Lesson Plan Template A Lesson Plan is to be completed for every lesson taught during Professional Experience Placement. Use this template only. ENGLISH SPECIFIC Lesson Details Teacher Education Mimi Wong Student Lesson duration Curriculum area ~50 Minutes Graphic Novels School Year 7 Class English C Topic Picture Books Date 22/10/20 Randwick Boys High School Lesson Title/Focus: What is Identity? Syllabus Outcomes EN4-1A - responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EN4-2A - effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-8D - identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts Lesson Intentions (at the end of this lesson students will…knowledge, skills, attitudes, understandings) Knowledge: Students understand the concept of identity through self-exploration and class discussion. Skills: Students successfully compose mind maps and are able to work cooperatively in the classroom. Attitudes: Students develop confidence and ability to take initiative in the classroom during presentation of work and ideas. Understandings: Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of how identity is relevant to themselves and of the text. Assumed knowledge (ie topic, conceptual understandings, language structures and features, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, previous stage outcomes) Students have previously read the text with a general understanding of its’ visual and textual structures. Students understand what a mind map is and how to compose one independently. Students understand that words can be broken down to further understanding. Differentiation For low-literacy students, the teacher will provide greater attention during independent work to assist their learning. For varied cultural backgrounds, this lesson will be used as an opportunity to highlight cultural diversity in the classroom to manifest a greater sense of belonging for students. Focus for Literacy Numeracy ICT Reading – using morphemes to predict word Considering how many components take Smartboard facilitation meaning. Eg. Ident, Ity part in one’s identity. Resources and WHS My Place text hard copies Stationery Student Notebooks Identity Year 7 My Place PPT Teacher desktop and smartboard facilitattion Whiteboard Markers Teaching and Learning Sequence Timing What teacher does and says Introduction (5 Minutes) Entrance, Introduction and Recall Open powerpoint and mark roll as students are entering the classroom. Once students have entered, ensure they have their writing untensils and notebooks out ready for learning. Slide 1: Introduce the topic of identity as it is related and addressed in the chosen text. Possible guiding statements: In this unit we are going to talk a lot about identity and how it relates to us and the characters within the text. Think about what you think identity means, what could it entail and why is it important for us to learn. Elect up to three students to respond briefly to help the class engage with today’s topic. Slide 2: Learning Intentions. Notify students of this lesson’s learning intentions, success criteria and activities to follow. What students do and say Students are: Listening to instructions Viewing the Powerpoint Speaking to respond to teacher questions Content Points: 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures and language features to understand the content of texts Assessment and feedback strategies Feedback Strategies: Teacher uses prompts and positive encouragement to motivate students in learning. Teacher will observe students’ expressions and gestures to see if students are actively recalling prior knowledge. Body (5 Minutes) (18 Minutes) Identity Literacy Scaffold Students are: Listening to instructions Slide 3: Notify students that words can be broken down Viewing the Powerpoint into sections called morphemes to help our prediction of Speaking to respond to teacher questions meaning and understanding. This is purposeful for Writing to record information reading, comprehension and in our understanding of the concept of identity. Using identity as an example, discuss Content Points: the meanings of the respective parts and in what other 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of words they have seen these morphemes. vocabulary, text structures and language features to understand the content of texts Enable students to record this into their notebooks and write one other word for each respective morpheme. Collective Brainstorm & Definition Assessment for Learning: Students record examples of the addressed morphemes. Feedback Strategies: Teacher observes students recording information in their notebooks. Teacher checks students’ work to provide feedback and check for understanding. Assessment for Learning: Students are: Listening to instructions Slide 4: Direct students to discuss in pairs what identity Teacher directed student Viewing the Powerpoint could mean and include. Use powerpoint visuals to hint Speaking to respond to teacher questions opportunities to respond for students of possible components (Why have I included Writing to compose brainstorms and write brainstorm composition. these pictures in the powerpoint? What aspects of definitions. Identity do these pictures show? Etc.) Then ask selected Content Points: Students share their definitions students to share their ideas. for identity. 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures and language Using student responses, build a mind map on the Feedback Strategies: features to understand the content of texts whiteboard for all appropriate aspects of identity. 2.16 use a range of effective strategies for Possible responses may include: who you are, culture, organising information, ideas and arguments, Teacher provides prompts, background, name, age, gender Etc. eg clustering, listing, compare and contrast, encouragement and constructive feedback in response to student semantic chains, graphic and diagram Slide 5: After expanding on ideas, request for students to answers. outlines, and mind maps compress their thoughts to compose one or two sentences 8.9 recognise and explain differing that defines identity. Guiding statements: viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented Use words written in the mind map to assist your in texts writing. Definitions means identifying meaning, not simply listing examples. Ask students to share their definitions around the classroom. Highlight the differentiated meaning of identity throughout the classroom. (20 Minutes) Conclusion (3 Minutes) Slide 6: Dictionary definition. Display for students what the dictionary states identity is to consolidate understanding. Assessment for Learning: My Identity Students are: Listening to instructions Students create their on visual mind Slide 7: Introduce the next individual task which is to Viewing the Powerpoint map for representing aspects of their create a personal mind map for one’s own identity. Points Speaking to respond to teacher questions own identity. to emphasise: Writing and respresenting to compose Students share parts of their identity Mind maps are visual representations to feel free brainstorms that are important to them. to pursue creative freedom to use different colours, shapes and maybe include small Content Points: Feedback Strategies: illustrations. 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of Teacher observes students working Refer to mindmap on the whiteboard and written vocabulary, text structures and language independently, making sure they are definitions to help your work. features to understand the content of texts on task or provides attention to 2.16 use a range of effective strategies for students in need of assistance. Teacher Slide 8: Use this slide as an example for slide 7. Analyse organising information, ideas and arguments, confirms or highlights interesting this mind map to introduce self and parts of what make eg clustering, listing, compare and contrast, components to student sharing. Teacher provides positive up your identity. semantic chains, graphic and diagram encouragement and feedbackl where outlines, and mind maps necessary. Notify students that they are to share one or two points 8.9 recognise and explain differing they believe to be the most important aspects of the viewpoints about the world, cultures, identity to share to the class. They may use the following individual people and concerns represented structure: “My name is __________ and the most in texts important aspects of my identity are ___________” Recap and Conclusion Students are: Listening to instructions Emphasise that identity as discussed within this lesson is Viewing the Powerpoint an extremely abstract concept with parts of it that can Speaking to respond to teacher questions change or stay the same. It is an important concept that Content Points: will be referred to often in following lessons thus ensure 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of students are instructed to remember their mind maps vocabulary, text structures and language when identity is discussed. features to understand the content of texts Slide 9: Students reflect on own learning through checking for understanding in reference to learning Assessment as Learning: Reflecting and evaluating learning in response to learning intentions. Feedback Strategies: Teacher checks for understanding through students’ level of raised hand.Teacher provides positive feedback for overall lesson. intentions and success critera. Ask students to use the level of raised hand whether they believe they have achieved this lesson’s learning intentions. Lesson Reflection: Consider – purpose and outcomes achieved, student engagement, questioning and discussion points clearly articulated, grouping, catered for individuals, timing. In this lesson, as my first lesson taught, I feel that generally the class went fairly well, students were relatively engaged with the content provided and it was a great first experience as the authority figure in the classroom. Three things that I believe I did well was being able to manipulate the content of the lesson so it suited the learning levels and needs of the classroom, I was able to make the lesson engaging through sharing personal information about myself in relation to students being able to share theirs and last of all was able to manage the class into completing the classroom activities as it was a relatively content-dense lesson. Three things I could improve on was the controlling of noise level and attention of students in the implementation of refocusing strategies. I believe I may have used the strategy too much in the beginning and thus made it ineffective for the later half of the lesson. Furthermore, I could have also improved on the wait time and PBS in the classroom that would promote higher engagement for students. Lastly, would be that often my expectations may have been set too high or I may have made too many assumptions therefore will need to ensure that my instructions are clear and explicit for future lessons. Lesson Plan Template A Lesson Plan is to be completed for every lesson taught during Professional Experience Placement. Use this template only. ENGLISH SPECIFIC Lesson Details Teacher Education Mimi Wong Student Lesson duration Curriculum area ~50 Minutes Graphic Novels School Year 7 Class English C Topic Picture Books Date 23/10/20 Randwick Boys High School Lesson Title/Focus: Identity & My Place Syllabus Outcomes EN4-1A - responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EN4-2A - effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-8D - identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts Lesson Intentions (at the end of this lesson students will…knowledge, skills, attitudes, understandings) Knowledge: Students apply the knowledge and concept of identity towards their response and understanding of the text. Skills: Students successfully fill out the provided identity profile worksheets and are able to work cooperatively in the classroom. Attitudes: Students develop confidence and ability to take initiative in the classroom during presentation of work and ideas. Understandings: Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of how identity is relevant to themselves and of the text. Assumed knowledge (ie topic, conceptual understandings, language structures and features, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, previous stage outcomes) Students have previously read the text with a general understanding of its’ visual and textual structures. Students recall from the previous lesson their personal exploration of identity, what identity means and what it may entail. Students are able to access the meaning of the text at an adequate level in response to the identification task. Differentiation For low-literacy students, the teacher will provide greater attention during independent or cooperative work to assist their learning and examples to scaffold activity procedures. For varied cultural backgrounds, this lesson will be used as an opportunity to highlight cultural diversity within the text and in the classroom to manifest a greater sense of belonging for students. Focus for Literacy Numeracy ICT Comprehension focus, identifying facts and Considering how many components take Smartboard facilitation quotes from the text, asking questions and part in one’s identity. making inferences Resources and WHS My Place text hard copies Stationery Student Notebooks Identity Year 7 My Place PPT Teacher desktop and smartboard facilitattion Whiteboard Markers Identity Profile Worksheet Teaching and Learning Sequence Timing What teacher does and says Introduction (5 Minutes) Entrance, Introduction and Recall Open powerpoint and mark roll as students are entering the classroom. Once students have entered, ensure they have their writing untensils and notebooks out ready for learning. Slide 10: Introduce today’s topic which is to explore the relationship between identity and My Place. Ask students to recall from previous lesson what identity is and what it can include, find three student examples. Slide 11: Announce learning intentions, have students read out success criteria. What students do and say Students are: Listening to instructions Viewing the Powerpoint Speaking to respond to teacher questions Content Points: 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures and language features to understand the content of texts Assessment and feedback strategies Feedback Strategies: Teacher uses prompts and positive encouragement to motivate students in learning. Teacher will observe students’ expressions and gestures to see if students are actively recalling prior knowledge. Body (10 Minutes) (20 Minutes) My Place and Identity Students are: Listening to instructions Slide 12: Instruct students to refer to their personal mind Reading the text maps. Have them highlight two of the features that are Viewing the powerpoint and/or their most important towards their own identity, this may be identity mindmaps their ethnicity, their cultural background, their interests Etc. Request for three or four students to present their Content Points: responses. Conclude that everyone’s identity is the same 1.1 recognise, reflect on, interpret and and not everyone views their identity the same way. explain the connections between their own experiences and the world in texts Instruct students we will now take a quick look at a 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of chapter in the text with reference to identity. Possible vocabulary, text structures and language questions: features to understand the content of texts Think about the features that make up this 1.16 compare the ways that language and character’s identity. images are used to create character, and to What do you think is important towards this influence emotions and opinions in different character’s introduction and why is it important? types of texts 2.3 reflect on ideas and opinions about Students read the text aloud and then teacher facilitates a characters, settings and events in literary discussion amongst them. Students respond to teacher texts, identifying areas of agreement and questions. Teacher provides prompts for feedback. difference with others and justifying a point of view My Place Identity Profiles Group Activity Students are: Listening to instructions Slide 13: Introduce activity then instruct students to Viewing the Powerpoint follow the instructions on the slide. Students are to work Speaking to respond to teacher questions in groups (groups of their tables) to complete the and peers provided worksheet. Guiding statements: Writing to complete worksheet Content Points: Think about what aspects of identity are referred 1.1 recognise, reflect on, interpret and to in the text. explain the connections between their own How does the place they are living in connect to experiences and the world in texts their identity? 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of Refer to your mind maps to help you respond to vocabulary, text structures and language the questions. features to understand the content of texts 1.16 compare the ways that language and Ensure students are working together to come up with images are used to create character, and to responses to the questions. Move around the classroom influence emotions and opinions in different to facilitate and assist groups where necessary. Clarify types of texts Assessment for Learning: Students record examples of the addressed morphemes. Feedback Strategies: Teacher observes students recording information in their notebooks. Teacher checks students’ work to provide feedback and check for understanding. Assessment for Learning: Teacher directed student opportunities to respond for brainstorm composition. Students share their definitions for identity. Feedback Strategies: Teacher provides prompts, encouragement and constructive feedback in response to student answers. any terms or misconceptions where necessary. (12 Minutes) 2.16 use a range of effective strategies for organising information, ideas and arguments, Notify students they will be presenting their work at the eg clustering, listing, compare and contrast, end of the activity. semantic chains, graphic and diagram outlines, and mind maps 8.9 recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts Assessment for Learning: Work Sharing Students are: Listening to instructions and presentation Students create their on visual mind Instruct students to finish up their questions and spend from peers map for representing aspects of their one minute discussing who and how they will present Speaking to respond to teacher questions own identity. their responses. Writing notes for peer feedback Request for students to stand up when presenting. Students present their responses, provide feedback and prompts for further guidance and exploration where appropriate and necessary. Clarify any misconceptions where necessary. Students share parts of their identity that are important to them. Content Points: 1.1 recognise, reflect on, interpret and Feedback Strategies: explain the connections between their own Teacher observes students working experiences and the world in texts independently, making sure they are 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of on task or provides attention to vocabulary, text structures and language students in need of assistance. Teacher Have one or two students provide feedback to peers after features to understand the content of texts confirms or highlights interesting presenting. One thing the group did well and one thing to components to student sharing. 1.16 compare the ways that language and improve on. images are used to create character, and to Teacher provides positive encouragement and feedbackl where influence emotions and opinions in different necessary. types of texts 2.16 use a range of effective strategies for organising information, ideas and arguments, eg clustering, listing, compare and contrast, semantic chains, graphic and diagram outlines, and mind maps 8.9 recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts Conclusion (3 Minutes) Recap and Conclusion Students are: Listening to instructions Slide 14: Refer back to learning intentions. Use level of Viewing the Powerpoint raised hand method to check for understanding. Speaking to respond to teacher questions Content Points: 1.6 apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures and language features to understand the content of texts Assessment as Learning: Reflecting and evaluating learning in response to learning intentions. Feedback Strategies: Teacher checks for understanding through students’ level of raised hand.Teacher provides positive feedback for overall lesson. Lesson Reflection: Consider – purpose and outcomes achieved, student engagement, questioning and discussion points clearly articulated, grouping, catered for individuals, timing. In this lesson, three things I believe I did well was plan a lesson that was fun for students that involved various modes of learning, I was able to manage the noise level in the classroom with an active group of year sevens and also made the lesson relevant and purposeful by making connections to real life and other areas of learning. Three things I believe I could improve on for next time would be the timing of this lesson; I have often over expected how much time students need to complete easy and short tasks with lots of encouragement needed. Another thing would be to make more use of name calling as a classroom management strategy, although I used the refocusing strategy less in this class, students had a higher tendency to be off-task. Lastly would be to make learning intentions more clear as I feel like students may have missed the purpose of the tasks being set and making connections and instructions clearer. 6/4/19 Learning Intentions Identity YEAR 7 To explore and understand the concept of identity through class discussion and self exploration. By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Define what identity is Identify various features that make up one’s identity Identify important features of your own identity Word Breakdown Ident Comes from Latin root ‘idem’ meaning the same, commonly used in writing to avoid repetition E.g. Identical, Identification - In your groups, discuss what Identity is and what it can include. ity A suffix commonly used to form abstract nouns E.g. Respectability, Originality, Visibility Putting it into one sentence. Identity What is it? Cambridge English Dictionary Now that we have brainstormed, in your books, write down a definition for the term ‘Identity’. 1 6/4/19 Create a personal mind map for all the qualities that make up your own identity Miss. Wong’s Identity Mind Map My identity Learning Intentions To explore and understand the concept of identity through class discussion and self exploration. By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identity and My Place YEAR 7 Define what identity is Identify various features that make up one’s identity Identify important features of your own identity Learning Intentions To apply our knowledge of identity and what it may include to further our understanding of the text. Miss. Wong’s Identity Mind Map By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify features of identity in reference to characters within the text Recognise that the concept of identity is tied closely towards our physical, cultural and historical setting. 2 6/4/19 Identity of Characters In your groups, read your designated page of ‘My Place’ to fill in the character profile worksheets. Think about what is part of this character’s identity? How is it similar or dissimilar to yours? 15– 20 minutes to complete this activity before class sharing. Learning Intentions To apply our knowledge of identity and what it may include to further our understanding of the text. By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify features of identity in reference to characters within the text Recognise that the concept of identity is tied closely 1788, 1798, 1858, 1928, 1968, 1988 towards our physical, cultural and historical setting. Year 7 Visual Texts – My Place by Nadia Wheatley & Donna Rawlins Fill out the identity profile below for your assigned year. Year:____________ Any related historical events:________________ _______________________________________ Name:__________________ Ethnicity:___________________ Was this person born in Australia? (Yes/ No) If not, how or why did they arrive in Australia? ________________________________________________________________ Family members: ________________________________________________________________ Two adjectives to describe this character and why: (Hint: Think about interests, personality, language, belongings, pets, appearance, mood, perception of land, perception of others.) 1.______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ How is land represented in this character’s perspective? Does this character have a strong connection to their environment? Use at least one quote from the text to support your answer. ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________