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Introspective Questions for Self-Reflection

Who do you need to forgive?
What do you miss most about yourself?
Tell me about the first time you told someone you love him.
What's most painful thing you've been told? This is not your home. (My father)
Tell me about your first love...
What are you waiting for??
What's the most beautiful thing you've been told?
What are you scared to say?
What's the loneliest you've ever felt?
My greatest challenge is...
Who's one stranger that you still remember?
What’s the most painful thing you’ve told someone?
What’s one thing you wish you never heard?
When was the moment you felt the most alive?
When was a time you felt like completely giving up?
What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? ~
Worst thing you've done to please someone else? ~
What's your biggest insecurity? ~
What are you ashamed of?
What’s the kindest thing you’ve been told?
Describe someone you love (today or in the past). ~
What makes you cry? ~
What's your earliest memory? ~
What’s your wildest dream? ~
What are you doing tomorrow? ~
About what you want to say, ‘I need help’? (assaf)
How do you want to die? (assaf)
When was the last time you talk with your mom? (assaf)
Do you fell that you’re an honest person? (assaf)
What it takes for you to be saved? (assaf)
If you could do one last thing for the love of your life, what would it be? (assaf)
If you could be any two animals’ mush together, what would they be? (assaf)
What’s your favorite childhood memory, and why? (assaf)
What were your dreams that came true? (assaf)
Why are you here? (assaf) ‫ אני לא כאן בשביל‬-‫ אבל אני בטוח למה אני לא כאן‬,‫אני לא בטוח למה אני כאן‬
...‫ לעורר צער או להשפיל אנשים‬,‫ לדבר סרה באנשים‬,‫לעשות רע לאנשים‬
How did you get to where you are? (assaf)
What’s the worst decision you’ve made? (assaf)
When did you realize you're not like everyone else? And what made you feel that way (assaf)
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever gone through? How did you get through it? (Assaf)
What’s beautiful about you? (assaf)
Who are you? ~
Have you ever had your heart broken? ~
What are you not thankful for?
What’s your biggest fear? ~
How would you like to be treated? ~
What do you miss most in life? ~
Are you happy?
Kindest acts someone has done for you?
What would you choose to be your last words? ~
What do you with you’ve said? ~
What’s your biggest regret? ~
What did a fictional character say that has stuck with you?
What's been your biggest struggle?
What's been your biggest obstacle?
Ever considered suicide? ~