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Big Bang Activity Sheet

Big Bang Activity
Name: Aliaa Mohamed, ID: 900211334
Name: Amina Youssef, ID: 900211498
Name: Mariam Sayed, ID: 900211473
Name: Nour Eldin Hussein, ID: 900192612
Section: 08
Date: 27-11-2021
Work collaboratively but submit individually.
1. There are multiple dots on our balloon to represent multiple groups of
2. The distance from point A to point F
3. The distance that changed the least is point A to point B
4. The motion of groups was similar as they were all spreading apart
however, they are moving at different speeds so the distances in
between them varied.
5. Expanding
6. The further the objects are from each other, the faster they move away
from each other. This means that the speed of motion and distance are
7. The expansion of the universe where it first started small with
everything close together, then starting to expand more and more
causing greater distance between its objects.
8. Our model is similar to reality as the stars were once close and started to
expand over time and get further apart due to forces of gravity.
However, it is different as our model had different quantities of stars, it
is a simpler version, and our expanding force was not gravity it was air.
9. Advantages, the model is pretty similar to reality as it illustrates the
events that took place clearly; however, it might deliver the idea to us
easily but we cannot compare a balloon to the great events that have
taken place in space (big bang) therefore it might not be accurate.
10.Our model does prove the big bang theory as it illustrates the steps that
caused the expansion of the universe and the change in distances that
took place between the groups of stars.
11. The model could simulate the Big Crunch by letting go of the balloon
therefore, all the air would escape. This shows how all the spaces shrink
rapidly causing the groups/ galaxies to collapse.
Balloon point Initial measurement Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
0 mm
16 mm
18 mm
19 mm
35 mm
39 mm
40 mm
52 mm
57 mm
62 mm
70 mm
77 mm
82 mm
84 mm
103 mm
What time did the three roommates wake up?
1. Bob, Steve, and Jack are 3 brothers who live in the same house 10 km
away from AUC. They all study at AUC. They woke up at the same time,
and immediately left home to go to AUC walking, each at different
speed. At 11 am, their mother checked on their whereabouts: Bob was
only 1 km away from AUC and his average speed was 3 km/hr., Steve
was 4 km away from AUC with average speed of 2 km/hr., and Jack was
7 km away from AUC with average speed of 1 km/hr. What time did they
wake up?
- They woke up at 8 am. This is because if we use the equation: Speed=
Distance/Time, we can calculate how much time they have been
walking. Bob is only 1 km away from AUC which means he has been
walking for 9 km at a speed of 3 km/hr. Therefore, time= distance
(9)/speed (3) = 3 hours. For Steve, time= 6/2=3 and jack, time=3/1= 3
hours. At 11 am, we know that they have been walking at different
speeds for the past 3 hours, therefore, they woke up at 8 am because
2. What is the similarity between this exercise and the Big Bang narrative?
- In the Big Bang, we concluded that the distance is proportional to the
speed. The farther they are the faster the stars move. In this exercise,
it is the same idea. Bob is the furthest away from home (9 km) and he
is moving at the fastest speed (3 km/hr) while Jack is the closest to
home (10-7=3 km) and is moving at a speed of 1 km/hr. This shows
how the greater the distance they are from home, the faster they
move. Therefore, in both the exercise and the Big Bang, the speed
increases as distance increases (directly proportional)
Speed (km/s)
Distance (x10^20km)
Question: The Big Bang Timeline:
1. Rearrange the following events in the empty timeline shown below.
2. For at least 3 key events give the reason AND an approximate date for
when they occurred. Put the rearranged event on a timeline.
a. The creation of stars such as the Sun.
b. The creation of earth
c. The creation of the electrons
d. The condensation of sub particles to make protons.
e. The stars were formed.
f. The heavy elements in the periodic table took place through supernova.
g. The hydrogen is formed.
h. Creation of space and time
i. The helium is formed.
The rearranged timeline is:
1. Creation of space and time
2. The condensation of sub particles to make protons.
3. The creation of the electrons
4. The hydrogen is formed
5. The helium is formed.
6. The stars were formed
7. The heavy elements in the periodic table took place through
8. The creation of stars such as the Sun.
9. The creation of earth
The three key events, dates, and reasons:
1. Creation of space and 13.8 billion years ago
2. The heavy elements
in the periodic table
took place through the
200-500 million years
after the creation of
space and time
3. The creation of earth
5.2 billion years ago
It was the start of the
Big Bang because it was
the start of time itself
It is important because
the supernova is the
explosion that took
place that led to the end
result. It led to the
creation of elements
It was the final step
which was the result of
the Big Bang which led
to the creation of life
and mankind
Question: Quantitative representation of the composition of the Universe:
Google the composition of the Universe. Then plot a pie chart with it
The Composition of the Universe
Dark energy
Dark matter
Ordinary matter
Composition of Ordinary matter:
Others Combined
Composition of Ordinary Matter
Others Combined
Question: Matter and antimatter:
1. If energy was the source of all matter, how did this process happen? And
which one came first, the electron or the proton, and why?
- Protons came first from the hot, dense material left over from the
big bang. Once temperatures cooled down a bit, electrons were
2. If matter annihilate antimatter, and we are made of matter, how are we
still existing?
- There’s more matter in the universe than antimatter, so even if some
matter gets annihilated by antimatter, there’s still leftover matter
which created us.
We are all made of star dust. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Yes, since matter can’t be created nor destroyed, we are made of the
same material as stars as well as a theory that our bodies underwent
many supernovas that led to our creation. Another way of looking at
it is because the nebula was made of dust which under pressure
turned into a disc leading to the supernova. Therefore, we are made
of stardust
Question: Misconceptions about the Big Bang”
Common Misconceptions about the Big Bang
December 29, 2011 · by kofegeek
Forty-six years ago, scientists announced
the discovery of definitive evidence for the expansion of the universe from a
hotter, denser, primordial state. They had found the cool afterglow of the big
bang: the cosmic microwave background radiation. Since this discovery, the
expansion and cooling of the universe has been the unifying theme of
cosmology, much as Darwinian evolution is the unifying theme of biology. And
so does Darwinian, there are a lot of misconception about Big Bang theory.
Foremost, when they meet the Bad science! Here is the summary of common
misconception about the Big Bang taken from Scientific American. The Bold is
the wrong statement and the right explanation follow it.
1. Matter and energy does not explode from one point and spread out to fill
the whole universe! It was space and time. Therefore, there was no explosion
in the center of the room and its density almost close same everywhere.
2. Galaxies can not far away each other at the speed greater than light
because it was violating special relativity! Yes, Galaxies can far away each
other at the speed greater than light. Galaxies move not because the
movement inside the space but it is because the space expansion.
3. It is impossible to see galaxy that move away with the speed greater than
light because light can not approach us! Yes, we can! Expansion rate can be
changed. Hubble limit can grow faster an reach the photons that should not be
able to reach us.
4. The red-shift is happen because of Doppler Effect; the light source move
away from us because of space expansion! It was happen not only because of
Doppler Effect, but mainly because space expansion extend the waves of light.
5. Because the universe ages is approximately 14 billion years old, we can
only observe 14 billion light of years! We can observe approximately 46 billion
light years. What we observe today has been move away with
the increasing speed.
6. All celestial bodies are also expanding! NO! Inter-galactic gravitation always
pull each other and against the expansion. The final balance occur in the term
of cluster in which the inter-galactic distance become relatively fixed.
Source: Scientific American
Hint: All the answers can be obtained by reading the passage carefully. You
can also refer to the reading “Misconceptions about the Big Bang” by Charles
Lineweaver and Tamara Davis in your Unit 2 folder if you need to in order to
answer the following short questions:
1.) The light from distant galaxies is red-shifted because
the galaxies are moving away from us as space is expanding. When an
object is moving away from us, the light wavelengths get longer &
therefore they get shifted to the red end of the spectrum.
2.) Can the Big Bang be understood as an explosion in space? True or False
False because matter and energy do not explode from one point and
spread out (the Big Bang was matter that exploded from one point and
spread out). Therefore, the Big Bang cannot be understood as an
3) Due to the expansion of space, all objects (galaxies, planetary systems,
star clusters, etc.) are also expanding. True or False because
False, since intergalactic gravitation always pulls each other against the
expansion. The celestial bodies are not expanding but the space/
distance is expanding.
4) The Big Bang model can tell us about the time before the Big Bang. True
or False? Because
False because the Big Bang was 14 billion years ago, therefore we can
only look back to the Big Bang and not anything beforehand because
nothing existed before the Big Bang. There was no light to observe to tell
us the events that happened before the Big Bang.