ, Docker (deliver app?), LXD (deliver machine?)
Container Orchestration
...Ansible, Chef, Puppet...
● ...on Windows: Windows container, or Linux with Hyper-V (Full
● Because OS-level-virtualization is so light, put one app in a
● Flexible and environment-independent configuration and
● https://docs.docker.com/get-started/
● (Links to an external site.)