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International Law Take-Home Exam

tsia maseloa
1.1 Law is a set of rules and guidelines set out by the government / those in power which govern
how the society is run. Everyone must abide by the law. Morality is ones natural feelings to
right from wrong and given it is a personal thing peoples morality may differ from person to
1.2 Legal positivism according to this approach , it is irrelevant whether law is just and fair.
Morality and law are distinctly separated from each other1. This approach has no morality to
it and an example : S v Adams ; S v Wener 1981 (1) SA 187 (A) 2. This was a place where
group areas act was enforced and forced ‘ coloured ‘ people to move to an area which was
overcrowded and unhygienic3.
2.1 Usually consists of unwritten customs which are passed on orally through generations.4 It
differs on a tribal and territorial basis 5. It mainly regulates relationships between individuals
and not relationships between individuals and the state6. It is a communal or group
orientated system.7 Customary law which is in writing is known as ‘official’ customary law
and is difficult to adapt and change and it is not always regarded as the correct version8.
2.2 The glossators were the first to scientifically study Justinian’s Corpus Iuris Civilis.9 The
glossators explained the meanings within the Corpus Iuris Civilis and where there was
clashing information they had offered solutions. They had done this incredible work at the
University of Bologna 10 in Italy. The impact of the glossators work was throughout the world
and not simply limited to Italy.
2.3 Institutiones , is a textbook for law students that explains the law simply and clearly.11
Digesta is a codification of the works of the Roman jurists.12 It forms the largest and most
important part of the Copus Iuris Civilis and is a collection of the opinions of Roman jurists
who wrote on all the sources of roman law.13 Codex is a collection of imperial legislation.14
Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018) 15.
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The Novellae is new legislation passed by Justinian , which he promulgated after the
formation of the codex.15
2.4 Transformative constitutional democracy is a democracy which aims at changing the current
state of a country. It aims at fighting for equality amongst its citizens in a non violent
manner. Karl Klare an American scholar16 explains it as such ‘ a long term project of
constitutional enactment , interpretation , and enforcement committed ( not in isolation , of
course , but in a historical context of conductive political developments) to transforming a
country’s political and social institutions and power relationships in a democratic,
participatory , and egalitarian direction.’17
3.1 It had amended the republic of south Africa , 1996.18 It defined the role of the Chief
justice head of the judiciary.19 It provided for a single High Court of South Africa.20 It
provided that the Constitutional Court is the highest court in all matters ; to further
regulate the jurisdiction of the constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal21.
It provided the appointment of an Acting Deputy Chief Justice22. And it provided for the
matters connected therewith. 23
3.2.1 Northern Cape Provincial Division 24
3.2.2 Limpopo Local Division , Thohoyandou25
3.2.3 Kwazulu Natal High Court , Petermaritzburg 26
4.1 Substantive law is that part of the law which determines the content and meaning of the
different legal rules and principles 27. It determines which human acts constitute criminal
offences.28 It also determines content and application of the different rights which an
individual may have.29 Substantive law for example will determine how an individual can
obtain the ownership of a motor vehicle.30 Procedural law is that part of law which
regulates the enforcement of substantive law.31 It determines the manner in which a
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Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
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case must be practically handled when a legal rule has allegedly been violated32. For
example it provides the process where you can reclaim your motor vehicle when
someone has removed it without your permission. 33
5.1 Legislative authority ; the legislative function at a national level is performed by
parliament34. Parliament can pass legislation on any matter but there are some function
areas of exclusive provincial competence35. Legislative functions are performed in the
national , provincial and local spheres 36. Executive authority ; national executive is the
president. Executive functions in the local sphere are performed by municipal councils.37
As a result , municipal councils perform both legislative and executive functions. Judicial
authority ; section 165 of the constitution , judicial authority vests in the courts 38. The
courts are independent39. The legislative authority operations on a fully national level as well
as provincial and local. Executive operates on a provincial level and a local level although
with the inclusion of the president then executive too operates on a fully national level.
Judicial authority operates within a local level ie the courts.
5.2 A constitutional right is not absolute without limitations because if this was so it would be
chaos. Take for instance freedom of speech. It is clear that freedom of speech does not
mean that someone may just say anything he likes40. For instance , a person may not defame
another or incite others to violent revolution41. In the formulation of the right itself it may
imply its limitation42. An example of such , no unfair discrimination will be tolerated , this
implies that some forms of discrimination are fair43. An example of fair discrimination is no
children under 18 may vote44.
5.3 The Christian lawyers association were pushing to make women under the age of 18 unable
to terminate pregnancy without the parents / legal guardians consent. If the Christian
lawyers associations claims were not dismissed then women under the age of 18 would not
be able to terminate pregnancy without a legal guardian. In the instance of abusive family
dynamics for instance the girl would not be able to have privacy about the situation and it
may have put a lot of unneeded stress upon said individual. The impact of the Christian
lawyers association would have ruined a lot of peoples home lives and if not just that their
personal lives and mental well being.
5.4 Socio economic rights are second generation rights, these rights are less about the
government stopping particular actions but rather them taking positive actions for the
better. An example of one of these rights for example is the right to housing , medical
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Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018) 169.
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services , education and work 45. Civil and political rights are both first generation rights 46.
Civil rights however guarantee equal protection under the law where as political rights these
guarantees exist but are not respected in practice.
5.5 Reason 1 ; The world has become a global village47. No country exists in isolation anymore48.
We have contact with foreign legal systems on a daily basis49. Reason 2 ; growing
internationalism is also advanced by common problems which threaten the world as a whole
. Solutions to these problems call for cooperation between different countries and the
creation of new laws.51 With that being said it is apparent that our legal systems around the
globe must be compared to come to solutions which would work for all. Reason 3;
International ideologies , such as the protection of human rights , encourage countries to
conform to or move closer to international norms. 52 Reason 4; legal comparison is necessary
for the development of ones own legal system.53 It is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel over
and over again , much may be gained by looking at how other countries apply corresponding
principles or address certain problems54.
6.1 All people are legal subjects under the law55. Physical human being are referred to as
natural persons56. Non human entities which have personal liability are known as juristic
persons ie a university or a company. 57
6.2 A criminal case usually includes jail time. A criminal case includes prosecution. A civil case
usually is to fix a problem between 2 ie divorce. A criminal case is due to a crime being
committed and the state being the prosecution against the criminal.
6.3 Single owner enterprise ( sole proprietorship) 58, partnership59 , company 60
7.1 Appeal proceedings can be followed when a party is unhappy with a judgement given or
believes the judgement to be incorrect61. This may be on the basis of the facts in the case or
on the basis of the application of the law62. Review proceedings occur when there was an
alleged irregularity with respect to the process followed63.
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Ramages , JR. Capacities And Rights Of Legal Subject 2018 Introduction to law 2 – 16.
Ramages , JR. Capacities And Rights Of Legal Subject 2018 Introduction to law 2 – 16.
Ramages , JR. Capacities And Rights Of Legal Subject 2018 Introduction to law 2 – 16.
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7.2 Chefs and Headmen’s Courts.64 Small Claims Court 65. Children’s Court66. Land Claims
Court67. Equality Court68.
7.3 I am of the opinion to not defend this client. The women is a very old women whom based
on the fact that she is wheelchair bound she could not have been attempting to kill the
client. Even if she ha attacked my client , my client was not in any danger of loss of life so the
actions taken in self defence were too extreme. Furthermore the client could have easily
escaped the clutches of the alleged 92 year old wheelchair bound attacker and alerted the
authorities where there would have been no loss of life. The client could’ve acted in many
different ways that he would be safe and that the women would not have had to die.
Another issue is the complete lack of evidence, I cannot defend a client when there’s no
evidence besides him being the witness and all other involved parties are deceased.
7.4 Conveyancers deal with the transfer of land69. They are qualified attorneys who have an
additional qualification and who do specialised work70. Land is transferred when a deed is
registered at the deeds office71. The deed is essentially the identity document of the land
and if the owner changes it must be reflected on the deed.72 The conveyancer functions as
the person of officiates the deal and subsequently gets the deed sorted out. They are the
middle man in the transferal of land.
7.5 Litigation reduces predictability in decision making73. Litigation places your fate in the hands
of persons less familiar with your problems than you are74. Litigation impedes efficient
problem solving75. Litigation is extremely expensive76. Litigation destroys relationships77.
8.1 Legal language is usually very archaic or foreign words and phrases , for example
mandament van spolie ( remedy to restore possession) 78. The formal style spoken is very
apparent and is used a lot more than for example ‘ the person said’79. Passive form is how
the sentences are written80. The sentences tend to be lengthy and complex81. In addition to
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Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
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the complex sentences there is extensive punctuation82. Verbs are often turned into
noun’s83. Legal language tries to cover all possibilities by being overly complicated84.
Sentences are written as conditions 85.
8.2 The reason I think simpler legal language is needed is it makes learning it for law students a
much easier and enjoyable process. It also makes the law understandable by all and
something that then makes individuals not afraid to engage with the law. With simpler legal
language there yes may be more loop holes which will require some amendments but it will
however make what the law says final and limit the law to be bended by certain peoples
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Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
Constitutional Seventeenth Amendment Act , 2012 ; no.72 of 2013. Cape Town : Government Gazette.
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Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018) 354.
Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018) 354.
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Thompsan , RT. Five limits of litigation; 28 February 2017 https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigationdisputes/the-five-limits-of-litigation.html ( accessed 06 Jul. 21)
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Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018)
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Kleyn , DK. Zitzke , EZ. Viljoen , FV. Madi , PM. Beginners Guide For Law Students ; 5th ed ( 2018)