THE MORAL VALUES ON ENGLISH TEXTBOOK (A Content Analysis of English Textbooks for Junior High School Students Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture) THESIS By HELENDRA NIM: 2113014000023 GRADUATE PROGRAM OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES UIN SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2017 M./1438 H. ii iii iv ABSTRACT Helendra, The Moral Values on English Textbook. (A Content Analysis of English Textbooks for Junior High School Students Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture), 2017 This study was aimed at exploring the moral values on English textbooks for seventh, eighth, and ninth grade published by National Ministry of Education and Culture. The study was focused on revealing the moral values based on Borba’s model within the textbooks, showing the way how the moral values on the textbooks were presented, and capturing the teachers’ and students’ responses on the integration of moral values on the textbooks and their implementations in teaching process. This was a content analysis study to reveal the moral values on the mentioned textbooks. The participants of study were twenty two students and three English teachers from the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade at MTsN 1 Pandeglang, Banten. The data were collected through interview and documentation. The results of study showed that: 1) the frequency of Borba’s moral values on the textbooks was discovered the highest percentage was self-control control reached a score of (25%), the second was kindness (22%), the third was respect (20%), the next was conscience (16%), empathy (11%), and the smallest were tolerance (4%) and fairness (2%); 2) the moral values were inherently presented in different ways such as: titles of chapter, objectives of chapter, quotes, passages, pictures, songs, exercise instruction, and example of sentences; 3) Most of teachers agreed that all types of moral textbook already existed in their textbooks and had integrated the moral values with the learning instructions such as role play, group discussion, active learning, and collaborative learning; 4) All students figured out the existence of moral values on the textbooks. They could grasped the entire of teachers’ explanations in teaching moral values to them and had practiced those moral values in their daily life. The study concluded that the English textbooks already contained all Borba’s model of moral values and teachers and students positively perceived the integrations of moral values with the teaching process. However, due to the unbalance presentation of moral values in the textbooks, there should be several revisions so that the moral values are presented more equally. Keywords: Moral values, English textbooks, Implementation of moral values v ABSTRAK Helendra, Nilai-nilai Moral dalam Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Analisi Isi Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs diterbitkan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan), 2017 Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat di dalam buku pelajaran siswa SMP/MTs kelas 7, 8 dan 9 yang diterbitkan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini mengungkapkan nilai-nilai moral berdasarkan model Borba yang terdapat di dalam buku tersebut, menunjukkan bagaimana nilai-nilai moral itu dipresentasikan dan menjelaskan persepsi guru dan siswa terhadap integrasi nilai-nilai moral di buku pelajaran tersebut serta implementasinya dalam proses pengajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis isi untuk mengungkapkan nilainilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran tersebut. Sampel penelitian adalah 22 siswa/i dan 3 guru kelas 7, 8, dan 9 di MTsN 1 Pandeglang, Banten. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Frekuensi nilai moral Borba pada buku teks ditemukan persentase tertinggi adalah kontrol diri mencapai skor (25%), kedua adalah kebaikan (22%), ketiga rasa hormat (20%), hati nurani (16%), empati (11%), dan nilai moral yang terkecil adalah toleransi (4%) dan keadilan (2%); 2) nilai-nilai moral secara inheren disajikan di dalam buku pelajaran dengan berbagai macam cara, seperti: judul bab, tujuan bab, kutipan-kutipan, kalimatkalimat, gambar-gambar, lagu-lagu, instruksi latihan, contoh-contoh kalimat; 3) semua guru sepakat bahwa nilai-nilai moral sudah ada di buku pelajaran dan mereka mencoba mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai moral tersebut di dalam proses pengajaran, seperti: bermain peran, diskusi kelompok, pembelajaran aktif dan pembelajaran kolaboratif; 4) semua siswa/i mengetahui bahwa didalam buku yang mereka pelajari terdapat nilai-nilai moral dan mereka mampu memahami semua penjelasan-penjelasan guru tentang nilai-nilai moral dan sudah mempraktikkan nilai-nilai moral tersebut di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa buku-buku pelajaran sudah memuat semua model nilai-nilai moral Borba, dan semua guru dan siswa menyambut positif pengitegrasian nilainilai moral dalam proses pengajaran. Namun, karena penyajian nilai-nilai moral yang tidak seimbang dalam buku pelajaran tersebut, harus tetap ada beberapa revisi sehingga nilainilai moral nanti dipresentasikan lebih merata. Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai moral, Buku pelajaran, implementasi nilai moral vi الملخص هيلينذرا ،القيم األخالقيت علي كتاب اللغت اإلنجليسيت( .تحليل محتوى الكتة المذرسيت اإلنجليسيت لطالب المذارش اإلعذاديتنشرته وزارة التعليم والثقافت)7102 ، هذفد هزٖ اٌذساسح إًٌ اسرىشاف اٌمُُ األخاللُح فٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح ٌٍغح اٌساتؼح واٌثإِح واٌراسؼح اٌرٍ ٔششذها وصاسج اٌرشتُح واٌرؼٍُُ واٌثمافح اٌىطُٕح .وسوضخ اٌذساسح ػًٍ اٌىشف ػٓ اٌمُُ األخاللُح اٌّسرٕذج إًٌ ّٔىرج تىستا فٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح ،واٌرٍ ذثُٓ اٌطشَمح اٌرٍ ذُ تها ذمذَُ اٌمُُ األخاللُح ػًٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح ،واٌرماط سدود اٌّؼٍُّٓ واٌ طالب ػًٍ دِح اٌمُُ األخاللُح ػًٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح و ذطثُماخ فٍ ػٍُّح اٌرذسَس .ووأد هزٖ دساسح ذحًٍُ اٌّحرىي ٌٍىشف ػٓ اٌمُُ األخاللُح ػًٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح اٌّزوىسج .وواْ اٌّشاسوىْ فٍ اٌذساسح اثُٕٓ وػششَٓ طاٌثا وثالثح ِؼٍٍّ اٌٍغح اإلٔدٍُضَح ِٓ اٌصف اٌساتغ واٌثآِ واٌراسغ فٍ ِرسٓ )ّٔ 1 (MTsN 1 Pandeglangىرج تأذغالٔغ ،تأرٓ .وخّؼد اٌثُأاخ ِٓ خالي اٌّماتالخ واٌرىثُك .وأظهشخ ٔرائح اٌذساسح ِا ٍٍَ )1 :ولذ وخذ ذىاذش اٌمُُ األخاللُح ٌثىستا ػًٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح أْ أػًٍ ٔسثح ذُ ذحمُمها هٍ ( )٪55واٌثأُح وأد خُذج ( )٪55واحرشاَ ( )٪52واٌضُّش ( )٪16واٌرؼاطف ( )٪11و أصغش اٌمُُ األخاللُح هٍ اٌرساِح ( )٪4واٌؼذاٌح ()٪5؛ )5ػشضد اٌمُُ األخاللُح تطثُؼرها تطشق ِخرٍفح ِثً ػٕاوَٓ اٌفصً ،وأهذاف اٌفصً ،ؤمٍد ،واٌّماطغ ،واٌصىس ،واألغأٍ، وذؼٍُّاخ اٌرذسَةِ ،ثاي اٌدًّ )3 .اذفك ِؼظُ اٌّؼٍُّٓ ػًٍ أْ خُّغ أٔىاع اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح األخاللُح ِىخىدج تاٌفؼً فٍ ورثهُ اٌّذسسُح ،وأٔها حاوٌد دِح اٌمُُ األخاللُح ِغ ذؼٍُّاخ اٌرؼٍُ ِثً ٌؼة األدواسِٕ ،الشح اٌّدّىػح ،اٌرؼٍُ إٌشظ ،واٌرؼٍُ اٌرؼاؤٍ )4 .وخذ خُّغ اٌطالب وخىد لُُ أخاللُح ػًٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح ،واػرثشوا أهُّح اٌمُُ األخاللُح اٌرٍ أظهشها ِؼٍّىهُ فٍ ذؼٍُّاخ اٌرؼٍُ .وػّىِاَّ ،ىٓ ٌٍطالب اسرُؼاب واًِ ذفسُشاخ اٌّؼٍُّٓ فٍ ذذسَس اٌمُُ األخاللُح ٌهُ ،ولذ ِاسسىا ذٍه اٌمُُ األخاللُح فٍ حُاذهُ اٌُىُِح .وخٍصد اٌذساسح إًٌ أْ اٌىرة اإلٔدٍُضَح ذحرىٌ تاٌفؼً ػًٍ وً ّٔىرج تىستا ٌٍمُُ األخاللُح واٌّؼٍُّٓ واٌطالب َٕظش إَداتُا إًٌ ذىاًِ اٌمُُ األخاللُح ِغ اٌؼٍُّح اٌرؼٍُُّح .وِغ رٌه ،ؤظشا ٌؼذَ اٌرىاصْ فٍ ػشض اٌمُُ األخاللُح فٍ اٌىرة اٌّذسسُحَٕ ،ثغٍ أْ َىىْ هٕان ػذج ذٕمُحاخ تحُث َرُ ػشض اٌمُُ األخاللُح ػًٍ لذَ اٌّساواج. كلماث البحث :اٌمُُ األخاللُح ،اٌىرة اٌّذسسُح ،وذٕفُز اٌمُُ األخاللُح vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in his study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to the institution, all of lecturers, staff, family and friends who have contributed in different ways hence this thesis is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the Graduate Program of English Language Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. First of all, the writer would like to express his great honor and deepest gratitude to his advisor, Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd. and Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. who had empowered the writer to enhance this thesis with their intellectual recommendations and constructive comments. His special gratitude goes to his beloved father (MA. Rody), mother (Indrawana) and brothers (Handersyah, Higra & Hofrindi) who never stopped motivating him in accomplishing this thesis. The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to: 1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences; 2. Dr. Fahriany M.Pd., once more, as the head of Graduate Program of English Language Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences; 3. All the lecturers and staff in the Graduate Program of English Department who had transferred his/her knowledge and also for the valuable guidance and encouragement; 4. The writer’s classmates in graduate program of English Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta class of 2013, especially Mazkur, M.Pd., Hasanul Misbah, M.Pd., Mahbudin, & M. Ghazali; 5. All teachers and students at MTsN 1 Pandeglang who had participated their time and perceptions for my research. 6. All of my Syeikhs and friends at Majlis Bidayah Hidayah, Sullamut Taufiq and Majlis Kitab Hadratus Syeikh. K.H. Muhammad Hasyim As’ary (Kang Huda, Kang Oji, Gus Anis, Kurhi, Pak Latif, Ones, etcetera); 7. All of people who participated in the process of the thesis that the writer couldn’t mention one by one. May Allah bless them and reward them all better. Ciputat, August 4th, 2017 (The Writer) viii TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE............................................................................................................. TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................... STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................... THE ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................ ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................... LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... LIST OF CHARTS ...................................................................................................... LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... A. Background of Study.................................................................... B. Focus of the Study........................................................................ C. Research Question........................................................................ D. The Objectives of the Study ......................................................... E. The Significance of the Study .................................................... CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... A. Moral Values ................................................................................ 1. The Nature of Values .............................................................. 2. The Importance of Values ....................................................... 3. The Classifications of Values ................................................. 4. The Nature of Moral Values ................................................... 5. Borba’s Moral Values ............................................................. 6. Moral Values in Teaching ....................................................... B. Textbook ...................................................................................... 1. The Nature of Textbook .......................................................... 2. The Role of English Text Books in Teaching ......................... 3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing Textbooks................................................................................ a. Advantages of Textbooks .................................................. b. Disadvantages of Textbooks .............................................. 4. Functions of a Textbook ......................................................... 5. Common Problems in the Selection of Textbooks.................. 6. Criteria of Good Textbooks .................................................... a. A Set Criteria of National Board of Education Standard ............................................................................. ix Page i ii iii iv v viii ix xii xiii xiv xv 1 1 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 18 21 22 23 24 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 b. A Set Criteria from Some Experts .................................... 7. The English Textbooks for Junior High School Students Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture .............. The Integration of Moral Values in Teaching .............................. 1. The Meaning of Integration .................................................... 2. The Integration of Moral Values in Teaching ......................... The Nature of Perception ............................................................ 1. Teachers’ Perception ............................................................... 2. Students’ Perception ............................................................... Content Analysis .......................................................................... 1. The Nature and Purpose of Content Analysis ......................... 2. Types of Content Analysis ...................................................... 3. Procedures of Content Analysis ............................................. Previous Related Studies .............................................................. 30 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................... A. Research Method and Design ...................................................... B. Research Setting .......................................................................... C. Research Participant Selection..................................................... D. Unit of Analysis ........................................................................... E. Research Instrument .................................................................... F. Data Collection Procedures ......................................................... 1. Documentation........................................................................ 2. Interview ................................................................................. G. Data Analysis Procedures ............................................................ H. Trustworthiness............................................................................ 1. Credibility ............................................................................... 2. Transferability ........................................................................ 3. Dependability.......................................................................... 4. Confirmability ........................................................................ 42 42 42 42 43 44 44 44 44 45 47 47 47 47 48 CHAPTER IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION ...................................................... A. Data Finding ................................................................................. 1. The Moral Values frequently Found in the English Textbooks................................................................................ 2. The Ways the Moral Values are Presented in the Textbooks . a. Title of Chapter .................................................................. b. Objective of the Chapter .................................................... c. Quotes ................................................................................ d. Pictures............................................................................... e. Songs.................................................................................. f. Exercise instruction............................................................ 49 49 C. D. E. F. x 31 32 32 32 34 34 35 35 35 38 39 40 49 81 81 82 83 85 87 88 g. Passages ............................................................................. h. Examples of Sentences ...................................................... 3. The Teachers’ Responses on the Integration of Moral Values with the Teaching Process....................................................... a. Quality of Textbooks ......................................................... b. Textbooks and Moral Values ............................................. c. Types of Moral Values in Textbooks and Their Implementations................................................................. d. Students’ understanding of Moral Values in Textbooks .... e. Problems in Implementation of Moral Values ................... f. Teachers’ Recommendation .............................................. 4. Students’ Responses on the Integration of Moral Values with the Teaching Process............................................................... a. Textbook and Moral Values............................................... b. Teachers’ Teaching Moral Values in Textbooks and Students’ Implementation in Daily Life ............................ c. Students’ Problems in Understanding Moral Values in Textbook ........................................................................ d. Students’ Suggestions ....................................................... B. Discussion .................................................................................... 1. Moral Values in English Textbook: Is it Merely Theory or Practice? ................................................................. 2. The Existence of Values Integration in the Components of Textbooks ........................................................................... 3. The Challenges of Values Integration in Foreign Language Teaching.................................................................................. 89 90 92 92 93 93 95 96 96 97 97 98 99 99 99 99 100 101 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... A. Conclusions .................................................................................. B. Suggestions .................................................................................. 103 103 104 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ APPENDICES.............................................................................................................. 105 113 xi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 4.9 Table 4.10 Table 4.11 Table 4.12 Table 4.13 Table 4.14 Table 4.15 Rescher’s Classification Scheme of Values Adapted from Ashiba (2010, p. 43) ............................................................................................................ Assessment Instrument Stage I Adapted from BSNP, 2006, p. 2 ................ Assessment Instrument Stage 2 Adapted from BSNP, 2006, p. 2 ............... Content Outline of Interview A (with teachers) .......................................... Content Outline of Interview B (with students)........................................... The First of English Textbook for Seventh Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Edisi revisi. Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.” ............................................... The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the First Textbook for Seventh Grade ............................................................................................. The Second of English Textbook for Eighth Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.”..................................................................... The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the Second Textbook for Eighth Grade................................................................................................ The Third of English Textbook for Ninth Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2015). Bahasa Inggris: Think Globally Act Locally SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.” .................................................................... The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the Third Textbook for Ninth Grade ........................................................................................................... The Number of Each Moral Value in Each Textbook Used in English Classes in MTsN 1 Pandeglang ................................................................... The Titles of Chapter and Moral Values ..................................................... The Objective of Chapter and Moral Values ............................................... The Quotes and Moral Values ..................................................................... The Pictures and Moral Values................................................................... The Songs and Moral Values ....................................................................... The Exercise Instruction and Moral Values ................................................ The Passages of sentences and Moral Values .............................................. The Examples of Sentences and Moral Values ........................................... xii 13 29 30 45 45 49 55 55 65 65 78 78 81 82 84 85 87 88 89 91 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Relationship between the Teacher, the Student and the Text Adapted from Rezat, 2006, p. 412 ...................................................................................... Bahasa Inggris : When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII ............. Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” SMP/MTs Kelas VIII .......... Bahasa Inggris “Think Globally Act Locally” SMP/MTs Kelas IX............ xiii 25 43 43 44 LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1. The Distribution of Moral Values in Three Textbooks used in MTsN 1 Pandeglang .................................................................................................. 79 xiv LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1. Interview A with DH ................................................................................... Appendix 2. Interview A with CC.................................................................................... Appendix 3. Interview A with MD................................................................................... Appendix 4. Interview B with NAM ................................................................................ Appendix 5. Interview B with AS .................................................................................... Appendix 6. Interview B with SNA ................................................................................. Appendix 7. Interview B with VSA ................................................................................. Appendix 8. Interview B with NAA................................................................................. Appendix 9. Interview B with SAZ.................................................................................. Appendix 10. Interview B with FI...................................................................................... Appendix 11. Interview B with LZU ................................................................................. Appendix 12. Interview B with SO .................................................................................... Appendix 13. Interview B with RE .................................................................................... Appendix 14. Interview B with HAT ................................................................................. Appendix 15. Interview B with RR .................................................................................... Appendix 16. Interview B with IAM ................................................................................. Appendix 17. Interview B with FT..................................................................................... Appendix 18. Interview B with AT .................................................................................... Appendix 19. Interview B with HQA................................................................................. Appendix 20. Interview B with ASB ................................................................................. Appendix 21. Interview B with AQA................................................................................. Appendix 22. Interview B with AC.................................................................................... Appendix 23. Interview B with ATY ................................................................................. Appendix 24. Interview B with AA.................................................................................... Appendix 25. Interview B with BFF .................................................................................. Appendix 26. Lists of Participants ..................................................................................... xv 113 116 119 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 157 160 163 165 167 170 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study It is generally seen that there is a clear linkage between education and character. Education is an important element in the development of the nation. Meanwhile, character is a set of personal traits that produce specific moral emotions, motivation and guide of conduct. In education, one thing that needs to be prioritized is human characters. Therefore, it is hoped that people’s character becomes better and more valuable because of the role of education. Education as an agent of change must be able to make improvements of good moral character in our nation. For that reason, our education system needs to be reconstructed in order to produce graduates more qualified and ready to face the future world filled with problems and challenges and also can produce a good moral character graduates. In other words, education should be able to carry out the mission in forming the character so that the students and graduates can participate in competing on fast development in the future without abandoning the moral values to create noble character. One of proper ways to develop the character building of students is by maximizing the function of the subjects (courses) and integrating moral values on those subjects like Religious Education and Civic Education. For this reason, teachers must design any learning process in the classroom by integrating character education in it. To support character building process in the classroom, it should also build a school culture that can bring learners easily to instill a process of habituation to build a good character. Because of the vital role of schools in providing good quality of teaching and learning process, some facilities and learning media are definitely needed. One of the media that is commonly employed in the instructional activities is textbooks. Textbooks are a highly essential media to teach any kinds of subjects including English subject which becomes as one of obligatory lessons at schools. In addition, the educational system is responsible for integrating English language in the students' life started from the elementary levels at schools’ stages to advance levels at universities. This can be achieved by well designed curriculums that correspond with the students’ needs, thoughts, beliefs, religious and civic values of a nation. In line with this, Fahriany (2016, p. 711) argued textbooks are a key components in most language programs. In some situations they serve as basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom. For learners, the textbook may provide the major source of contact they have with the language apart from input provided by the teachers. Therefore, textbooks are used as media of learning in schools ranging from elementary school to university level. As stated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, that textbook has an important role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. Undoubtedly, textbooks play a significant role in EFL teaching and learning by providing useful material to both teachers and students. As part of the Indonesian nation who has a glorious civilization and concerns with the education of the nation, there should be an attempt to strive making the moral values of noble character growing, spreading and appearing in every attitude and behavior of nations. It starts from top leaders to the common people, so that this nation has a pride and is accounted for its presence in the midst of other nations. One of efforts to achieve that goal is to provide character education in all aspects of society, particularly through educational institutions. 1 2 In the current reality in Indonesia, we see a lot of moral decadence in the younger generation in particular, the students who are expected to be the next leaders that are struggling to develop the nation. They do not understand and know their role later in the future as a successor to the struggle of their predecessors for the better of this nation. Many examples of unscrupulous actions are committed by students both in newspapers and televisions such as lack of respect for parents, teachers, friends and so forth. This behavior is repeatedly seen in school activities. At worse, the students behave indifferently to the older people like teachers, staffs, and others. This culture does not only attack the common people who lack of education, but has reached the educated people, such as students, even attack the nation's elites. Moral decline is one of the biggest problems that especially today’s teenagers. Moral quality decline occurs in many aspects ranging from speech, how to dress up and behavior. Among the things that led to decline of moral decline is the misuse of the technology, lack of religious knowledge, lack of effective moral lesson in school institutions and the lack of attention of parents in educating their children. Therefore, moral education is very important to overcome the moral decline in adolescent today. The moral decline of the younger generation can be viewed from various aspect of life. Moral decline that hit a country is a sign of the destruction of a nation. These include an increase in violence among adolescents, the use of disrespectful language, the strong of the peer group, the increasing phenomena of drug use, alcohol and sex, indistinct defection of good-bad moral, declining work ethos, low of respect for parents and teachers, low of individual and citizens responsibility, entrenched dishonesty, and the existence of mutual suspicion and hatred among fellow. Moral decline is caused by several factors. One factor that leads to moral decline among teenagers is in line with the influence of technology in globalization era. The effects of technology, especially communication technology and social media have somehow influence the morale of adolescents. Applications, games, and other things offered by the technology have occupied many teenagers. They will be busier with cell phones and gadgets and are reluctant to make contact with people around them. To make it worse, some riding a motor vehicle or walking on the road while still using their phones, this can cause danger not only to themselves but also to other people. In addition, the lack of supportive and conducive family and school environtment in educating teenagers will influence the moral of adolescents. Lack of parental supervision of their children can have a very important role in this matter. Some parents are too busy working and do not have enough quality time to spend with their children. Besides, moral education given in schools that do not provide real examples of good moral will not be effective. The last factor of the moral decline is religion knowledge. If someone has less knowledge about their religion, it will affect their morale and behavior. Because religion is the foundation of life, less religious knowledge will also lead to decreased morality. They will tend to do things that are good for them although contradicts religious norms. Therefore, moral decline is influenced by various aspect of life. Moral education is needed to improve characters and integrity to build a better generation. Declining moral quality of human life in Indonesia today, especially among the students, demands to organize character education. Character education is an umbrella of terms for all explicit and implicit educational activities that help young people develop positive personal strengths called virtues. It is more than just a subject. It has a place in the culture and functions in families, classrooms, schools and other institutions. 3 Character education is recently becoming one of big interests to be discussed by Indonesian people, especially by academics. This is a positive and necessary thing to do for reserving the noble moral values that have long upheld and rooted in attitudes and behavior in daily life. Furthermore, giving big attention to character education is indeed essential to be executed because the moral values of noble characters, such as honesty, politeness, togetherness, fairness and religious, are gradually eroded by foreign culture that tends to be hedonistic, materialistic, and individualistic. As a result, the values of these characters are no longer considered essential even that contrary to the objectives must be obtained. Character education is aimed at helping students grasp what is ethically important in situations and how to act or to do by right reasons on the moral path in order that they become more autonomous and reflective. Finally, students need to decide to be what kinds of person they wish to become and learn to choose on behaving right between potentially dangerous actions (Arthur, J. and D. Carr, 2013, p. 27). In line with the discussion on character education, Lickona (2014, p. 7) explains that there are several reasons why character education should be delivered: (1) The best way to ensure that children (students) have good personality in his life; (2) A way to improve academic achievement; (3) Some students are not able to form a strong character for himself in another place; (4) Preparing students to respect others and can live in a diverse society; (5) Departing from the root of the problems associated with moral-social problems, such immodesty, dishonesty, sexual violence, violation of activities, and low work ethos; (6) The best preparation to meet the behavior in work place work; and (7) Teaching cultural values are part of the work of civilization. In relation with this issue, the government also strongly concerns with the importance of character education. As it is mandated by the 1945 Constitution that the goals of our national education are to increase faith and piety and to develop noble character for the students in this case for all citizens who follow the educational process in Indonesia. The mandate of our Constitution clearly gave considerable attention on the importance of character education in every educational process on helping to spread the values of religion and nationality through science and technology that are taught to all students. The law on the national education system (Sistem Pendidikan Nasional/ Sisdiknas), namely Law No. 20 in 2003, reaffirmed the functions and objectives of our national education. In Article 3 of this Act confirmed that national education serves to develop the ability and character as well as the dignity civilization in the context of educating life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. Because of the importance of this character education, Ministry of National Education made “The Declaration of Character Education Commitment to Create The Next Nation Generation” (Ikrar Pendidikan Karakter Komitmen Bersama Membentuk Generasi Penerus), (Kemdiknas, 2011). One of the efforts to accomplish education goal as mentioned above, the learners (students) should be equipped with special education that brings the core mission of the noble character building. Such education can give direction to the students after receiving a variety of science and knowledge in the each field of studies, so that they can practice it in the middle of the community by strongly holding on the moral values of universal truth and virtues. In addition, great mission of national education as mentioned above requires all stakeholders have a high concern to those moral issues or characters. 4 In another side, schools are required to play a role and responsibility to embed and develop good values and help students to establish and build their character with good moral values. Character education is directed to put pressure on certain values such as respect, responsibility, honesty, caring, and fair and help the students to understand, pay attention, and do those values in their own lives and environments. Moreover, it is believed that when teachers teach students, they need to think not only the knowledge and skills that they want their students to acquire, but also the values that teachers want students to develop. In line with this, Jack Richard (2001, p. 1) mentioned that teachers must explore on three kinds of outcomes in teaching and learning: 1). Skills: What our students are able to do; 2). Knowledge: What they know; 3). Values: What kind of people they become. As result, integrating values in class in is unavoidable, because this one of educational goals. Besides, In learning English, students do not merely look at anything explained by the teacher. Students need a reference, module, or textbook to explore the knowledge to enlarge students' understanding so that their ability can be further optimized. By existing the textbook, students are led to practice, train, or try out the theories that have been learned from textbooks.Textbooks are as parts of a system enforcing a sense of responsibility, morality, and culture. For this reason, textbooks used in EFL classrooms contain the primary source of information on not only culture but also language for those who study English language. Whenever you teach a language, you also teach a complex system of cultural customs, values, ways of thinking, feeling and acting. It is expected that English textbooks should include variety of values that can bring students into society and make them become active members in their society later on. From this reason, the values of the people must unavoidable be represented in the curriculum, especially here textbooks and teachers should hopefully have good character to give influence to their students. Furthermore, teachers become role models to spread character values. Because of their positions, teachers have great responsibility and opportunities to develop their students’ characters. In addition, Ferch (2005, p. 47) stated that most teachers still agree that the textbook has the greatest influence on daily instruction. Hopefully, the role of the textbook will not disappear with recent technological and world changes. But it is better to modify textbooks to suit these changes and satisfy the needs of modern time. Being considered as a basic pillar of teaching and learning processes, the textbook betterment need to be developed and improved in line with the curriculum. Textbooks are as a vital media for teaching skills and values. They must be designed in a systematic way in order to help the students easily to understand and practice. Furthermore, Wang and Meng (2011, p. 395) through their research in China, find that course books or text books undoubtedly contribute to improve the quality of EFL learning and teaching. This is in line with what Seven and Engin (2007, p. 35) asserted that language instructional activities can be significantly affected by teaching materials. Therefore, using course-book is very beneficial to support the effectiveness of language instructional activities. The text book is one of the tools or media of education which is really important, as the proverb says “book is a storehouse of knowledge”. It is considered as one of the most important instructional media. It is used prominently in the school because it can facilitate either the teacher or the student in the teaching learning activities. As one of teaching materials, textbook is used both by the teacher and the students and it determines the activities in the classroom. A good book should contain not only including the target 5 knowledge information but also inputting moral values, religion, and culture values in order to form students who have a high sense character of nationalism, ethical, moral, cultural, and religious values performed by students. Based on national education standard, a successful education can produce very good quality or character/attitudes of learners balanced with their technology ability. As a consequence, textbooks must have content to build the students’ good moral. This undoubtedly needs to be implemented to achieve basic competencies and core competencies in teaching process based on Government Regulation Number 32 Year 2013 about National Education Standards, Article 1 Paragraph 23 (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pasal 1 Ayat 23). Today there are many commercial textbooks that we can get easily in many bookstores, both common books used as references or and textbooks used as a guidelines in the teaching and learning activities in schools. The contents of the book should fill the necessary requirements in shaping a person's character, such as the values of the book seen in accordance with the values of Pancasila, morality, culture, religion and so on. A good book ought to have good values, so that each reader can form good character in education, morals and ethics. Good textbooks should meet the three aspects of the knowledge, skills and attitudes or behavior. In line with those aspects, there are four pillars of learning which are fundamental principles for reshaping education declared by The International Bureau of Education UNESCO in 1994, namely: 1) Learn to know that means learning to get knowledge and to do advanced learning, 2) Learn to do that means learning to obtain basic competency related to the different situation of teamwork, 3) Learn to live together in peace and harmony that means learning to be able to appreciate and practice interdependent and various condition, understanding and international peace and the last, 4) Learn to be that means learning for self-actualization as an individual with responsible personality. These four aspects are considered in accordance with the level of education and needs (Lamawitak, 2013, p. 2). Textbook is used in every grade level of students in the schools. Since the big demands of the textbooks especially in the field of education, many writers and publishers make some offerings of various English textbooks. They write and publish for various levels of students. Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia(IKAPI), Indonesian Publishers Association, is the sole professional association of publishers in Indonesia that unites book publishers from Indonesia. IKAPI was founded on May17, 1950 in Jakarta. The number of IKAPI members recorded until 2013 is 1.126 publishers from Indonesia. Most of the publishers are concentrated in Java Island and the rest are distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and also in Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that textbook is one of primary instructional media which provide teaching materials and they are used in order to facilitate the teacher and students in the teaching and learning activities. Textbook is used in almost all school as one of instructional media so that the demanded numbers of textbook always increase from year to year. This condition leads many authors and publishers to produce a large number of textbooks for varying levels of students. In result of these facts, they produce their textbooks as good as possible in order to increase the sale number of their textbooks. Consequently, because of the big number of the textbooks, the teacher’s task is to select the appropriate textbook for their students. The process of selection of English textbook is not an easy matter. The teacher frequently has to consider whether or not the materials in the textbooks are suitable in accordance with the curriculum (now we use 6 Curriculum 2013), the students and even with the teachers themselves. Indeed, from those of the number of IKAPI members of book publishers, they are not all of them well known and popular to Indonesian people. Only a few names of big and productive publishers are well known and recognized by the people, such as: Gramedia, Mizan, Erlangga, Yudhistira, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, etc, (Windiarto, 2016) In addition, the Government of Indonesia in order to implement Curriculum 2013 also compiles textbooks for students, especially here for junior high school students. Those Students’ textbooks are compiled and analyzed by various experts and stakeholders under coordination of the Ministry of Education and Culture. These textbooks are used to be initial application of Curriculum 2013. As known, the goal of Curriculum 2013 is designed to face 21st Century Learning. Therefore Curriculum 2013 has stressed the importance of balance of Attitude, Knowledge, and skills competences of students. For that reason, English language ability is formed through sustainable Learning. This sustainable learning focuses on how to create good moral attitude in speaking, behaving without abandoning English language ability. By seeing this, the researcher will use English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture to find moral values on those textbooks. Because of the importance of incorporating values in textbook, textbooks are considered as main supporter to growth and improvement of values. Teachers must have the ability in deciding a good textbook for their students and even for themselves. They should have much information about the textbook they want to use, because the development of moral character has been the subject of philosophical and psychological investigation. Therefore, enriching these textbooks with values is very important. Thus the education intellectuals think that those values must be embedded in the educational process, because of its significant impact on the behavior of individuals and groups. Values of the individual integrate his/her personality and behavior and develop balance between interests and personal needs. Also such values preserve on society culture and identity and help it face the social changes. To apply the noble character, it is very necessary to build a culture or cultures that can accelerate the realization between moral values and textbooks containing of expected character education. Culture is a habit or tradition consisting of certain values that grow and blossom in our daily lives in various aspects of life. Furthermore, Culture can be established and developed by anyone, anywhere and any media like materials of textbooks. Therefore the textbook is the most precedence that educationalists and curriculum designers should be aware of. In addition, Michele Borba offered a pattern or model to build noble character. She uses the term "building moral intelligence". In her book, Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Essential Virtues that teach Kids to Do the Right Thing, Borba outlined various ways to build moral intelligence. According to Borba (2008, p. 4) moral intelligence is the ability to understand right from wrong. It means that having strong ethical convictions and acting on those beliefs so that someone acts and behaves in the right and honorable values or ways. Borba also offered a way to grow good and right character for children, by implanting seven main virtues (moral intelligence): 1) empathy, 2) conscience, 3) self-control, 4) respect, 5) kindness, 6) tolerance, and 7) fairness that help our children/students navigate through the ethical challenges and pressures that students will inevitably face throughout life. According to her, the seven kinds of these virtues can form good quality human beings in anywhere and anytime. These moral values are what give students the moral bearing by 7 which to stay on the path of goodness and to help them behave morally. Later on, the researcher will use her point of view to elaborate moral values in the textbooks. Therefore, moral values are very important in a nation. It shows the right things to do and to become a culture. For that reason, to give a contribution on the development of character education program in Indonesia, the researcher conducted this study by analyzing some English textbooks to see moral values and how the authors of the textbooks present moral values by using Borba’s models of moral values. Since the major users of the textbooks are the students and teachers, their opinions toward textbooks should be collected and analyzed. This study will adopt a content analysis into the student's textbooks. The researcher aims to find out at least points of weaknesses and strength of those textbooks in order to give real recommendations for improvements and betterment. Then, the researcher also interviews teachers’ and student’s perception about those textbooks to know their responses as users of textbooks. What habits we do, we see, and we hear is one of the factors that makes up the character. From the above reasons, the writer as a researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled “The Moral Values on English Textbook (A Content Analysis of English Textbooks for Junior High School Students Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture)”. B. Focus and Subfocus of the Study Based on the background of the study above, the writer will focus on investigating the moral values on English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture (as obligatory books and almost frequently used at Junior high schools) started from seventh, eighth and ninth grade. Subfocus of the study is to reveal the moral values frequently found on those textbooks, to analyze the ways Borba’s moral values are presented in those textbooks, and to figure out the students’ and teachers’ responses on integrating of moral values in those textbooks with the teaching process. C. Research Question Based on the focus of study above, the writer formulates the research question as follow: 1. What were moral values frequently found in English textbooks for Junior High School Students seventh to ninth grade published by the Ministry of Education and Culture seen from Borba’s models of moral values? 2. How were Borba’s models of moral values in the English textbooks presented? 3. How did teachers respond the integration of moral values in those English textbooks and their implementation in teaching process? 4. How did students respond the integration of moral values in those English textbooks in the teaching process and their implementation in daily school life? D. Objective of the Study The research aims to analyze Borba’s model of moral values frequently found in three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade, to identify the ways of Borba’s moral values presented in those English textbooks, to know more deeply about teachers’ responses on integrating of moral values in the textbooks and their implementations in teaching process and the last, to discover students’ responses on moral values in the 8 textbooks and their implementation in daily school life at MTsN 1 Pandeglang, Serang, Banten. E. Significance of the Study The result of this research is expected to give recommendation to the English teachers and also students to use good and right material of English textbooks in accordance with they need in teaching learning process without abandoning the moral values to give real recommendations for improvements and betterment. More specifically, the significance of this study can be seen both practically and academically as follow: 1. Practically a. The stakeholders of state of junior high schools generally can judge or choose any kind textbooks that contain good moral values for students especially in English teaching and learning process. b. The authors and publishers of textbooks can make some betterment on something that is considered less appropriate for the readers especially students and also provide materials which contain a lot of moral values. Then they can improve textbooks by collaborating with education authorities so that they can accept constructive suggestions and criticisms fairly. c. The syllabus designers, experienced and inexperienced teachers, materials developers and educational authorities can evaluate and investigate the newlypublished textbooks in order to realize new ways to improve the quality of the materials and revise their contents. 2. Academically This study could be a reference for students who want to conduct further research on this field. This study is expected to become a knowledge source for all learners and stakeholders in educational world. 9 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Moral Values To explain about moral values, there were two words, moral and values. Therefore, before describing the concepts of moral and values, the following explanations were elaborated such as: the nature of values, the importance of values, the classifications of values, the nature of moral values, Borba‟s moral values and moral values in teaching must be firstly understood correctly. 1. The Nature of Values The concept of value has different definitions. Value that is a general and abstract concept is often used to express different meanings. Niewenhuis (2007, p. 9) examines the root or origin in its Latin (valere) and the old French (valior) contexts means “worth, price, valuation”, the things which are important or useful to human. The concept of a value refers to something worth that we prize, esteem, and regard highly, based on defined standard. In another word, value is price equal to the intrinsic worth of a thing. Thus, you may value your devoted pet, your favorite jacket, and a cherished friendship, each based on different standards that establish and define their worth to you. It means that price or valuation attributing to an object (as good, evil, beautiful, or desirable). An object could be any kinds of objects, things, circumstances, actions, or behavior. Value can only be considered, understood, and felt. Values are also associated with the ideals, hopes, beliefs, and the things. It is important to note that this definition refers to both negative and positive qualities related with values. In line with this, Baier (as cited Mulyana, 2004, p. 8) states value is often formulated in some different concepts; it is caused by the different perspective of view. Because the terms of values are included in many fields, it has various meanings according to the field of studies. Therefore there are many definitions of values according to the economic, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, education, and religion term. For example, sociologists define values as the believe that value has the ability to satisfy the human need and it is a property of the thing makes it has importance to the individual or the group which exist in the human mind and not in the external thing. Unlike Psychologists will interpret the value as a behavioral tendency indicated from psychological symptoms, such as desires, motives, attitudes, needs and beliefs owned individually to form unique behaviors. Meanwhile, anthropologists see value as the value that is inherent in the patterns of social culture such as language, customs, beliefs, laws and other forms of social organization developed by humans. Their differences in understanding the value have implications for the formulation of the definition of value. Here the following are a few definitions of values that each has a different emphasis based on some experts: According to Williams's definition (as cited in Gecas, 2008, p. 345), he stated that values are used as standards or criteria to guide not only action, but also judgment, choice, attitude, evaluation, rationalization, argument and attribution of causality among other 9 10 things. In line with this, J.R. Fraenkel (as cited by Palimbong, 2012, p. 40) defined value as the standard guide of one‟s behavior in deciding what is right, what is good, what is beautiful, what is valuable, or whether something efficient. Fraenkel also mentioned the 8 (eight) indicators providing indication of the values of a person, namely: (1) his achieved goals, (2) his aspiration, (3) his attitude, (4) his interest, (5) his feeling, (6) his belief, (7) actions; (8) his anxiety. In contrast, Huitt (2004, p.1) defines values as everything from eternal ideas to behavioral actions. They are not rules of conduct, but they have cognitive, affective and directional aspects. Values are learned and capable of being structurally organized within the society and individual in term of priority and universality. This is in line with Rokeach (as cited in Palimbong, 2012, p. 40) defines a value is a belief that a person is in the form of a belief system or belief system about what is appropriate or not appropriate for a person or about what is valuable and what is worthless for humans. In addition, Allport (cited by Mulyana, 2004, p. 9) defines value as a belief that makes people act on the basis of his/her choice. As an expert on personality psychology, Allport states that the value in psychological area is called a conviction. A conviction is the highest psychological territory of other areas such as desires, motives, attitudes, and needs. Value means to weigh human activities that connect something with something else to make a decision.Therefore, the decision of true or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or not beautiful in this area is the result of a series of psychological processes which then directs the individual to do and act in accordance with the value of his choice. Furthermore, Kupperman (cited by Mulyana, 2004, p. 9) interprets the value as a normative standar that affects humans in determining the choices between alternative ways of action. He emphasizes on norms as external factors affecting human behavior. As a sociologist, Kupperman looks norms as one of the most important parts of social life. Therefore, one of the most important parts in the process of consideration of the value (value judgment) is the inclusion of normative values prevailing in society. While Kluckhohn (cited by Mulyana, 2004, p. 10) defines value as the conceptions (characteristics implicitly or explicitly distinguishing traits of individuals or groups) of what is desirable, what influences the way choice, and what is the purpose of the action. According to Brameld, Kulchohn view has many implications for the meaning of cultural values and something is perceived worth as something to be desired. Food, money, house, and others have a value because it has a perception/conception as something good and wishes to obtain it have influence humans‟ attitudes and behaviors. But not only materials, but also ideas and concepts can have a value , such as: honesty, truth and justice. Honesty for example, will be a value for a person if he has a deep commitment to this value reflected in his/her mindset, behavior and attitude. Meanwhile, Mulyana (2004, p. 11) simplifies the definition of value as a reference and belief in determining the choice. According to him, this definition can represent the definitions described above, although specific characteristics such as norms, beliefs, way, purpose, nature and characteristics of the value are not explained explicitly and clearly. 11 It is noted from the above mentioned definitions of values that there is a set of features that can help to technically identify values and these features can be summed up as follows: 1. Values controlled and determined by what is desirable and preferable in a position where there are numerous alternatives. 2. Values scale, level or standard in our behavior recognize what is undesirable or desirable. 3. Values help the individual to judge positively or negatively on specific manifestations of experience in the light of evaluation process carried out by the individual. The expression of these features is made in light of several alternatives to that individual who characterizes the values. 4. Value differs from one individual to another according to the obligation of these individuals to this value in different situations. 5. Values in the entity of the individual refer to what he considers important in life relations with all gained experience. 6. Values closely related to human behaviors in different situations so what belongs to the individual could be identified by the values through his words or acts in every situation. 7. Values are controversial issues between individuals and groups as often the individual faces positions to choose between several alternatives; therefore the choice is to be based on certain values. In conclusion from above mentioned definitions of values, Values thus appear to be a form of conceptual and emotional spectacles, a means to allow us to evaluate/see the worth of something, some action or goal. In short, the term "values" means as core guiding principles which are held by individuals within a community. They tend to have a moral aspect involved and are concerned with human actions or behavior and to do with good or bad. They are part of the culture in a community, and help to guide the actions of its members toward each other and the community as a whole and toward other communities that may have different values. Therefore, human relationships are always bound by value. 2. The Importance of Values Values play a strong role in varying individuals and communities from each others. They supply the lives of individuals and communities with a sense of live. People either individuals or societies try to achieve their positive values. The importance values are clear in keeping the society coherence and define the life goals and the best manners. Values sustain all communities to face challenges and protect them from selfishness and contradictions. They foster the parts of the society culture together to become convenient and help members of the society to work together in order to perform their civilization. From above explanation, it can be concluded that value are very important for both individual and society. In line with this, Al-jallad (as cited by Al.Qomoul, 2015, p. 19) explained the importance of values for the individual and for the society. 12 Futhermore, Al-jallad (2010, p. 57) explained the importance of values for the individual appears in the following key issues: 1. Values determine the paths of the individual and his behaviors in life. They represent a fence that saves man from the psychological, physical and social deviation. Without this fence the human become a slave to his desires that may lead him only to annihilation. 2. Values provide the human being with energies of life and exclude him off negative, as active and successful people have distinct values in life. They believe that their success is because of those values such as courage, loyalty, strength, honesty, and insistence. The values of the incompetents reflect the characteristics of powerlessness, desperation, frustration and pessimism. 3. Values of virtue enhance the human potential actors and enable the human to interact positively with the various life situations. He/She progresses from success to success gaining confidence and call others by his good behavior to trust him. Such a situation reflects happiness on him or her. However, when negative values control the human who gains disability and weakness, so he/she deteriorates in his condition. He loses confidence in himself so he complains and forgets that he is the cause of his own failure. 4. Values reform the individual psychologically and morally and guide him/her towards goodness. 5. Values give the individual the opportunity to express himself/herself and to emphasize his possibilities. Al-Jalad (2010, p. 59) also stated that the importance of values for society is presented in the following key points: 1. Values reserve the community survival. It means that communities survived because of their values as they are the foundations and behavior redirects which built the society's progress and civilization. 2. Values reserve the community identity and uniqueness. Values represent a base of the society culture as it is the obvious form of this culture that reflects the patterns of the practiced human behavior. Due to the existence of values in the aspects of life, the identity of the community is formed according to the value in the social system. So, the preservation of the society identity springs from maintaining its members‟ values, which is part of the culture. Shrink of these values means the indication of the weakness of the society‟s identity. Individuals, institutions and leaders of education should be aware of the inflows of values in terms of its nature and its compatibility with the original values. 3. Values are like fortresses of the community as they reserve the community from the manifestations of corrupt behaviors so that the society becomes strong with its values. 4. Values teach the society members life goals which they were created for. It provides the society members with the sense of life and the purpose that brings them together to survive because they are used as criteria for measuring the work and evaluation for the behavior. 13 5. Values connect parts of the community culture to seem consistent as they give the society a rational base for its members who belonging to this culture. Values are important in the life of nations and peoples as the humanitarian community is governed by system. It determines the nature of the relationship of its members to each other in the various fields of life. Values also set the community standards against other societies since these standards represent certain values which communities seek to be strengthened among their members and transferred to other communities. In short, the researcher can see the importance of the values in public life either for individuals or societies as they protect the components of the good society. In another word, the subject of values is important because it helps to develop standards to solve social problems for the sake of better life of the individual and society. Values form the basis of a person‟s choice of action and attitude toward others and toward the world at large. 3. The Classifications of Values There are several classifications of values. These classifications differ according to different views of the scientists of philosophy, sociology and education. Therefore, it became difficult to classify the values comprehensively. It is impossible to provide a comprehensive classification of values because of the different philosophical and intellectual property for each classification of (Al.Qomoul, 2015, pp. 20–21). Nevertheless, researcher tries to introduce some classifications in order to conclude a specified classification to be adopted by this study and perhaps the following are the most important of these classifications: In philosophy, Max Sheler (as cited by Palimbong, 2012, p. 41) divided life (vital) sensory feeling values, spiritual values comprising aesthetics values, moral, and intellectual values. According to the manifold, values are divided on the value of beauty, economy, knowledge, law, religion, culture, education, sociology, life, and others. Furthermore, values are also classified in terms of the social function they perform. For example Rescher‟s classification scheme (cited in Ashiba, 2010, p. 43) involves eight different areas : Table 2.1 Rescher’s Classification Scheme of Values Adapted from Ashiba (2010, p. 43) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Categories of Values Material and Physical Economic Moral Social Political Aesthetic Religious Intellectual 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sample Values Health, comfort, physical security Economic security, productiveness Honesty, fairness, kindness Generosity, politeness, graciousness Freedom, justice Beauty, symmetry, grace Piety, obedience, faith Intelligence, clarity, knowledge 14 In addition, adopted from Spranger's classification (as cited by Mulyana, 2004, p. 32) it was included in “The Patterns of People” where he thought of the possibility of classifying values into six following types: 1. Theoretical values: It includes the deep interest of the individual to discover facts. This value reflects the pattern of the scientist or the philosopher. 2. Economic values: It looks at the individual interest in beneficial and useful way reflected in the manner of business people. 3. Aesthetic values: It reflects the interest of individuals. 4. Social values: It reflects people‟s love, compassion and respect as it characterizes the good person. 5. Political values: It reflects the individual interest to access to power and control. 6. Religious values: It aims at understand the universe and the origin of Man. According to Notonegoro (as cited by Palimbong, 2012, p. 41), the value can be divided into three kinds, namely the value of the material, vital values, and spiritual values. 1. Material values, which include a variety of conceptions about everything that is useful to the human physical elements, such as useful for those who are hungry, thirsty, and so on. 2. Vital values, which include various conceptions associated with everything that is useful to humans in performing various activity, such as ballpoint useful for someone who is writing, but if he is sleeping, pillows and others are useful for the one. 3. Spiritual values, which include various conceptions related to all things related to the spiritual needs of human beings. Spiritual values are divided into four types, namely: a. The value of truth/reality which is based on human reasoning (ratio, mind, or idea). b. The value of beauty or aesthetic value which is based on the element of human feeling (emotion/sense). c. The value of goodness or moral values which are rooted in the element of human will (will, intention or desire). d. Religious value which is the highest spiritual and absolute values derived from religious belief/faith of humans. Based on Phoenix's classification (as cited Al-Jallad, 2010, p. 80 ) he classified values into six following types: 1. Material values: It helps the physical existence of man. 2. Social values: It helps to satisfy the social needs. 3. Mental values: It helps to realize the truth. 4. Moral values: It is a source of sense of responsibility. 5. Aesthetic values: It reflects the aesthetic individual interest. 6. Spiritual or religious values: It expresses people's pertain to what is endless. Besides, Ramzey (as cited Al-Jallad, 2010, p. 82 ) classified values into four types as follows: 1. Material values: It aims at permitted business such as industry and trade. 15 2. Human values: It aims at saving the human and treating him in good way or upbringing or educating or guiding him. 3. Moral values: It aims at applying the Islamic Sharia It includes honesty, generosity, and truth for sake of Allah. 4. Spiritual values: It aims at worship approved by the Islamic Sharia. In addition, Abo Al-Enein (as cited Al-Jallad, 2010, p. 84 ) classified values into the following types: 1. Spiritual values It implies love of Allah, faith in Allah and Jihad for the sake of Him. 2. Moral values: It includes justice, honesty, truthfulness, generosity and cooperation. 3. Mental values: It is the knowledge and ways to acquire experience and critical thinking. 4. Empathy and emotional values: It includes love, hatred and self-control. 5. Social values: It includes honoring parents, social solidarity and kindness of neighbors. 6. Material values: It is the material elements of body care and thrift. 7. Aesthetic values: It recognizes the aesthetic consistency in things and takes in care of appearance, cleanliness and tidiness. In conclusion from above explanation, there are many classifications of values. People place different importance to the above value types. This is important to understand peoples behavior. Therefore, People in different communities have different value systems. They are part of the culture of a community, and help to guide the actions of its members toward each other and the community as a whole and toward other communities that may have diverse values. 4. The Nature of Moral Values Talking about morality cannot be separated from values, and norms. Therefore, before describing the nature of moral values as the researcher has explained above, the concept and components of values, ethics, Islamic ethics, and morals must be firstly understood correctly. Historically, the term “ethics” comes from Greek ethos which means the customs, habits and mores of people. Etymologically, Moral/morality is derived from Latin mos, moris which denotes basically the same, meaning the code or customs of a people, the social glue that defined how individuals should live together (Ruso, 2012, p. 253). In other words, moral (Latin “Morality”) is a human term refer to a human or other person in actions that have a positive value. Humans who do not have moral called amoral/ immoral. Amoral/immoral means he/she does not have a positive value in the eyes of other men. So the moral is the absolute thing to be possessed by humans. Actually in everyday language, the distinction between the terms “ethics” and “morality” is not always clear. Even in some philosophical texts both are used synonymously, while others seem to describe a clear distinction between them. Besides, Islamic ethics is literally translated into English as akhlaq (plural of khuluq derived from the Arabic term) which means character, nature, and disposition. The word 16 akhlaq has a very close relationship with the word khaliq (the Creator) and makhluq (the creature). Therefore, akhlaq assumes a good relationship between khaliq (the Creator) and makhluq (the creature), and between makhluq (the creature) and makhluq (the creature) themselves (Adibah, 2013, p. 508). The term khuluq appears in the Qur‟anic verse two times, (al-Shu‟ara: 137, and alQalam: 4) “And You (Muhammad) are on an exalted standard of character” (Q.S. Al.Qalam: 4). Another Arabic word which is employed as a literally interchangeable to akhlaq is adab. Adab means manner, attitude, behavior, and the etiquette of putting things in their proper place (Abdurezak, 2011, p. 123). According to Abdurezak (2011, p. 123), though these two terms are in some cases used as interchangeable words in Arabic language, some scholars argue that there are some essential differences akhlaq and adab in terms of application and source. This is because akhlaq (ethics) indicates the “moral philosophy”, while adab (morality) signifies the actual practices of moral philosophy. In this case, the former address the theoretical background of human conducts, while the later is more on the actions and manners. Akhlaq from Islamic point of view is different from western perspectives. Ethics, according to western sociologists is relatively dependent on individual perspective in order to determine good or bad. However, in Islam, the source of ethics is its religious institution, transmitting a divine revelation to mankind. In other word, the Quran and Sunnah automatically become the source of akhlaq in Islam. Thus, all modes of behavior and character traits derived their goodness or badness from the sanction or otherwise of the holy book and the sayings and practices of the prophet Muhammad SAW who himself has been described as the best model of behavior for all believers (Ahmad, 2012, p. 117). In short, whether we call a person ethical or moral, or an act unethical or immoral, doesn‟t really make any significant difference. In philosophy, however the term ethics is also used to refer to a specific area of study and the area of morality, which concentrates on human conduct and human values (Ruso, 2012, p. 254). Moral is a strong impulse as well as adhering to rules that must be followed by objective responsibilities relating to exact regulations. Moral is often equated with ethics. Ethics has a deeper meaning than moral, because moral only concerns one‟s physical behavior, while ethics, it is not only about physical behavior, but also the principles and motives of action. Furthermore, Ruso (2012, p. 253) explained that morality refers to concern with what is good or right in people‟s relationships each other. A key to understanding morality is to be specific about definition of good (or bad) and right (or wrong). When we speak of people as being moral or ethical, we usually mean that they are good people, and when we speak of them as being immoral or unethical, we mean that they are bad people. When we refer to certain human actions as being moral, ethical, immoral, and unethical, we mean that they are right or wrong. The simplicity of these definitions ends here. The important thing to remember here is that moral, ethical, immoral, and unethical essentially mean good, right, bad, and wrong often depends upon whether one is referring to people themselves or to their actions. 17 In line with this, Belington (2003, p. 45) explained important features regarding the concepts morals and ethics: 1) Probably the most important feature about ethics and morals is that no one can avoid making moral or ethical decision because the social connection with others necessitates that people must consider moral and ethical actions. 2) Other people are always involved with one‟s moral and ethical decisions. Private morality does not exist. 3) Moral decisions mean because every decision affects someone else‟s life, selfesteem, or happiness level. In short, the concepts morals and ethics cannot be avoided in human life. In addition, Bertens (2000, p. 143) also stated there are four characteristic of moral value. There are as following: 1. Moral value is related with responsibility Moral value is related with human personality, but beside moral value we also automatically can say other values. Moral value makes people wrong or not, because he/she has responsibility. Especially moral value is related with human personality of responsibility. Moral value just can be real in action wholly if it became responsibility of the involved person. 2. Moral value is related with pure heart All values need to make it real. Because it has persuasive power, it should be practice. For example, aesthetic value, it should be practiced, play music composition or others. After that the result of it, painting want to be showed, and music want to be listened. To make moral value to be real, it can be appealed from pure heart. One of special characteristics of moral values is this value will effect voice of pure heart to blame us if oppose moral value and praise us if make moral value. 3. Obligation Moral value obligates us absolutely and it can‟t be compromised. Other values need to be real and admitted, for example, aesthetic value. Educative and cultural person will admit and enjoying aesthetic value. But indifferent people can‟t we blame. Moral value obligates us as such, without requirement. For example, honesty orders us to return thing that borrowed, like or not, because moral value contains an imperative category. In other value for example, if badminton player want to be champion, he/she must try hard. 4. Formality Moral value is not stand-alone without other value. Although moral value is top value that we must appreciate, but it is not in top without other value. Moral values did not separate with other values. For example, a seller applies moral values all at once with apply economic values. Moral values are nothing without other values. It is form of formality. Furthermore, Macoviciuc (2011, p. 18) also stated the focus of moral theory is the foreshadowing of what should be the man from what he is, and changing human interiority by the force of attraction or value of debt is accompanied by documentary rigor and progressive efforts aimed at mitigating the distance between 18 real and ideal, between individual performance and expectations. In this regard, we observe that standardization is an essential component of any social action. It consists in specifying those rules that satisfy the need of organization, command, control and management of operations that can be achieved certain goals, and warned at the same time, on factors and actions that can be sources of disturbances, failures and undesirable situations. Rules to regulate the capacity of individual and group actions are based on values, ideals and collective criteria. In short, moral values are as a part of the values deal with good or bad behavior/action of human beings. As a measure of what is good and what is bad in society, the standard of the moral values is difference between one society and other societies. It depends on customs or agreements in their society. If the society regards that some behavior is a good so it‟s also good for them. Finally, the characteristic standards of morals and ethics is local and temporal. Therefore, it could be concluded that moral values are considered as the rules of social life which must be obeyed to bring the harmony and peace in the communities. 5. Borba’s Moral Values Different from other scholars, Michele Borba offered a pattern or model to build noble character. She uses the term "Building Moral Intelligence". In her book, Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Essential Virtues that Teach Kids to Do the Right Thing, Borba outlined various ways to build moral intelligence. According to Borba (2001, p. 6), moral intelligence is the ability to understand right from wrong. It means that having strong ethical convictions and acting on those beliefs so that someone acts and behaves in the right and honorable values or ways. Borba also offered a way to grow good character for children, by implanting seven main virtues/morals (noble character): (1). Empathy, (2). Conscience, (3). Self-control, (4). Respect, (5). Kindness, (6). Tolerance, and (7). Fairness. According to her, the seven kinds of these virtues can form good quality human beings in anywhere and anytime. In building moral intelligence, Borba shows us why each of the core virtues is vital, how to assess its development in a child, and most important, how to nurture its growth. Here are brief of explanation of her ideas: 1. Empathy is identifying with and feeling other people‟s concern. It means that the core moral emotion allows your child to understand how other people feel. This is the virtue that help him become more sensitive to the needs and feelings of other, be more likely to help those who are hurt or troubled, and treat other more compassionately. It is also the powerful moral emotion that urges your child to do what is right because he can recognize the impact of emotional pain on others, stopping him from acting cruelly. 2. Conscience is knowing the right and decent way to act and acting that way. It means that a strong inner voice that helps your child decide right from wrong and stay on the moral path, zapping her with a dose of guilt whenever she deviates this inner voice. This virtue fortifies your child against forces countering goodness and enables her to 19 act right even in the face of temptation, it is the cornerstone for the development of the crucial virtues of honesty, responsibility, and integrity. 3. Self-control is regulating your thought and actions so that you stop any pressures from within or without and act the way you know and feel is right. It means that this value helps children restrain his impulses and think before he acts so that he behaves right and is less likely to make rash choices with potentially dangerous outcomes. This is the moral that helps your child become self-reliant because he knows he can control his actions. It is also the virtue that motivates generosity and kindness because it helps your child put aside what give him immediate satisfaction and stirs his conscience to do something for someone else instead to stimulate awareness of the needs of others. 4. Respect is showing you value others by treating them in courteous and considerate way. It means to encourage children to treat others with consideration because she regards them as worthy. This is the virtue that leads your child to treat others the way he would like to be treated, and so lays the foundation to preventing violence, injustice, and hatred. When your children make respect a part of her daily living, she will be more likely to care about the rights and feelings of other. As resut from this moral, she will show greater respect for herself, too. 5. Kindness is demonstrating concern about the welfare and feelings of others. It means that this value helps children show his concern about the welfare and feeling of others. By developing this virtue, your child will become less selfish and more compassionate, and he will understand that treating others kindly is simply the right thing to do. When your children achieves kindness, he will think more about the needs of others, show concern, offer to help those in need, and stick up for those who are hurt or troubled. 6. Tolerance is respecting the dignity and rights of all persons, even those whose beliefs and behaviors differ from our own. It means that by this value children are able to appreciate different qualities in others, stay open to new perspectives and beliefs, and respect other regardless of differences in race, gender, appearance, culture, beliefs, abilities, or sexual orientation, etc. By doing tolerance, he/she will treat others with kindness and understanding, and stand up against hatred, violence, hostility, cruelty, bigotry, and respect people based on his/her character, dignity and rights. 7. Fairness is choosing to be open minded and to act in a just and fair way. This value guides children to treat others in a righteous, impartial and fair way so that he/she will be more likely to play by the rules, and take turn and share, and listen openly to all side before judging. Because this virtue increase your children‟s moral sensitivity, he will have the courage to stick up for those treated unfairly and demand that all people regardless of race, culture, economic status, ability, or creed to be regarded equally (Borba, 2001, p. 6). Borba argues that the seven virtues can become the basic models in the form of characters (moral intelligence) in the whole life of people. Thus, a person will get a good quality as a perfect man (in Islam said Insan Kamil) or in terms Michele Borba called the man who has the moral intelligence. Later on, the researcher will use her point of view to elaborate and to categorize moral values in textbooks. 20 To compare to the Indonesian culture, Indonesian government trough Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendiknas, 2010, p. 9) has identified 18 values of national character based on the religious values, Pancasila, culture, and national education goals. These values of Character education are a conscious and earnest effort of an educator to teach the value of the character to the learners. They are 1) religious, 2) honest, 3) tolerance, 4) discipline, 5) work hard, 6) creative, 7) independent, 8) democratic, 9) curiosity, 10) spirit of nationality, 11) love of the homeland, 12) Rewarding achievements, 13) friendly/communicative, 14) love peace, 15) joy of reading, 16) environmental care, 17) social care, and 18) responsibility. In order to relate Borba‟s moral values to the Indonesian culture values, the researcher also used those 18 values of national character to elaborate moral values in the textbooks so that more interesting. The researcher did not use 18 values comprehensively and completely. He will utilize some of those values as comparison and another perspective to Borba‟s moral values, because in this research the researcher will only focus on Borba moral values. Here is a brief of explanation of 18 values in character education by the Ministry of Education are: 1. Religious: Attitudes and behavior that dutifully in carrying out the teachings of their religion, tolerant implementation of the practice of other religions, and live in harmony with other faiths. 2. Honest: Behavior based on an attempt to make himself as a person who always trustworthy in word, action, and jobs. 3. Tolerance: Attitudes and actions that respects differences of religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of others who are different from themselves. 4. Discipline: Actions showed orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations. 5. Work Hard: Actions showed orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations. 6. Creative: Think and do something to generate new ways or the result of something that has been owned. 7. Independent: Attitudes and behavior that is not easy to depend on others to complete tasks. 8. Democratic: Ways of thinking, being, and acting the same rights and obligations judging himself and others. 9. Curiosity: Attitudes and actions which seeks to determine the depth and spread of something learned, seen, and heard. 10. Spirit of Nationality: How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above self-interest and group. 11. Love Homeland: How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above self-interest and group. 12. Rewarding Achievement: Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success. 21 13. Friendly/Communicative: Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success. 14. Love Peace: Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success. 15. Joy of Reading: Habits take time to read a variety of literature that gives virtue for him. 16. Environmental Care: Attitudes and actions which seeks to prevent damage to the surrounding natural environment, and develop efforts to repair the environmental damage that has occurred. 17. Social Care: Attitudes and actions have always wanted to help other people and communities in need. 18. Responsibility: Attitudes and behavior of people to carry out his duties, he should do, to ourselves, community, environment (natural, social and cultural), country and God Almighty. Finally, moral explicitly is something relating to the process of socialization of individuals with no moral human cannot do the process of socialization. Moral in the present age has implicit value because many people have a moral or immoral attitude from a narrow perspective. The nature of moral is a basic foundation taught in schools and human life (society) must have moral if he wants to be respected by others. At last, moral is the absolute value in social life as a whole. Assessment of the moral is measured from the local culture. Moral is the act/behavior/utterance of someone in interact with humans. If the person does it in accordance with the traditional sense of values in the society and fun with his/her environment and people, that person is considered having good morals, and vice versa. 6. Moral Values in Teaching Moral values are interwoven in all aspects of teaching, such as: in the curriculum, in the school culture and as moral example in teachers‟ behavior. Working with values is an essential part of teaching. Educating students to become teachers requires learning how values are embedded in education. In line with this, Buzzelli and Johnston (as cited by Veugelers, 2008, p. 3) explain in their description of the teacher as a moral agent. They includes redefining the teacher-student relationship, examining the personal beliefs and philosophies of students, recontextualizing course methods and content knowledge, and ensuring authentic field experience and student activities. Furthermore, Miller and Pedro (as cited by Talts, 2012, p. 76) believed that teachers are responsible for creating and maintaining a respectful classroom environment for children. Teaching must involve not only the development of the intellect, but also development of the emotional and spiritual domains of the individual. While the intellect concerns the mind, emotion and spirit fall in the domain of the heart. Therefore, teacher must not only teach to the mind, but also touch the heart of the students. The question is not whether teachers display values in education, but rather which values they display, and how the teachers work with values in their teaching. At last, values are embedded in educational practices, in curriculum materials and in discourses in school. 22 Morever, Megler (2008, p. 1) stated that values are the ideological essence of teaching. Values can be taught explicitly, and values are always interwoven in regular teaching practices. Sometimes these hidden values become consciously when teachers reflect on their educational practice. But generally, the values remain hidden and do their work and influence the identity development of students. In short, moral values would help students to become good human beings who have capable of virtuous acts and could still keep strong/tough in various streams of modern pressures. On the other hand, Johnson and Reiman (2007, p. 676) stated teacher interacts with students, it is vital for them to serve as role models of character or moral values. Because of teacher influential role in the lives of young people, teaching means promoting enabling attitudes, orientations, and beliefs, the kind that allow students to progress rather than regress as human beings, to grow in both intellectual and moral terms. When students enter classrooms during their field experience or student teaching practice, they become moral agents in the lives of the children in those classrooms. They need to develop an awareness of the moral significance and moral meanings of policies, practices, routines, and of the rituals of the classroom and the school. In addition, Huxley (2006, p. 1) stated that there is moral development in children. He indicated that the moral development of children differs from that of adults. The development of people‟s values is conceptualized in different ways in both academic work and in practice, and is embedded in more extended concepts about human development. For example, the development of moral values is part of personal and social development. When people talk about moral development, they are referring to their conduct and attitude towards other people in society. In result, as children grow they can develop more complex moral reasoning because they interact with their peers and society in general. Finally, teacher as a central point in the world of education with all the professional competence must be able to participate directly in the study on the education. Also, it is important to take note that a person‟s ability to deal with ethical/moral value is not formed all at once. Because there are stages of growth in physical development, the ability to think and to behave morally also develops in stages. Hence, it is important for ethics/moral to be taught throughout all levels of education. Given the fact that moral values are important for human development, education cannot fail to pay attention to them. B. Textbook Language materials are those resources that can be used to facilitate language learning such as textbooks, videos, graded readers, flash cards, games and websites. Among the variety of materials, textbook is the most widely utilized one (Maroko, 2013, p. 2). The student‟s book usually comes with other materials such as a workbook, a teacher‟s book or even additional texts for reference as a textbook package (Masuhara & Tomlinson 2008, p. 17). The following explanation described the nature of textbook, the role of English text books in teaching, the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing textbooks, functions of a textbook, common problems in the selection of textbooks, criteria of good textbooks, and the English textbooks for junior high school students published by the ministry of education and culture. 23 1. The Nature of Textbook The definitions for Textbooks are wide and varied. One common definition is that a textbook is a printed and bound paper for each year or course of study. The term textbook, also usually called course book, is defined as the book is owned by both the teachers and the students to be followed systematically and used as the basis for the instructional activities of a certain subject (as cited Nemati, 2009, p. 91). A textbook is one of the many kinds of instructional materials used in learning. A textbook is a collection of the knowledge, concepts, and principles of a selected topic or course. It's usually written by one or more teachers, college professors, or education experts who are authorities in a specific field. The textbook is usually briefly written, tightly organized, and greatly condensed. In addition, Anshary and Babaii (in Setiawati, 2010, p. 58) stated a textbook is a framework which regulates and times the programs. A textbook provides ready-made teaching texts and learning tasks. In short, a textbook is the most common information source used in classroom. In Indonesia, according to Supriyadi (2000, p. 1) books used at schools consist of four types, namely: (1) textbooks or course books, (2) reading books, (3) resource book, and (4) teachers‟ handbooks. Reading books, textbooks, teachers‟ handbooks and resource books differ between teachers and learners for elementary school, Junior high school, and senior high school. Besides Muslich (2008, p. 1) explained the nature of the textbook is one type of educational books. Textbook is a book that contains a description of the subject matter or field of study, systematically arranged and has been selected based on specific objectives, learning orientation, and student development/needs. Moreover, In Indonesia itself, using a text book is a must for every school to support the learning process. As stated by Ministry of National Education in the minister regulations No. 2 of 2008 about Textbooks in article 1 Paragraph 23, textbook is as compulsory reference books used in schools that contain learning materials in order to increase belief and piety, to make good character and personality, to have ability to master science and technology, sensitivity and aesthetic capabilities, to achieve health and physical potential based on Standards of National Education, and also Government Regulation Number 32 Year 2013 about National Education Standards, Article 1 Paragraph 23, stated that textbook is as main resources to achieve basic competencies and core competencies in teaching process.This clearly means that the government consider textbooks have important role in learning activity process. Through textbooks, students are wished to get more accurate information because students can get knowledge from other resources beside their teachers. Indeed, textbook is a collection of knowledge, concepts, and principles of a selected topic used in learningteaching and the most common source in classroom. A textbook contains ready-made materials and becomes the easiest and cheapest way to help teachers run the learning process. In conclusion, a textbook is an essential element in education, particularly in language classes. 24 2. The Role of English Textbooks in Teaching Textbook is one of the most important references and resources for student‟s learning in any education system. In line with this, Dahmardeh (2009, p. 45) states that the textbook factor is not only one of the few truly perennial issues in discussion of language teaching, it is also one of the few truly popular issues. The relation between textbooks and language teaching is not something which has only recently been commented on. It has cropped up in writings about language over many centuries. The present book is intended to provide teachers with the skill they need to deal with in a systematic trend, the problem and tasks which meet their programmed planning. The use of course-books in teaching has been widely employed by teachers or lecturers for certain subjects. One of the key reasons to choose textbooks for EFL lessons is that they enable teachers to design, develop and monitor the course easily because they are practical to use and require less time and effort for lesson preparation. For learners, textbooks can become tools for learners‟ self-study. For teachers, textbooks or course books either essentially or supplementary provide content and teaching-learning activities, which shape much of what happens in the classroom and overall guidelines for teacher. In other words, textbook can be understood as a tool to support the teachers‟ teaching and the students‟ learning process. Moreover, Richard (2001, p. 1) also pinpointed the different role of the textbook for learners and teacher. For learners, the textbooks may serve as a form of contact they have with the language apart from inputs provided by the teacher. For inexperienced teachers, textbooks may serve as form of teacher training. They provide ideas on how to plan and teach lessons as well as formats that teachers can use. In addition, Richards and Rodgers (2001, p. 3) stated course books are an unavoidable element of the curriculum because they specify content and define coverage for syllabus items. Furthermore, Wright (cited in Lee, 2003, p. 165) says that teaching materials (e.g. textbooks) assist to define the goals of the syllabus and the roles of teachers and learners within the instructional process. Finally, it can be concluded that besides, Sheldon (1988, p. 238) mentions three main reasons for using the textbook: 1. It is difficult for the teacher to develop their own classroom materials. 2. Time available for the teacher is limited while developing new material takes a great amount of time. 3. Outside restriction of pressure affects the teacher negatively. Textbooks play a crucial role in language teaching and learning realm and they are looked upon as an essential vehicle for foreign language learning. As noted by Cotazzi and Jin (as cited in Reza, 2014, p. 1257), textbooks serve many roles in an EFL classroom, namely teacher, map, resource, trainer, authority, and ideology. Furthermore, Gray (2002, p. 151) argues that ELT publisher present a vision of the world in the texts they produce, and despite being designed explicitly for the teaching of language, they are carriers of cultural messages. That is why the authors of different textbooks should identify the elements that they believe are essential to good textbook, and their information should be compiled into their projects. In other words, textbook designers should try to break down 25 learners‟ and instructors‟ needs before beginning their job on designing satisfactory and appropriate materials for the students and teachers. Besides, Newton (as cited in Rezat, 2006, p. 412) claims that text use is usually perceived as a relationship between the teacher, the student and the text. Keeping in mind that the teacher is regarded as the mediator of the text, Newton suggests a different model of textbook use that is displayed; Teacher Student Textbook Figure 2.1 Relationships between the Teacher, the Student and the Text Adapted from Rezat, 2006, p. 412 Accordingly, Sohail (2011, p. 57) explained that textbooks are inseparable parts of teaching due to the following reasons: 1. To help the pupil 2. To help in self-teaching 3. To give the minimum essential knowledge at one place 4. To provide logical and comprehensive material 5. To ensure uniformity of good standard 6. To provide both confirmation and sustenance 7. To provide a base from which both the teacher and the pupil may start and continue to work. There are many different kinds of English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) course books that are designed for students of all levels and ages. The quality of ESL textbooks has also enriched intensely in recent years. Therefore, the process of choosing the right course book for use in the classroom, especially at the junior high school level, is an important task. In addition, the teachers‟ choice for their classrooms often shapes the syllabi, and sometimes even the entire language program. It can be concluded from above explanation, most teachers use textbook as their media of teaching in the classroom, since it provides the materials that should be taught by the teacher. Most teachers feel secured with the use of textbook. Textbook is an almost universal element of English language teaching. It can be a guided for the teacher about how to teach in the classroom which is appropriate with the syllabus and curriculum that is used by the teacher. Moreover, course books should be in line with the goals of the institutions, objectives of the language program, and the needs of the student attending the program. Consequently, there will be no teaching-learning seems complete until it has its relevant textbook. Textbooks do play role an important role in different levels of education. 26 3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilizing Textbooks Using course books in English teaching brings some advantages. Talking advantages, ready-made syllabi contain carefully planned and balanced selection of language content that can be easily followed by teachers and students. Textbooks are considered to have a tendency to dictate what is taught, in an intentional order, and they have a serious impact on how teachers use them (McGrath, 2006, p. 171). When the teachers are teaching each unit in the course books, there is a consistency in the topics and genres in the language skills area (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar etc). This allows for greater autonomy in the learning process. In addition, many inexperienced teachers may find ESL or EFL course books to be useful and practical because the ready-made activities and lessons are easy for the teacher to prepare. In many of the course books, the designers even have prepared achievement tests for each units of study and a teacher‟s manual to guide the teacher in their instruction. In short, here are some advantages and disadvantages of using textbook. a. Advantages of Textbooks Chou (2010, p. 89) pointed out the four main advantages of using course books to teach English. The course book has a clearly identified set of achievement objectives. Another advantage is that it has a consistency in the topics and genres in the four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Also, ready-made activities and lessons make it easy for teachers to prepare. Finally, choosing a course book is the cheapest and most convenient way of providing learning materials to each student (Kayapinar, 2009, p. 69). Another expert, Richards, (2002, p. 254) also reviewed many advantages of textbooks as it provides structure and a syllabus for a program as follows: a) it provides a variety of learning resources such as, visuals, activities, and reading. b) It provides security for the students as they know what to expect and what is expected of them. b) It provides teachers with a basis for assessing students‟ learning due to tests or evaluation tools available. c) It provides consistency within a program across a given level. d) It maintains quality if the textbook is well-developed. f) It provides training to teachers as they provide a teacher‟s manual. g) They can provide effective language model and input. h) They are useful guides especially for inexperienced teachers who are occasionally unsure of their language knowledge. i) They provide autonomy that the students can use them to learn new material, review and monitor progress in order to be less teacher-dependent. b. Disadvantages of Textbooks Moreover, course books as preplanned teaching materials have some possible disadvantages. In line with Ajayi ( as cited in Kayapinar, 2009, p. 70) explain that although textbooks are seen as an indispensable tool of the language arts instruction, they are hardly evaluated for their appropriateness to meet teachers‟ and learners‟ needs and interest. Furthermore Richards and Renandya, (2002, p. 50) stated disadvantages of textbooks, such as the following: a) they may not reflect the learner‟s needs. b) They may deskill teachers and reduce their creativity. c) They may be socially and culturally biased. d) They 27 may not provide comprehensive aspects of language e) They fail to contextualise language activities. f) They have lack of fairness in gender representation. In reality, however teacher still prefer to use English textbooks as guide and to teach students, and students are also satisfied to have textbooks as tool for learning. Richards (2000, p. 2) stated that the advantages and limitations of textbooks should be considered. At last, using textbooks appropriately can support teachers to improve their skills of teaching and develop student‟s learning skills. 4. Functions of a Textbook The existence of textbook is needed to support the function of teaching-learning process. As stated by Brown (2007, p. 155), the most obvious and most common form of material support for language instruction comes through textbooks. This means that the most common factor to support the success of teaching learning process is textbooks. Teaching materials are key component in most language program. To conclude, textbook as instructional material generally serve as the source for a large amount of the language learners input and the language practice that occur in the classroom. Textbooks are designed to give organization to the language teaching and learning process by providing direction, support and specific language-based activities aimed at offering classroom practice for student (Mares, 2003, p. 130). In addition, language textbook functions are closely connected with the idea of validity of teaching and learning foreign language. In line with this, Tandlichova (2014, p. 146) in her viewpoints stated there are seven functions of textbook. a. Informative function means presentation of information about the English language, its socio-cultural background and contexts of its global use within the international communication, as it is one of the sources for developing acculturation. b. Stimulating and developing function means the development of activity, independence and creativity of student and teachers. c. Integrating function means the integration of student‟s knowledge and experience from other subjects or student‟s own experience in the English language, such as dictionary use, the use of reference books, encyclopedia, etc. d. Educating and motivation function means the effort for the information and development of learner‟s personalities, their moral, ethical and aesthetic features and principles, as well as students‟ intrinsic motivation for foreign language study and acquisition. e. Contrastive-transformational function means the respect for contrastive approach to the linguistic material of mother tongue and foreign languages and to both cultures, traditions and experience and it also implies the receptive and productive relations of teachers and students to the textbook. f. Facilitating and relating function implies monitoring and facilitating role of an EFL teacher, students‟ active work at school and independent work at home by means of tasks, activities, exercises, etc. in the course book and in the workbook and it also implies the cyclical character of the second language acquisition process through reallife situations in mother tongue and the target language. 28 g. Testing function means that there is material suitable for testing productive receptive acquisition of linguistic and communicative competence from the viewpoint of a teacher and self-control of the student. Therefore, if the authors of English textbooks respect the above mentioned functions, the English textbook will enable the teachers and students as learners to use it effectively. Later on, it can also be very motivating for learning and teaching foreign language. Finally, the teacher-learner cooperation will be successful. 5. Common Problems in the Selection of Textbooks The problem arises when we speak about selecting the textbook. Textbook must be used in a homogeneous class or in a heterogeneous class in every school. There are some questions before exploring those problems. Can textbooks meet the needs of students, curriculum goals, etc? Are textbooks relevant to every school? Are textbook designs interesting so that students are not boring? Can textbook meet the level of students of every single individual member of the class? Is it necessary to use a course book? To answer those questions, some experts (ac cited in Nemati, 2009, p. 91) agreed there are many problems in using textbook. Textbooks impossible meet students‟ needs. Furthermore, to answer those problems that exist in using just one textbook for different students, some experts are against using a course book for one the possible following reasons: 1. Inadequacy: Every class or better to say every learner has their own learning needs and no one course book can supply these satisfactorily. 2. Irrelevance: The topics dealt within the course the course book may not necessarily be interesting for the class. 3. Limitation: A course book is confining and it may lead to boredom and lack of motivation on the part of the learners. 4. Homogeneity: Course books have their own rational and they do not cater for variety of levels of ability and knowledge that exist in most classes. 5. Over-easiness: it may be too easy to follow, and teachers may find themselves as mediator of its content. From above reason, it can be concluded that although most textbooks are well organized with many different kinds of activities, however, they do not provide enough details in other aspects of language study. Teachers need to solve these issues and problems that may come with textbooks. In this sense, the teacher job is not as easy as it seems to select good textbook. 6. Criteria of Good Textbooks There are some criteria that can be used to evaluate textbooks. The first is a set criteria of National Education Standard used by the Indonesian government to evaluate textbook and the second is a set of criteria from some experts. a. A Set Criteria of National Board of Education Standard First, In Indonesia as stated by Ministry of National Education in The Minister Regulations No. 2 of 2008 about Textbooks in article 4 and Government Regulation 29 Number 32 Year 2013 about National Education Standards, Article 43 Paragraph 5, the criteria of textbooks, assessed by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (National Board of Education Standard) or team made by the Minister and then finally administered by Minister Regulations, should meet 4 components such as Content Suitability, Presentation Suitability, language Suitability, Graphic Suitability. Committee of National Education Standard has been divided 2 stage of assessment instrument and score for each component of criteria. Here are the following criteria descriptions of 4 components from Assessment instrument stage I, (BSNP, 2006, p. 2): Table 2.2 Assessment Instrument Stage I Adapted from BSNP, 2006, p. 2 Components Sub Components I. Content Suitability A. Suitability of subject 1. Completeness matter with standard 2. Deepness competency and basic competency 3. Social function B. Accuracy of material 4. Element and structure of meaning 5. Linguistic features 6. Modernity C. Supporting material 7. Development of life capability for learning 8. Development of diversity perception II. Presentation Suitability A. Technique of 9. Systematization presentation 10. Balance among each chapter B. Presentation of learning 11. Learner-centeredness 12. Development of students‟ initiative, creativity, and way of thinking 13. Development of students‟ independence 14. Development of students‟ ability to shelves reflection/evaluation 15. Introduction Completeness C. Completeness of 16. Substance Deepness presentation 17. Closing III. language Suitability A. Suitability of students‟ 18. Suitability of students‟ cognitive development development level 19. Suitability with students‟ socio-emotional development B. Communicative 20. Readable message 21. Accuracy of language principle C. Unity and coherence of 22. Coherence of meaning in a 30 Components the ideas Sub Components section/chapter/subchapter/paragraph/sentence 23. Unity of meaning in a section chapter/subchapter/paragraph/sentence Table 2.3 Assessment Instrument Stage 2 Adapted from BSNP, 2006, p. 2 Components Sub Components IV. Graphic Suitability A. Format size 1. Font size or standard 2. Interesting, eye catching, simple and B. Cover design illustrative Components Sub Components C. Content design 3. Readable or interesting to read 4. Good quality of paper, example Power Mac D. Paper Quality G4 paper 5. Good quality of printing and textbook not easy E. Printing Quality broken, example : clean and clear printing b. A Set Criteria from Some Experts According to Tandlichova (2014, p. 150) in her viewpoints concluded that quite a number of experts (Cunningsworth, Harmer, Hutchinson, etc.) have tried to list good criteria in order that a foreign language teacher can choose the best textbook for his/her students. The lists of criteria of textbooks are external layout and basic information as well as internal structure and content. 1) External layout and basic information A foreign language course book respects the addressee, i.e. the student or learner with regard to the level of his/her proficiency. It also respects the syllabuses for the given school and learner‟s level of foreign language proficiency together with the respect for professional motivation of a foreign language teacher and learners‟ expectations and needs. 2) Internal structure and content a) The choice and application of methods with regard to teaching, and acquisition. b) Presentation of grammar and lexis with respect to the principles from the known to the unknown, from the easier to more difficult, etc. c) The link between exercises, activities and tests with the theme of the main text aiming at the development of creativity and independence of students. d) The choice of text with regard to students‟ age, interests and the level of their communicative competence. It is the main text and additional texts which help to develop students‟ knowledge about the English speaking countries in comparison with students‟ own country and language. e) The respect of socio-cultural and multicultural factors and interests of students. f) The respect of socio-cultural and multicultural factors and interests of students. 31 g) h) i) j) k) The development of integrated skills. Functional non-verbal material. Functional additional material (even authentic material). Validity and reliability of test. Respect for application of various learning styles and styles of second language acquisition. l) The role of mother tongue m) Functions of other parts of the course book set. In addition, Richard-Amato (as cited in Ferch 2005, p. 44) grouped foreign language textbook selection guidelines into the following categories: purpose and motivation, appropriateness, format, authenticity, and teacher resources. For example, more recent foreign language textbooks include practice exercises or activities in specific contexts, rules for using the language, and communicative goals. As a consequence, English for commercial textbook not only includes pictures, photos, tickets, schedules, and other documents, but also includes authentic language and well-written texts. At last, it is common that foreign language textbooks reflect to the criteria of the pedagogical approaches or beliefs used in contemporary language teaching. Therefore researchers need a way to analyze the quality of this textbook. One way to analyze the content was to find out the availability of its values. Thus the researcher reviewed literature in the field and found out that a good textbook should have multiple contextualized and personalized practice activities representing values. These activities should include interesting and relevant topics that encourage students to construct their own meaning individually or in group activities depending on these values. Consequently, the textbook should offer a lot of opportunities for students to practice writing and revising their work. In conclusion from above explanation, the purpose of the English textbook should be reflected to those criteria in its design and its aim to develop the four language skills: Reading, writing, speaking, and listening as well as students‟ needs and other values. 7. The English Textbooks for Junior High School Students Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia now uses Curriculum 2013. The goal of Curriculum 2013 is designed to face 21st Century Learning. In this curriculum, there are some changes of learning and teaching process from students who are previously passive to be students more active. Students should play more active to look for any kinds of information/knowledge/sources and not depend on their teachers. Therefore, the Government of Indonesia in order to implement Curriculum 2013 compiles various textbooks for students and teachers, especially here for junior high school students. Those Students‟ textbooks are compiled and analyzed by some experts and stakeholders under coordination of the Ministry of Education and Culture. These textbooks are used to be initial application of Curriculum 2013. 32 According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, the goals of those textbooks for SMP/MTs (Junior High School) from seventh, eight, and ninth grade are to encourage students to develop their speaking skills by using text based learning approach both oral and writing as tools of communication. Understanding of genre, rule and context of a text is stressed in order to make students easy to comprehend the meaning containing in texts or even providing idea in the form of suitable texts so that they are easy to explain to others. Seeing that English lesson is officially obliged from grade 7th of junior high school in Indonesia, so the communication texts used in those textbooks are daily communications. As part of Curriculum 2013, those textbooks stress the importance of balance of Attitude, Knowledge, and skills competences of students through sustainable learning. It starts from increasing students‟ competences of genre, rules, and contexts of a text, then to be continued to enhance students‟ skill competences by exposing them a text both oral and written by correct pronunciation and intonation in accordance with building moral students‟ character by using polite speaking and behaving. For that reason, English language ability in those textbooks is formed through sustainable Learning. Meaning that, this sustainable learning focuses on how to create good moral attitude in speaking, behaving without abandoning English language ability. Ministry of Education and Culture said that those students‟ textbooks try to explain minimal efforts to be done by students to achieve their competence. Based on curriculum 2013 approach, students are encouraged to be brave to find other learning sources which are available in their environments. Teachers‟ roles are very important to adapt their students‟ understanding to these materials and teachers can also elaborate by other relevant sources without abandoning moral values. By seeing this, the researcher will use English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture to find moral values on those textbooks. Later on, based on key features above, researcher selects three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students Year started from seventh grade to ninth grade to be researched. C. Integration of Moral Values in Teaching 1. The Meaning of Integration Terminologically, integration has synonymous with fusion, unification, or merger, of two or more objects. This is in line with the definition proposed by Poerwandarminta (as cited by Trianto, 2007, p. 38) that integration is the union in order to become roundness/oneness or become whole. 2. The Integration of Moral Values in Teaching Integration of moral values in the teaching-learning process is implemented at all stages of learning along with the integration of the values of character. According to Marzuki‟s view (2012, p. 40) there are three stages of process Integration started from the first, planning stage (preparation of lesson plans), second, implementation stage, and third, evaluation stage. Then, Marzuki explained the concept of integration of moral values at different stages of learning can be described as follows. 33 a. Planning stage (preparation of lesson plans) Planning is a very important stage in the learning process because planning will be guidance the learning process in the next stages thereafter. At this stage all of the teachers will prepare lesson plan that includes components of objectives, materials, methods/strategies, and evaluation. At the time of making learning plan, schools should hold an internal meeting here chaired by school principals by inviting experts who act as consultants for teachers to guide how to integrate the moral values that have relevance to the study to be carried out. The formulation of learning objectives should not only focus on not only the development of cognitive and psychomotoric aspects, but also the affective aspects. On this affective aspects, integration of character values or moral values at the same time can also be integrated as they are considered relevant for students. It is simply by entering the relevant substance of moral values to the objectives that have been defined previously. Furthermore, methods and learning strategies selected should be the methods and strategies that can facilitate the learners so that they can easily attain the target of knowledge and skills. Besides, methods and learning strategies should be able to develop the integration of character or moral values. Finally, evaluation techniques must be able to measure the achievement of competence and also the characters in this case, the integration of moral values. The assessment of integration of moral values (here students‟ character) is expressed qualitatively and not quantitatively. Therefore, the evaluation techniques especially for the character/moral values should be in line with qualitative assessment like observation, performance appraisal, peer assessment, self assessment and so on. b. Implementation stage At this stage, teachers implement teaching-learning process in accordance with learning plan. Therefore, in practice teachers must consider the condition of the class. It is important to note because it is not infrequent changes or differences situations in classroom beyond a prediction that teaching-learning process becomes less possible or not effective if teachers stick with what have been prepared. Such a situation requires teachers to do and decide quickly and accurately. Next, the behavior of teachers during the teaching-learning process should be a model to implement moral value or characters to be developed. c. Evaluation stage The evaluation or assessment was conducted in line with the planning stage. In education, the assessment must be done correctly and rightly. The assessment is not only more considering to the achievement of cognitive aspects but also to the achievement of affective and psychomotoric aspects. In order to get correct and objective assessment results, teachers must really understand the principles of a true evaluation based on standard assessments which are determined by experts of assessment. Therefore, teachers must prepare evaluation tools/patterns/rubrics as well as possible in order to obtain correct results and objective evaluation. Furthermore, Lickona (as cited Hadi, 2015, p. 12) recommends three strategies as a comprehensive approach in internalizing moral values, namely: (1) classroom strategy, (2) 34 broader child-rearing strategy outside the classroom, and (3) broader child-rearing strategy outside the school. Later on, researcher will use a classroom strategy as one aspect in internalizing moral values. In result, teachers are expected to be able to instill values inside their classroom through the lessons they teach. Good character, which is the result of this kind of teaching, resembles a harvest for farmers. What teachers sow to their students is supposed to what teachers harvest. Based on the description as mentioned above, it seems clear that for the integration of moral values in the teaching-learning process on a character-based education needed a readiness and alertness of teachers. Teachers especially here, an English teacher, are actually in a central position. They are required to provide good service and become a role model for students in integrating the values of character or moral values. D. The Nature of Perception Etymologically, the word “perception” originates from the Latin word, “percipere”, (to perceive). According to Fazio & Williams (as cited by Akurugu, 2010, p. 14), perceiving ideas and concepts is viewed from two dimensions first is the conscious recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli that serve as a basis for understanding, learning, and knowing or for motivating a particular action or reaction. The second is the result or product of the act of perceiving. In addition, Devito (as cited Diniah, 2013, p. 186) stated perception is the process when we become aware of many stimuli that affect our senses. Similarly, Sobur (2009, p. 446) proposes "perception is a part of the overall process that produces the response after the stimulus is applied to humans." From the definitions, it can be concluded that perception is an ability of the overall process of stimuli to make a response and we become aware of something after seeing and understanding something. Furthermore, according to Rakhmat (2009, p. 55) some factors influencing perception are functional/personal, structural and cultural factors. First, functional/personal factors consist of needs, past experience, motivation, hope, attention, emotion, and situation. Second, structural factors consist of intensity of stimulus, quantity of the stimulus, and the contradiction of stimulus. Cultural factor is a factor in which an individual lives. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that perception is a process started from a vision to form a response that occurs within the individuals themselves so that individuals are aware of everything in the environments through their senses of perception. 1. Teacher’ Perception In the field of ELT professionals, significant roles of teachers‟ perceptions have been highlighted. According to Pederson (2003, p. 58) Teachers‟ perceptions play a crucial role in educational perspectives. Educators have underlined a position which teachers‟ perceptions hold in education and agreed that teachers‟ perceptions influence teachers‟ practice, judgment and decision making. Additionally, teachers are a key factor and mostly engaged in learning and teaching. Therefore, teachers must be aware of what they perceive and believe when conducting their daily teaching. 35 This means that teachers‟ perceptions are the basis for teacher to form judgment or make decisions. In addition, teachers‟ perceptions result in how teachers deal with shortcomings in their teaching situations (Moloi, 2009, p. 78). As result, it is believed that investigating teachers‟ perceptions will uncover salient shortcoming occurring in educational settings which will be valuable contribution to teachers‟ educational development. With this notion, there have been plenty of research studies concerning teachers‟ perceptions in ELT professionals. However, it has been noticed that there has been little explicit examination focusing on teachers‟ perceptions toward the use of English textbooks, especially about moral values in textbooks. Therefore, the researcher is interested in exploring teachers‟ perceptions toward using English textbooks. In consequence, teachers‟ perceptions have played a crucial role in teaching and learning processes due to the fact that they not only influence teachers‟ actions and teachers‟ decision making but also provide significant insight into aspects of education. 2. Students’ perception It appears to say that learners need to engage actively in processing the meanings of whatever they hear and read in order to acquire the target language effectively. Based on previous definitions, perception is defined as a process where one will form an impression about someone or something. Perception is also constructed as a result of individual observation towards certain things or events occur around them which will produce certain perception. The perception then affected their attitude towards certain matters or objects of attitudes. Therefore, the present study is intended to identify not only the teachers‟ perception but also students‟ perception of integration moral values to know student‟s perspective about English textbooks they used. E. Content Analysis 1. The Nature and Purpose of Content Analysis Talking about the term of “analysis‟, most people today immediately think analysis usually means as breaking something down into its components. And this is how analysis tends to be officially characterized. In line with this, Lal Das and Bhaskaran (2008, p. 173) explained content denotes what is contained and content analysis is the analysis of what is contained in a message. Broadly content analysis may be seen as a method where the content of the message forms the basis for drawing inferences and conclusions about the content. Further, content analysis falls in the interface of observation and document analysis. Therefore, it is also considered as a modest or non-reactive method of social research. According to Franzosi (2004, p. 547) there are many experts explaining about this method. Originally, content analysis was a quantitative research method, Bernard Berelson published the first general textbook in content analysis in Communication Research, which introduced recognition for the technique as a multipurpose tool for social science and media researchers. 36 Furthermore, Franzosi (2004, p. 547) also explained that actually, the development of content analysis has greatly been influenced by qualitative methodology which surfaced in 1970s. Some scholars adopted it for historical and political research as well Holsti. However, the method achieved greater popularity among social science scholars as well as a method of communication research. Then later on many textbooks describes content analysis from Holsti to Krippendorff, and in various accounts of the development of content analysis from Shapiro to Markoff, etc. A number of definitions of content analysis are available. According to Berelson content analysis is a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of the manifest content of communication. Holsti says that it is any technique for making inferences by systematically and objectively identifying specified characteristics of messages. In line with several experts, Krippendorff (2004, p. 18) defines content analysis as a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding. It is also known as method of analyzing documents. Content analysis allows the researcher to test theoretical issues to enhance understanding of the data. Through content analysis, it is possible to distil words into fewer content related categories. It is assumed that when classified into the same categories, words, phrases and the like share the same meaning. In addition, Kerlinger defined content analysis as a method of studying and analyzing communication in a systematic, objective, and quantitative manner for the purpose of measuring variables. Moreover, Neuendorf (2002, p. 1) explained that, “Content analysis may be briefly defined as the systematic, objective, quantitative analysis of message characters.” Thus content analysis aids in scientific and practical investigation of the concepts, motives, needs, attitudes, and all mentioned pieces in the educational content of books. Referring to content analysis, Cole (as cited by Elo & Kyngas, 2008, pp. 107-108) also defined content analysis is a method of analyzing written, verbal or visual communication messages. Content analysis can be a useful technique for allowing us to discover and describe the focus of individual, group, institutional, or social attention. It also allows inferences to be made a matter which can then be corroborated by using other methods of data collection. Furthermore Frankel (2012, p. 478) defines content analysis as “Technique that enables researchers to study human behaviors in an indirect way, through an analysis of their communication.” In his view, the great advantage of content analysis is that it is unremarkable because there is no external interruption, as it might happen in the case of observation or interview. Besides, Holster (as cited by Wheelock, Haney, & Bebell, 2000, p. 14) offers a broad definition of content analysis as, "any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages". By Holster's definition, the technique of content analysis is unrestricted to the domain of textual analysis, but it may be applied to other areas such as coding student drawings, or to coding of actions observed in videotaped studies. Today, content analysis has a long history of use in 37 communication, journalism, sociology, psychology, and business, and during the last few decades it uses has shown steady growth. In the educational domain, Gavora (2015, p. 8) stated a wide range of contents can be investigated which provide information on educational topics. Here is a brief summary of the existing source categories: a. Learning materials: books, textbooks, workbooks, collection of exercises, practice books. b. Other learning resources: maps, images, pictures. c. Students‟ products: essays, written assignments, homework, drawings, paintings. d. Bachelor´s and master‟s theses, doctoral dissertations. e. Teachers´ products: notes, diaries, lesson plans. f. Documents: school legislation, school/class documentation, curriculum materials, educational programmes, evaluation materials, school codes. g. School presentation materials: bulletins, websites. h. School-parents communication: paper and e-mail messages. i. Media: articles in magazines, journals on educational topics. j. Radio programs, TV news, TV shows, films, plays. According to Gavora‟s views also (2015, p. 9) He looks at the preferences of the sample units of what researchers are included in the present study, only Berelson and Holsti stick to media content. In contrast, Neuendorf, Krippendorff, Berg, Guest et al., and White and Marsh allow for any content (not only to media of communication to be researched). The different views of these two groups of researchers reflect the past developments of content analysis. Berelson and Holsti belong to the formation period when the range of content was rather narrow. The rest of the authors represent the modern era, during which, among other matters, qualitative methodology strongly influenced the focus of content analysis. However content analysis meets critics in the qualitative field that considered content analysis a simplistic technique that did not give deep explanation to detail statistical analysis, while other experts considered that content analysis was not sufficiently qualitative in nature. In the early days, the differentiation of content analysis was limited to classifying it primarily as qualitative vs. qualitative method (Hsieh & Shanon, 2005, p. 1277). In contrast, Weber (as cited Neundorf, 2002, p. 9 ) stated it is possible to attain simplistic results by using any method even though the skill of analysis is lacking, but if only researchers have good skills of methods. Consequently, the result finding will not be simplistic. The truth can be gained by any kind of method, whether it is easy or difficult as the researcher determines it to be as long as the researcher can uses it. It is not a big problem. Despite criticism, the researcher chooses a content analysis as research method for making replicable and valid inferences from data to their context, with the purpose of providing knowledge, new insights, a representation of facts. In line with Krippendorff „s view (2004, p. 20), the aim of content analysis is to attain a condensed and broad description of the phenomenon, and the outcome of the analysis is concepts or categories 38 describing the phenomenon. Usually the purpose of those models of concepts or categories is to build up a model, conceptual system, conceptual map or categories. In short, content analysis is very useful way to obtain information that describes an issues and topic. Furthermore, Berelson (as cited by Opoku, 2008, p. 26) suggested five main purposes of content analysis as follows: a. To describe substance characteristics of message content; b. To describe form characteristics of message content; c. To make inferences to producers of content; d. To make inferences to audiences of content; e. To predict the effects of content on audiences. Moreover Frankel (2012, p. 489) argued there are several reasons to do a content analysis. Such as: 1) to obtain direct descriptive information of one kind or another without the author or publisher being aware that it is being examined, 2) to analyze observational and interview data, 3) to test hypotheses, 4) to check other research findings, and the last, 5) to obtain information useful in dealing with educational problems. Further, from above purposes, content analysis conforms to three basic principles of scientific method. They are: a. Objectivity: means that the analysis is pursued on the basis of explicit rules which enable different researchers to obtain the same results from the same documents or messages. b. Systematic: The inclusion or exclusion of content is done according to some consistently applied rules by the possibility of including only materials which support the researcher‟s ideas eliminated. c. Generalizability: The results obtained by the researcher can be applied to other similar situations. Thus, content analysis is all about making valid, replicable and objective inferences about the message on the basis of explicit rules. The material for the content analysis can be letters, diaries, newspaper content, folk songs, short stories, and messages of radio, television, documents, texts or any symbols. Therefore, researcher selects this method of content analysis as a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within the texts or set of texts. Researcher quantifies and analyzes the presence of meaning and the relationship of such words and concepts and then makes inferences about the message within the text. It requires not only gathering information but also compressing a text into smaller parts systematically. Finally, the researcher concludes that content analysis is necessarily sitespecific in the sense to analyze documents. 2. Types of Content Analysis Content analysis is the analysis of text documents. There are three types of content analysis. Many experts provide descriptions for both by contrasting their properties (e.g. numerical data versus verbal data). Most frequently, mixed approach is added as a third option, which harmonizes the two different methodologies. In line with Devi‟s view (2009, p. 1), she classifies that content analysis is a method that may be used with either 39 qualitative or quantitative data or both. As a quantitative research method, content analysis is used with text data coded into explicit categories and then described using statistics or numerical presentation. In contrast, qualitative content analysis is defined as a research method for the subjective interpretation of the content of text data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns and then presented by verbal expressions. Later on, the researcher will use qualitative content analysis as the method of this study. Furthermore, Hsieh and Shannon (2005, p. 1277) identify three types of qualitative content analysis: summative, conventional, and directed. Firstly, summative content analysis involves the counting and comparisons of words, usually of keywords or content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying context. Secondly, In conventional content analysis, categories emerge out of the analysis rather than through preconceived categories being derived directly from the text data. And finally, directed content analysis involves the application of conceptual categories to a new context. It means that analysis starts with a theory or relevant research findings as guidance for initial codes. In this case, Hsieh & Shannon (2005, p. 1281) stated that directed content analysis is appropriate to use when “existing theory or prior research about a phenomenon that is incomplete” would benefit from further description,” with the goal “to validate or extend conceptually a theoretical framework or theory”. Looking at the characteristics of each qualitative content analysis, then the researcher will use the directed content analysis method because its characteristic is suitable to this study. Specifically, the researcher will utilize the concept of moral values to direct the content of analysis on textbooks. 3. Procedures of Content Analysis Content analysis requires a set series of systematic procedures. There are several procedures based some experts. Ferch (2005, p. 46) determined that there are six basic steps to analyze the textbook as the following: a. Identifying the sampling unit. b. Identifying the recording units. c. Developing the coding categories and the coding forms. d. Evaluating the coding forms. e. Coding the data and managing the recording process. f. Analyzing the data. In addition, Frankel (2012, p. 480) explained there are some steps of procedures involved in content analysis. There are: a. Determining objectives, researcher decides on the specific objectives to achieve. b. Defining terms, researcher must be sure what kinds of terms to be researched, such as violence, democracy, moral values, etc. it should be clearly defined either before hand or as the study progress. c. Specifying the unit of analysis, the researcher should specify the unit of analysis to be used for conducting research. Such as: words, sentences, phrase, paintings, etc. 40 d. Developing a sampling plan, researcher develops a sampling plan. Book may be sampled at one or any number of levels, such as words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, books or authors. e. Formulating coding categories, after the researcher has defined as precisely as possible what aspects of the content are to be investigated, he or she need to formulate categories that are relevant to the investigation. f. Analyzing data, the researcher organizes and describes the research findings by a narrative description. Moreover, Las Das and Bhaskaran (2008, p. 173) stated more specifically studies using content analysis usually involve the following six steps: first, formulation of the research question or objectives; second, selection of communication content and sample; third, develoving content categories; forth, finalizing units of analysis; fifth, preparing a coding schedule, pilot testing and checking inter coder reliabilities; and sixth, analyzing the collected data. Furthermore, Ezzy (2002, p. 83) suggests that content analysis starts with a sample of texts (the units), defines the units of analysis (e.g. words, sentences) and the categories to be used for analysis, reviews the texts in order to code them and place them into categories, and then counts and logs the occurrences of words, codes and categories and then creates an interpretation of the results or concludes to draw theoretical conclusions from the text. From above explanation, it can be concluded that to conduct a content analysis of any text, the text is coded or broken down into manageable categories at a variety of levels: word, word sentence, phrase and themes. Then it is to be examined by using one of content analysis basic methods. This will help the researcher to reduce the data into manageable categories on information. Then, researcher organizes, analyzes, and interprets them descriptively. F. Previous Related Studies The researcher finds that there are a lot of researches about moral. One of them, WielVeugelers researched under titled “Moral Values in Teacher Education” a paper presented at the 1st Symposium on Moral and Democratic Education, 24-27 August 2008, Florina, Greece. He explained that moral values are interwoven in all aspects of teaching: in the curriculum, in the school culture, and as moral example in teacher‟s behavior. He distinguished the perspectives on moral values in teacher education: value transfer, reflective practitioner, moral sensitivity, participation and dialogue. Amanda Mergler (2008, p. 1) Also wrote a paper in Australian Journal of Teacher Education, volume 33 about Making The Implicit Explicit: Values and Morals in Queensland Teacher Education viewed that teacher must be reflective practitioners who are aware of their own moral and values. His paper argues that while Australian teacher educators integrate values into the units they teach and demonstrate value through what they teach and how they teach it. He found that teachers often fail to address values and moral explicitly. 41 In addition, Al. Qomoul (2015, p. 15) researched about The Islamic values implemented in the English language syllabuses for the first three grades in Jordan, he stated that the integration of values are very important in English textbooks in order to reach of goals and behavior of learning for values have the power of developing personality to make learning more effective and permanent. Related to the importance of textbooks, Wang and Meng (2011) find that course books or text books undoubtedly contribute to improve the quality of EFL learning and teaching. This is in line with what Seven and Engin (2007) asserted that language instructional activities can be significantly affected by teaching materials. Therefore, using course-book is very beneficial to support the effectiveness of language instructional activities. Meanwhile, Nur Khamdan (2011, p. 1) concludes that the integration can be found in the lesson plans, in the instructional materials, in the instructional activities, and in the assessment. In addition, some scientific articles related to this issue are also published both in journal and some official websites. To make an example, Zuliati Rohmah (2012, p. 157) offered some ways how to incorporate Islamic values in English materials. In line with teachers‟ perceptions, Zacharias (2005) investigated teachers' beliefs about internationallypublished textbooks. One hundred teachers participated in the study. Majority of these teachers were nonnative teachers of English. A checklist, interviews and classroom observation were used to analyze the course book. The aim of the questionnaire was to find out the teachers‟ beliefs in relation to the materials used for teaching English, and the extent to which their beliefs were present in the actual classroom practice. Thirteen teachers who were selected on the basis of their teaching experience, gender, type of lessons taught and educational background and teaching in five universities in Central Java, Indonesia participated in the interviews and classroom observation. On the basis of the findings, he states the fact that locally-published materials are not available for the teachers. This is the cause of using internationally-published materials by local teachers. However, the availability of such texts forces the teachers to use international books. Consequently, administrators and EFL professionals need to develop programs or courses focusing on materials developed for local teachers. Although there have been some studies related to teaching values, the present study is expected to give wider explanation on how moral values is presented in English commercial textbooks. So, while other researchers propose some opinions on how values are integrated, the writer would like also to prove whether English commercial textbooks have been equipped with some moral values or not and more importantly show how moral values are presented by the authors and also teachers‟ and students‟ perception. 42 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method and Design This research was presented in qualitative and descriptive approach. Researcher used a content analysis design. In line with Creswell’s view (2005, p. 510), it includes developing a description of an individual or setting, analyzing the data for themes or categories, and finally making an interpretation or drawing conclusion about its meaning personally and theoretically to answer research questions. In addition, Cohen (2007, p. 475) simply defines content analysis as process of summarizing and reporting data and written data (the main contents of data and their messages). Furthermore, Marying and Flick (as cited by Cohen, p. 475), defines content analysis as a strict and systematic set of procedures for rigorous analysis, examination and verification of the contents of written data. It can be concluded that content analysis as a systematic and objective research method is used in the examination of texts, documents, and communication. Moreover through content analysis, the content of any kind of communication can be analyzed such as a person’s or group’s conscious or unconscious belief, attitudes, values, and ideas can be revealed like in newspaper, radio news, TV advertisements, books, many other documents, essays, novels, magazine articles, cookbooks, songs, political speeches, pictures. As result, the contents of almost any type of communication can be analyzed. For this reason, researcher reviewed and analyzed the content of several English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade in the aspects of moral values based on Borba’s views and also teachers’ and students’ perceptions on integrating of moral values in those textbooks. B. Research Setting The setting of research consisted of place, time, and condition. The research was conducted at MTsN 1 Pandeglang, Serang, Banten. The research was organized from the seventh grade to ninth Junior High School at MTsN 1 Pandeglang. The research directly came to that at MTsN 1 Pandeglang. He asked permission to the head master of MTsN 1 Pandeglang to research his school. Then researcher met English teachers and students from the seventh grade to ninth grade and also asked their permission. And the researcher told the purpose of this research. Later on, researcher interviewed them both teachers and students. C. Research Participant Selection The criteria of the participants whom researcher involved in this research were those who took a part in using English Textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade. So, from these criteria, people who met criteria were teachers, and students from seventh grade to ninth grade of Junior High School at MTsN 1 Pandeglang. However, not 42 43 all students were taken as the research participants. Among 35 students of each class, there were only 7–8 students (so they were totally 22 students from 7 seventh grade to ninth grade) and 3 English teachers (one English teacher from every grade) were selected to be interviewed. D. Unit of Analysis The analysis unit for this research was three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from Seventh grade to Ninth grade. Here are titles of three textbooks: 1. Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Edisi revisi. Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Title : Bahasa Inggris : When English Rings a Bell : Yuli Rulani Khatimah, Asep Gunawan, and Author Siti Wachidah Editor : Emi Emilia, Didi Suherdi, and R. Safrina Publication Year : 2014 Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Grade : VII Pages : 210 Physical size : 17.5 cm x 25 cm Chapters : 11 Figure 3.1 Bahasa Inggris : When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII 2. Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. : Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” Author : Siti Wachidah and Asep Gunawan Editor : Emi Emilia and R. Safrina Publication Year : 2014 Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Grade : VIII Pages : 226 Physical size : 17.5 cm x 25 cm Chapters : 12 Figure 3.2 Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Title 44 3. Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2015). Bahasa Inggris: Think Globally Act Locally SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Title : Bahasa Inggris “Think Globally Act Locally” Author : Siti Wachidah, Diyantari and Yuli Rulani Khatimah Editor : Helena Indyah Ratna Agustien, Rd. Safrina Noorman, Wawan Gunawan Publication Year : 2015 Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Grade : IX Pages : 274 Physical size : 17.5 cm x 25 cm Chapters : 14 Figure 3.3 Bahasa Inggris “Think Globally Act Locally” SMP/MTs Kelas IX Then, researcher also analyzed students’ and teachers’ perception on integrating of moral values in those textbooks. E. Research Instruments To gather the data, the writer used an instrument which was commonly called data instrument. In this case, the key instrument of this research was the writer himself, because he directly involved in this study by reading, elaborating and analyzing carefully three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade. Then, interview guides (see Table. 3.1 & 3.2) were used for conducting interview to know teachers’ and students’ perception. It consisted several questions related to the teacher’s and students’ perception on the integration of moral values in English textbooks. In addition, for doing documentation technique, tape recorder was utilized to record their perceptions so that the writer could gain the information. Finally, the recorded data were analyzed to depict students’ and teachers’ perception. F. Data Collection Procedures The writer collected the data by utilizing the following techniques: 1. Documentation In this research, a number of documents such as three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students Year started from seventh grade to ninth grade were collected to get a brief description and understanding about research focus. Those documents were going to be analyzed to deepen and specify the research findings. 2. Interview The interviews for this research were in open-ended format. Standardized open-ended interviews were likely the most popular form of interviewing utilized in research studies 45 because of the nature of the open-ended questions, allowing the participants to fully express their viewpoints and experiences. If one was to identify weaknesses with openended interviewing, they would likely identify the difficulty with coding the data (Creswell, 2007, p. 477). The interviews were aimed at obtaining research focus deeply and therefore they were done continuously. The interviews in this study were divided into two. The first was interview A which was given to the teacher. The topics that were available in the interview A were the teacher’s perceptions on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how teachers implemented the moral values which had been contained in English textbooks in learning process. Since this was qualitative study, even though the outline had been already made, it was still very possible for the writer to add or develop more questions in the field. The content outlines of interview A were described in the Table 3.1 below completed with the number of items for each topic. The interview questions could be seen in the appendix 1, 2, & 3 Interview A Guide. Table 3.1 Content Outline of Interview A (with teachers) NO Topic of Questions Number of items 1 The perception of the teachers on the integration of 12 items (1, 2, 3, 4, moral values in English textbooks and how they 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, implemented the moral values in teaching English 12) process and daily school life. Then, the second interview was Interview B which was given to the students of junior high school. The interview was in the format of focus group interview. The topics of interview for the students were similar to that for the teacher because the researcher was attempting to know the perceptions on the same topics from both the teacher and the students. The content outlines of interview B were described in the Table 3.2 completed with the number of items for each topic. The interview questions could be seen in the appendix 4–25 Interview B Guide. Table 3.2 Content Outline of Interview B (with students) NO Topic of Questions Number of items 1 The perceptions of the students on the integration of 16 items (1, 2, 3, 4, moral values in English textbooks, and how they 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, implement those values in their daily life. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) G. Data Analysis Procedures In this research, the whole procedures of content analysis were used by researcher based on Cohen’s (2007, p. 477) several steps of content analysis to analyze the data. The steps were as follow: 1. Define the population from which units of text were to be sampled. The population here referred not only to people but also, and mainly, to text (the domains of the analysis). In this research, the writer chose several English textbooks 46 published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade to be analyzed. 2. Define the units of analysis. This could be at very many levels, for example: a word, phrase, sentence, whole text, people and themes. After choosing several materials to be sampled, the writer reviewed and analyzed all subjects of lessons which suited to the objective of research. The researcher reviewed and analyzed the unity of words, signs and pictures in each activity in the three units of the content of English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade. The writer collected data by analyzing the content of the textbook and listing the frequencies for each textbook in accordance with some categories of moral values. 3. Construct the categories of analysis. Categories were the main grouping of constructs of key features of the text, showing links between units of analysis. The categories of content analysis model for classifying moral values were based on the idea of Borba's classification of values as a means of assessment for finding out the existence of these values in the content of three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture started from seventh grade to ninth grade to be analyzed. According to the previous classifications in chapter two and based on Borba's classification. The writer had drawn list of Borba’s moral values: The seven domains of values were as followed: 1) Empathy, 2) Conscience, 3) Self-control, 4) Respect, 5) Kindness, 6) Tolerance, 7) Justice Because this study was an attempt to identify the existing values latent in three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students Year started from seventh grade to ninth grade, the researcher determined that modifying values classification by benefiting from the literature review. 4. Conduct the data analysis Once the data had been coded and categorized, the researcher could count the frequency of each code or word in the text, and the number of words in each category. Once the codes and categories had been decided, the frequencies of each value in each textbook were also calculated by the researcher. Thus, the writer could continue the research analysis to describe and identify all the moral values in each textbook. 47 5. Summarizing By this stage, the researchers were in a position to write summary of the main features of the situation that had been researched so far. The summary identified key factors, key issues, key concepts, and key areas for subsequent investigation. 6. Making speculative inferences This was important stage, for it moved the research from description to inference. It was the process of hypothesis generation or the setting of working hypotheses that fed into theory generation. Here, the writer finally concluded whether the integration of moral values latent in three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade were found or not. H. Trustworthiness This research was a qualitative research which was rich of description. The data were presented in the form of written text. To ensure the data valid and reliable, it should be perused and scanned based on its characteristics in a qualitative paradigm. According to Licoln and Guba (as cited by Elo.S, 2014, p. 2) had proposed four alternatives for assessing the trustworthiness of qualitative research. Those were: 1. Credibility To address the credibility of the data, the triangulation was done through the following types: a. Method When the researcher got a data by interviewing some key informants, the researcher then made sure that the data were valid by getting the same data from the documentation. In other words, in this research, method triangulation was done to obtain the right information by different methods. Since the methods to gain the data for this research were documentation and interview, the truth of the information was gotten by applying those methods. b. Source The researcher took more information from more resource people in term of both person and data. For instance, when interviewing a teacher, and the researcher had not gained the necessary data the researcher went further to interview other teachers. 2. Transferability The procedures of this research could be transferred in other researches. The researcher included data analysis documents used to generate the answer for the research question. All of the data analysis documents were saved and could be accessed by everyone who will request them. The researcher gave other researchers the ability to transfer the conclusions of this inquiry to other cases or to repeat the procedures applied in this research. 3. Dependability The researcher explained the changes of the contexts during the research were conducted. The processes within the study were reported in detail, thereby enabling a 48 future researcher to repeat the work, if not necessarily to gain the same results. The researcher presented the restrictions in the type of people who contributed data, the number of participants involved in the fieldwork, the data collection methods that were employed, the number and length of the data collection sessions and the time period over which the data were collected. 4. Confirmability The researcher documented all procedures of the data and checked all the data of the research for several times. Here, the researcher attached all collected documents to make sure that the research findings were the result of the experiences and ideas of the informants, not the preferences of the researcher. The researchers also integrated all the data gotten with different techniques. 49 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION This chapter presented the findings of the study which was concerned to answer the research questions. In this case, it discussed the way of investigating the integration of moral values in three English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School Students started from seventh grade to ninth grade and also knowing more deeply about students’ and teachers’ perception and response from the seventh to ninth grade at MTsN 1 Pandeglang, particularly in term of integrating of moral values in those textbooks. The first sub-heading was research finding which covered the data finding, and then it was continued by the discussion of research findings. To specify the data finding, there were presented in four parts of study namely: 1) The Moral Values Found in the English Textbooks; 2) The ways the moral values are presented in the textbooks; 3) The Teachers’ responses on the integration of moral values with the teaching process; and the last 4) Students’ responses on the integration of moral values with the teaching process. For the discussion of research findings, there were three topics of discussion namely: 1) Moral Values in English Textbook: Is it Merely Theory or Practice?; 2) The Existence of Values Integration in the Components of Textbooks; 3) The Challenges of Values Integration in Foreign Language Teaching. A. Data Finding 1. The Moral Values frequently Found In The English Textbooks As data finding description of moral values found in English textbooks, there are three tables to be analyzed below. The first is Table 4.1 describing the first of English textbook for seventh grade. The second is Table 4.3 describing the second of English textbook for eighth grade. The third is Table 4.5 describing the third of English textbook for ninth grade. All tables are completed with the number of points such as chapter, corpus, and Categories of Borba’s Moral Values. In the first textbook for seventh grade, there are eleven chapters: here are tables of data descriptions. Table 4.1 The First of English Textbook for Seventh Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Edisi revisi. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.” No 1. Chapter and Topics Chapter I. How are you Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “Pendidikan adalah senjata paling Self-control & mematikan di dunia, karena dengan itu anda Consciense mengubah dunia” quotes from Nelson Mandela Corpus “In this chapter, I will learn to : greet, thank, Emphaty and Respect take leave, and apologize” p. 1 “How are you?”“Did 49 you say”Good Empathy 50 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Corpus morning” to your family” p. 1 “The expression of greeting ; good morning, Empathy And afternoon,evening, night, hello, hi, bye”. p.3, Respect 4, 5, 10 Respect p.4 “how are you? I’m feeling great thank you. And you. I’m fine too. Thank you sir.” p. 7 Empathy “how are you? I’ve got flu. Get well soon!” Empathy p. 8 Emphaty & Kindness p. 15 “Are you alright? Let me help you to stand Emphaty & up” p. 15. “it’s OK, dear. Let me help you” Kindness p. 19 “Can you help me to carry this heavy box? Sure, papa”. p.17 2. Chapter II. It’s me Kindness Tolerance p. 29 51 No Chapter and Topics 3. Chapter III. It’s my birthday Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “Where do you come from? I come from Tolerance Medan, or I come from Bali” p. 30 Corpus Self-control p. 52 “When do we celebrate Kartini’s day? On 21st of April” p. 60 p. 62 4. Respect Respect Chapter IV. I “I love people around Me” p. 67 love people “My father is a kind man. He always helps Kindness and around me patients patiently and carefully. I’m very Respect proud of him” p. 70 “Tell about your sister or brother” p. 71 Tolerance, respect &“take turns talking about your family and fairness member” p. 74 52 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Self control, conscience, & respect Corpus p. 78 Self control, conscience, & respect “I love my family” p. 72 & “we are together. Self control, We eat together. We work together. We conscience, & respect laugh together. We love each other.” p.78. “How are you mom? I hope you are in a Kindness good condition. I love you very much. .” p.80 “Now I know the people around me. I love the very much.” p.81 Tolerance Respect & Kindness p.83 5. 6. 7. Chapter V. How many pets do you have? Chapter VI. Let’s listen to the songs --------------------------------------------- Not found any description of moral in this chapter “You can take the future even if you fail” p. Conscience and self 101, 104, & 106. “Think about your favorite control singer. What are the good things about him or her that you want to follow?” p. 108 Chapter VII. I love things --------------------------------------------around me Not found any description of moral in this chapter 53 No 8. Chapter and Topics Corpus Chapter VIII. She’s so nice Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Kindness, conscience & self-control “The boy is handsome. He is diligent. He is Kindness, conscience kind to animal” p. 137 & “she is very & self-control diligent” p. 139 “This is my grandfather. He is a hard Conscience & selfcontrol worker” p. 138 “She is Lina. She is pretty girl. She always Kindness helps me” p. 138 & “He is my father. He is a kind man” p. 138 & “She is helpful girl. She is very kind” p.139 & “This is my teacher. He is smart. He helps people” p. 143 “From now on, I will pay more attention to Conscience & Selfthe people and animals around my school Control and my home” 9. Chapter IX. My grandfather is a doctor Self-control “Hotdog Is Not Good For Health” P. 157 & Self-control “He tells my grandmother to cook healthy food.” p. 158 “My Grandfather Is A Doctor. He Examines Conscience Patients Carefully. He Works In The Hospital” p. 156 “I love animals” p. 169 Kindness 54 No 10. Chapter and Topics Chapter Attention, please! Corpus X. “Don’t litter” p. 180 Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Conscience and self-control Conscience and self-control “This is the zoo. Do not play in the pond. Do Conscience and not take the chicken. Do not feed the cow. self-control Stay away from the fence. p.183 Conscience and self-control “Be careful. Describe the signs below” p. Conscience and 185 & “From now on, I will pay attention to self-control the signs around me” p. 187, 188 Conscience and self-control 11. Chapter XI. I “Aquilla : Do you have an idol teacher? Conscience and am proud of Dinda : yes, I do. A female teacher. She Is Kindness my teacher young, kind, patient, cheerful, and of course very pretty” p. 191 55 In this first eleven-chapter textbook, the number of moral values found was 69 consisting eight empathy values, eleven respect values, seventeen conscience values, eighteen self-control values, ten kindness values, four tolerance values, and only one fairness value. If it is referred to Borba’s seven moral values, and the highest moral value frequently found is self-control values which reached a score 26% and the lowest is fairness moral value which only reached a score 1%. In addition, from the eleven chapters of this textbook, Chapter V “How many pets do you have?” and Chapter VII “I love things around me” did not contain any moral values of Borba. The chapter V discusses three topics, namely counting things, counting animals and naming public places. Chapter VII covers more topics, namely things in the classroom, things in my bag, parts of the house and animals in my school and my home. In these two chapters, the authors focus on elaborating things or it can be said that these chapters give the students to know vocabularies. Therefore, it is found difficult for the researcher to find the moral values contained in them. Here is the table description of Borba’s moral values found from the first textbook for seventh grade. no moral values no moral values Table 4.2 The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the First Textbook for Seventh Grade Chapter Borba's No Total Percentage Moral Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12% 1 Emphaty 8 8 25% 2 Conscience 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 17 26% 3 Self-Control 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 18 16% 4 Respect 3 2 6 11 14% 5 Kindness 3 3 3 1 10 6% 6 Tolerance 2 2 4 1% 7 Fairness 1 1 100% Total 69 The Next is the second textbook for eighth grade. There are twelve chapters with one addition chapter title telling about song. Here are tables of data description. Table 4.3 The Second of English Textbook for Eighth Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.” No 1. Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Chapter I. It’s “In this chapter, I will learn: to give my English time! opinions and ask for my friends’ opinions and show my appreciation to my friends” Respect p.8 56 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “Excuse me, Ma’am. What is “attention” Respect in Bahasa?Attention is /perhatian/” p. 12, “great! I think that is a beautiful invitation card. I like it.”, & “your picture is Respect beautiful! I like the color. What a wonderful picture!” p. 16 “I want to show you my drawing. What do think about it? I think it’s good” p. 19 Respect & “Look, this is my cat. She is cute isn’t she? Yes, I think she’s cute.” p. 24 Corpus Respect Respect 2. p. 11 Chapter II. Can “in this chapter, I will learn: to state and Kindness you play the ask if one can do something and to state guitar? and ask if one will do something” p. 26 “Mrs. Harum: I’m very proud of siti. Now She can help me with the housework. She can get up early herself. She can sweep the house before school” & “Mr. Adnan: “it is not easy to read a story to your friend loudly and correctly. But I’m happy that many of you can do it well. Adi still makes mistakes, but he can read his story loudly” p. 28 “Can you help me? Certainly” p. 27, “Beni, will you close th window, please? I’ll do it. p. 33, & “Udin, will you help me to bring this book? Sure. “will you please pass the salt? Here you are.” p.33 Respect, Kindness & self-control Respect Kindness “I will help you to fix the table, if I can. Empathy But I can’t,” p. 34 57 No 3. Chapter and Topics Chapter III. Would you like to come? Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “In this chapter, I will learn: to give and Kindness respond to instructions, to give respond and prohibition, to ask permission” p. 41 Corpus “Lina : Can I use your pen? Dayu: Sure, Kindness take the green one.” & “Udin : it’s very cold. Can I wear your jacket? Edo : sure. I have two jackets.” p.50 Kindness “A: I don’t have scissor. B : Here, I bring it. you can use mine.” p.53 “A : but I Kindness don’t bring any pen, may I borrow yours? B : sure, here it is.” p.54 4. Chapter You invited! “A : Happy birthday!, nothing I could say but everything for your best always. B: Respect It’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot, Ben” p. 54 IV. “In this chapter, I will learn: to make a are personal invitation, and to make greeting Respect card” p. 57 Conscience & Self-control “Let’s clean our environment together kindness & Selfwith your family” p. 60 control 58 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Corpus Respect p.62 Respect “Here are other examples of greeting Respect card.”p. 63 5. p. 64 Chapter V. My “in this chapter I will learn to uncle is a communicate states and events that zookeeper happens routinely or as general truth, in order: to appreciate the nature, to show Respect 59 No 6. Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values my pride of something, to give good and Kindnes bad sample” p. 67 Corpus “What do smart students do every day? They make their beds. They also help to prepare the breakfast for the family. They do the housework. Some students wash the dishes. Some students clean the bathroom. Some students water the plants. They never get to school late. They are always on time. Some walk to school. Some take public transport. They use English with their friends and teachers. They ask question in English. They answer questions in English too. After school, they go home straight away. They do not play in wrong places in their uniform. Later afternoon, some students exercise to be healthy. Many students some do extra-curricular activities. They do the house work again. They sometimes play the games or chat with friends. They have dinner with their family. They don’t forget to pray first before they eat. They help their parents to wash the dishes. They do their homework. They study for the next day. Then, they go to bed early.” p. 76–77 Chapter VI. “In this chapter I will learn to What are you communicate states and events in doing? progress, in order: to share the information with others and to explain why thing are happening” p. 86 Self-control, Kindness and Conscience Self-control, Kindness and Conscience Self-Control Self-control, Kindness and Conscience Kindness p. 87 Conscience and SelfControl 60 No 7. Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “Siti is mopping the floor. Lina is erasing Kindness the whiteboard. Beni is sweeping the floor. Udin is putting the book into the shelf. Dayu is throwing the rubbish into trashcan.” p. 87 Corpus “A: Oh, great, she can run so fast, although her body is small. A: Rani has so many friends even though she does not have much money. B : She’s friendly and helpful, so everyone like her.” p. 104 Chapter VII. “in this chapter I will learn to compare Bigger is not people, animals, things in order: to show always better! their differences, to be proud of them, to praise them, to criticize them.” p. 108 Self-control & Kindness Tolerance “I think Edo is a very good student. He’s Self-control more diligent than any of us. He always gets good marks in all subject” p. 115 “Ratna : Getting a bad mark is bad. But Conscience, cheating is worse. It is honest.” & Self-Control, “Thomas: Smoking is bad. But smoking Tolerance in public is worse.” p.122 8. “I’m proud of my mother, we have to Kindness contribute harder for our town. p. 129 Chapter VIII. “In this chapter I will learn to describe Respect & I’m proud of people, animals, things in order: to make Kindness Indonesia! them stand out, to show my pride of them, to promote them, to criticize them. p. 132 “A: I’ll leave for Bali tomorrow. What Kindness souvenir do you want me to buy you? B: wow, thanks. That very mindful of you.” p. 136 “My father is a good man. He loves his Kindness & family. He does not get angry easily. He Conscience talks to us, his children, about many things. He and my mum often go out together to enjoy the evening. He is friendly to the neighbors.” & “My father is friendly, too. He knows almost Kindness everybody in the neighborhood. 61 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values He always goes to the neighborhood meetings. He is never absent from the cleaning day.” & “I love my mum very much. She is an Respect elementary school teacher. She is very patient. She is never angry. She always Kindness smiles and never complains. My mum is my best friend. I can talk to her about everything.” p. 143 “I’m proud of my English teacher. She is Respect smart and very friendly. Her English is very good and very clear.” p. 144 & “Pak Bacu is a janitor in our school. He is a hard worker. He sweeps the yard every Kindness morning and afternoon. He washes the toilets clean. I like him, because he is Respect friendly, and he knows our names.” p. 146 “I like my classmates. We are close to each other. We tease each other, but we Fairness, tolerance do not get angry easily. We play together. and Respect We study together. But I do not like a number of things about them. Some are not discipline. They do not do their work seriously. They litter. So, our classroom is often messy dirty. They also write bad words on the desks. During the class, they move around and they make a lot of noise.” p. 146 & “My brother is very smart. He is also a good football player. He is generous. He Kindness is funny, too. I love him very much. But I & don’t like some things about him. His Respect room is always messy. He puts his things everywhere. Sometimes he is smelly because he is very sweaty after he plays football and he does not take to bath straight away. He drinks too much soft drinks. He does not like fresh water. I’m Emphaty often worried about his health.” p. 147 62 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “I like my hometown. It is cool and green. Respect There are many new buildings. The streets and the market are clean. There are many plants on the sides of the roads.But I don’t like some things about my town. The traffic is rather dangerous. Some Empathy people drive too fast. Many young people ride carelessly. They stop in wrong places and often block the ways. You have to be very careful when you cross the road.” p. 147 Corpus “I’m proud of Indonesia.” “Indonesia is a Respect, Self-control big country…..”, “there are many seas in and Conscience Indonesia….”, “We have a lot of islands….”, “Indonesia is on equator…”, the land is very fertile..”, “we also grow many kinds of fruit..”, “Indonesia is also rich with spices, like pepper, coriander, ginger, clove, cinnamon, turmeric,…so on…”, “Many kinds of fish, big and small, live in the Indonesian seas…”, “Indonesia also raise different kinds of animals for the meat, like cow, goats, pigs…” p. 155 “The students are proud of Indonesia. Respect These are the features they are proud about this country: the location, the size, the archipelago, the population, the islands, the waters, the mountains and volcanoes, and the climate.” p. 152 Respect p. 150 63 No 9. Chapter and Topics Chapter IX. When I was a child. Categories of Borba’s Moral Values “I did not have breakfast before I went to Self-Control school this morning. I woke up at six because I went to bed very last night. I did my homework until ten.”& “You know I never come late to school. But this morning I got a flat fire. Then I walked with my bike here. I got here at six fifty, and the gate was already closed. So here we are, not attending the flag ceremony” p. 160 Corpus “When I cried, they calmed me down. Kindness & Empathy When I was afraid of something. They comforted me. My dad often carried me around in the morning sun. when I got older, they spoonfed me. I played with my bother. I was naughty, but he never got angry with me. He was very patient with me.” p. 165 “We have no helper, so my mum, my dad, my sister, and I do the chores ourselves. We make the bed. We wash and iron our clothes. We also dust the furniture. We sweep and mop the floor everyday. I often go to the shop to buy sugar, soap, oil, salt, rice, vegetables, fruits, and so on.” & “in the past only my mum cooked for us. Now, my brother and I often cook for the family. We fry eggs and make fried rice or noodles. When I lost something, everybody else found it for me. Now, when I lose something, I find it myself.” p. 170 10. Kindness and Selfcontrol Kindness, Empathy Self-control Chapter X. “Edo: “Let’s work together to plan ourt Yes, we made texts to tell our experiences?” “Udin: it Okay. I’ll tell how my brother and I made Kindness the garden benches” & Lina: “Okay. Now, let’s help Udin write his experience in a good order” p. 182 “Edo: “When we were back to the classroom, we realized that many desks and chairs are old and dirty. Some had 64 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Corpus Borba’s Moral Values loose legs. In the afternoon, we talked and Kindness agreed to come on Saturday to fix them.” p. 189 “Udin: You look tired and sleepy. Why? Beni: I only slept for three hours last night. At ten we heard a cry from Mrs. Empathy Wayan’s home. She is our next-door neighbor. She is 70 years old and very weak. She live alone. We went there quickly, and we found her on the floor. She just fell. She could not move her hands and her legs. At 10.30, my parents and I took Mrs. Wayan to hospital. Kindness ….when she was already in the ward, we went home. It was 2 a.m.” p.191 10. Chapter XI. p. 200 Don’t forget it, please! 12. Chapter XII. “Mousedeer and crocodile and wolf in Self-Control and Mousedeer and sheep clothing are a kind of story called a Conscience crocodile. fable. , “Did mousedeer/the wolf find an honest way to do it?”, “what can we learn from mousedeer and crocodile?” &“Is it good to cheat to get what you want” p. 215 Let’s enjoy the “ Let’s enjoy the Song: the more we get Tolerance & Respect Song together, together, together. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friend and my friend are your friends, the more we get together the happier we’ll be.” p. 223 13 Self-Control 65 Referring to the Table 4.3 above, it can be accumulated that in this second textbook containing twelve chapters with one addition chapter title telling about song. The number of moral values found was 90 consisting twenty four respect values, ten conscience values, seventeen self-control values, six empathy values, twenty eight kindness values, one fairness values, and four tolerance value. If it is referred to Borba’s seven moral values, and the highest moral value frequently found is kindness values which reached a score 31% and the lowest is fairness moral value which only reached a score 1%. Different from the textbook for seventh grade, this second textbook contained all, even though not in the same number, Borba’s seven moral values. Because of the discussed topics which are not merely focused on introducing vocabularies to the students, the moral values seemed easier to be integrated in the textbook. To make an example, Chapter IX. “When I was a child” contains some narrative texts about someone’s childhood. The presence of English passages in this chapter could be benefitted as an appropriate media to instill the moral values into the textbook. Here is the table description of Borba’s moral values found from the second textbook for eighth grade. Table 4.4 The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the Second Textbook for Eighth Grade No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Borba's Moral Values Emphaty Conscience Self-Control Respect Kindness Tolerance Fairness Total 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 4 3 4 1 5 6 3 1 4 2 1 3 3 Chapter Total Percentage 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7% 2 2 1 6 11% 1 3 1 10 19% 2 1 3 1 1 17 27% 10 1 24 31% 1 7 3 3 28 4% 2 1 1 4 1% 1 1 100% 90 The Next is the third English textbook for ninth grade. There are fourteen chapters. Here are tables of data description. Table 4.5 The Third of English Textbook for Ninth Grade: “Indonesia. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2015). Bahasa Inggris: Think Globally Act Locally SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.” No 1. Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Chapter I. “Do your little bit of good where you are; Self-control Congratulations! it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. Quoted by Chapter and Topics Corpus 66 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Arbishop Desmond Tutu” p. vi “I will learn: to express hopes and wishes to others and congratulate others for their Respect fortune and achievement, in order to keep personal relationship with them” p. 1 “Teacher: “The winner of the story-telling competition in this class is Lina. Congratulation Lina!” Lina’s friend: Respect “Congratulation Lin.” Lina : “Thank you, mam. Thank you everybody.” p.2 “Lina’s friend: “Lina, you are very good Respect story teller. I’m sure you will win the Empathy school’s story-telling competition. Good luck.” Lina:”Thank you Edo” p.3 “Siti:”Congratulations Lina. It’s your dream to go to the school’s story telling competition, isn’t it?” Lina:”Yes, it’s my dream. And I have practiced everyday for the last two months with my dad.” Udin: “Sure, you have to work hard for your dreams. Good luck.” Lina: “Thank you, Siti, Udin, for your support.” p. 4 & “Udin’s father: “Happy birthday, Udin. You are a big boy now. I’m proud of Respect you.” Udin:”Thank you dad. I’m proud of you, too.” p. 9. “Edo:”Amazing. You run like a panther. I’m sure you will win the race.” Beni:” I hope so. Thanks.” p. 10 “Edo:”thank God, the tent is done.” Siti:”Good work boys. You are supper. I’m very proud of you.” p. 10 “Lina :”Mom, I have cleaned up my Kindness room.” Mum:”Good girl! It looks tidy Respect now, isn’t it. I love it.” p. 11 “Siti : “Udin, I got a scholarship.” Respect Udin:”Congratulations, Siti. You deserve it. your mom and dad must be proud of you.” Siti:”Yes, thanks. It will help my parents a lot.” p. 12 “Beni:”That’s a very beautiful handicraft. I’m sure you will & 67 No 2. Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values win the national competition.” Edo:”Thank you. I hope so too.” p. 13 Chapter II. Let’s “The smallest deed is greater than the Self-control start our wall grandest intention quoted by Patty Labelle magazine! in Labelle Cuisine” p. 16 “I will learn to use the right words and Self-control expression: to state rules, to give suggestions to do and not to do something, to invite someone to do and not to do something, to say agree or Respect disagree with rules, suggestions, and invitations, to keep good interpersonal relationship” p. 17 “Lina:”My mom makes me do the Self-Control housework before I go to school.” Dayu:”I think you should. Your mom is Empathy right. You are a teenager now.” p. 22 “Edo:”Don’t you think that our library Empathy looks dirty and messy? Let’s do Kindness something to make it tidier.” Beni:”Why not? What if you dust the furniture, I tidy up the table, and Udin sweep the floor?” Udin:”I agree with you. But let’s ask Ibu Respect Tuti, our librarian, for permission first.” p.23 “Siti:”Mr. Sidin is sick and has been in hospital for two days. Why don’t we go and see him this afternoon.” p. 24 “We must wear a uniform everyday. From Self-control Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt. The girls must wear a black skirt, and the boys must wear a pair of black pants. On Friday we must wear the Scout uniform. We must wear proper shoes. We must not wear sandals, a TShirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.” p. 26 “We must not be late to school. We must Self-control come on time to class and to the flag ceremony. If we are late, we must wait Conscience outside the gate. We must not come in until the security guard gives us & 68 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values permission. We must sign a paper before we come to class. If we cannot come on time for any reason, we must hand in a notice from our parents to the principal.” p. 27 “We can learn well if the classroom is Self-control, clean and tidy. So, we must keep our Conscience classroom clean and tidy. We must not Kindness litter. We must put the garbage in the garbage bin. We must not write or draw anything on the desks and on the walls. We must sweep the floor and dust the teacher’s desk and the shelf everyday.” p. 27 “We can learn if the class is not noisy. My Self-control, friends and I know very well that we must Conscience not be noisy. We must respect our friends Respect who are working seriously. We must not chat and talk very loudly in class. We must keep our voice low. We must not play around. We must work at our desks most of the time.” p. 28 “Lina : “I don’t feel well. I’m catching a cold.” Udin: “You should go to the doctor. Beni: “I don’t think that’s a good idea. What you need is just take a good rest and drink a lot of fresh water.” p. 30 “Siti: “There is a rule for girls in certain culture in South America. Girls must have long hair. They must not cut their hair short above the shoulders.” Udin: I agree with the rule. Short hair is for boys.” Lina:”I don’t think so. I don’t agree with the rule. People are free to choose what they like. Hair is personal matter.” Dayu:” I think so. I don’t like long hair, but my sister likes long hair very much.” Edo:”But you may look more beautiful with long hair. I think girls look better with long hair.” Beni:”Let’s take it this way. The rule may not be suitable in our culture. But it may Empathy & Respect Tolerance Respect Tolerance & & 69 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values be necessary in their culture.” p. 31 3. Chapter III. “In order to be big, you have to think big. Self-control What should I If you think small, you’re going to be do that for? small quated by Chef Emeril lagasse” p. 34 “Siti: Hi Dayu, how are you? Mr. Ahmad Empathy said you were not in class today because you have diarrhea. Have you taken any medicine yet? Dayu:”yes, I have. But it only helps a little. Siti: “Maybe you just have to take some rest in order to get well soon. Just stay in bed to let the medicine work to ease your diarrhea.” p. 37 “Dayu:”Actually, this is a good lesson for Conscience me. I never care about what I eat. Beni:”I’ve noticed that, Dayu. I saw you Empathy eat a guava but you didn’t wash it first. Listen everybody, never forget to wash Self-control your fruits and vegetables before you eat them so that you will not take any germs into your stomach.” Dayu:”yes, boss. You are right. We Self-control should always clean our food well. I should be more careful now.” P. 38 “Lina:”And, Dayu often buys foods from Conscience & Selfthe street vendors. I think we all know control that the foods are not always covered proverly, and the bowls or the plates to serve the foods are not always washed properly either. Dayu:”I know. But, where should I get such nice food?” Edi:”I Think you need to bring your lunch Empathy from home. Home food is healthy, and you can also save your money for more useful things.” Dayu:”That’s very true.” p. 39 “Lina:”Dayu, you look very pale. I think Empathy 70 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values you need to see the doctor soon in order to get the right medicine for your diarrhea. You should not take the diarrhea lightly.” Dayu:”No, I shouldn’t. Actually, my mom Respect on the way from her office. She is going home early in order to take me to the hospital. I hope I will be in the right hands soon.” “Lina:”Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very dirty.” Self-control Dayu:”Pick up the trash and put them in the bin. Udin:”Don’t burn the trash, it will cause air pollution.” p. 40 “We need to have proper food to keep our Self-control body healthy. We need to have vegetable, fruit, rice, meat, fish, egg, tofu and tempe. Don’t skip breakfast so that you have energy to do your activities during the day. Remember, you should not eat too much fatty food.” p. 46 “Regular exercise is good for your health, Self-control too. We can jog to have stronger lungs. We can also swim in order to have strong muscles. Swimming is also good to stay in shape. Remember, always do a warm up before doing any exercise to avoid muscle injury.” p. 47 “Many kinds of instant foods are not good Self-control for your health. They may contain dangerous chemicals, like MSG, preservatives, and artificial colours. We should not eat too much instant food so Self-control that we will not get serious diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should eat a lot more healthy home-made foods.” p. 47 “In order to be healthy we should keep Self-control our home and school clean. We should sweep and mop the floors to get rid of the dirt. We have to wash our bath tub 71 No 4. Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values regularly so that mosquitoes don’t lay their eggs there. We should wash the dishes right away after meals to prevent harmful bacteria and dirty animals.” p. 48 Chapter IV. Be “You never really learn much from Self-Control healthy, be hearing yourself talk quoted by George happy Clooney” p. 58 5. Chapter V. This is how you do it. 6. Chapter VI. Everybody is always in the middle of something “Be healthy, be happy” & “I will learn to Self-Control choose healthy and safe product, to avoid harmful effects, and to get the best results.” p. 59 Not found --------------------------------------------description moral in chapter “Dayu:”Where is Edo? Usually he comes earlier than me.” Lina:”He cannot come to the study-group meeting today. He’s helping his father Kindness fixing the fence of his house.” p. 110 “Lina: “I called you when you were walking out of the bank yesterday, but you did not hear me.” “Lina: Really? I’m sorry I did not hear Conscience you. I was listening to music with earphones.” p.118 “Lina:”Beni, what happened to your Empathy foot?” Beni:”I tripped and fell while I was carrying the pillows up the stairs at home.” Lina:”I hope you’ll get well soon, Beni.” p. 122 “Siti: “Lina, are you okay. What’s the Empathy matter with your?” “Lina: I’m a bit worried about my mom and dad. When I get home from swimming yesterday, they talked angrily to each other” “Beni: you’re really good at tying knot. any of this 72 No 7. 8. Categories of Borba’s Moral Values Udin:”Thank you. I paid good attention Respect while Ka Kemal Explained how to do that to us.” p. 124 Chapter VII. Not found any What will be --------------------------------------------description of will be moral in this chapter Chapter and Topics Chapter VIII. We have been to an orphan home. We went there last Sunday. Corpus “The person who knows “how” will Self-control always have a job. The person who knows “why” will always be his boss quoted by Diane Ravitch.” p. 144 “Dayu:”Riri Is Sad To Be An Orphan, But She’s Not A Gloomy Kid, You Know. As You See, She Is Cheerful And Friendly Girl. She Has Even Shown Her Great Care For Other Needy Children Like Her.” Siti:”What do you mean?” Dayu:”Early last year, the orphanage started a charity group. It consists of all the orphans there who already sit in senior and junior high schools. She has participated very actively in the group’s activities. They have made handicrafts and sold them. They have used the profit to help street children and poor families. The program has run for almost two years now.” Beni:”Wow! That’s amazing. I’ve never thought of that before. I thought that the kids in orphan homes were sad kids who needed our help. But they help other people instead.” Edo:”What have they done for street children?” Dayu:”They have done one thing for street children and one thing for poor families. To celebrate the 15th birthday of the orphanage, they gave thirty children twenty thousand rupiahs each. Early this month they went to some poor families in the neighborhood and gave each family a gift a containing sugar, cooking oil, and Kindness Empathy Kindness & Respect Kindness Empathy Kindness & 73 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values rice.” p. 148 “Lina:”You have come to the orphan Empathy home five times. What have you done there? Dayu:”I have just followed my parents. They are regular donors to the orphan Kindness home. They have donated a lot of money, things, and gifts to the orphanage. Last year they donated a white-board and 5 English-Indonesian dictionaries.” p. 151 9. “Edo:”I didn’t know that kids at orphanage are cheerful and friendly kids. It turns out that they are happy and smart.” p. 162 Beni:”Not, only that. They help other kids, too. I think we should do something like that, too. So far we are busy thinking only about ourselves.” Edo:”Yes, you’re right. Let’s think about something that we can do to help the orphans and other needy children.” p. 163 Chapter IX. You “You get what you earn!.” p. 167 get what you “I will learn to communicate reasons, earn! effects, and contracts: to provide an explanation, to give good examples and excuses to clarify, etc.” p. 167 “The roads are not safe now because many people do drive carefully. They drive too fast. Many pedestrians get accidents because they do not cross the road carefully or because they walk too close to the traffic.” p. 169 “I walk to school, because walking is healthy. Sometimes I go to school on my bicycle too. My father is rarely sick because he goes to his office by bike.” p. 169 Respect Empathy, Kindness & Self-control Self-control Kindness & Selfcontrol Kindness & Selfcontrol “My father also rides on his bicycle to work, because he wants to save the Kindness & Selfenvironment. Because he does not go to control office by motorcycle, he also helps to save the energy and keep the air clean.” p. 74 No Chapter and Topics Corpus Categories of Borba’s Moral Values 169 “You are right. And, because more and Self-Control more people drive or ride on their Kindness motorcycles to work or to school, the air is very polluted now. Our environment is not good for our health anymore. People get sick easily because the air is dirty.” p. 170 “Saskia is the eldest of four children in Respect her family. She does the chores and takes care of her younger sisters and brother all the time. But she can always finish her homework, and she always get good marks. She can manage her time very Conscience well.” p. 178 “Three students in my class are the best Respect football player of our school. But, our class has never won the Principal’s cup. We lost the match with Class 9B so we did not even go to the final. Maybe our team does not have good team work.” p. 179 “Many student do not like English Conscience & because to them English is difficult Self-control subject. But with Mr. Dede is easier to learn. I think he is the best English teacher.” p. 180 “Although Mr. Jufri knows that it is not Self-control easy, he keeps trying to stop smoking.” “Although Saskia has a lot of thing to do everyday, she can always finish her homework.” p. 185 “She lives far from the school and she walks to school, but she never come late. She even gets to school earlier than many of us.” & “Paper is not expensive, but we will use the back part of used calendar paper to write our stories for the wall magazine to help reduce waste.” & “Our Kindness school does not have a lot of money, but & Conscience I’m sure we can build a good badminton and 75 No Chapter and Topics 10. Chapter X. Sangkuriang. 11. Chapter XI. They are made in Indonesia. 12. Chapter XII. What is it? Categories of Borba’s Moral Values court. We can collect just 500 rupiahs Kindness from every student, and then work together to build a badminton court ourselves.” p. 186 “What have we learnt from Sangkuriang Self-Control, story? a. You must not kill your parents. Respect & b. you must not marry your mother. c. you Conscience should not hide the truth. d. you should accept the truth that you will get old.” p. 191 “A long time ago there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons. They had very different attitudes. The older Fairness brother was very greedy, and the younger brother was very kind. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father’s wealth into two parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land” p. 198 Because he was greedy, he asked his wife Self-control & to make a much longer bag. When the bag Conscience was done, he climbed on the raven’s back and then flew to the place full of gold. He filled the big bag with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother Conscience fell straight down to the sea with his bag and pocket full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older brother finally died. He died because of his greed.” p. 199 Not found any --------------------------------------------description of moral in this chapter “In many countries, a family can be extended to include relatives such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces living together under the same house. This big family is called an extended family. The members of a family share the housework and take care Kindness, Respect Corpus 76 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values of each other. With the family we feel and Fairness safe and happy. To go home means to return to our family in order have a rest, to watch TV, to eat together, and to share happiness and sadness with each other. With our family we grow up to be healthy and useful individuals.” p. 243 Corpus “Neighborhoods have many benefits for the members. A strong and closely related neighborhood is a safe environment for the children to grow up. Mother and girls can also learn certain skills, like cooking and knitting from each other, with little or no money. There are many enjoyable neighborhood activities, too, like sport and celebrations. Neighborhoods also protect the families from crimes.” p. 243 “School is a place where student go to learn. Today children in most countries must go to school for a number of years. Teachers help them to learn. A school is headed by a principal or headmaster. At school students can learn basic subjects – science, music, geography, history, and languages. They also learn extracurricular activities. In Indonesia, religion is compulsory subject. With their teacher and their students, students also learn to be good people who can differentiate between right and wrong and between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.” p. 247 “There is no elevator to success. You have to take steps quoted by Unique Teaching Resources” p. 250 13. 14. Chapter XIII. Come and visit --------------------------------------------us! Kindness Tolerance and Self control Kindness Respect Self-control Not found any description of moral in this chapter Chapter XIV. “You may encounter many defeats. But Self-control You can always you must not be defeated quoted by Maya come back Angelou.” p. 262 home. “She told me, “Son in life you’re gonna Conscience & Self- 77 No Chapter and Topics Categories of Borba’s Moral Values go far, and if you do it right you’ll love control where you are. Just know that wherever you go, you can always come home.” Here is a very good song about father’s and mother’s nature to always protect their children. Their home is always open for their children to return for their protection.” p. 264 Corpus “He told me, “Son sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a Conscience necessary part. Just know, you’re never Kindness alone, you can always come back home.” “Every road is a slippery slope. There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope. You can see that your home’s inside of you.” p. 265 & “If you are a good person, you will Kindness always be happy wherever you are.” “When you find a problem, don’t worry, because there is always something that you can learn from it” “Life is not always easy, but don’t worry, Conscience your parents are always ready to help Kindness you.” p. 268 & Based on data in the Table 4.5 with the biggest number of chapters above, the third textbook for the ninth grade accommodated 109 integrated moral values. They consisted of nineteen respect values, fifteen empathy values, twenty two kindness values, fifteen conscience values, thirty three self-control values, three tolerance values, and two fairness values. If it is referred to Borba’s seven moral values, and the highest moral value frequently found is self-control values which reached a score 30% and the lowest is fairness moral value which only reached a score 2%. Like the second textbook, this third textbook covered all of Borba’s seven moral values. However, there were some chapters found with no moral values; they were Chapter V. “This is how you do it”, Chapter VII. “What will be will be”, Chapter XI. “They are made in Indonesia” and Chapter XIII. Come and visit us!” Here is the table description of Borba’s moral values found from the third textbook for 9th grade. 78 Table 4.6 The Number of Borba’s Moral Values in the Third Textbook for Seventh Grade No Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 4 3 2 7 2 2 6 6 3 2 1 1 No Moral Values 1 8 9 No Moral Values 1 1 7 No Moral Values 1 3 4 3 2 1 7 10 2 6 5 1 1 2 2 No Moral Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Borba's Moral Values Emphaty Conscience Self-Control Respect Kindness Tolerance Fairness Total 2 2 3 1 1 14 2 3 3 Total Perce ntage 15 15 33 19 22 3 2 109 14% 14% 30% 17% 20% 3% 2% 100% The accumulation all moral values integrated in the three textbooks with 37 chapters were 268 moral values. There were 69 moral values found in the textbook seventh grade, 90 moral values found in the textbook eighth grade and 109 moral values found in the textbook ninth grade. To make it easier in knowing the distribution of the moral values, the Table 4.7 below provides the number of each moral value in each textbook. Table 4.7 The Number of Each Moral Value in Each Textbook Used in English Classes at MTsN 1 Pandeglang Moral Values Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Sub Total Empathy 8 6 15 29 Conscience 17 10 15 42 Self-control 18 17 33 68 Respect 11 24 19 54 Kindness 10 28 22 60 Tolerance 4 4 3 11 Fairness 1 1 2 4 69 90 109 268 Total Based on data in the Table 4.7 above, it can be understood that the moral values integrated in the three textbooks really existed and were presented in different number in each chapter of the textbooks. In addition, to more specifically see the distribution of the moral values in the three textbooks, the following chart I could describe the percentage of each moral value. 79 2% 22% 4% Empathy 11% 16% Conscience Self-control 20% 25% Respect Kindness Tolerance Fairness Chart 1. The Distribution of Moral Values in Three Textbooks Used in MTSN 1 Pandeglang Based on the data in Chart 1. above, it shows that the highest percentage of moral values often found was self-control reached a score of (25%). The self-control values were frequently the most presented values in all of the three textbooks. Then the second biggest percentage was kindness (22%), respect became the third biggest percentage (20%). The next percentage of moral value was conscience (16%) followed by empathy in the fifth percentage (11%). The smallest percentages of moral values were tolerance (4%) and fairness (2%). Seeing the results of those percentages, it could be concluded why the smallest frequencies of moral values, tolerance (only 4%) and fairness (only 2%). It might give bad impact to our students’ behaviors, attitudes and acts in Indonesia. If we related those smallest values in the reality of moral decadence, it was not wrong why our tolerance and fairness were very low with other people who had differentiation of their belief, race, ethnic, conviction, religion and principle. Therefore, no wonder there was much violence such as: intolerance, unfairness, disputes, disunity, chaos, clashing in the community nowadays. It could be one of the reasons for the fact that very little moral content of tolerance and fairness in the textbooks so that students were not taught by their teacher those values in their school. As result, students’ tolerance and fairness was very low. To provide wider perspectives, the researcher tried to see the findings from 18 character values proposed by the Ministry of education. In contrast with Borba’s moral values, the following explanations are some examples of 18 values by the Ministry of Education used to explore the data finding from Table. 4.1 as the first of English textbook for seventh grade, Table 4.3 as the second of English textbook for eighth grade and Table 4.5 as the third of English textbook for ninth grade in other terms of values’ perspectives. For some instances, Table 4.1 chapter VIII “From now on, I will pay more attention to the people and animals around my school and my home” p. 143, Chapter X. “Don’t litter” p. 180, “This is the zoo. Do not play in the pond. Do not take the chicken. Do not feed the 80 cow. Stay away from the fence.” p. 183, in these sentences, the researcher had used Conscience and self-control of Borba’s moral values, but if we took another concept of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. It could be stated that these sentences in accordance with Social Care and Environmental Care, because those sentence implicitly showed how we cared to people and environment. Or in another sentence Table 4.1 chapter III. “When do we celebrate Kartini’s day? On 21st of April” p. 60, the researcher had used Respect of Borba’s moral values, but if we applied another concept of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. It could be concluded that this sentence implied Spirit of Nationality value, because it taught students to know their country’s hero. In addition, other examples of Table 4.3 chapter I“great! I think that is a beautiful invitation card. I like it.”, & “your picture is beautiful! I like the color. What a wonderful picture!” p. 16, the researcher had utilized Respect of Borba’s moral values, but if we employed another concept of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. It could be concluded that this sentence implied Rewarding achievement value, because these sentences described appreciation to someone achievement. Or chapter VIII. “I like my hometown. It is cool and green. There are many new buildings.” p. 147 and “I’m proud of Indonesia.” “Indonesia is a big country…..,“there are many seas in Indonesia….”, p. 155, the researcher had taken Respect of Borba’s moral values, but if we employed another concept of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. It could be stated that this sentence brought Love of Homeland and Spirit of Nationality value, because it informed students to be proud of their homeland and love of their state. The last, some instances from Table 4.5 chapter II. “We must wear a uniform every day. From Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt. The girls must wear a black skirt, and the boys must wear a pair of black pants… We must not wear sandals, a T-Shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.” p. 26, in these sentence, the researcher had used self-control of Borba’s moral values, but if we took another concept of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. It could be said that these sentences in accordance with Discipline value, because students must obey school rules to teach them discipline. Or other examples, chapter II. “Lina : “I don’t feel well. I’m catching a cold.” Udin : “You should go to the doctor” p. 30 showed Empathy of Borba’s moral values, but it could be stated that this social care of 18 values by the Ministry of Education. In short, empathy value is the same as social care value. The involvement of 18 character values in this research showed that an object of analysis could be seen from different perspectives according to the objectives of the researchers. Even though it looks different between Borba’s concept of moral values and the Ministry of Education’s concept of 18 character values, it could be understood that actually they have similarities in the term of meaning. To make an example, Borba’s values of self-control has close meaning with dicipline value of 18 characters. Also, emphaty value in Borba’s concept is said as social care in the concept of 18 character. As results, actually there were many perspectives and concepts of moral values. Every expert and country had their own concepts of moral values and their differences. So, it depended on researchers which moral values would be used. For this study, the researcher preferred to employ Borba’s model of moral values. 81 2. The Ways the Moral Values are Presented in the Textbooks After describing and analyzing all the moral values frequently found in the three English textbooks employed in MTsN 1 Pandeglang previously, the researcher took some examples from those three tables of findings (Table. 4.1, 4.3 and 4.5). Due to the fact that the textbooks are composed with several features, the authors could take benefit the features to integrate the moral values so that the teachers could both teach the materials and introduce the moral values to the students. Then it could be seen that the moral values were presented in some different ways by the authors of three English textbooks. The following explanations below found that there were eight ways used by authors in three English textbooks to include those moral values in every feature, namely: 1. Title of Chapter, 2. Objectives of Chapter, 3. Quotes, 4. Pictures, 5. Songs, 6. Exercise Instruction, 7. Passages, and 8. Examples of Sentences. a. Title of Chapter Title, the feature of textbook which is very first read, is undoubtedly important since it can give the students a general description about what they were going to read and learn in the chapter. Therefore, when moral values are presented through the title of the chapter, it is a good way for the teacher to introduce and then instill them in the learning activities. In this research, some moral values were presented by the authors in the title of chapter. To see some examples of moral values presented through the title of chapter, see the following table. Table 4.8 The Titles of Chapter and Moral Values No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Textbook Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 2 Textbook 2 Textbook 3 Textbook 3 Textbook 3 11 12 Textbook 3 Textbook 3 The Title of Chapter Chapter I. How are you? Chapter IV. I love people around me Chapter VII. I love things around me Chapter VIII. She’s so nice Chapter XI. I am proud of my teacher Chapter VIII. I’m proud of Indonesia Chapter XI. I am proud of my teacher Chapter I. Congratulation! Chapter IV. Be healthy, be happy Chapter VIII. We have been to an orphan home. We went there last Sunday. Chapter IX. You get what you earn! Chapter XI. They are made in Indonesia Moral Value Empathy Respect Respect Kindness Respect Respect Respect Respect Self-control Kindness, empathy Page 1 67 112 134 190 126 193 1 59 Self-control Respect 167 189 Based on the data in the Table 4.8 above, it shows that the title of chapter could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, chapter I entitled “How are you”in textbook 1 contained empathy. How can it be said that this title of chapter integrated empathy value? It was because the sentence “how are you” was to know someone’s condition and by asking this question, someone showed his care to other person. 82 b. Objective of the Chapter The objective or goal of the chapter is to give the students brief description about the purpose of learning the chapter. It is designed to limit and specify the sub-topics they were going to learn in the chapter. So it is expected that the objective of each chapter could drive the students in the focused, not broad, materials. Its importance in the learning activities makes it very essential to be clearly conveyed to the students. In the same time, the integration of moral values could be executed in the objective of each chapter. The following table could give some examples of this part of value integration in the textbook. Table 4.9 The Objective of Chapter and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 Textbook 1 3 Textbook 1 4 Textbook 2 5 Textbook 2 6 Textbook 2 7 Textbook 2 8 Textbook 2 9 Textbook 2 10 Textbook 2 The Objectives of Chapter Chapter V : to count things, animals, public places in order to care of them Chapter VII : to name things in the classroom, in my bag, parts of the house, animals in my school and my home in order to keep them carefully Chapter XI : to describe and tell about my idol teacher, my cute pet, & my lovely house Chapter 1: to show my appreciation to my friends, to check if my friends’ understand me, to give my opinions and ask for my friend’s opinion Moral Value Respect Page 84 & 98 Respect 112 & 132 Respect 190 Respect, & Kindness 8 Respect & tolerance Chapter II : to state and ask if one Kindness can do something and if one will do something. Chapter III : to give and respond to Kindness instructions, to give respond and prohibition, to ask permission Chapter IV : to make a personal Respect invitation, and to make greeting card Chapter V : to appreciate the Respect nature, to show my pride of something, to give good and bad Kindness sample” Chapter VI : to share the Kindness information with others and to explain why thing are happening Chapter VII : to show their Tolerance & differences, to be proud of them, to Respect 26 40 57 67 67 108 83 No 11 Textbook Textbook 2 12 Textbook 2 13 Textbook 2 14 Textbook 3 15 Textbook 3 15 Textbook 3 16 Textbook 3 The Objectives of Chapter praise them, to criticize them Chapter VII : to make them stand out, to show my pride of them, to promote them, to criticize them. Chapter IX : To share the information with others & to explain why things happened Chapter X : to share my experience, to show my pride of them, to learn from them Chapter I : to express hopes and wishes to others and congratulate others for their fortune and achievement, in order to keep personal relationship with them Chapter II : to state rules, to give suggestions to do and not to do something, to invite someone to do and not to do something, to say agree or disagree with rules, suggestions, and invitations, to keep good interpersonal relationship” Chapter IV : to choose healthy and safe product, to avoid harmful effects, and to get the best results Chapter IX : to provide an explanation, to give good examples and excuses to clarify, Moral Value Page Respect 132 Kindness Kindness 158 Kindness Respect 181 Respect 1 Self-control 17 Respect Kindness Self-control 59 Self-control 167 Based on the data in the table 4.9 above, it shows that the objective of chapter could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, Chapter VII : to show their differences, to be proud of them, to praise them, to criticize them in textbook 2 contained tolerance and respect. How can it be said that this title of chapter integrated tolerance and respect value? There were because the sentence “to show their differences, to be proud of them, to praise them” was to appreciate other differences and respect someone’s achievement and by knowing the objective both teacher and student can realize the goal of their teaching and learning of this chapter and also make them easier to comprehend the moral value. c. Quotes The quotes is something that person says or write that is repeated or used by someone else in another piece of writing of speech. Meaning that quotation to motivate others to do their statements or repeat a statement by someone. So it is expected that the quotes by someone could influence the students to imitate the values. It is a good way for the teacher 84 to introduce several quotes in the learning activities and it is very essential to be benefit to the students. In the same time, the integration of moral values could be also executed in the quotes. The following table could give some examples of this part of value integration in the textbook. Table 4.10 the Quotes and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 Textbook 3 3 Textbook 3 4 Textbook 3 5 Textbook 3 6 Textbook 3 7 Textbook 3 8 Textbook 3 The Quotes Chapter I : “Pendidikan adalah senjata paling mematikan di dunia, karena dengan itu anda mengubah dunia” quotes from Nelson Mandela Chapter I : “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. Quoted by Arbishop Desmond Tutu” Chapter II : “The smallest deed is greater than the grandest intention quoted by Patty Labelle in Labelle Cuisine” Chapter III : “In order to be big, you have to think big. If you think small, you’re going to be small quated by Chef Emeril lagasse” Chapter IV : “You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk quoted by George Clooney Chapter VIII : “The person who knows “how” will always have a job. The person who knows “why” will always be his boss quoted by Diane Ravitch.” Chapter XII: “There is no elevator to success. You have to take steps quoted by Unique Teaching Resources” Chapter XIV : “You may encounter many defeats. But you must not be defeated quoted by Maya Angelou.” Moral Value Page Self-control & Vi Consciense Self-control 16 Self-control 34 Self-control 34 Self-Control 58 Self-control 144 Self-control 250 Self-control 262 Based on the data in the Table 4.10 above, it shows that the quotes could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, Chapter XII: “There is no elevator to 85 success. You have to take steps quoted by Unique Teaching Resources” in textbook contained self-control value. How can it be said that this quote of chapter integrated selfcontrol value? There was because the sentence “There is no elevator to success. You have to take steps”, means to gain success you need to step or to do something or to act. No elevator means that success could not come accidentally. There are some steps of action and self-control. You should prepare it. By this quotation, student could learn easier to understand the moral value integrating in quotes. Furthermore based on my finding, the writer only found one quote in textbook 1 in & 7 quotes in textbook 3 which were integrated in Borba’s moral values and the writer could not discover some quotes from textbook 2. d. Pictures Pictures were one of media used by the teacher. It is commonly recognized that a picture is a powerful tool to describe people, places, or things. Here, pictures were used to help students easily comprehend object. Moreover, their effectiveness as the media to facilitate students to make a description, pictures are extremely useful for a variety of communication activities (Harmer, 2007, p. 178). In this research, some moral values were presented by the authors in the pictures. To see some examples of moral values presented through the pictures, see the following table. Table 4.11 The Pictures and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Pictures Moral Value Page Chapter I Respect 4 Empathy 15 86 No Textbook 2 Textbook 1 3 4 5 6 Textbook 2 Textbook 2 Textbook 2 Textbook 3 Pictures Chapter IX Moral Value Self-control Page 157 Chapter III Kindness 53 Conscience & Self-control 60 Respect 64 - - Chapter IV Chapter IV Moral picture value not found Based on the data in the Table 4.11 above, it shows that the pictures could be used to integrate the moral values. The researcher put several pictures from two textbooks (textbook 1 & 2). He could not found pictures containing moral value in textbook 3. To make an example, let’s see picture no. 1 chapter one at textbook 1 showing empathy value. It can be said that this picture was integrated empathy value. It was because there was a 87 girl who fell because of slippery after stepping banana peels and another girl tried to help her friend to stand up again. This picture displays empathy value. Someone showed her care and empathy to other person. e. Songs Almost everyone likes to sing songs. For students to sing songs are the most favorite time. In teaching English, songs are powerful tools. Here, the author of textbook includes songs. Therefore, when moral values are presented through the songs, it is extremely interesting for the teacher to teach and students to study English by singing songs in the learning activities. In this research, some moral values were presented by the authors in songs. To see a number of examples of moral values presented through some songs, see the following table. Table 4.12 The Songs and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 3 4 5 6 Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 1 Textbook 2 Textbook 3 The Songs of Chapter Chapter I : Title of song “Good Morning” Chapter II : Title of song “How are you?” “good morning my friends, how are you? I’m fine….” Chapter V : title of song “Mother, how are you today” here is a note from your daughter. With me everything is Ok. Chapter VI : title of song “I have a dream”…to help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairy tale. You can take the future even if you fail. An addition Chapter : title of song “The More We Get Together”….the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. The more we get together the happier we’ll be. Chapter VII: title of song “Que Sera, Sera Doris Day”…the future’s not ours to see…whatever will be, will be” Moral Value Respect Respect Empathy Page 2 & 23 Respect 83 Self-control 83 Self-control 104 Kindness Respect Self-control & 223 138 Based on the data in the Table 4.12 above, it shows that the songs could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, in number 2 Chapter II: there was song under title “How are you?” Then, in the next lyric, it contains a sentence “good morning 88 my friends, how are you? I’m fine….” It implies empathy. How can it be said that this song integrated empathy value? There were because the sentence of greeting and asking “good morning my friends, how are you?” indicates someone’s respect and empathy to know one’s condition. Therefore, those songs undoubtedly could be integrated in teaching and learning the moral value. f. Exercise Instruction So what is exercise instruction? Every teacher need exercise instruction in order to have a successful classroom. Exercise instruction is a statement, an order or command that describes how to do something. Here, by exercise instruction, students could get advice and information how to do, practice or answer something. So it is expected that the exercise instruction could guide the students. Its significance in the learning activities makes it very essential to be clearly conveyed to the students. In the same time, the integration of moral values could be executed in the exercise instruction. The following table could give some examples of this part of value integration in the textbook. Table 4.13 The Exercise Instruction and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 Textbook 1 3 Textbook 2 4 Textbook 2 Textbook 3 The Exercise Instruction Chapter I: Observe the expression of greeting below, Please practice the greetings with people around you, Please ask your classmates about their feeling and write them down here. Chapter IV : “Tell about your sister or brother” &“take turns talking about your family member” Chapter IV : “Now , would you like to create your own greeting car? Don’t forget decorate it! Chapter V : Now, write down on your notebook what smart students do everyday in neat and accurate hand writing.” & “Ask your friend about their daily activities” Chapter I : “Work in your group. Your will read some other situations where Dayu, Siti, Lina, Edo, Beni and Udin congratulate and express their hopes to each other. Think of what you would say if you were them. Moral Value Respect Page 3, & 4 7 Empathy Respect Fairness 9 and 71 & 74 Respect 65 Kindness & 78 Self-control 80 Empathy Respect & 5 Based on the data in the Table 4.13 above, it shows that exercise instruction could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, Chapter I: “Work in your group. Your will read some other situations where Dayu, Siti, Lina, Edo, Beni and Udin congratulate and express their hopes to each other. Think of what you would say if you were them.” in textbook 3 contained empathy & respect. Why it can be said that this title of chapter integrated empathy value? It was because the sentence “Congratulate and express their hopes to each other. Think of what you would say if you were them.” was to 89 convey someone’s feeling to their friend achievement and later give their feedback. By showing this, it means you are empathy and respect to them. g. Passages Passage is a short section of textbook, article or other printed materials. It is undoubtedly important since it can give the students several topics or story theme to read, learn and discuss. Therefore, when moral values are presented through the passages, it is a good way for the teacher to introduce and then instill them in the learning activities. In this research, some moral values were presented by the authors in the passages. To see some examples of moral values presented through the passages of chapter, see the following table. Table 4.14 The Passages of sentences and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 3 4 Textbook 1 Textbook 2 Textbook 2 The Passages Moral Value Chapter IV : title of passages “My father is a doctor” …….My father is kind man. He always helps patients Kindness patiently and carefully. I’m very proud of him” Respect Chapter XI: “My parents and I always directly go home after school. We sit together Self-control in the evening and talk about my school, and many others. We love our house very much. Respect Our house is really our home.” Chapter V : “What do smart students do every day? They make their beds. They also help to Kindness and prepare the breakfast for the Conscience family. They do the housework. Some students wash the dishes. Some students clean the bathroom. Some students water the plants. They never get to school late. They are always Self-control on time. Some walk to school. Some take public transport. Chapter VIII : “My father is a good man. He Respect & loves his family. He does not Kindness get angry easily. He talks to us, his children, about many Page 70 197 197 76 76 143 90 No 5 6 Textbook Textbook 3 Textbook 3 The Passages things. He and my mum often go out together to enjoy the evening. He is friendly to the neighbors.” Chapter II : “We must wear a uniform everyday. From Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt. The girls must wear a black skirt, and the boys must wear a pair of black pants. On Friday we must wear the Scout uniform. We must wear proper shoes. We must not wear sandals, a TShirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.” Chapter XII : “In many countries, a family can be extended to include relatives such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces living together under the same house. This big family is called an extended family. The members of a family share the housework and take care of each other. With the family we feel safe and happy. Moral Value Self-control Page 26 Kindness, Respect and 243 Fairness Based on the data in the Table 4.14 above, it shows that the passages could be used to integrate the moral values. All of textbook almost contains passages. To make an example, the passage of sentence “My father is kind man. He always helps patients patiently and carefully. I’m very proud of him.” in textbook 1 contained kindness and respect. It implies from this sentence that who always helps others. He must be kind person. In addition, someone who appreciates that kind person, he must be respect to that man. As a result, the author had integrated kindness and respect value in this passage. h. Examples of Sentences To emphasize something that explains or supports what you are saying or studying, every teacher requires examples of sentences for their students in order to have a successful classroom. Examples of sentences are used to help students understand subjects of lessons. Here, by examples of sentences, students could directly easy get the teachers’ or authors’ point of view to comprehend the material, practice the instruction, imitate the 91 order or answer the question. So it is expected that the examples of sentences could assist the students. Its significance in the learning activities makes it very essential to be clearly conveyed to the students. In the same time, the integration of moral values could be executed in the examples of sentences. The following table could give some examples of this part of value integration in the textbook. Table 4.15 The Examples of Sentences and Moral Values No Textbook 1 Textbook 1 2 Textbook 1 3 Textbook 1 4 Textbook 2 5 Textbook 2 6 Textbook 3 7 Textbook 3 The Examples of sentences Chapter I : “How are you?” “Did you say”Good morning” to your family”, “The expression of greeting ; good morning, afternoon,evening, night, hello, hi, bye”, “how are you? I’m feeling great thank you. And you. I’m fine too. Thank you sir.” p. 7 Chapter IV : “I love people around Me” & “My father is a kind man. He always helps patients patiently and carefully. I’m very proud of him” Chapter IX : “Hotdog Is Not Good For Health” & “He tells my grandmother to cook healthy food.” Chapter I : “great! I think that is a beautiful invitation card. I like it.” & “your picture is beautiful! I like the color. What a wonderful picture!” Chapter II : “I will help you to fix the table, if I can. But I can’t,” Chapter I : “Lina’s friend: “Lina, you are very good story teller. I’m sure you will win the school’s story-telling competition. Good luck.” Lina:”Thank you Edo” Chapter II :Beni:”Let’s take it this way. The rule may not be suitable in our culture. But it may be necessary in their culture.” Moral Value Empathy Page 1 Empathy And Respect 3, 4, 5, 10 Respect Kindness 67 70 Self-control 157 158 Respect 16 Empathy 34 Respect Empathy Tolerance & 3 31 Based on the data in the Table 4.15 above, it shows that the examples of sentences could be used to integrate the moral values. To make an example, Chapter II : “I will help you to fix the table, if I can. But I can’t,” in textbook 2 contained empathy. How can it be said that this title of chapter integrated empathy value? It was because the sentence “I will help you to fix the table” described someone’s care to assist other. By offering an aid, someone showed his empathy to other person. Therefore, those examples of sentences undoubtedly could be integrated in teaching and learning the moral value. 92 3. The Teachers’ Responses on the Integration of Moral Values with the Teaching Process The following findings below attempt to answer the third question of study by elaborating the teachers’ perceptions to the integration of moral values in textbooks and how they implement it. The data were gathered from three teachers of seventh grade, eighth grade, & ninth grade in MTsN 1 Pandeglang with the interview as his participants of study. To specify the explanation of findings, the teachers’ perceptions were presented in six parts namely: 1) Quality of textbook; 2) Textbook and Moral values; 3) Types of moral values in textbooks and their implementations; 4) Student understanding moral values in textbook; 5) Problems in implementation moral values; 6)Teachers’ recommendations a. Quality of Textbook In teaching and learning process, teacher should consider the learning materials are used in the class. Textbook is one of the learning materials which are commonly used. It is kind of printed materials which have an important part in teaching and learning process. To make students able to achieve the English materials, they need some English textbooks which have quality. By learning those quality textbook, they are able to improve their English skill productivity. There are some categories of good textbook. First, the contents of the textbook should deal with the current curriculum. Besides, the contents of the textbook should go with the level of study. The second category is a textbook should have an interesting display because it can give motivation for readers to read textbook. Based on those explanations, the writer found from interview with teachers at MTsN 1 Pandeglang. The first teacher seventh grade (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH TP1 & TP2) thought that quality of the textbook used by her was very good. It was really suitable with curriculum 2013 and details. According to her, students could easily comprehend the material, because there were very clear instructions in it. Although there were still some weaknesses and strength, she said the strength of the textbook was teacher could combine students’ textbook with teachers’ textbook so that the subject of materials could easily be conveyed to students by joining the students’ textbook with the teachers’ textbook. For the weaknesses, because the textbook published by government in soft material (Pdf format), teacher and students of this school copied the material so that copying textbook was not as good as printed book. The aspect of illustration pictures display was less interesting by the reason of not full color and besides the exercises was less variation. Therefore, the criteria of good textbooks should meet the government’s curriculum and syllabus and also apply the suitable and easy language levels for students (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH TP8). Different from the first teacher, the second teacher eighth grade (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC TP1 & TP2) argued that the quality of the textbook used by her was not bad because the steps of subject instruction were composed by not too bad and clearly enough to understand. Moreover, she stated that the strength of textbook were arranged in systematically and easily to comprehend and the weaknesses were, the same as the first teacher seventh grade opinion, less varitype exercises and also the material arrangement was less interesting and monotones. Hence, the criteria of good textbooks should meet the 93 government’s curriculum, appropriate with students’ age and student’s development (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC TP8). Furthermore, the last interview with the third teacher ninth grade (Appendix 3. Interview A with MD TP1 & TP2), he explained that the quality of the textbook used by him was good. Students could apprehend well. The textbook was organized systematically and structured from some simple things. The strength of this textbook in his opinion came from first, ordered systematically and structured from some simple things and the second based on collaborative learning. For the weaknesses of textbook, he said that there were not glossaries of vocabularies to make students easy comprehend the textbook. Consequently, the criteria of good textbooks must agree with the government’s curriculum, fit with students’ age and student’s development (Appendix 3. Interview A with MD TP8). In short, almost teachers agreed that quality of textbook were good although there several weaknesses such as : lack of varitype exercises, also less interesting and monotones of the material arrangement and no glossaries of vocabularies. Moreover, teachers agreed that the criteria of good textbooks should meet the government’s curriculum and syllabus, also apply the suitable and easy language levels for students, students’ ages and developments. b. Textbook and Moral Values Considering the importance of textbooks and moral values, the writer found data findings. Teachers of seventh, eighth and ninth grade (Appendix 1, 2, & 3. Interview A with DH, CC & MD. TP9 & TP3) stated that because of textbooks were used by student as a tool in learning, so that it was really needed to integrated moral values in them. In addition, for teachers’ perceptions of moral values in the textbooks which are used by them, they argued that the process of moral values integration in their textbooks was exist. As a result, there were still correlations between textbooks and moral values. Textbooks must also be able to be media in instilling moral values to students (Appendix 1, 2, & 3. Interview A with DH, CC & MD. LM1 TP3). c. Types of Moral Values in Textbooks and Their Implementations Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and choices. Individual’s morals values may derive from society and government, religion, etc. There are many general types of moral values such as : respect others, tell the truth, be tolerant of differences, be generous, be kindness, be empathy, seek justice, have respect for yourself, keep promises, help each others, responsible, be fairness, have courage, be polite, do not have sex before marriage, do not cheat, be dependable, be forgiving, be loyal, be trustworthy, etc. Here, the writer used those types of moral to interview English teachers seventh, eighth, and ninth grade in MTsN 1 Pandeglang. So what types of moral values the teachers found in their English textbook and what types of moral values they always implement? 1. The first English teacher seventh grade (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH MV2) answered that approximately all types moral values above were exist, and moral values implemented by her in teaching were honesty, responsible, respect to others, polite. 94 She said that almost all types of moral values were implemented to educate students’ character development and to discipline students. According to her (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH TP4 & MV1), the way moral values are presented in English textbooks were in every chapter of lessons; they could be found in every conversations. There are some examples such as to chose correct and polite languages in apologize and imperative sentences, although they were not in each topic of courses. It was because of the textbook used by her was suitable with the curriculum 2013 goals that emphasized the moral values in all lessons. In addition, to implement those moral values to students, she practiced and explained the lessons directly, especially in dialog types of lessons; beside she also gave some examples to make students easily understand. She used discussion and role play method, because she thought that students could more comprehend and explore their skills themselves. Here, she tried to instill students’ autonomous or self-control values (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH IMV1 & TS1). For other media, there were not special media used by her, but she more focused on giving as their direct model for students or by illustrating or conveying something happens that they watched in television, social media or news to be discussed in classroom and to be obtained moral values in it (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH LM2). 2. In line with this, the second English teacher eighth grade (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC MV2, MV1 & TP 4) stated that all of those types of moral values such as: respect to other, empathy, keep promises, politeness, and help each other were often taught by her in classroom. She thought that the way moral values presented in English textbooks were contained in every chapter like how to use good and polite expressions of congratulations to other. Those moral values in the textbook eighth grade were appropriate for students and could be performed in daily life. To implement those moral values in teaching, she played role as model and advised her students always to behave well in classroom, to respect others, to work in group, etc. Furthermore, she applied some method in teaching to her students such as role play and group discussion. Role play was used to teach interpersonal or conversation and group discussion were utilized to make some steps about creating descriptive and recount text, etc. all of those methods were to educate moral values to be tolerance, teamwork, fairness and no egos to other friends and many other moral could be taken. (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC IMV1 & TS1). To support her teaching moral values, she also took other media such as magazines and story books. (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC LM2) 3. Finnaly, the third English teacher ninth grade (Appendix 2. Interview A with MD MV2, MV1 & TP 4) identified that there were respect, polite, kindness, help each other, etc as types of moral values in his teaching textbook. Like an example, giving suggestion lesson, to do or not to do in the textbook were displayed to train students to keep interpersonal relationship. To appreciate other students could be called as respect value. Based on his observation in his teaching textbook, each title of chapter was 95 included moral values. it was because in line with curriculum 2013, the approach of this textbook convinced that every chapter of lessons must contain moral values to be learnt by students. As expressing hopes and wishes to keep good personal relationship was the objective of study and it was almost written in all chapters. The next his implementation ways of integrating moral values in the textbook, he always behaved well in his class, showed students how to be kind and to assist someone who needs to be helped, respect the people and always told them to cooperate others because no one can’t stand alone. Besides, there were some methods used by the teacher grade 9. He always utilized active leaning, collaborative learning, and role play methods in teaching process. Sometimes, he displayed inspiring pictures in power point slide shows as other supporting media (Appendix 3. Interview A with MD IMV1, TS1 & LM2). In conclusions above explanation, most of teachers agreed that all types of moral textbook were exist in their textbooks. To implement those types of moral values in textbooks, they were many ways and methods used by them. For some instances, they transferred all of moral values to students in classroom, and they employed role play, group discussion, active learning, and collaborative learning, and so on. For other media, they took were magazines, story books, movies, slide pictures using power point program, etc. d. Students’ Understanding of Moral Values in Textbooks Assessing understanding might be the most complex task an educator or academic institution and school. The challenge of assessment is no less than figuring out what a learner knows, and what proves they understand if they can. Notwithstanding, many of experts already discussed as one of them, Wiggin and McTighe (2011, p. 93) helpfully provided what they call “6 facets of understanding, a sort of alternative to Bloom’s taxonomy. In this theory, learners prove they understand in they can : 1) Explain, 2) Interpret, 3) Apply and adjust, 4) Have perspective, 5) Show empathy, 6) Have selfknowledge. Therefore, the following findings tried to explore teachers’ perceptions on student ability to understand moral values in textbooks. All of English teachers in MTsN 1 Pandeglang agreed that their student could understand moral values in textbook (Appendix 1, 2, & 3. Interview A with DH, CC & MD. TP5). The teacher seventh grade stated that it was indicated that their student were able to follow their teaching and learning process. In addition, there were some changes with their students’ attitudes. As if their students did their assignments without any discipline, after some more briefing and explaining, they could realize more their responsible values themselves and other positive impacts, students had more recognized the meaning of polite value (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH. TP6 & TP7). Moreover, the teacher eighth grade added that her students could implement those moral values in their daily activity both in school life and in their outside school environment. (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC. TP6 & TP7). Next, the teacher ninth grade argued there were not negative effects in instilling moral values in textbooks to students, because it was a duty. 96 Since the main objective education could have good attitudes. One of students’ signs comprehends moral values in textbooks when one of their friends got good grade in his/her lessons; they spontaneously congratulated them by saying “congratulations” to show some respects or appreciations. In short, it can be implied almost all students could understand moral values (Appendix 3. Interview A with MD. TP6 & TP7). e. Problems in Implementation of Moral Values. The next findings elaborate teachers’ problem in implementing moral values. DH (Appendix 1. Interview A with DH. LP1, LP2 & LP3) thought that she sometimes encountered a number of difficulties to implement those moral values in textbooks, because her students had different characters. Some of her students are easy to tell and to teach, but more often she discovered the other students who were needed more special attentions. Besides, her another difficulty was problem of communication. Her students could not directly understand what she explained because of lack of students’ vocabularies. Moreover students felt boring and they needed new atmosphere like they wanted to study outside classroom. In contrast, CC (Appendix 2. Interview A with CC. LP1, LP2 & LP3) argued that she did not feel difficult to implement those moral values, because those of moral values were exist latent in social life and students had always practiced those values in their daily life. She only added if any less from their students’ attitude to be improved. Even though, she made sense that there were some problems such a various students’ ability as there were students fast to respond her instructions of lessons while other student needed some long process to grasp materials. In addition, she also sensed her students difficult or could not catch up her intention or purposes of explanation. It might be because of their fewer vocabularies or their other personal problems as they did not like English lesson and so on. The same as CC’s perception, MD (Appendix 3. Interview A with MD. LP1, LP2 & LP3) considered that he was not difficult to implement those moral values in textbook, because this textbook was designed in order to convey moral values easily. According to him, the problems in implementing moral values in textbook were relatively simple. The teachers were only forced to model those moral values in their daily life. For instances, teachers practiced saying congratulations if there were students got happiness or achievements. Actually, there was not specific problem, but he occasionally felt student’s got boring with his teaching English grammar. In conclusions, there were some problems met by teacher in implementing moral values in textbooks. They are problems of students’ communication because of lack of vocabularies to comprehend their explanation, students’ various characters and abilities, sometimes students felt boring with teaching atmosphere which cause students needed to study in outside classroom and students’ personal problems. Teachers’ Recommendations For the future betterment of the textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, there were some suggestions came from English teachers in MTsN 1 Pandeglang, the first & second teacher seventh and eighth grade recommended creating more variety f. 97 assignments, and providing CD guide to simplify teaching English. She wished the content of languages in the textbook compatible with student ages and also gave a lot of something positive examples. In addition, the third teacher grade 9 hoped the contents of textbooks could encourage teachers and students to integrate technology in teaching process, to encourage teachers to form game-based learning, and the last to supply the glossaries of vocabularies in order to students easily to discover the difficult and unknown words. (Appendix 1, 2, 3. Interview A with DH, CC & MD. TE) 4. The Students’ Responses on the Integration of Moral Values with the Teaching Process The following findings attempt to answer the fourth question of study by elaborating the students’ perception to the integration of moral values in textbooks and how they implement it. The data were gathered from a number of English students in MTsN 1 Pandeglang. There were seven students of seventh grade, eight students of eighth grade and seven students of ninth grade participating in the research of study. To specify the explanation of findings, the students’ perceptions were presented in four parts namely: 1) Textbook and Moral Values; 2) Teachers’ Teaching Moral Values in Textbooks and Students’ Implementation in Daily Life; 3) Students’ Problems in Understanding Moral Values in Textbook; 4) Students’ Suggestions. To be easy displayed the data due to many participants; the writer only took some data of the interviews to show and combine their answers for each of seventh, eighth and ninth grade students. Then data finding description would be concluded. a. Textbooks and Moral Values To know how seventh, eighth and ninth grade students’ perceptions about textbooks, the writer asked first whether they had ever red those English textbooks till the end of textbooks wholly. Most of their answers did not read entirely textbook. NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY said that they had not red yet thoroughly the textbook. NAM said that he was busy with other lessons’ assignments (homework, work team task, etc), besides the teacher had still not explained yet the subjects. Actually, he thought students would understand the English subject if they paid attention to teacher, because basically English subject was easy to comprehend. (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. SP1, LP1, SP2, & SP3) In contrast, AS’ reasons were because she only opened the textbook in classroom teaching, and when she did English homework. AS & SNA could not understand lesson before teacher gave the explanation and SNA read English textbook when teacher ordered her to read. Although it was easy for AS to understand English lesson because of her favorite subject and English textbook was interesting to read (Appendix 5 & 6. Interview B with AS & SNA. SP1, SP2, SP3). For students’ understanding moral values in textbooks, NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY stated they knew that moral value were exist in the textbook such as tolerance, responsible, keep promises, asking apologize respect to teachers and each other, listen to teacher if he/she was explaining the lessons, to say hello, good morning, or 98 Assalamu’alaikum to teacher if student meet her, honesty, politeness, to help each other, etc. In addition, Students agreed that moral values are really needed to be integrated in the textbooks. Their reasons were in order to develop their good character, to be more kind, to motivate them to be nicer students (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. SP4, MV, SP5 & SP7). Therefore, it can be concluded that most students of seventh, eighth and ninth grade realized the existence of moral values in textbooks and the need of moral values were really significance. b. Teachers’ Teaching Moral Values in Textbooks and Students’ Implementation in Daily Life To identify students’ perceptions on how their teacher taught moral values in classroom, what kinds of media were used by their teacher, and how they responded their teaching. Most of students grade 7, 8, 9 said that their teachers had educated moral values to them. For an example, NAM stated that his teacher for all time motivated students, commanded them to be polite, discipline, and responsible to what we had been done (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. TS1). Besides, almost all of grades, especially Nam, claimed that their teacher always gave good models of attitudes, taught the lesson well, on time in coming to teach student, always guided students to master the lesson, always be cheerful teacher, if students asked teacher to translate from Indonesian language to English or reverse. He felt happy and easy to comprehend the lesson with their teacher. It was really interesting he said. Different with Nam, FI did not feel the same as NAM, occasionally she could understand her teacher, and sometimes she could not. For other media, all student spoke their teacher always used pictures, movies, internets sources, and songs to assist teachers’ teaching. (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. TS2, SP6 & LM). Furthermore, to recognize students’ perception on implementation those moral values. According to Nam, he had tried and practiced those moral values in his daily life, for some instances: hones, confident, respect his friends, not come late to school, responsible in doing his tasks, etc (Appendix 4. Interview B with NAM. IMV). Other students also stated the same as NAM, they did not do cheating during examination, they started doing from simple things as discipline to enter the class and to be honest in every speaking, to obey all rules in school and other communities every day, to respect other opinions and not to be egoist, to discuss or command something by good and polite attitudes, to talk politely with older people, to work hard, when their friend needed some helps as to purchase snacks, they bought it, etc (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA,SO, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. IMV). In conclusion, all of students of seventh, eighth and ninth grade commented that their teacher had done her duty of teaching moral values. Overall, students could grasp all 99 teacher’s explanations in transferring moral value to them and they had practiced those moral value in their daily life. c. Students’ Problems in Understanding Moral Values in Textbook. Many reports and research studies have documented too many students are unable to learn and build new knowledge from the textbooks used in their subject matter classroom. Reading in a subject area presents additional challenges that many students are unable to tackle on their own. For example, textbook are dense with information, the chapters are long and packed with specialized vocabulary that student do not know and so on. The following findings showed students’ problems in understanding moral values in textbook and how they solved their problems. Most of my findings proved that student lack of vocabularies became their big challenges. For instance, all grade students complained there were difficult and strange vocabularies which confused her to understand the meaning even less the moral values in textbook. To solve their less of vocabularies, most of students usually asked their teachers, their parents, brothers, sisters, friend who knew or opened dictionary themselves. Moreover, their other problems were because they did not have the textbooks, besides many other lessons tasks had spent their much time to not only focus on English lesson (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 23. Interview B. with NAM, AS, SNA,SO, RE, AT, HQA & ATY. IMV. LP1, LP2, LP3 & LP4). Therefore, students could not maximally understand moral values in textbooks. d. Students’ Suggestions To know students’ recommendations, the following presentation would show them. Some of students suggested that English textbooks were supplied a number of games and the English textbook presented Indonesian translation or dictionaries in the end of lessons, or small dictionaries in order to enrich their vocabularies and comprehend the content of lessons (Appendix 4, 7 & 22 Interview B with NAM, VSA & AC. SE). Furthermore, AQA added other unique info supplements, the up-to-date contents of textbook by including technology, update movies, etc (Appendix 21. Interview B with AQA. SE). It could be concluded almost all students needed glossaries in textbooks. B. Discussion 1. Moral Values in English Textbook: Is it Merely Theory or Practice? The result of this study convinced that the textbooks used in English teaching can accommodate the insertion of moral values. The three English textbooks employed in MTsN 1 Pandeglang are proven accommodative with the moral values. This result was in line with what is resulted in a content analysis by Ashiba (2010, p. 100-103) showing that values were incorporated in the content of the textbook “English for Palestine” grade 12. The classification of values in this study was based on Spranger’s classification. In addition, Al.Qomoul (2015, p. 15) researched about The Islamic values implemented in the English language syllabuses for the first three grades in Jordan, he stated that the integration of values are very important in English textbooks in order to reach of goals and behavior of learning for values have the power of developing personality to make learning more effective and permanent. 100 Furthermore, scientific studies show that, despite the emergence and expansion of new media which participate in institutionalized educational process, textbooks remain the primary and multifunctional teaching resources (Rona & Lavorka, 2013, p. 127). Textbooks represent sources of information, such as: collection of knowledge, skills and values which are generally accepted and legally prescribed for certain levels of education in specific subjects. Textbooks also represent the basis for structuring, organizing and directing the teaching and learning process. In other words, textbook can be understood as a tool to support the teachers’ teaching and the students’ learning process. The importance of the role of textbook content in the educational and instructional process is unquestionable. However, textbooks must not be reduced to mere communication of information and messages, and should also ensure the acquisition of knowledge, skill and values which are to be conveyed to students, but more than those textbooks also possess a developed system of values. In line with this, Jaan Mikk shares a similar view and emphasizes the importance of imparting values with the help of textbooks (as cited Rona & Lavorka, 2013, p. 130). He stated that students have been developing a value system from textbook. In conclusion, these moral values could be integrated in textbooks. 2. The Existence of Values Integration in the Components of Textbooks One question that commonly arises in the notion of moral value integration is in what components of the textbook should the moral values be inserted? Meanwhile, Nur Khamdan (2011, p. 1) concludes that the integration can be found in the lesson plans, in the instructional materials, in the instructional activities, and in the assessment. Khamdan specified in Islamic values in teaching his students in junior high school. The instructional materials here prove that English textbooks are indeed possible to be used in value integration. In addition, some scientific articles related to this issue are also published both in journal and some official websites. To make an example, Zuliati Rohmah (2012, p. 157) offered some ways how to incorporate Islamic values in English materials. Furthermore, to practically integrate the moral or character values in foreign language teaching, Albantani and Madkur (2016, p. 406) stated some ways, namely in the lessons including the module and textbooks, instructional activities like pre, while and post teaching, and also the method used in the teaching of foreign language. These two articles, even though not fully similar with my research, accommodated the moral value integration in the textbooks used in English classes. Based on my finding, the moral values was inherently presented in different ways such as titles of chapter, objectives of chapter, English quotes, passages, pictures and so forth. It means that the majority of components of the textbook could be implanted moral values. As a result, when the author of the textbooks realized the importance of the integration of moral values, the textbooks became a good media to promote and deepen the moral values to the students. 101 3. The Challenges of Values Integration in Foreign Language Teaching The value integration in foreign language teaching is a kind of challenging activity since it can be considered an action that goes beyond the common instruction of language teachers. As a consequence, the teachers are required to work harder than usual. What is meant by working harder is that the teachers are challenged to not only think about the successfulness of the subject (lesson) objective, but also the character of the students. As Sachar (2015, p. 50) highlighted that the students’ character formation always begins with caring relationship. This relationship first begins at home by parents and then it is extended to school by teachers. Meaning to say, as the second parent, teachers have double roles to do both teaching and caring. Moral values are embedded in the curriculum, the school culture and behavior of the teacher. The question is not whether the teachers display moral values in education, but rather which values they display, and how the teacher work with moral values in their teaching. Moral values are embedded in educational practices, in curriculum material, in textbooks, in all daily activities in school life. Moral values are the ideological flavor of teaching. Moreover, Moral values can be taught explicitly (Megler, 2008, p. 10). Sometimes teachers reflect moral values consciously on their educational practices implicitly. To solve the challenges of values integration in foreign language teaching, we need strategies and methods to teach moral values to the students because teaching moral values is not an easy duty for the teacher or educators. It should have a big impact on the students’ behavior and life. Character education practitioners are currently searching for a model for teaching character values to students. Previously, character education was considered the responsibility of teachers of religion or civic education, and guidance and counseling teachers. However, following the 2013 curriculum, teachers are required to integrate character education into their teaching-learning processes. In this case, a model that promotes the integration of good moral values into classroom sessions is needed. Teachers are required to play the role of integrating good moral values suitable for their specific subjects into their teaching. Identifying an appropriate model for teaching good character fits with the aims of national education as pointed out in Indonesia’s Constitution No. 20 of 2003 (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003) which among other things, emphasize the importance of teaching core values that are deeply rooted in religious and national culture, and the need to respond to current educational demands. Beside, teacher and practitioners, the policy makers of school are also challenged to give birth the policy that is concerned with moral education in academic lives at school. This is strengthened by what is said by Evasco (2015, p. 46) that the formation of one’s character and personality is to a significant extent highly affectedby the dominant social institutions in a man’s life. Then for a student, it is undeniable that the school truly plays a tremendous role in the generation, growth and reinforcement of the prevailing value system in a student. In other words, it is clear that school lives that cover almost a half of the students’ time are very influential to their character. 102 To boost the effectiveness of the integration of moral values into the teaching foreign language, teachers should have extra knowledge about moral values or character education. It takes improvisation on the part of the teacher to be able to convey moral values or character education through their own subjects so that the moral values messages get through the students. 103 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the findings and discussions in previous chapters, the result of this research could be divided into four parts. Firstly, the result showed that the concept of moral values developed by Borba could be portably inputted to the textbook, although the frequencies of moral values were discovered not the same in distribution. For an example, the highest percentage of Borba’s moral values frequently found was self-control values as the most often presented values in all of the three textbooks reached a score of (25%) and the lowest percentages were tolerance (4%) and fairness (2%). Therefore, it could be as one of the reasons why there was much violence such as: intolerance, unfairness, disputes, disunity, chaos, clashing in the community especially students nowadays. It might be because of that very little moral content of tolerance and fairness in the textbooks. As result, students’ tolerance and fairness were very low with other people who had differentiation of their belief, race, ethnic, conviction, religion and principle. Secondly, the moral values were inherently presented in different ways. There were eight ways used by authors in three English textbooks to include those moral values in every feature, namely: 1. Title of Chapter, 2. Objectives of Chapter, 3. Quotes, 4. Pictures, 5. Songs, 6. Exercise Instruction, 7. Passages, and 8. Examples of Sentences. It means that the majority of parts of the textbook could be implanted moral values. Consequently, when the author of the textbooks realized the importance of the integration of moral values, the textbooks could become a good media to promote and deepen the moral values to the students. Thirdly, most of teachers agreed that all types of moral textbook existed in their textbooks. To implement those types of moral values in textbooks, they transferred all of moral values to students in classroom, and employed role play, group discussion, active learning, and collaborative learning, and so on. Furthermore, Teachers admitted that quality of textbook were good although there several weaknesses such as: less various exercises, also less interesting and monotones of the material arrangement and no glossaries of vocabularies. Besides, there were some problems found by teacher in implementing moral values in textbooks. They are problems of students’ communication because of lack of vocabularies to comprehend their explanation, students’ various characters and abilities, sometimes students felt boring with teaching atmosphere which cause students needed to study in outside classroom and students’ personal problems. The fourth, All students of seventh, eighth and ninth grade realized the existence of moral values in textbooks and the need of moral values were really significance. Overall, students could grasp the entire of teacher’s explanations in transferring moral value to them and had practiced those moral values in their daily life. Besides, there were students’ problems in understanding moral values in textbook. A lot of my findings proved that 103 104 student lack of vocabularies became their big challenges. Therefore, students could not maximally understand moral values in textbooks. B. Suggestions Based on conclusion, it can be delivered some suggestions go to: The first, the researcher recommends creating a balance in distributing the seven domains of Borba’s moral values in those English textbooks: 1) empathy, 2) conscience, 3) self-control, 4) respect, 5) kindness, 6) tolerance, and 7) fairness. For Indonesian government, a commission of researches and workshops concerned with an evaluation of the content of the textbooks should be made to update and develop them in line with global challenge, moral values and identity of Indonesian culture. The second, for authors of the English textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, there were some suggestions came from English teachers and students in MTsN 1 Pandeglang: 1. More variety assignments and providing CD guide to simplify teaching English. 2. The content of languages in the textbook compatible with students’ ages and also a lot of something positive examples 3. The contents of textbooks could encourage teachers and students to integrate technology in teaching process and to form game-based learning. It short, English textbooks should be modified to cope with the global progress and 4. The last to supply the glossaries of vocabularies in order to students easily to discover the difficult and unknown words. The third, in teaching process of integrating moral values in the textbooks, teachers need to be acquainted with specific approaches or methods that will enable them to contextualize moral values in the textbook into practical application in learners’ day-to-day life so that character building could be easily achieved and interesting to be learned by students. The researcher suggested that materials containing moral values content need to provide information and instruction about how the moral values content have to be used and appropriately handled; therefore students and teachers could easily understand. 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Apakah siswa dapat memahami dengan baik? jelaskan? “Kualitasnya sangat bagus, sesuai dengan kurikulum dan terperinci. Ya siswa dapat memahami dengan baik, karena disitu terdapat panduan yang cukup jelas” Dapatkan anda menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurang buku yang diajarkan? “Kelebihannya guru dapat memadukan dengan buku guru yang ada sehingga materi dapat dengan mudah disampaikan kepada anak berdasarkan panduan yang ada di buku guru. Kekurangannya, dari segi penyajian gambar-gambar ilustrasi kurang menarik karena tidak full warna dan latihan-latihannya kurang bervariasi.” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai integrasi nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris? “Menurut saya integrasi nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris sudah cukup baik. Apakah di setiap topik pembahasan terdapat nilai moral? Sebutkan contohnya? “tidak disetiap topik pembahasan diberikan nilai moral, ada beberapa yang diberikan misalnya pada apologize, imperative sentences, dll.” Dibagian mana sajakah nilai-nilai moral itu bisa ditemukan dalam buku bahasa Inggris yang anda ajarkan? Apakah terdapat di setiap title of chapter, objective of chapter, quotes dari tokoh-tokoh, tiap passages ada nilai moral, pictures, exercise instruction, atau ada Topic TP1 TP2 TP3 MV1 114 Speaker(s) DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: Transcribed Dialogue yang lainnya silahkan ditambahkan jika ada yang lain menurut anda? Tolong sebutkan dan jelaskan? “menurut saya di setiap chapter, karena sesuai dengan kurikum 2013 ditekankan pada nilai moral dan dalam setiap percakapan juga dicontohkan untuk memilih kata-kata yang baik dan sopan” Apakah buku pelajaran bahasa inggris dapat menjadi media untuk menanamkan moral? “Iya pasti, buku pelajaran ini dapat menjadi media menanamkan moral kepada peserta didik” Diantara nilai-nilai moral berikut yakni: nilai moral empati, jujur, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan, nilai keadilan, nilai moral apa sajakah yang anda cenderung terapkan di kelas? mengapa anda menanamkan itu? “hampir semua nilai mora ada di textbook yang saya ajarkan. Nilai moral yang cenderung diterapkan: jujur, bertanggung-jawab, hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan. Hampir semuanya diterapkan untuk mendidik perkembangan anak-anak serta mendisiplinkan anak.” Bagaimana cara Bapak guru menerapkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran? “Dengan cara mempraktekannya dan menjelaskan contoh-contoh langsung terutama di dalam materi yang berbentuk dialog, selain juga memberikan contoh-contoh yang mudah dimengerti oleh siswa” Metode pembelajaran apa sajakah yang anda gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran? Apakah anda menerapkan metode diskusi, ceramah, diskusi kelompok, role play, atau lainnya? Mengapa anda menggunakan metode itu? “Lebih ke metode diskusi kelompok dan role play, karena anakanak bisa memahami sendiri dan bisa lebih mengeksplor kemampuan masing-masing. disini saya mencoba untuk menanamkan nilai kemandirian ke siswa-siswa saya.” Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan menerapkan nilai moral tersebut di kelas? Jelaskan? “kadang-kadang ada kesulitan, karena setiap anak-anak memiliki karakter yang berbeda. Ada yang mudah diarahkan tetapi sering pula ditemukan anak-anak yang butuh perhatian khusus” Apa sajakah kendala atau kesulitan yang ditemukan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran ketika mengajar? “kesulitannya ketika masalah berkomunikasi. Siswa tidak langsung bisa memahami apa yang dijelaskan karena keterbatasan kosakata.” Apakah siswa/I mampu memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Topic TP4 LM1 MV2 IMV1 TS1 LP1 LP2 115 Speaker(s) DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: HLN: DH: Transcribed Dialogue “Iya, tentunya siswa mampu” Apakah ada media lain yang anda gunakan untuk menanamkan nilai moral pada siswa? Berikan contohnya? “Kalo media secara khusus tidak ada, tetapi lebih memberikan sebagai contoh secara langsung kepada anak-anak atau dengan mengilustrasikan hal-hal yang sering mereka lihat di TV, media social atau berita untuk di diskusikan di kelas dan diambil nilai moralnya” Apa dampak positif dan negatifnya pada siswa dengan diintegrasikan nilai-nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? “Dampaknya positif siswa bisa lebih tahu tentang kesopanan” Apakah anda dapat melihat perubahan sikap pada siswa setelah proses pembelajaran? Berikan contohnya? “Perubahan sikap anak ada. Misalnya kalau sebelumnya mereka mengerjakan tugas tidak disiplin, tapi setelah ada pengarahan lebih mereka lebih tahu tanggung-jawab masing-masing.” Pernahkan siswa/i mengeluh dengan model pembelajaran yang Bapak terapkan? Sebutkan apa saja keluhan mereka? “Pernah, mereka merasa jenuh dan butuh suasana baru, kadang mereka ingin belajar di luar kelas” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai kriteria-kriteria buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang baik? “Pertama: sesusai kurikulum dan silabus yang berlaku, Kedua: menggunakan bahasa yang sesuai dan mudah dipahami oleh anak didik” Perlukah ada nilai moral di dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apa alasannya? “perlu, karena buku adalah acuan anak didik dalam belajara jadi didalamnya harus ada nilai moralnya” Perbaikan apa yang diperlukan buku ini agar memenuhi kriteria yang baik dan ideal? “Latihan dalam buku lebih bervariasi, kalau perlu ada panduan CD atau kasetnya dan bahasa yang dipakai harus sesuai dengan umur siswa dan banyak memberikan contoh hal-hal positif” Topic TP5 LM2 TP6 TP7 LP3 TP8 TP9 TE 116 Appendix 2 Interview to the Teacher of English Lesson VIII Class Interview A with CC Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perception of the teachers on the integration of moral values in English textbooks and how they implement the moral values in teaching English process and daily school life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11th, 2017 : 13.30 : CC, the Teacher of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values LP : Learning Problems TP : Teachers Perception Speaker(s) HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: LM TS TE : Learning Media : Teaching Strategy : Teacher’s Expectations Transcribed Dialogue Bagaimana pendapat anda mengenai kualitas buku materi Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan? Apakah siswa dapat memahami dengan baik? jelaskan? “Menurut saya, kualitas buku materi bahasa Inggris cukup baik/bagus, karena tersusun langkah-langkah untuk pembelajarannya dan ini lumayan cukup jelas membantu pemahaman” Dapatkan anda menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurang buku yang diajarkan? “Kelebihannya: tersusun sistematis dan mudah dipahami. Kekurangannya: kurang variatif saja latihan-latihan dan pola susunan materinya sedikit kurang menarik terlihat monoton” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai integrasi nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris? “Menurut saya ada hubungan nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris.” Apakah di setiap topic pembahasan terdapat nilai moral? Sebutkan contohnya? “ada, misalnya tentang ungkapan congratulation sehingga murid bisa bagaimana mengungkapan ucapan selamat, dll” Dibagian mana sajakah nilai-nilai moral itu bisa ditemukan dalam buku bahasa Inggris yang anda ajarkan? Apakah terdapat di setiap title of chapter, objective of chapter, quotes dari tokoh-tokoh, tiap passages ada nilai moral, pictures, exercise instruction, atau ada yang lainnya silahkan ditambahkan jika ada yang lain menurut anda? Tolong sebutkan dan jelaskan? Topic TP1 TP2 TP3 MV1 TP4 117 Speaker(s) CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: Transcribed Dialogue “Di setiap chapter hampir memuat nilai moral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang sesuai atau berkaitan dengan materi ajar bahasa Inggris kelas 8” Apakah buku pelajaran bahasa inggris dapat menjadi media untuk menanamkan moral? “tentu bisa digunakan sebagai media dalam menanamkan moral” Diantara nilai-nilai moral berikut yakni: nilai moral empati, jujur, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan, nilai keadilan, nilai moral apa sajakah yang anda cenderung terapkan di kelas? Mengapa anda menanamkan itu? “Rasa hormat, empati, menepati janji, kesopanan dan tolongmenolong nilai tersebut yang sering saya ajarkan dalam kelas” Bagaimana cara Bapak guru menerapkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran? “saya jadi contoh dalam menerapkan nilai moral tersebut dan menasehati siswa-siwa untuk menerapkan selalu Bersikap baik di kelas, menghargai orang lain, kerja sama dll” Metode pembelajaran apa sajakah yang anda gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran nilai moral? Apakah anda menerapkan metode diskusi, ceramah, diskusi kelompok, role play, atau lainnya? Mengapa anda menggunakan metode itu? “Role play dan diskusi kelompok. Role play saya pakai jika saya mengajarkan tentang interpersonal atau conversation. Diskusi kelompok dipakai dalam pembuatan langkah-langkah tentang cara membuat teks descriptive, recount, dsb. Semuanya ini juga dalam rangka mengajarkan nilai moral toleransi,kerjasama, berlaku adil terhadap sesame, tidak egois sesame teman dan masih banyak nilai moral lainnya yang dapat diambil. Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan menerapkan nilai moral tersebut di kelas? Jelaskan? “tidak, karena nilai moral itu sudah ada tersembunyi dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat, selain juga siswa terbiasa menerapkan dan menemukan nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka, saya hanya menambahkan apa saja yang kurang dari perilaku mereka yang perlu diperbaiki” Apa sajakah kendala atau kesulitan yang ditemukan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran ketika mengajar? “Kemampuan siswa beragam ada yang langsung cepat tanggap pelajaran, ada yang harus berproses dulu untuk menangkap pelajaran.” Apakah siswa/I mampu memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “Iya, siswa mampu memahami nilai moral” Apakah ada media lain yang anda gunakan untuk menanamkan Topic LM1 MV2 IMV1 TS1 LP1 LP2 TP5 118 Speaker(s) CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: HLN: CC: Transcribed Dialogue nilai moral pada siswa? Berikan contohnya? “majalah dan buku-buku cerita” Apa dampak positif dan negatifnya pada siswa dengan diintegrasikan nilai-nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? “Dampaknya positifnya, siswa dapat memahami dan lebih mempraktekkan kesopanan” Apakah anda dapat melihat perubahan sikap pada siswa setelah proses pembelajaran? Berikan contohnya? “iya. Anak bisa menerapkan pelajaran yang disampaikan dapat digunakan setiap hari baik dilingkungan sekolah dan luar sekolah” Pernahkan siswa/i mengeluh dengan model pembelajaran yang Bapak terapkan? Sebutkan apa saja keluhan mereka? “Iya, pernah. Mungkin karena mereka sulit atau tidak memahami maksud dan tujuan apa yang saya ajarkan, mungkin juga karena keterbatasan kosakata dari siswa yang saya ajarkan atau bisa juga karena yang masalah lain dirinya, misalnya emang tidak suka bahasa inggris dan sebagainya” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai kriteria-kriteria buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang baik? “Sesuai kurikulum, sesuai dengan usia anak, dan sesuai dengan perkembangan anak” Perlukah ada nilai moral di dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apa alasannya? “perlu, karena buku adalah acuan anak didik dalam belajar didalamnya tercantum nilai moralnya” Perbaikan apa yang diperlukan buku ini agar memenuhi kriteria yang baik dan ideal? “Lebih variatif lagi, lebih sistematis lagi metode-metode pembelajarannya dan harus sesuai dengan umur siswa” Topic LM2 TP6 TP7 LP3 TP8 TP9 TE 119 Appendix 3 Interview to the Teacher of English Lesson IX Class Interview A with MD Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perception of the teachers on the integration of moral values in English textbooks and how they implement the moral values in teaching English process and daily school life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11th, 2017 : 14.30 : MD, the Teacher of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values LP : Learning Problems TP : Teachers Perception Speaker(s) HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: LM TS TE : Learning Media : Teaching Strategy : Teacher’s Expectations Transcribed Dialogue Bagaimana pendapat anda mengenai kualitas buku materi Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan? Apakah siswa dapat memahami dengan baik? jelaskan? “Bagus bukunya. Siswa dapat memahami dengan baik. bukunya itu disusun secara sistematis dan berangkat dari hal-hal yang sederhana” Dapatkan anda menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurang buku yang diajarkan? “Kelebihannya: pertama, tersusun sistematis dan berangkat dari hal-hal yang sederhana, kedua, berbasis collaborative learning. Kekurangannya, tidak ada glossary untuk memudahkan siswa memahami teks.” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai integrasi nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris? “Menurut saya ada hubungan nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa inggris.” Apakah di setiap topic pembahasan terdapat nilai moral? Sebutkan contohnya? “Iya ada. Contohnya dalam materi giving suggestion to do or not to do something dituliskan tujuannya agar siswa to keep interpersonal relationship Disini terdapat nilai menghormati orang lain.” Dibagian mana sajakah nilai-nilai moral itu bisa ditemukan dalam buku bahasa Inggris yang anda ajarkan? Apakah terdapat di setiap title of chapter, objective of chapter, quotes dari tokoh-tokoh, tiap passages ada nilai moral, pictures, exercise instruction, atau ada Topic TP1 TP2 TP3 MV1 TP4 120 Speaker(s) MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: Transcribed Dialogue yang lainnya silahkan ditambahkan jika ada yang lain menurut anda? Tolong sebutkan dan jelaskan? “hasil amatan saya di setiap title of chapter selalu terdapat nilai moral. Ini karena pendekatan pembelajaran di buku ini meyakini bahwa setiap materi ajar harus ada nilai moral yang didapatkan oleh siswa. Contoh : materi expressing hopes and wishes. Bertujuan untuk : to keep good personal relationship dan itu tertulis hampir di setiap chapter” Apakah buku pelajaran bahasa inggris dapat menjadi media untuk menanamkan moral? “tentu bisa digunakan sebagai media dalam menanamkan moral” Diantara nilai-nilai moral berikut yakni: nilai moral empati, jujur, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan, nilai keadilan, nilai moral apa sajakah yang anda cenderung terapkan di kelas? Mengapa anda menanamkan itu? “Rasa hormat, kesopanan, kebaikan hati dan tolong menolong, dll.” Bagaimana cara Bapak guru menerapkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran? “saya selalu Bersikap baik di kelas, menunjukan kepada siswa bagaimana menghargai orang lain, tolong menolong, menghormati orang lain dan saling kerja sama karena tidak ada yang bisa hidup sendirian, dll” Metode pembelajaran apa sajakah yang anda gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran moral values? Apakah anda menerapkan metode diskusi, ceramah, diskusi kelompok, role play, atau lainnya? Mengapa anda menggunakan metode itu? “active learning, collaborative learning, role play yang sering saya gunakan” Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan menerapkan nilai moral tersebut di kelas? Jelaskan? “tidak. Karena buku ini disusun agar nilai moral tersampaikan dengan mudah” Apa sajakah kendala atau kesulitan yang ditemukan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran ketika mengajar? “kendala dalam menanamkan nilai moral untuk menerapkan nilai moral yang terkandung dalam setiap chapter itu relative mudah. Guru hanya dipaksa memberikan contoh menggunakan nilai moral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Misalnya guru akan memberikan ucapan congratulation kalau ada siswa yang mendapatkan kebahagian atau prestasi-prestasi” Apakah siswa/I mampu memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “Iya, siswa mampu memahami nilai moral” Topic LM1 MV2 IMV1 TS1 LP1 LP2 TP5 121 Speaker(s) HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: HLN: MD: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah ada media lain yang anda gunakan untuk menanamkan nilai moral pada siswa? Berikan contohnya? “ada. Saya kadang menampilkan gambar-gambar inspiratif di slide power point” Apa dampak positif dan negatifnya pada siswa dengan diintegrasikan nilai-nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? “Tidak ada dampak negative dalam penanaman nilai moral dalam materi ajar, karena adalah keharusan. Karena bahwa tujuan utama pendidikan adalan bisa berprilaku baik” Apakah anda dapat melihat perubahan sikap pada siswa setelah proses pembelajaran? Berikan contohnya? “Iya, ketika ada seorang siswa yang mendapatkan nilai bagus, secara spontan siswa lain mengucapkan congratulations untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat dan apresiasia kepada temannya” Pernahkan siswa/i mengeluh dengan model pembelajaran yang Bapak terapkan? Sebutkan apa saja keluhan mereka? “Secara spesifik tidak pernah. Hanya saya kadang merasakan ketika siswa terlihat jenuh, yaitu ketika saya sedang menjelaskan materi tata bahasa inggris.” Bagaimana pendapat Bapak mengenai kriteria-kriteria buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang baik? “Sesuai kurikulum, sesuai dengan usia anak, dan sesuai dengan perkembangan anak” Perlukah ada nilai moral di dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apa alasannya? “perlu, karena buku adalah acuan anak didik dalam belajar didalamnya tercantum nilai moralnya” Perbaikan apa yang diperlukan buku ini agar memenuhi kriteria yang baik dan ideal? “buku ini akan lebih baik jika, pertama: mampu mendorong guru dan siswa untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Kedua: mendorong guru untuk membuat game-based learning. Ketiga yang terakhir, di akhir buku, perlu dibuat glossary agar siswa mudah mencari kata-kata yang tidak diketahui” Topic LM2 TP 6 TP7 LP3 TP8 TP9 TE 122 Appendix 4 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 12, 2017 : 12.30 : NAM, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena kita terlalu sibuk dengan tugas sekolah lainnya (PR, kerja kelompok, dll), selain memang masih belum dijelaskan pelajaran semuanya oleh guru” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “iya, asalkan kita memperhatikan guru saat menerangkan insyaallah paham sih” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Iya, karena materinya dapat dipahami untuk dipelajari” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya tahu, menghormati guru, mendengarkan guru yang sedang memberi penjelasan tentang materi yang dibahas, memberi salam ketika bertemu guru seperti hello, good morning atau assalamualaikum, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “iya, cara toleransi, menghargai, dll” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “Ada, karena di dalam buku Bahasa Inggris terdapat soal-soal yang menguji kejujuran, kecerdasan, kreatifitas kita, menghargai teman dan menghormati guru” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 123 Speaker(s) HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: HLN: NAM: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ya, guru selalu memberi kami motivasi, dan menyuruh kami untuk bersikap jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang kami lakukan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “ya, guru selalu tepat waktu dalam mengajar, berusaha membuat murid-muridnya menguasai materi” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “Menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami, jika kita bertanya untuk menerjemahkan bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya, guru selalu menjawab dan memberi penjelasan pada kami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, guru kami mengajar menggunakan media gambar-gambar” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, karena kita masih belum bisa memahami bahasa Inggris yang terdapat dalam nilai-nilai moral” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “Tidak, justru nilai moral memberi kami motivasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris” Bagaimana anda, menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “saya sudah mencobanya dan sudah melakukan nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti jujur, percara diri dan menghargai teman, Tidak datang terlambat, berbicara sopan, menaati perintah guru, disiplin dalam berpakaian, bertanggungjawab dalam mengerjakan tugas, dll” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “Bertanya pada guru dan meminta penjelasan mengenai isi kandungan nilai moral dalam buku” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “Ya perlu, agar kita lebih termotivasi untuk berprilaku baik” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “Sebaiknya buku bahasa Inggris diberi banyak permainan dan jika ada ada perintah harus memakai bahasa Indonesia” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 & TS3 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 124 Appendix 5 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with AS Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 12, 2017 : 12.30 : AS, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum pernah, tapi kami hanya membuka buku bahasa Inggris itu pada saat mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu tiba dan pada saat mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris. Karena saya belum dapat memahami pelajaran yang belum dipelajari oleh guru” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Ya, pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu pelajaran kesukaan saya” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ya, buku bahasa Inggris itu sangat menarik untuk dipelajari” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “tahu, nilai-nilai moral yaitu nilai-nilai yang baik dan dapat memberikan pelajaran atau hal-hal yang baik juga” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ya, kejujuran, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, tolongmenolong, dan toleransi, dll.” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada, seperti saling menghargai satu sama lain” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu Topic SP1 LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 125 Speaker(s) AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: HLN: AS: Transcribed Dialogue mengajarkan ke kamu? “ada, contohnya pada saat Bapak/Ibu guru menerangkan tentang pelajaran tersebut agar kita lebih memahami pelajaran yang sudah dibahas” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “Iya, Bapak dan Ibu guru dikelas mencotohkan moral yang baik seperti berkata sopan, berprilaku baik sesama teman” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “Menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami lewat materi yang disampaikan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “guru belum menggunakan media lain” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak, karena Ibu guru bahasa Inggrisnya menerangkannya cukup baik bisa dimengerti” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “Tidak, karena di dalam buku tersebut sudah jelas, tetapi ada kata-kata yang kita tidak mengerti” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “Berperilaku sopan, menghormati yang lebih tua, menghormati sesame manusia, berkata baik, menaati tata tertib di sekoloh dan lingkungan di kehidupan sehari-hari, kita harus bersikap jujur, jika berbohong maka orang lain tidak akan mendekati kita, karena kita telah berbohong kepadanya.” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “sebaiknya kita bertanya kepada guru, atau bertanya kepada yang lebih dulu tahu, dan mengedepankan sesi Tanya jawab” Menurut kamu, perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “Ya, karena supaya dapat mengembangkan karakter siswa, supaya bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi, dan berakhlakul karimah (akhak yang baik)” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “Sebaiknya, di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris terdapat kosakata atau “vocabulary” agar kami tidak perlu bertanya dan agar kami bisa memahami nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku tersebut” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 126 Appendix 6 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with SNA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11, 2017 : 12.30 : SNA, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media LP : Learning’ Problems Speaker(s) HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Topic Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “tidak, tapi hanya membaca apa yang guru perintahkan” SP1 & LP Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “bisa dipahami dengan baik, misalnya guru menjelaskan kita SP2 harus memperhatikan” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ada yang menarik dan ada juga yang tidak menarik, karena SP3 dalam materi tersebut ada yang saya mengerti dan juga tidak mengerti” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “ya, tentang permohonan maaf, terima kasih, sopan terhadap SP4 orang lain, pertemanan yang baik dan peduli terhadap teman” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kejujuran, menepati janji, MV bertanggung jawab, dan toleransi” 127 Speaker(s) HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: HLN: SNA: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya, karena ada pelajaran yang mempelajari permohonan maaf dan terimakasih, kejujuran dalam mengerjakan soal” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ada, mengajarkan itu tidak terlalu kera dan selalu baik cara mengajarkan terhadap kami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “ya, dengan mencotohkan perilaku-perilaku yang baik, seperti disiplin masuk kelas, dan tidak berbicara kasar/kotor di depan kelas” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “baik, membosankan atau menyenangkan tergantung keadaan peserta didik dulu. Apakah perasaannya sedang bosan atau senang” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya, guru kami mengajarkan dalam media gambar-gambar” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, seperti kata Bahasa Inggris yang susah ditemukan dalam kamus yang akhirnya membuat siswa kebingungan dan kesulitan” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “Tidak juga, tapi tergantung materinya apa” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “dengan dimulai dari hal-hal yang terkecil dulu saja, seperti disiplin masuk kelas dan jujur dalam setiap perkataan” Menurut kamu, apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “dengan menanyakan kesulitan materi kepada guru” perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena bahasa Inggris itu bisa dipelajari oleh semua kalangan dan lagi pula Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa universal” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami dan mudah dicari dikamus oleh siswa” Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP3 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 128 Appendix 7 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with VSA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 12, 2017 : 12.30 : VSA, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “tidak pernah, hanya sampai materi yang dibahas, karena belum dipelajari dan disampaikan oleh guru” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “bisa, karena jika guru menjelaskan dengan baik dan tidak terlalu cepat sehingga kita bisa memahami materi buku dengan baik” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ya, karena di dalam buku B.Inggris terdapat gambar-gambar yang menarik, terdapat lagu-lagu, percakapan dan lain sebagainnya” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “menghargai guru yang berbicara, sopan, tidak berbicara saat pelajaran, tidak bercanda saat pelajaran” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Bapak & Ibu guru sering mengajarkan nilai kepribadian. Misalnya, kita harus jujur dalam mengerjakana ulangan (tidak menyontek), harus bertanggung-jawab, tolong-menolong, juga tidak boleh merusak lingkungan dan harus sopan.” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV 129 Speaker(s) HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: HLN: VSA: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada, yaitu tentang cara meminta maaf yang baik, solidaritas tinggi, cara bersopan santun dalam berkata dan berbuat” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, dari mengajarkan tanggung jawab, disiplin, sopan dan tata karma/etika yang baik” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya, dengan cara mengajarkan dengan bahasa yang baik” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “tidak terlalu membosankan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “tidak pernah, hanya menjelaskan secara lisan saja” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “menurut saya, moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris agak sulit untuk dipahami karena saya kurang mengerti” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, moral yang terkandug tidak mengurangi fokus saya” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “dengan cara menerapkan dalaam kehidupan sehari-hari. Misalnya membiasakan diri untuk bertanggung-jawab, tidak mencontek, tolong-menolong, berbahasa yang baik kepada teman, dll” Menurut kamu, apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “dengan cara bertanya kepada teman atau guru yang lebih memahami” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “iya perlu, karena buku adalah jendela dunia, buku bukan berisi pengetahuan saja, tetapi harus ada nilai moral juga” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “ada terjemahannya atau ada kamus dibelakang bukunya” Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 130 Appendix 8 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with NAA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 12, 2017 : 12.30 : NAA, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena belum dipelajari dan sampaikan semua pelajarannya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “bisa saja jika gurunya menjelaskan secara baik” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ya, karena banyak yang ingin kami ketahui” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “ya, kami mengetahuinya. Misalnya, cara meminta maaf kepada teman, keluarga, dan lain-lain” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ya, contohnya tidak boleh menyontek, dan bila berbuat salah harus bertanggung jawab” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada, misalnya tentang cara berterima kasih yang baik, kita diajarkan tidak menyontek dan selalu bertanggung jawab” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 131 Speaker(s) HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: HLN: NAA: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, yaitu dengan bicara yang sopan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya, Bapak/Ibu guru sudah mencontohkan nilai-nilai yang baik di kelas” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “tidak ada media lain, karena semuanya sudah ada di buku” apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, kesulitannya adalah pembahasannya kurang dimengerti dalam bahasa Inggris” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, justru jika ada nilai moralnya kita lebih memahami materi bahasa Inggris itu sendiri” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “dengan cara bertingkah laku yang baik dalam kehidupan seharihari, berbicara dengan sopan, menolong sesama teman” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “bertanya kepada Bapak/Ibu guru jika ada yang tidak mengerti” perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena nilai moral sangat berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “saran kami agar buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris ini ada sebelum ada soal” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 132 Appendix 9 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with SAZ Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : March 04, 2017 : 12.30 : SAZ, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena belum dipelajari dan disampaikan semua pelajarannya oleh guru” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Tidak, karena berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris itu susah dan tidak mengetahui arti dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “menarik, karena bahasa inggris itu susah dan sulit dipecahkan dan diartikan jadi menantang saya untuk belajar” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “tidak semua nilai moral yang kami tahu, hanya beberapa saja yang kita ketahui tentang nilai-nilai moral” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “iya, mengajarkan toleransi, tolong-menolong, sopan, peduli sama orang lain, dll” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya ada, misalnya kita diharuskan untuk giat belajar dan tidak menyontek” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 133 Speaker(s) HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: HLN: SAZ: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya ada, dengan cara dari hal yang terkecil seperti, disiplin dalam belajar mengerjakan tugas dan tekun” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya. Contohnya: mengajarkan kedisiplinan pada anak muridnya” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menyenangkan tetapi kadang susah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “Tidak ada, guru kami hanya memakai yang ada di buku saja” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, misalnya bahasa Inggris yang belum diketahui artinya” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, karena dalam buku bahasa Inggris mengajarkan kita untuk menerapkan sikap-sikap moral” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “dengan tidak datang terlambat, mendengarkan guru yang sedang menjelaskan, tolong-menolong, tidak menyontek, dan rajin belajar” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “mencoba bertanya kepada Ibu/Bapak guru, dan orang tua” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena agar mengajarkan kita untuk melakukan nilai moral yang baik” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “buku bahasa Inggris harus ada bahasa Indonesianya, karena jika bahasa Inggris semua sulit kami pahami” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 134 Appendix 10 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VII Class Interview B with FI Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 12.30 : FI, the Student of English Lesson VII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “Belum pernah selesai, karena belum dijelaskan oleh guru soalnya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “bisa dipahami dengan baik, karena guru menjelaskan dengan mudah dimengerti” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ya, karena di buku bahasa Inggris terdapat lirik-lirik lagu” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya saya tahu” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Kejujuran, berakhlak yang baik, saling tolong menolong, dll” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya, karena didalamnya terdapat nilai moral yang banyak, misalnya: tolong tutup pintunya, dll” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 135 Speaker(s) HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: HLN: FI: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, jika bapak Ibu guru mengajarkannya ke kami Bapak Ibu guru itu membertahukannya” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya. Bapak/Ibu guru itu mencontohkan sopan santu di kelas” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “iya lumayan, kadang susah dipahami sih” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “Tidak ada, hanya dari materi buku saja disampaikan di kelas” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak, karena saya gampang memahaminya” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, justru dengan nilai moral kita bisa bersikap baik” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “menerapkannya dengan cara sikap-sikap yang baik” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “mencoba untuk terus memahami lagi bacara yang tidak dipahami dan menanyakan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena mengajarkan kebaikan agar kita dapat memiliki sikap yang baik” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “Sebaiknya guru jika menjelaskan dengan 2 bahasa, bahasa inggris dan Indonesi agar kita mudah dipahami. Kalau bisa di buku pelajarannya ada tambahan kosakata yang susah biar kami tidak kesulitan mencari lagi di kamusnya” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 136 Appendix 11 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with LZU Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 10.30 : LZU, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum pernah, karena saya tidak punya bukunya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “tidak, karena membacanya waktu pelajaran bahasa Inggris saja, dikarenakan tidak mempunyai buku pribadi” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Ya, karena dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar dan peta konsep yang jelas” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “pertama, mengajarkan kerjasama dan kekompakkan, kedua, mengajarkan untuk menguasai kosa-kata bahasa Inggris, ketiga, agar dapat belajar membuat kartu dalam bahasa Inggris” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ya, guru saya mengajarkan nilai kejujuran seperti kejujuran dalam melaksanaka tugas dan soal” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya ada, contohnya kita harus hormati orang lain, menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang sopan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 137 Speaker(s) HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: HLN: LZU: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “yah ada, jadi guru mengajarkan seperti kekompakkan dan keakraban” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “Iya” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menurut saya membosankan tapi tergantung keadaan, kadang juga terasa menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya ada media lain, karena waktu itu guru saya menyuruh siswa untuk menonton film bahasa Inggris agar dapat mengetahui percakapan-percakapan sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “lumayan bisa dipahami” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “iya mengurangi fokus saya” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “sering bikin kerja kelompok di kelas jadi kami terlatih untuk kompak sama teman-teman, saat ulangan saya tidak boleh menyontek, menghargai ketika teman saya berpendapat, dan melaksanakan tugas dari guru walaupun salah, dll” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “mencari referensi lagi di buku yang lain atau di internet atau bertanya pada guru” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “Ya perlu, ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris, karena agar tidak menggunakan kata-kata yang kasar dalam pergaulan sehari-hari” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “saran saya setiap buku yang digunakan ditambahkan penerjemahan juga biar kami mudah memahaminya, setiap siswa harus mempunyai buku pribadi, dan guru mengajarkan menggunakan media lain seperti dilengkapi gambar dan peta konsep” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 138 Appendix 12 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with SO Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 11.30 : SO, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena saya tidak mengerti artinya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Belum/tidak, karena dalam membaca buku perlu memahami arti dan isinya” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Saya tidak punya bukunya, makanya tidak menarik, tetapi ada sedikit yang menarik sih waktu dijelaskan sama guru kami” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “ya, mengajarkan kerjasama, mengajarkan kita cara berterimakasih, mengajarkan kita untuk mempererat tali persaudaraan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “toleransi, jujur, bertanggung jawab, sopan, tolong menolong dan lain-lain” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya ada, dalam teks narasi berjudul snow white tersebut berisi seorang anak yang jujur dan peduli serta tolong menolong” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 139 Speaker(s) HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: HLN: SO: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, dengan cara berkelompok sehingga mengajarkan apa artinya kerjasama, mempererat tali persaudaraan, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “ya, Bapak dan Ibu guru mengajarkan kami nilai-nilai seperti kerjasama” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “mereka terus mengajarkan kerjasama, menurut kami lumayan menyenangkan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya ada media lain, seperti kami disuruh menonton film dan diceritakan kembali dengan bahasa Inggris di kelas” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak sulit sih, tetapi kadang-kadang ada nilai moral yang sulit dipahami” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “Tidak” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “menghormati orang yang beda pendapat tidak egois, jujur dalam segala hal, tolong menolong dalam kesusahan, bekerjasama dengan teman dan sopan terhadap teman” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “jika sulit memahaminya kami akan menerjemahkan sebisa kami dengan buka kamus, kalau kami sudah tidak bisa baru kami bertanya pada guru bahasa Inggris kami” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “tentu saja perlu, karena seharusnya semua buku harus ada mengandung nilai-nilai moral untuk mendidik siswa” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “Saran agar buku bahasa Inggrisnya ditraslate ke bahasa Indonesia agar kami mengerti dan menggunakan permainan dalam menerapkannya” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 140 Appendix 13 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with RE Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 08.30 : RE, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Pernah baca sampai selesai buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di sekolah? “tidak, Karen saya tidak punya bukunya, saya baca saat di kelas pelajaran bahasa Inggris saja” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “ya, karena materi-materi dari buku mudah dipahami dan dimengerti sehingga saya mudah paham” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Ya, karena materinya mengajarkan nilai moral seperti kesopanan, dan rasa hormat kepada orang lain” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya tahu, seperti cara berbicara sopan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Melatih rasa percaya diri dan kekompakkan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Nilai moral yang sering diajarkan oleh guru yaitu: kejujuran, bertanggung-jawab, rasa horma kepada orang lain, kesopanan, tolong menolong, dan toleransi” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada, contohnya kejujuran, bertanggung jawab, kesopanan dan toleransi” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 141 Speaker(s) HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: HLN: RE: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, menggunakan tutur bahasa yang sopan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “lumayan menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya, Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar guru menggunakan film dan gambar-gambar” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak terlalu” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “caranya berbica kepada orang tua dengan lebih sopan, toleransi saling menghargai sesama teman dan tidak membeda-bedakan” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “menanyakan kepada guru, materi apa yang belum kita pahami” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “iya perlu, karena nilai moral penting dalam kehidupan” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya agar mudah dipahami kalau tidak ada kamus dibelakang buku bahasa Inggrisnya” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 142 Appendix 14 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with HAT Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 10, 2017 : 12.30 : HAT, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “sebagian dari kami pernah membaca sampai selesai, dan sebagian lagi tidak karena tidak memiliki buku paket bahasa Inggris” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “bisa dipahami dengan baik, misalnya guru menjelaskan kita harus memperhatikan” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ada yang menari dan ada juga yang tidak menarik, karena dalam materi tersebut ada yang saya mengerti dan juga tidak saya mengerti” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “seperti menjalin kerjasama dalam kelompok, melatih ketelitian dalam mengerjakan soal, belajar menghargai pendapat orang lain, dapat memahami bahwa berbahasa yang baik itu sangat penting, dan melatih tanggung jawab” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ada rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab dan toleransi” apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV 143 Speaker(s) HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: HLN: HAT: Transcribed Dialogue nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ya, that’s right, because in the English books so many etika yang dapat dicontoh, salah satunya kesopanan, bertanggung jawab ketika mengerjakan PR/Soal yang diberikan guru” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ada, pertama belajar kedisiplinan dalam waktu. Contohnya melakukan tugas harus dikumpulkan, kedua, saling menghormati antara murid dan guru” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “yaps, that’s right, karena mereka (bapak/Ibu guru) tidak mungkin mengajarkan yang buruk terhadap siswa” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “my opinion is the teacher can teach us dengan so many cara, kadang happy and kadang so boring” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “Ya ada media lain seperti media gambar-gambar” apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “yap, dalam mengerjakan soal kita kurang teliti dan ceroboh dan diantara kita semua saat melatih kerjasam banyak yang tidak ikut kerjasama” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “maybe yes, may no. because saat kita reading English book terkadang we boring terhadap materinya” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “we can menerapkan nilai-nilai moral dengan berbagai cara, contohnya lebih disiplin, kerja keras, menghormati dan lain sebagainya” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “bertanya kepada guru agar dapat dipahami” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “ya perlu, karena berbahasa itu juga ada aturan. Contohnya: saat ita berbicara bahasa Inggris kepada orang tua kita harus sopan” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “guru menjelaskan dengan dicampur bahasa Indonesia dan inggris\” Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 144 Appendix 15 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with RR Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 09, 2017 : 12.30 : RR, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: AS: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Pernah baca sampai selesai buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di sekolah? “belum pernah, alasanya karena tidak memiliki buku bahasa Inggris” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “iya saya dapat paham, karena dibantu dengan penjelasan guru juga jadi mudah dimengerti” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “kurang menarik, karena pelajarannya kaku dan sulit diingat” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya tahu, percaya diri, kerjasama, tenggang rasa, saling menghargai, solidaritas, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “kejujuran dalam mengisi ulangan, toleransi dalam berinteraksi dan nilai-nilai moral lainnya” apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya ada, seperti sopan santun terhadap yang lebih tua dan toleransi terhadap sesama” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 145 Speaker(s) HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: HLN: RR: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ada, dengan cara bermain games” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya. Mereka mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral kepada kami” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menyenangkan tetapi tidak mudah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “pakai media gambar, tapi tidak sering hanya sekali-kali saja” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “iya lumaya kesulitan karena banyak kosakata yang tidak dimengerti” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tergantung materi yang diajarkan” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “disiplin, ketika guru memberi tugas, kita harus tepat waktu untuk mengumpulkan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “dengan cara menghapal kosakata yang susah ditanyakan kepada guru” perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena dengan nilai moral kita dapat lebih memahami pelajaran bahasa Inggris” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “sarannya, guru harus mengajari kepada murid dengan santai dan penuh games yang berhubungan dengan materi tersebut. Harapannya, semoga materi-materi dalam buku bahasa inggris disusun lebih menarik lagi” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 146 Appendix 16 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with IAM Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11, 2017 : 12.30 : IAM, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Pernah baca sampai selesai buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di sekolah? “Belum, karena saya tidak punya bukunya, kalau punya juga saya ngertinya sedikit” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “ya, karena guru menyampaikan dengan baik” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “menurut saya enggak menarik, karena saya tidak terlalu ngerti dan tidak terlalu menari untuk mempelajarinya” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya saya tahu” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Kejujuran, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, tolong menolong, kebaikan hati dan toleransi” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “iya,seperti mengajarkan kebaikan dan toleransi” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 147 Speaker(s) HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: HLN: IAM: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, ketika ibu/bapak guru memerintah kami untuk berdiskusi yang secara tidak langsung memerintahkan kami untuk bekerjasama” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “iya lumayan, menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, seperti gambar-gambar” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “iya, terkadang kami kurang memahami apa yang ada dalam buku karena bahasa Inggrisnya yang agak sulit dipahami” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tentu saja tidak” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “bekerjasama dalam memecahkan suatu masalah, hormat kepada orang yang lebih tua, dan saling berinteraksi dan saling membantu” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “menanyakan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru” perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena kami belajar di sekolah bukan hanya untuk mencerdaskan otak saja, tetapi juga kami ingin membentuk jiwa berakhlakul karimah” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “saran kami sih, pertama, dihalaman terakhir terdapat vocabulary agar siswa dapat memahami kata-kata yang tidak dapat dipahami, kedua, adanya gambar-gambar yang menarik kami untuk belajar” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 148 Appendix 17 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with FT Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11, 2017 : 12.30 : FT, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “Belum pernah, karena saya bacanya hanya pas pelajaran bahasa inggris saja, sebab itu bukan buku pribadi saya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Mengerti tapi hanya sedikit yang saya tahu artinya” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Yas, sebab dilengkapi dengan unsure gambar dan juga ada nyanyiannya” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya saya tahu, misalnya: meningkatkan kerjasama, berani dan percara diri, dan tenggang rasa, kesopanan, disiplin dalam mengerjakan tugas” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ya, nilai kepribadian yang sering diajarkan adalah tanggung jawab, menghormati pendapat orang lain, tolong menolong dan juga menghormati guru” apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? Berikan contohnya? “iya ada, contohnya menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang sopan” Topic SP &LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 149 Speaker(s) HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: HLN: FT: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, dengan cara membuat kelompok, bernyanyi di depan kelas, berbicara bahasa Inggris” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya bapak ibu guru mencontohkannya” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami karena menjelaskan secara jelas” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya, guru saya pernah menyuruh untuk menontong film lalu saya disuruh menceritakannya kembali dalam bahasa Inggris” apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “iya ada sedikit sih” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “ya, karena kita kurang memahami bahasa Inggris materinya” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “dengan berbicara yang sopan, berani dan percaya diri serta menjalin hubungan pertemanan dan kerja sama yang baik” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “bertanya pada guru dan juga memperbanyak kosa kata” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, agar kami menjadi memiliki moral yang tinggi dan berbudi” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “sarannya buku bahasa inggrisnya dibuat lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan. Harapan kami diberikan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia agar kami mengerti maksud dari kalimat tersebut dan juga banyak percakapan-percakapan” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 150 Appendix 18 Interview to the Students of English Lesson VIII Class Interview B with AT Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 12.30 : AT, the Student of English Lesson VIII Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum pernah, karena saya tidak mempunyai buku” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “ya, karena guru pelajaran ini menjelaskan dengan baik” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ya, karena guru Bahasa Inggris menjelaskan dengan, sehingga pelajaran menjadi menarik” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Ya, bertanggung jawab, kejujuran, menepati janji, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong menolong, toleransi kepada orang lain, dan keadilan, serta kebaikan hati” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “Ada, bertanggung jawab, kejujuran, tolong menolong, toleransi terhadap orang lain” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 151 Speaker(s) HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT: HLN: AT Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ya, dengan berdikusi satu sama lain, tugas individu dan lain sebagainya. Kita juga pernah nyany berdua-dua sama Bu guru dan itu mengasyikkan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “ya, mereka mencontohkan nilai moral kepada kami” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “Waktu ibu guru ngajarin nilai moral, menyampaikan itu tuh membosankan tetapi akhirnya menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami. Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, ibu guru mengajarkan dengan menggunakan media lain seperti: gambar-gambar, film, dll” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak, sama sekali tidak” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “Tidak sama sekali” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “Contohnya, diberi tugas oleh guru dikerjakan dan dengan tugas itu kita belajar bertanggung jawab, dan tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang salah sesuai moral, dll” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “lebih mendekatkan pada guru bahasa inggris, kalo kita sudah dekat kita bisa bertanya ama bu guru. Cara mengatasinya dengan kita harus suka dulu terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, sangat perlu, karena memang nilai moral sangat penting apalagi untuk kita yang tidak suka bahasa Inggris kita harus suka. Karena di Bahasa Inggris banyak nilai moral yang begitu bermanfaat bagi kita” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “saran harus lebih menarik isi bukunya dengan dilengkapi dengan keterangan-keterangan, ada arti kosakata dibelakang bukunya biar mudah untuk kita belajarnya dan terakhir dimurahin bukunya atau kalo boleh gratis kasian yang gak punya uang” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 152 Appendix 19 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with HQA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 11, 2017 : 12.30 : HQA, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena bukunya digilir setiap kelas, jadi tidak setiap hari ada di kelas kami” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “tidak, karena saya belum mempelajari secara keseluruhan” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “cukup menari, karena banyak percakapan atau dialog yang menarik” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? Berikan contohnya? “ya, contohnya seperti sopan-santun, hormat menghormati antar sesame, jujur, dan juga toleransi. Kalau boleh jujur, sebenarnya saya juga kurang mengetahui nilai-nilai moral itu” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “ya, seperti peduli, kejujuran, tanggung jawab, kesopanan dan kerjasama” apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? Berikan contoh dan jelaskan? “ada, seperti cinta lingkungan, kerjasama, peduli terhadap sesama” Topic SP1& LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 153 Speaker(s) HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: HLN: HQA: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “sebagai seorang guru, pasti ia mengajarkan kebaikan bagi muridnya. Tentu guru juga mengajarkan nilai moral. Namun, saya tidak mengetahui bagaimana guru mengajarkannya karena saya sendiri kurang mengetahui apa itu nilai moral” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “menurut logika saja sih iya, karena guru adalah seorang panutan bagi muridnya. Jadi sudah sepantasnya ia mencontohkan nilainilai moral” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “terkadang membosankan terkadang menyenangkan, tergantung kondisi dan waktu saja” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, kami kadang belajar menggunakan akses internet dan pernah juga dengan lagu” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, saking sulitnya saya tidak mengetahui apa itu nilai moral” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak juga sih” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “bersikap jujur dan saling menghormati sesama teman mungkin yah” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “buka kamus cari kosa kata yang sulit dimengerti, belajar bersama teman atau bertanya pada guru” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, agar mendidik siswa dan siswi pandai dalam akhlaq juga, bukan hanya akademik saja” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “kalau bisa diberikan arti kosakata-kosakata yang sulit biar tidak susah dan capek buka kamusnya” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 154 Appendix 20 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with ASB Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 9, 2017 : 12.30 : ASB, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris jika say abaca, membuat saya bosan. Saya lebih mudah menerima pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui penjelasan seseorang dan sulit menjadikan buku pelajaran sebagai hobi untuk dibaca” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Insyaallah saya dapat memahami dengan baik, karena penjelasan di dalam buku tidak terlalu rumit untuk dipahami” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ada bagian yang menari dan ada juga bagian yang tidak menarik, tetapi Insyaallah lebih banyak menarik daripada yang tidak. Ini terjadi karena ada yang dapat saya pahami dengan baik, ada juga yang belum.” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? Berikan penjelasannya? “ya, nilai-nilai moral adalah nilai-nilai yang mengajarkan kebaikan, contohnya kedisplinan, kesopan, menghargai orang lain dsb” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Ya, yaitu kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, sopan, baik hati, , toleran, adil, peduli, dan menghormati orang lain. Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV 155 Speaker(s) HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “Di setiap chapter terdapat nilai-nilai moral. Misalnya dalam chapter mengekspresikan ucapan selamat. Dalam chapter tersebut mengandung nilai moral bahwa kita harus menghargai orang lain” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, Bapak guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral dalam pembelajaran. Contohnya, ketika pak guru selalu menyelipkan berbagai nilai moral. Misalnya kedisiplinan. Dari sikap pak guru juga menjelaskan bahwa pak guru merupakan orang yang menerapkan nilai moral yang diajarkan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “ya, Bapak dan Ibu guru mengajarkan kami nilai-nilai seperti kerjasama” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “cara bapak guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral terkadang membosankan dan juga menyenangkan. Kekita pak guru menanyakan kandungan nilai-nilai moral satu persatu, hal inilah yang membuat saya bosan. Tetapi, jika secara kelompok, hal ini menjadi menyenangkan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ia ada media lain, seperti menggunakan gambar dan video untuk mempelajari materi-materi pelajaran, sehingga dapat penjelasan yang lebih mudah untuk dipahami. apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “menurut saya, saya terkadang merasa kesulitan memahami nilainilai moral dalam buku karena tidak memahami arti kalimatnya” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “adanya nilai moral di dalam buku tidak mengurangi fokus saya dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris, karena nilai moral tersebut justru sangat berguna bagi saya pribadi” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “misalnya saya diajarkan nilai moral kedisiplinan. Maka saya akan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, selalu jujur pada orang tua, menolong teman yang sedang kesusahan, sopan kepada orang lain atau teman atau orang tua, selalu menjadi Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV 156 Speaker(s) HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: HLN: ASB: Transcribed Dialogue Topic orang yang baik” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “Ketika saya kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dari LP4 dalam buku, saya akan bertanya kepada orang-orang yang telah mengerti apa kandungan nilai-nila moral itu. Contohnya kepada guru, kakak, saudara, orang tua dan teman-teman” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “sangat perlu, agar kita memiliki moral yang baik dan dapat SP berbicara bahasa Inggris yang sopan dan halus” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “saran saya, terdapat glosarium dalam buku pelajaran bahasa SE Inggris agar siswa dan siswi mengetahui makna dan arti dari nilai-nilai moral tersebut. Sehingga siswa dan siswi dapat menerapkan nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan mudah” 157 Appendix 21 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with AQA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 10, 2017 : 12.30 : AQA, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “sudah pernah. Saya selalu tertari dengan buku materi Bahasa Inggris, karena itu saya baca hingga tamat” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “untuk yang sekarang (K-13) saya terkadang kurang memahami, tentang materi yang sedang dipelajari. Karena pada materinya tidak dituliskan penjelasan yang cukup tentang apa yang dibahasa. Jadi saya harus bertanya atau mencari penjelasan yang cukup tetang apa yang dibahas. Jadi saya harus bertanya atau mencari penjelasan lebih lanjut” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “menarik. Karena materi yang ada merupakan materi yang dapat diterapkan atau sering bahkan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “ya, nilai-nilai moral adalah nilai-nilai yang mengajarkan tentang perbuatan yang baik yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Seperti: disiplin, dll” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 158 Speaker(s) HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Ya, Rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, semuanya deh. Seluruh nilai kepribadian yang diajarkan merata semuanya” apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ya, misalnya rasa peduli pada teman yang sakit dengan cara menjenguk, rasa hormat dengan cara mengucapkan selamat, kesopanan pada orang lain dengan cara menyapa, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, ia memberikan nilai-nilai moral dengan penjelasan & tindakan. Contoh dengan tindakan adalah ia selalu datang tepat waktu” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya, contoh yang pernah diberikan adalah ia selalu datang tepat waktu” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “beliau mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral terkadang membosankan tapi mudah dipahami. Beliau memberikan nilai-nilai moral ditengah-tengah penjelasan pembelajaran sehingga terkadang membosankan” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “ya ada media lain, seperti video yang berdurasi pendek tentang pencemaran lingkungan atau lagu-lagu” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “ada, karena saya belum terlalu lancer memahami bahasa Inggris, sehingga sulit untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam bahasa Inggris” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, karena nilai-nilai moral itu berkaitan dengan materimateri bahasa Inggris itu sendiri” Topic MV SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 159 Speaker(s) HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: HLN: AQA: Transcribed Dialogue Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “misalnya saat bertemu guru kita bersalaman, saat teman sedang senang, kita ikut senang, saat teman sedih kita menghiburnya, saat teman sakit, kita menjenguk dan mendoakannya, saat diberi tugas, segera dikerjakan dengan maksimal, saat teman tidak mengerti, kita bantu menjelaskan, dan banyak lagi yang lainya” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “saya bertanya atau browsing di internet. Entah bertanya kepada guru atau Ibu saya (karena ibu saya juga guru Bahasa Inggris)” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “sangat perlu. Agar selain pandai berbahasa, kita juga pandai bersikap baik. orang pandai berbahasa tidak berarti bila tidak dibarengi dengan penerapan nilai moral yang baik” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “menurut saya, berikan penjelasan-penjelasan pada materi tersebut bisa memakan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dan sertakan info-info unik tentang materinya. Agar materi mudah dipahami dan diingat. Selain itu, gunakan teknik-teknik mengajar yang unik dan berbeda, tapi mudah untuk dipahami dan dilakukan oleh siswa/i. misalnya membuat percakapan, menyanyi, dll. Materinya disesuaikan dengan zaman dan kesenangan anak-anak zaman sekarang, seperti film-film dan fitur-fitur teknologi, dsb” Topic IMV LP4 SP7 SE 160 Appendix 22 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with AC Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 13, 2017 : 12.30 : AC, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values IP : Implementation Problems LP : Learning’ Problems Speaker(s) HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: SE SS SP : Student’s Expectations : Student Strategy : Student Perceptions Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “ya, saya pernah membacanya sampai akhir namun hanya sekilas, karena saya tidak mempunyai bukunya dan tidak sempat membacanya secara benar-benar, padahal saya sangat penasaran dengan isi bukunya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “sudah dapat dipahami, karena didalam buku tersebut sudah menjelaskan beberapa materi yang mudah untuk saya pahami” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ada sebagian menarik, ada yang kurang” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “nilai moral adalah nilai yang mengajarkan tentang perbuatan manusia yang baik yang seharusnya patut diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Contohnya nilai moral kesopanan & disiplin, berperilaku baik, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Rasa peduli, kejujuran, bertanggung jawab, kesopanan dan toleransi” Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV 161 Speaker(s) HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ya, terdapat nilai-nilai moral. Contohnya kutipan-kutipan para tokoh dunia yang di dalamnya terdapat nilai-nilai moral yang harus diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Atau juga terdapat disetiap pembelajaran seperti melalui teks-teks percakapan, dll.” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “menurut saya, guru saya mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral ketika dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Yaitu melalui sikapnya yang bersikap baik dan mengajarkan tentang bagaimana nilai moral untuk kehidupan sehari-hari atau seperti memberikan kutipan para tokoh yang mengandung nilai moral. Yang biasanya ada di akhir chapter.” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “menurut saya, ya. Contohnya, guru saya selalu bersikap baik seperti ketika berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia yang baik dan sopan. Atau memberikan contoh ketika belajar kelompok. Kita diajarkan moral baik ketika bekerja sama ketika dalam sebuah kelompok.” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “terkadang menyenangkan, kadang juga biasa saja bahkan membosankan. Contoh menyenangkan, yaitu ketika mengajarkannya melalui cara berkelompok. Kemudian, kita memahami nilai moral dari pembelajarannya. Kalau yang biasa saja, bahkan membosankan ialah ketika cara mengajarkannya hanya menjelaskan atau ditanya one by one” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, guru kami sering menggunakan media lain seperti gambar dan video untuk mempelajari materi pelajaran yang diberikan sehingga dapat memahami pelajaran tersebut” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak ada kesulitan. Karena guru saya mengajarkannya dengan baik, mudah dipahami, dan lumayan menyenangkan menurut saya.” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak sama sekali mengurangi fokus saya dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris. Karena nilai moralnya masih berkaitan dengan materi bahasa Inggris dan malah membantu” Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 162 Speaker(s) HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: HLN: AC: Transcribed Dialogue Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “selalu jujur, tolong menolong dengan teman, membantu orang tua, bertanggung jawab apabila diberikan tugas atau PR oleh guru, menyampaikan amanat apabila diamanatkan, dan sopan kepada orang tua” apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “yaitu dengan bertanya kepada teman yang sudah mengerti, guru, atau orang-orang yang terpecaya lainnya.” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “sangat perlu, karena disamping kita mempelajari bahasa Inggris juga harus memiliki moral atau akhlak yang baik sehingga kita bisa menerapkan moral tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “diadakannya kamus-kamus kecil atau glosarium agar selain dapat memahami isi materi dengan baik, juga menambah wawasan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang nanti dapat digunakan sehari-hari” Topic IMV LP4 SP7 SE 163 Appendix 23 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with ATY Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 07, 2017 : 12.30 : ATY, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum, karena saya tidak mempunya bukunya” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “kurang, karena kadang saya tidak mengerti dengan materinya” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “kurang, karena terkadang materi buku bahasa Inggris itu hanya seperti itu saja, kurang menarik” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “menurut saya nilai moral adalah nilai akhlak/perilaku. Contohnya adab kepada orang tua, teman, tetangga, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Iya, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, bertanggung jawab, tolong menolong, dan kebaikan hati. Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada. Contohnya mengucapkan selamat kepada seseorang atas prestasi yang diraih, saling menyapa, berterimakasih, meminta maaf, dsb” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 164 Speaker(s) ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: HLN: ATY: Transcribed Dialogue belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “ya, bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkannya. Contohnya saat hendak ke toilet, kita perlu menyatakan apa, dan hal itu adalah sopan. Kemudian, ketika ada yang mengucapkan selamat atau menyapa, kita harus menjawabnya dengan jawaban yang baik. Seperti, terimakasih atau selamat siang.” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya. Seperti ketika ada orang tua yang datang untuk bertemu dengan anaknya di kelas, guru menyambutnya dengan baik dan sopan” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami. Misalnya saat ada teman yang sakit. Seperti guru mensimulasikannnya, sehingga mudah dimengerti.” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya, bapak guru saya pernah menggunakan media lain, seperti gambar-gambar dan video, dll” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “tidak juga, asalkan ada kemauan, maka hal tersebut akan menjadi mudah. Contohnya di dalam buku ada cara bagaimana ketika berterimakasih, ketika diucapkan di hari ulang tahun” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak malah lebih menarik” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “Contohnya, mengusulkan pendapat atau berdiskusi secara baikbaik dengan orang disekitar kita, ketika teman kita meminta tolong untuk membelikan jajanan maka saya belikan” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “mencari informasi dari internet atau teman yang mengerti atau bertanya pada guru” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena untuk melatih kita untuk selalu berbudi pekerti dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “penjelasannya lebih diperdalam dan ada tambahan kosa-kata yang sulit disetiap chapter nya.” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV LP4 SP7 SE 165 Appendix 24 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with AA Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 09, 2017 : 12.30 : AA, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “Belum, karena isi dari buku pelajaran tersebut kurang terperinci, lebih banyak penjelasan tentang kegiatan untuk dikelas, sehingga kurang menarik” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “Ya, karena dibantu oleh guru saya dan juga karena materinya langsung ke pokok penjelasan” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “ada sebagian yang menarik, juga ada sebagi yang kurang menarik, tetapi lebih banyak yang menarik” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? “iya tahu, seperti mengucapkan salam, menyapa guru dan menghargai orang lain” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “tentu, lebih banyak nilai disiplin dan bertanggung jawab” Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? “ada, contohnya, di bagian bab suggestion, terdapat dialog teman menjenguk temannya yang sakit, itu termasuk nilai moral peduli” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu Topic SP1 & LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV SP5 166 Speaker(s) AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: HLN: AA: Transcribed Dialogue belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? “iya, menghargai segala bentuk karya kita (tugas). Apakah itu betul sesuai keinginan guru ataupun salah dan mungkin salah. Tapi, pak Guru tetap menghargainya dan memberitahu lebih jelas lagi” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? “iya, selalu mengucapkan salam apabila masuk ke kelas. Dan selalu membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi asik” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? “sangat menyenangkan, dan apabila kita tidak paham pak guru selalu memberikan penjelasan lebih dalam dan detail. Kemudian memastikan bahwa siswa/I sudah paham” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “iya ada, seperti menggunakan power point agar siswa lebih mengerti materinya” apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? “iya sedikit, karena tidak semua kosakata bahasa Inggris saya pahami” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? “tidak, karena nilai moral diselipkan di bab-bab yang ada Juga disangkutkan, sehingga tidak mengurangi fokus dalam memahami, malah membantu” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “Contohnya dalam hal disiplin mulai dari tidur tepat waktu, dan bangun lebih awal, berusaha mengerjakan PR di sekolah, tidak terlambat datang ke sekolah, bertanggung-jawab terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “bertanya kepada guru, orang tua, dan mencari informasi lebih mengenai hal yang sulit dipahami” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? “perlu, karena, Dengan adanya nilai moral akan lebih mengingat betapa pentingnya nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan” Apa saran dan harapan kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah dipahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? “contoh-contoh dan penjelasannya lebih diperbanyak. Disertai dengan berbagai jenis animasi/gambar agar tidak membosankan” Topic TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 IMV SP7 SE 167 Appendix 25 Interview to the Students of English Lesson IX Class Interview B with BFF Project Place Date Time Interviewee Interviewer : The perceptions of the students on the integration of moral values in English textbooks, and how they implement those values in their daily life. : MTsN 1 Pandeglang : April 17, 2017 : 12.30 : BFF, the Student of English Lesson IX Class : HLN, the researcher Abbreviation MV : Moral Values IMV : Implementations of Moral Values SP : Student Perceptions LM : Learning Media Speaker(s) HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: SE TS LP : Student’s Expectations : Teaching Strategy : Learning’ Problems Transcribed Dialogue Apa kamu sudah pernah baca sampai tamat atau selesai buku bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari sekarang? Berikan alasannya? “belum pernah, karena saya membacanya hanya ketika ada pertemuan atau pembelajaran di kelas” Apakah anda dapat memahami materi dari buku dengan baik? “saya memahami sebagian materi dari buku dengan baik, sebagiannya lagi tidak” Apakah materi bukunya menarik untuk dipelajari? Mengapa? “Materi dalam buku cukup menarik bagi orang yang suka dengan aktifitas dalam buku tersebut. Namun sebagian orang merasa kurang menarik karena dianggap bertele-tele” Apakah kamu tahu nilai-nilai moral? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “nilai moral itu adalah nilai yang mengandung budi pekerti yang baik serta merujuk kepada tingkah laku yang baik” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai kepribadian yang baik di kelas, seperti : rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan? Sebutkan nilai kepribadian apa yang sering diajarkan oleh guru anda? “Semua nilai rasa peduli, kejujuran, menepati janji, bertanggung jawab, rasa hormat kepada orang lain, kesopanan, kebaikan hati, tolong-menolong, toleransi terhadap perbedaan atau nilai keadilan sudah sering diajarkan” Topic SP1 &LP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 MV 168 Speaker(s) HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: Transcribed Dialogue Apakah di buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kamu pelajari ada nilai-nilai moral di dalamnya? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “ya, seperti menurut salah satu tokoh, yaitu “the smallest deed is the greatest than the biggest intention”, maksudnya agar dapat mencapai sesuatu tindakan lebih dibutuhkan daripada niat tanpa tindakan. Serta ada nilai moral dari bill gates di akhir chapter, ada nilai kepedulian, kesopnan, rasa hormat pada orang lain, kebaikan hati, toleransi dan keadilan, dll” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral waktu belajar bahasa Inggris? Jika ada bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan ke kamu? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “ya, yaitu dengan cara memberikan pengayaan berupa gambar sederhana, kemudian murid memberikan makna nilai moral yang terkandung di dalamnya. Seperti, gambar induk ikan yang menangis saat kekeringan demi anaknya. Serta menjelaskan nilai moral yang terdapat pada chapter yang sedang dipelajari” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru mencontohkan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kelas? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “ya, seperti selalu datang tepat waktu saat mengajar dan apabila tidak datang beliau meminta maaf. Hal itu memberikan edukasi yang positif bagi siswa dan siswi” Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? Membosakan atau menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “cukup menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami, namun kurang menarik karena tidak melakukan tindakan yang aktif yaitu saat di tengah pelajaran dan hanya duduk di dalam kelas. Contohnya seperti menampilkan gambar sederhana menggunakan in-focus di depan kelas.” Apakah Bapak/Ibu guru menggunakan media lain selain buku dalam mengajar? “biasanya, guru saya menampilkan gambar dan video yang berkaitan dengan materi yang sedang dipelajari” Apakah kesulitan untuk memahami nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “ada, seperti nilai moral yang terdapat pada beberapa chapter dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris karena menggunakan kosa kata yang kurang familiar dikalangan siswa/I serta gaya bahasa yang butuh pemahaman mendalam” Apakah kandungan nilai moral di dalam buku mengurangi fokus kamu dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “tidak, karena terkadang berkaitan dengan materi yang sedang dipelajari dan lagipula nilai moral tersebut bermanfaat bagi kita Topic SP5 TS1 TS2 SP6 LM LP2 LP3 169 Speaker(s) HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF: HLN: BFF Transcribed Dialogue dan memberikan motivasi tersendiri” Bagaimana kamu menerapkan nilai-nilai moral itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? Berikan contohnya dan jelaskan? “misalnya menerapkan sikap toleransi dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain” Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan memahami kandungan nilai moral dalam buku? “bertanya dan meminta penjelasan pada teman yang sudah memahami materi tersebut dan juga bertanya pada guru yang bersangkutan” Perlu tidak ada nilai moral dalam buku pelajaran? Alasannya apa? Berikan alasannya? “perlu, karena nila moral merupakan bagian dari edukasi dan dapat menjadi motivasi serta menjadikan kualitas buku meningkat. Edukasi juga merupakan bekal bagi siswa/I di masa mendatang” Apa saran kamu agar buku pelajaran bahasa inggris mudah anda pahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? jelaskan? “biasanya siswa sulit memahami karena kurangnya kosa-kata, jadi saran saya menambah vocabulary pada setiap sub-bab dalam materi yang dipelajari” Topic IMV LP4 SP7 SE 170 Appendix 26 LISTS OF PARTICIPANTS Lists of Teachers No Names of teachers 1. Devy Handayani (DH) 2. Cucu (CC) 3. Mahbudin (MD) Lists of Students Grade 7th No Names of Students 1. Nur Afif Misbah (NAM) 2. Aulia Salsabila (AS) 3. Salwa Nur Amalia (SNA) 4. Vika Sari Andriyani (VSA) 5. Nurmaya Aulia Arief (NAA) 6. Siti Auliana Zahwa (SAZ) 7. Fatiha Iyannisa (FI) Lists of Students Grade 8th No Names of Students 1. Alfina Triana (AT) 2. Luthfiah Zahwa Uzaiziah (LZU) 3. Salwa Octavianda (SO) 4. Resti (Re) 5. Hani Al-Latif Tifah (HAT) 6. Rizka Rachmawati (RR) 7. Imam Ahmad Muttaqin (IAM) 8. Fatmiyati (FT) Lists of Students Grade 9th No Names of Students 1. Bunga Benazhier Fitrah (BBF) 2. Hanifa Qurrotu Aini (HQA) 3. Agung Setia Budi (ASB) 4. Aisyah Qurrotu A’yun (AQA) 5. Arya Cembawan (AC) 6. Agnes Tri Yuliana (ATY) 7. Alfandi A. (AA) Teaching Class VII VIII IX School MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang Class VII VII VII VII VII VII VII School MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang Class VIII VIII School MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang Class IX IX IX IX IX IX IX School MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang MTsN 1 Pandeglang