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Think and Grow Rich Book Summary - Financial Accounting

Name : Zaiena Naeem (GR)
Roll no : F20-BBA-5075
Financial Accounting
Topic: Think and Grow Rich (Book Summary)
Submitted to : Dr. Umer Iqbal
BBA 3rd Semester
Evening Section A
University of Okara
31st January, 2022
This book was written by Napoleon Hill who was known for his principles to
improving one’s life. He received the assignment to interview Andrew Carnegie
who was one the richest and influential men at that time, Carnegie challenged Hill
to interview other wealthy and successful people to discover a simple formula for
success. And the result was this book, “Think and Grow Rich”.
The book “think and grow rich” not only talks about how to think big and grow
your income to become rich but also interpret all mental barriers allocated to lack
of growth. The book organizes ways into the power of burning desire to change
your mind and ultimately change your life. The book highlights the importance of
thoughts and mind power.
According to Napoleon Hill, desire is the starting point of all achievement. Anyone
can achieve anything they want if they have a strong enough burning desire. And
desire is not the same as a wish or a hope, it is definite and limitless.
In the book, Hill shared a six-step method how anyone can achieve what they
desire in life. First, he said, is to fix in your mind the exact amount of money you
desire to achieve. Second, determine exactly what you are willing to commit to
receiving this amount of money. Next, specify an exact date by when you want to
achieve it. Fourth, create a plan and take the first step immediately. And then
describe your desire in a clear and concise sentence. Finally, read the state aloud
twice daily.
These six steps are a part of the transformation of what you desire in your mind
into the physical equivalent. It is the beginning of the key principle of the book,
which is to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to accomplish what it is
directed to do.
In the second chapter, Hill wrote about the importance of having unshakable faith.
He admitted that it is difficult and challenging to be faithful when everything else
around you is falling apart, but Hill said that faith is absolutely essential especially
during tough times.
Hill suggested his readers to build faith by spending 30 minutes on their thoughts
every day to move one inch closer to success because the positive thoughts in your
mind are extremely powerful and can influence you to move in the right direction
even during tough times. One of the famous quotes from Napoleon Hill is this,
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve”.
Auto-suggestion is a technique of teaching yourself to believe that you can achieve
whatever you want. In order to do that you just sit in a peaceful and quiet area, and
read your statement while visualizing and believing that you have already achieved
your desire.
Hill wrote that when you reach your own subconscious by channeling your
thoughts, success will not be such an enigma anymore. Auto-suggestion will create
a determined faith in you that will steer you in the right direction that you want to
travel. Just like driving a car, you do not need to focus on doing it because you
have trained your brain and body to act on it automatically, like your second
nature. And when you have convinced yourself about the desire you want to
achieve through auto-suggestion, you will work on the success you desire and gain
desirable results effortlessly.
Hill said that imagination is one the most important steps towards success that
everyone must use. And he explained that there are two types of imagination, one
is the synthetic imagination, which simple rearrange the existing ideas into new
concepts. And other one is the creative imagination, which creates something from
Most people thought that richest come from hard work, which according to Hill, is
only partially true. Hill wrote that riches come “in response to definite demands,
based upon the application of definite principle, when a creator of ideas and a
seller of ideas got together and worked in harmony.” The ideas that come from
imagination are the forces that cause things to come into reality. And so you must
add imagination to your specialized knowledge to grow rich.
Organized Planning
Hill discussed how one can achieve extraordinary success through organized
planning. He shared with the readers a couple of steps that can be taken to
construct a practical plan to accomplish what people desire.
First, Hill said, you must associate yourself with other people to create a direction
and put your plan into action. And he calls this group of people, the ‘mastermind’,
which he also dedicates a whole chapter to this subject. And before you form
alliances with this group of people, you need to determine what you can offer them
in return for their help and cooperation. Besides that, you must make sure you meet
with your mastermind group at least twice every week to perfect your plan and
strategize your action. And make sure to always maintain harmony with your
group to achieve better results.
According to Napoleon Hill, one of the most common reasons people fail is
because of procrastination. He says that it is important to avoid procrastination and
take immediate action. Most people will wait and refuse to do things immediately
which cause them to lose motivation and eventually, fail in their venture.
The ability to decide quickly with determination comes from having a definite
purpose and understanding exactly what you want. And this ability defines leaders.
As Hill wrote, “The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words
and actions show that he knows where he is going.”
Apart from that, Hill also said that if you are easily influenced by others and take a
long time to make a decision because you need to listen to advice from others, you
will rarely succeed. It means that you do not have a strong burning desire for what
you want. You must use your own brain, thoughts, body, and soul to make your
decisions and stand by them.
Hill states that you must ensure that you aren’t being held back by any of what he
refers to as “the six basic fears.”
 The fear of poverty
 The fear of criticism
 The fear of ill health
 The fear of the loss of someone’s love
 The fear of old age
 The fear of death
Fear is nothing but a state of mind, and the mind can be directed. Therefore, you
can control your fate by controlling your mind and, thus, overcome fear and
accumulate all of your desired riches.
By training our minds and allowing positive thoughts, we can overcome these
fears. The book also highlights the importance of staying busy in order to avoid the
gateway to these )negative thoughts.