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High School vs. College Prep: A Student's Perspective

High school did not
prepare me for college
By: Saharatu Abdallah
High schools are not properly preparing students for the ultimate "college experience." When one analyzes
students entering college, one can tell they are lacking the basic skills necessary in order to be successful
throughout their college experience.
Skills such as being able to study, being able to memorize what they learned in class, process a lot of different
information at once and test taking abilities are not being properly taught to the students.
High schools should definitely devote more time to financial literacy or financial planning in their curriculums
/courses. A course that can prepare and educate their students on budgeting, differentiating the differences
between wants and needs, and being able to know what kind of jobs are out there for freshmen and especially
the ones on campus such as work study
Counterclaim/ antithesis
High school did prepare me for college because in high school I took many Advanced Placement (AP) courses
which can earn you 2-3 college credits depending on the course taken.
Also talking those AP courses in high school helped me save thousands of dollars and if I would taken enough, I
would have been able to graduate a semester early.
“Getting Ready for College, Careers, and the Common Core : What Every Educator Needs to Know.”
“Strategies to Prepare Middle School and High School Students for College and Career Readiness.”
“Transitions from High School to College.”