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First Draft English RAE Essay
The article “What you’ll do next” by David Brooks is a brilliant article that should be highlighted
in the next publication of the shorthorn newspaper for it’s direct application to other topics
related to students, it’s understandability, and for its credibility as an article that’s already been
published by “The New York Times”.
Student will find the article interesting by applying the ideas in the article to some of their
own subjects even they aren’t in the computer science field. Understanding that the “World is
error prone and dynamic”(Paragraph 9) can really shed some light on how students will interpret
statistics in the future and will help them write academic papers with this in mind. It seems as
though a lot of students are having problems articulating evidence into their papers and teaching
them that “Correlations are powerful … but … these insights often get obscured when we bring
causality back into the picture” can help them better compose themselves in academia in general.
Students will also be able to comprehend this article pretty well in most areas despite a
oddly worded paragraph. Most vocabulary throughout the article is well known jargon spoken
throughout UTA’s academia such as “correlation”, “vogue”, and “ambiguous”. The sentences are
created to be almost conversational instead of being completely soulless and unrelatable to the
students of UTA. Use of the word “I” builds that personal relationship that students can really
identify with.
The credibility of the article is also extremely stellar coming from a professional
organization of “The New York Times” along with the multiple interviews and sources they used
to create the evidence of the article. The interview with “George Soros” a businessman with
experience in big data really adds some weight to author David Brook’s words.