CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ARTI CLE NU MBE R RESEARCH TITLE 1. Expanding the Scope of Strategic Communica tion: Towards a Holistic Understandi ng of Organizatio nal Complexity AUTHO R RESEARCH OBJECTIV ES RESEARCH PROBLEM/S DESIGN OR POPULATION TECHNIQUE AND LOCALE Sara von Platen Trying to characteri ze the field, it is relevant to address the question of what topics scholars in the field tend to focus on. The purpose of this article is to contribute The near absence of communicati on professionals as a research topic (Heide et al., 2017). Communicati on professionals are, of course, present, even if they are not approached directly, because it is The content analysis by Warder et al. (2018) reveals that surveys, content analysis, and case studies are the most common methods. It is noticeable that observation is not included Charlo tte Simons son & Jesper Falkhei mer There is certainly a need for more largescale studies— both national and international. Our research project “The Communicati ve Organization” (2014–2017) is one of few examples with a large national FINDINGS/ RESULTS CONCLUSION/S RECOMMENDATION /S The preceding results indicate that an organization’s capacity to communicate strategically is constituted by a multitude of subprocesses that take place between coworkers, managers, senior management, and external stakeholders on a daily basis. It is thus necessary to We tend to agree with the editors of The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication, Holtzhausen and Zerfass (2015a), who claim that work in this field is well under way, but it is by no means a mature field. It is also important to keep in mind that research development takes a long time and only 10 years have Our line of reasoning could be that the blind spots, biases, and shortcomings we have identified are not unique to the field of strategic communication. Put differently, lack of large-scale studies and use of multimethods, a tendency to favor management interests, and too little metatheoretical reflections and productive dialogue REFERENCE/S 1. https:// www.tan dfonline. com/doi /full/10. 1080/15 53118X. 2018.14 56434 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III to the discussion concernin g the present position and future directions of strategic communic ation by looking into the past and offering some proposals and a vision of how to develop and advance the field further. Fundamen tally, we follow the CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION ultimately among sample, regard these passed since the their work, categories which targets processes of inaugural issue values, and of used both interaction not of IJSC. Still, the domain that methods. coworkers, only as important content analyses of are under Our managers, in themselves, but published articles scrutiny. impression, and also as in International However, a after having communicati constitutive of an Journal of Strategic more explicit read many on organizations’ Communication sho discussion papers, professionals. strategic w that there are about roles in articles, and Another communication some clear blind terms of books valuable and overall spots and expectations within the exception is performance. underdeveloped and work field of the European Regarded from areas for tasks is strategic Communicati this perspective, researchers in nevertheless communica on Monitor it is somewhat strategic important if tion, is that (see http://w remarkable that communication to we want to research ww.communi communicators work on. As regards say findings are cationmonito do not dedicate research topics, the something too often, which is much time to majority of research about how, based on a yearly support leaders, still seems to be and to what small transnational for example, in closely linked to extent, samples, study on their role as traditional public communicati student strategic communicators. relations issues. We on samples, or communicati When would not go so far professionals single case on. But communication as to argue that contribute to studies. because this professionals public relations the There are study were asked what scholars have fulfillment of several exclusively areas they work “invaded” the field overall goals. possible focuses on with most, of strategic among researchers from different traditions, also characterize other “immature” fields in social sciences and business administration (e.g., marketing). However, in contrast to many other disciplines, the fundamental idea of strategic communication is to have a holistic approach, integrating several different disciplines and perspectives for a better understanding of how communication can contribute to organizational goals. We believe that a one-sided focus on managerial interests and a narrow scope Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION main aim At the same explanation communicati internal meetings, communication, but of time, in this s for this: on external web, and there is definitely a strategic article we lack of professionals, communication need to integrate a communic argue that research there is need with greater variety of ation as it not only funding, for customers/consu disciplines than is communicati increased international, mers/citizens (i.e., hitherto, not least formulate on pressure in comparative external from the fields of d here: as professionals, universities studies that stakeholders), organizational a but also to publish also include were ranked as theory and social transdiscip managers articles, and coworkers the most theory, in order to linary, and dominating and prioritized areas. develop the field holistic coworkers, scientific managers. These areas were further and gain and should be norms and followed by more deep inclusive included in genres that intranet, knowledge of a field of the study of are not branding, media complex knowledge strategic questioned relations, and phenomenon. . communicati by new then—in seventh on. generations position— . We find it leadership important communication to urge for (support to more leaders). Another studies with interesting result richer and in this context is more varied that both empirical managers and material, at communication least on an professionals aggregated perceive in terms of methods, topics, and communication agency will be a strong barrier towards fulfilling this holistic and interdisciplinary ambition. Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION level. The “leadership field of communication” strategic as the most communica important tion would communication benefit area to focus on from three in order to different achieve kinds of organizational studies that goals. However, hitherto are our empirical rare: a) study also large-scales illustrates that it studies, b) is not sufficient to close-up focus merely on studies, and managers’ c) communication, it multimetho is also vital to ds. include coworkers’ contribution to strategic communication. Consequently, if we consider that phenomena such as listening, trust, communication climate, conflict Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION management and ambassadorship are in fact established in and by coworker interaction and communication activities, scholars as well as professional communicators need to pay closer attention to coworkers’ communication and how organizational strategic communication essentially relies upon all members ’ communication activities and capability. 2. COMMUNIC ATION STRATEGIES FOR PRODUCING HIGHER Tommy Hämäläi nen The purpose of this thesis is to provide practical to discover what is the current state of communicatio n and This thesis is about small helpful findings and improvemen ts, rather The research consortium employs 11 active and 3 partial academic the research method of Participatory Action Research revealed to fit well for the thesis Concluding the answers to research questions – what is the current state of communication and information I consider the research questions appropriate and answers being found. Ideally, a fourth technically advancing question would have https://www.dori ndle/10024/1769 15/hamalainen_t ommy.pdf?seque Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION QUALITY EXPERT WORK improveme nt suggestions concerning the communica tion and disseminati on of informatio n in collaborativ e projects between universities and companies. The improveme nts are needed in order to achieve more monetary and intellectual value for businesses, share IPR more broadly information dissemination, what kind of strategic development suggestions could be implemented for communicatio n in the project and how to improve dissemination of information in the project. than one rigorous goal. The theories, literature and definitive orientation of the thesis was planned to be formulated and selected according to findings of interviews arranged in June. Hereby the eventual findings and solutions to given issues could respect and support the best the prevailing status quo, instead of being forced as an outside disruption members with slightly different positions in EDGE project, though all having a technical background and roles. The most members are highly skilled research professionals supported by few doctoral T. Hämäläinen: Communicatio n strategies for producing higher quality expert work 30 and master students from technical majors study. Interacting regularly with the participants and becoming a part of community of practice instead of merely observing or conducting interviews revealed a lot of crucial details. Though, the study field of university-industry with several diverse organizations proved to be so extensive that sixmonth participation was not enough to form a sufficient understanding of the circumstances. Then again, it was acknowledged from the beginning that large projects with multiple organizations have their peculiar challenges that are dissemination, what kind of strategic development suggestions could be implemented for communication in the project and how to improve dissemination of information in the project – I restate that in the beginning of the study, the results were expected to be technically oriented and focus more on knowledge management repository design to improve information dissemination. However, the literature review, PAR discussions and interviews revealed the latent issues involving a lot of nontechnical attributes to take into consideration when mapping the current complemented the study but answering to it would have required more time or experience. Nevertheless, the thesis results can be described as a comprehensive communication strategy which can be considered as the foundation where more practical systemoriented solution can be created in form of another thesis study or a similar type of development project. I can recommend the sequel study for a student of Information Systems major. nce=2&isAllowed =y Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION within all participant s and derive more research publication s. The communica tion and informatio n disseminati on in this thesis are approache d from modern digital and traditional nondigital perspective s. Modern digital perspective focuses on whether the theory of computersupported cooperatio facing potential resistance or lack of further commitment . difficult to solve with the same methods demonstrated in collaborations of smaller scale. state and forming the strategy Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION n work could improve the communica tion, e.g. what kind of benefits groupware application s such as Microsoft Teams could provide in interorgani zational projects. Non-digital perspective focuses on face-toface communica tion, including meetings, workshops and collocated social work at the Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION 3. Effective Cad Management Shanno Communicati n on Strategies business premises. The purpose of this singlecase study was to explore effective communica tion strategies within an organizatio n and determine how managers used these strategies to increase employee engagemen t, productivit y, and organizatio nal effectivene ss. Data were collected from organizatio nal The general business problem was that the lack of communicatio n between managers with direct reports and employees negatively affected engagement and productivity. The specific business problem was that some organization managers in the communicatio ns industry lacked effective communicatio n strategies to increase employee engagement and productivity. Communicati on theory follows the idea that human behavior is connected to the environment , which included past experiences, present circumstance s, and future expectations of all the parties involved in information transfer (Duncan, 1973). Communicati on theory is a concept where a message that is sent and received can influence the reliability of communicati on (Duncan, All participants were working full-time for at least 3 years, had a managerial title, and were responsible for departmental communicatio n. Moustakas’s modified van Kaam method was used for data analysis. results indicated that managers with direct reports, who do not coach employees and effectively communicate goals, contribute to disengagement; therefore, communication levels decreased. Additionally, participants noted that employees exert effort and are persistent to complete tasks when goals are effectively communicated during coaching. Participants also revealed that employees take ownership of behaviors during coaching when goals and objectives are effectively communicated, which results in increased The organization that participated in this study had an employee communication program in place, required managers with direct reports to adhere to the effective communication program, and considered engagement a priority to maintain a competitive 81 advantage and productivity. Three themes emerged from the research included coaching employees, motivation, and consistency. I linked the findings of this study to existing literature related to motivation and employee engagement. The findings of this study align with Duncan’s (1973) communication theory because employees who are is to focus in a broader https://scholarw mix of managers with direct reports to /cgi/viewcontent. mitigate data being cgi?article=7058 potentially skewed by &context=dissert one age group. ations Another limitation was differences in communication styles. A recommendation for further research is to pre-screen managers, identify their specific communication style, and determine if study results are different than those determined from this study. Additional study limitations could be sample size, geographical location, and research method. One limitation of this study is the sample size of participants. Six managers do not represent the overall population of managers with direct reports within the Mr. Eurice C. Sison Midwestern United College Instructor III States. A recommendation for CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION 4. A Library Research Strategy for Communicati on Jandt, Fred Edmund . (1998). Peiser, Wolfra m, and Peter, Jochen. (2000). The purpose of this research is to guide all the research to provide their needs in their research. Having a good understand ing of what you actually want to accomplish will determine the direction and ultimately the success of your research. The general problem of this topic Do you know anything about the publisher of the source? Is it published, sponsored, or endorsed by a professional association, organization, or society? Is the information accurate? How does it compare with other information on the topic? Critical evaluation of the information that you find is an essential component of the research process. The fact that something appears in print or is on the web does not make it true or "correct." It is your responsibility as a researcher to think critically about the information and determine its quality, authority, perspective, All people looking for their research and how they do their research. To help eliminate confusion about the appropriateness of different types of periodicals for your research, some basic criteria have been established to help you determine the purpose and/or level of scholarship of magazines and journals. The nature of your topic will determine, to some extent, the most suitable type of publication. The basic research strategy presented here is intended to provide a framework for finding information in any subject area, for any information need. Whether you are writing a comprehensive research paper, conducting a five minute speech, or simply wanting to know about a favorite personality, applying this model will guide you through the steps of gathering the necessary information. At whatever stage of the process, or whatever source you are looking at, making informed decisions to evaluate the usefulness and appropriateness of any information is critical. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks can be very useful sources for finding general information. They provide basic, introductory information on a topic and offer a broad perspective, summarizing major developments in the field, identifying key researchers or other notable individuals, or leading you to important works about the subject. As you read through some introductory essays, keep in mind how the various elements of the topic relate to each other. https://www.aca rce/work/603451 32 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION and balance so you select the information that best supports your research. 5. Second language communicati on strategy message transmission and comprehensi on of Arab learners of English in Jordarln Rababa h, Ghaleb Ahmed Developing second language learners communica tive competenc e is the ultimate goal of foreign/sec ond The task of three English majors at Yarmouk University in Jordan they asked to perform three task : picture storytelling, object identification and role play Data elicitation methods and data analysis taxonomies and their classification of CSs into into different categories. Inorder to test assumption that even lowlevel English learners can transmit comprehensibl e messages despite their limited linguistics resources by using These findings lend further support to their hypothesis that even low level English proficiency learners can communicate and pass comprehensinvkr messages to the interlocutor .The key words , key events and speech As a researcher, you must recognize that information itself does not constitute knowledge. Knowledge refers to an understanding or awareness gained through study or research. In order to effectively engage in that research, you must become "information literate," understanding how to effectively identify, locate, evaluate and communicate information. As the results of our research showed that even weak learners were good at transmitting comprehensible and successful messages , which is probably a result of the use of communication strategies, university students and School learners should , By teaching communication strategies , we mean raising the learners awareness of CSs , encouraging them to take risk and use CSs , providing L2 models of use of certain Case directly by providing learners with linguistics and finally providing https://www.aca rce/work/891206 4 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION language teaching. 6. Communicati on research about the internet: a thematic metaanalysis Kim & weaverT he authors apprecia te the support of the Roy W. Howard The purpose of this study is to provide an overview by reviewing major communicatio n strategies , a sample of 30 Arab English majors at Yarmouk University in Jordan were asked to perform . Subjects of internet research What subjects or topics were most frequently studied? this study categorized the following methods that used empirical procedures in gathering or analyzing data as Unlike many previous meta-analysis studies analyzing empirical findings on a given topic, this study is limited to acts that were expected to be produced by subjects were prepared in advance. They were examined by the researcher and two native speakers of English to decide how many key words , key events and speech acts were attempted by the subject and whether their transmitted messages were successful and comprehensible or not . In brief, the key findings of this study include increasing interest by communication researchers in the internet (as shown in Table 1) therefore be aware of these strategies and understand their value. Weak learnt will like idea as it makes things easier for them and help them to solve their communication problem. opportunities for practice in strategy use. Previous thematic meta-analyses of communication research trends and directions have focused on the field more broadly (Danielson and Wilhoit, 1967; Gaunt, 1993; Weaver, 1988, The internet will provide many possibilities for mass communication researchers, especially in the areas of audience and content research (Stempel and Stewart, 2000). During the last few years https://www.aca rce/work/428432 4 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION Chair for this research . research trends relating to the internet. In other words, we seek to draw a larger picture of communica tion research trends on the internet. In doing so, we focus on the topic or subject of each study, the method(s) employed, and the theoretical approach used (if any). quantitative research: survey, content analysis, experiment, and empirical secondary data analysis. Other methods (e.g. analysis of issues and problems, historical or philosophical analysis, legal analysis, textual analysis) were categorized as nonquantitative research. patterns of methods and theories used in recent internetrelated studies by communicatio n scholars. Given the fact. 1993, 2000; Weaver and Gray, 1980). In contrast, this study looked at communication research trends regarding one specific new medium. Through a thematic meta-analysis of recent research publications about the internet, we identified topical, methodological, and theoretical trends. We hope the findings of this study provide not only an overview of recent internet research trends but also some new insights for future research about this medium. social scientists, including many communication researchers, have taken various approaches to conceptualizing and analyzing this new medium. The potential of the internet to change traditional communication systems and media has become an important research topic in the communication field. Thus, the question of what kind of research has been done so far about the internet is timely and deserves to be closely examined. Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION 7 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND BRANDING IN HEALTH COMMUNIC ATION PROGRAMS: A CASE STUDY OF A SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN Kristen Hope Long, Master of Arts, 2006 The purpose of the current study is to better understand how public relations health campaign programs can successfully incorporate branding strategies to improve program effectivene ss. In this case study of the Heart Truth campaign, the excellence theory of public relations and social marketing theory examine how the excellence principles apply to a case study of the branding of the Heart Truth campaign— the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) campaign for women and heart disease. This thesis will also investigate how the Heart Truth exemplifies the application of social marketing principles in a health campaign program. Given the literature and Two different methods were implemente d to investigate the research questions: a content analysis of internal documents and materials of the campaign and a series of in-depth interviews with the strategic planners and producers of the Heart Truth. This chapter includes a discussion of case study method, as well as the All individuals who were contacted expressed their willingness to participate in interviews. I followed up with each participant to select a convenient location where the session would take place (i.e., the NHLBI office in Bethesda, Maryland or the Ogilvy PR office in Washington, D.C.). All interviews were conducted in a private conference room or office where there was no they agreed that it combined aspects of both traditional social marketing campaigns and public relations programs. Even though the participants did not categorize the campaign purely as a public relations program, the Heart Truth still exemplified strategic management principles described in the Excellence theory. First, the organizations combined social marketing with public relations and created an integrated public relations function. Second, the Heart Truth conducted extensive formative research This case study provides evidence that practitioners should consider implementing branding strategies when marketing health issues. Implementing branding strategies in public relations programs can potentially help communication managers achieve the goals of the organization which would, in turn, contribute to the value of the public relations function in that organization. However, the results of this research suggest that the brand’s identity and positioning must be informed by formative research and strategically managed; practitioners should take this into account this research suggests that excellence in strategic planning and management of both public relations programs and health brands demonstrate many of the same elements and principles. If this idea is shown to be accurate across branded health campaigns, it would make strategic planning and management of health campaign programs that incorporate both public relations and branding strategies simpler and more streamlined for practitioners. In effect, this would make the process of implementing branding strategies in health campaigns—a rather new phenomenon in the area of public health— https://drum.lib. m/handle/1903/3 577/umi-umd3417.pdf?sequen ce=1 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION provided a framework for integrating concepts from the literature on branding, marketing, and public health campaigns into current knowledge of public relations perspective s. theory on excellence in public relations programs, health campaign management, social marketing theory, and branding principles and strategy specific procedures for the current case study. extraneous noise or interruptions. and environmental scanning to inform the creation and implementation of campaign messages, design, and content. Third, the Heart Truth built and maintained relationships with publics through a careful process of strategic planning and management. Fourth, the Heart Truth followed the two-way asymmetrical model of communication when dealing with external publics, and the two-way symmetrical model when dealing with internal publics. Integrated Public Relations Function Combination of social marketing when creating and planning campaign programs that involve branding. more accessible for practitioners, and more intuitive. Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION 8. COMMUNIC ATION STRATEGIES USED BY THE LECTURERS IN TEACHING SPEAKING SUBJECT AT ENGLISH DEPARTMEN T OF MUHAMMA DIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR HIKMAH MUZHA WWIR SYARIFU DDIN(20 15) Based on the research questions above, the objective of the research is formulated as follows : 1. To find out the kinds of communica tion strategies which are used by the lecturers in communica ting with their students in teaching speaking subject at English Departmen t of Muhamma The result of this study is expected to have benefits both theoretical and practical point of view for readers and writer.. Theoretically, the 6 results of this study are expected to be additional knowledge for English language lecturers to master and know more about communicatio n strategies. For practical point of view, this research will help English language The researcher applied a descriptive qualitative method for this study, more specifically classroom discourse analysis. The method use to collect data consists of observation and documentati on. The researcher did not use numeral statistics, but the researcher give most attention to the way the lecturer This study focused on the third semester in the Speaking For Intermediate class at English Department of Muhammadiy ah University of Makassar. This study investigated the communicatio n strategies used by lecturers in communicatin g with their students in teaching speaking subject at English Department of Muhammadiy ah University of Makassar based on the and public relations. Communication strategies are conscious attempts which are used by speakers to transfer what the speakers intend to express when they face language problem. Communication strategies are often used in dealing with conversational problems in second language learning due to learners„ limited knowledge of the second language. Speakers from the second language sometimes get stuck during conversation and it can cause misunderstanding. In real communication, speakers do not The result of the study shows that there are three of five communication strategies proposed by Celce-Murcia, Dornyei and Thurrell., (1995) which are appeared when the lecturers communicating with their students in the process of teaching speaking subject at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. There are Achievement or Compensatory Strategies specially Code-switching or Language Switching and Nonverbal Signals, Stalling or Time Gaining Strategies especially Using Fillers, Gambits, and Hesitation Devices, and then the Based on the conclusions that have been put above, the following implication and recommendation for further related research are suggested by the researcher. Those suggestions are draws as follows: 1. Communication strategies are one the way to solve problems in communication. The use of communication strategies can make either the lecturers and students are able to speak in English smoothly. The lecturers expected to use communication strategies more often because of the more strategies the lecturers used, it meant the better conversation or communication among lecturer and the students would appear https://digilibad d/upload/10860Full_Text.pdf Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION diyah University of Makassar? 2. To find out how the lecturers used communica tion strategies in communica ting with their students in teaching speaking subject at English Departmen t of Muhamma diyah University of Makassar. lecturers to apply the best types of communicatio n strategies in teaching English as a foreign language in order to be able to use English as maximum and communicativ e as possible. interacted orally with her students and how they used communicati on strategies in their conversation in speaking subject. Observations were made to find out the communicati on strategies used by lecturers to communicati ng with their students in teaching speaking subject. The researcher focus more on lecturer interaction with students because the categories of communicatio n strategy by Celce-Murcia, Dornyei and Thurrell (1995) only use their mastery of grammar, vocabulary, and some useful expressions, but they need to learn to use some tactics when they meet difficulties in transferring 39 meaning and expressing feeling. They react and communicate not only through words, but also through facial expressions, gestures, and nonverbal sounds (such as "mmm", "hm", "ee", "oh", etc.). last strategies used by the lecturers is Interactional Strategies specially Meaning Negotation. The strategy which was not found in the transcription is Avoidance Strategies and Self-monitoring Strategies. The lecturers use of L1 so that students more easily understand what is conveyed by the lecturers when students experience difficulties in L2, the lecturers applied nonverbal signals means during the teaching and learning process in order to help the students could catch the intended message from the lecturers by using hand, head and facial expression the lecturers tried to send the message for their students. The in the classroom. 60 2. For the students, they are expected to be active to learn communication strategies either from their lecturer or their teacher as well as English native speakers or English movies in order to be more fluent in speaking English. 3. for other researchers, it is expected to conduct the study about communication strategies used by some lecturers both verbal and nonverbal communication. It is also recommended that further study will compare the strategies used by the lecturers with another lecturer. Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION success of a class depends on the way lecturers teaches. 9. Communicati on Strategies Used by PreService English Teachers of Different Proficiency Levels Angela Yicely Castro Garcés , Silvio Fabián López Olivera The developme nt of language skills in learners and the decision of what English teachers This study sought to answer two questions: (1) What are the communicatio n strategies used by preservice English teachers with different This research study has a qualitative approach and intends to analyze in detail each participant’s use of communicati on strategies English teachers with A2 and B2 levels of language proficiency and, also, at examining how these communicatio n strategies This paper reports on the findings of a research study carried out in the Bachelor of Arts in English program of study at a Colombian university. It aims at identifying the communication lecturers use stalling or time gaining strategy as „communication maintenance strategy‟, his strategies were not related to the lecturer's competence, however it done because the lecturers need time to think in the conversation. Then the lecturers used meaning negotiation for asked the question to the students in purpose to check their comprehension or to confirm something This study revealed the CS used by preservice English teachers with different proficiency levels and shed some light on how these CS facilitate or hinder the development of communicative skills, In language teaching, as well as in the broader educational community, a strong distinction has often been made between academic research and classroom practice (Burns, 1999). Academic research conventions have https://www.aca rce/work/500806 26 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION should concentrat e on in lesson planning and classroom instruction comprise a recurrent discussion in our field. Therefore, the communica tive goal of language teaching keeps its relevance as more students are interested in and required to use the language as a communica tive tool. In fact, during proficiency levels? and (2) How do the communicatio n strategies used by preservice English teachers facilitate or hinder the development of communicativ e skills? facilitate or hinder the development of communicativ e skills strategies used by four pre-service English teachers with A2 and B2 levels of language proficiency and, also, at examining how these communication strategies facilitate or hinder the development of communicative skills. Data collection instruments included audio recordings of three tasks: (1) openended questionnaire, (2) sentence translation, and (3) picture description. The participants’ speech was transcribed and categorized allowing us to identify and examine the role played by to wit: (1) The subjects studied used both avoidance and compensatory CS; (2) the CS used varied depending on the task, the moment of interaction, the communicative goal, and the proficiency level; (3) B2 use of CS helped the flow of conversation allowing learners to achieve their communicative goals, while A2 use of CS frequently hindered communication because of the CS choice—avoidance and time gaining strategies, including long pauses—(4) Stalling or time gaining was the most used type ofCS with slight differences in use depending on the proficiency level—that is, B2 used it as strategic gap fillers created a separation between theory, research,and practice (Hopkins, 2008). Different authors support the idea that many teachers regard research with suspicion, at best; and with contempt, at worst, as the province of academic researchers who know little—and understand less—about the dayto-day business of life in the language classroom (Beasley & Riordan, 1981; McDonough & McDonough, 1990 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION the last four decades, there has been a significant amount ofresearch to find strategies that can help learners communica te more effectively in a foreign language. 10. SchoolFamilyCommunity Partnership Strategies for Promoting College Readiness and Access Lynette Henry, Dana Griffin, Dr. Julia Bryan Providing students with mentoring to support their college aspirations and knowledge (e.g., college students as communication strategies which varied depending on the choice the participants made of using either avoidance or compensatory strategies. The involvement of racially and ethnically diverse parents may be particularly challenging due to anxiety and mistrust, often resulting from previous negative In order to determine the collegereadiness needs and strength of students and parents in the community, counselors can conduct needs and they must target the students who need help the most. In high schools, counselors can use data to examine college application and enrollment findings from a study that explored 8,000 rural high school students’ career- and college-related activities revealed that students do go to their parents for information about colleges and careers (Griffin, Hutchins and while its use in A2 seemed to reveal a lack of linguistic resources. Given the results presented above, learners should be encouraged to replace avoidance strategies with compensatory strategies such as circumlocution, approximation, and time gaining strategies, and, as they gain more linguistic resources, learners should avoid the School-familycommunity partnerships foster college readiness and can enhance the collegegoing culture in schools. Success is reached when students are being academically prepared for college, there is an increase in students’ college aspirations, Mentors can be important role models for students in the college process, often providing critical information about the college-preparation and application process that students may not be able to obtain from family or community members (Center for Higher https://www.aca rce/work/121904 69 Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION mentors, teacher-­­ student mentoring) . Providing students with college going experience s to build their aspirations (e.g., college visits, summer college programs) experiences or interactions with teachers and other school staff, unfamiliarity with school norms and culture, and poor English proficiency. While it may be easier to work with parents who are deemed “more involved” in their children’s education, schools must continue to provide outreach to parents with whom they would not normally work. strengths assessment surveys and interview students, teachers, parents/fami lies, and community members. data by gender, race and income status. Disaggregating the data will allow them to determine which students are going to college and which ones are not. Meece page number); (2) while parents may have high expectations for their children, teachers may not hold the same high expectations (Campbell-Whatley and Comer page number; Ehrenberg, Goldhaber and Brewer page number; Hughes, Gleason and Zhang page number); and(3) providing information to parents can allow them to work collaboratively with school staff to make decisions that best meet the needs of their children.. and an increase in students’ and families’ college knowledge about the collegeplanning and financial-aid process. It is vital that school counselors and college counselors work together to promote college readiness and college access. Further, school and college counselors must collaborate with students’ families, colleges and universities, community members, and community organizations in order to make collegereadiness programs effective. This chapter outlines some concrete strategies that can be taken in order to enhance the college going culture in schools and delineates Education Policy Analysis page number; Swail and Perna page numbe Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION Name/s: __________________________________________________________________ how to implement a partnership process model of college readiness that can be useful for school counselors as they seek to develop a comprehensive school counseling program built on a foundation of schoolfamilycommunity partnerships Course & Section: ______________________ Professor: Mr. Eurice C. Sison *Note: Research articles should have been published within 5 years and focused on your education major/ specialized subject/s also download from reliable sources 10 peer-reviewed research articles. *Deadline: December 03, 2021 – 11:59 P.M *Forward in my Gmail Account: Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III CONCEPCION HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, INC. MINANE CONCEPCION, TARLAC REPETORY GRID PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION Name/s: Angelo Martinez & Rica Santos __________________________ Course & Section: BSED major in English 1-C______________________ Professor: Mr. Eurice C. Sison 1. Examine the repertory grids of all the members of the group. Which areas of the topic are most explored? Which are least explored? Explain: the topics for me that got the most explored is the number 1,7,8 the details and knowledge are very well deteailed, concise and informative while the topics that got least explored is 4 and 5 there is a lacking of findings and results reason why I list them in my least explored. 2. Based on the least explored areas of the topic, identify a gap that you want to research on then write a research objective and research problem/s. Base on my research the least explored topic is 4(A Library Research Strategy for Communication) And 5(Second language communication strategy message transmission and comprehension of Arab learners of English in JordaIn) In number 4 the gap of this research is lack of studies or insufficient studies , no study on this subject have been conducted in particular people who don't how to deal a research they are lack of findings , and they lack of understanding or lack of knowledge . While in number 5 the gap of the research is problems with previous studies "perhaps most researchers have used a particular way of analyzing but they ignored other ways in which that day could be analyze potentially and could have been given a different ways. 3.Write 5 research title based on your answers in number 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Application of Second Language Communication Tactics in English Communication Library Marketing And Marketing Strategy: A Growth Strategies for Relevant And Noteworthy Outcomes Library Communication And Second Language Strategy : A Communication Strategy for Message Transmission And Comprehension Investigation of Relationship between Communication in Academic Environment and Quality of Work Life among Academic Staff Development of Skills of Intercultural Communication in the Process of Studying at Higher Educational Institutions Mr. Eurice C. Sison College Instructor III