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Water Tube Boiler Inspection: ASME & API Guidelines

What is the In-Service Inspection Requirements for the Water Tube Boiler Inspection?
The In-Service Inspection code for your water tube boiler is ASME Section VII.
The inspection regulation is different from one location to another location by regulated jurisdiction.
In some states, the inspection by an authorized inspector of the insurance company is mandatory.
Generally, the states that have mandated “S” stamp for manufactured boilers, have also mandated
in-service inspection by authorized inspection agencies.
The API also has a recommendation practice, API RP 573, for the inspection of fired boilers and
heaters. Most of these practices and recommendations are similar to the ASME Code Section VII
Recommended Guidelines for Care of Power Boilers.
During inspection and probable repair, other codes and recommendation practices might be used.
Some of these are API RP 577, API RP 571 and ASME Code Section IX.
Please note that your water tube boiler is “S” stamped and you need to do repair, you have to use a
Repair Organization holding an “R” Stamp from the National Board Inspection Code.
What are the Important Points in the Water Tube Boiler Inspection During shutdown?
Water Tube boiler inspections are categorized as follows:
Inspection of Internal Sections
Inspection of refractories in the floor, walls and roofs of economizer, generation and
superheater sections
Inspection of refractories in man-ways, inspection and explosion doors
Inspection of explosion and inspection doors for corrosion, warpage, and assurance for
proper sealing contact and performance
Inspection of refractories steel supports, beams and hangers
Inspection of Tubes
Supervision and inspection of tubes outside cleaning process such as walnut hulls or dry ice
blasting or washing with water
Thickness measurement of tubes and headers
Tube hangers inspection in economizer, generation and superheater section
Inspection of tubes in economizer, generation and superheater for bowing, sagging,
oxidation, splitting, external corrosion and deposit, leaking roll and bulging.
Inspection of fin tubes for mechanical damage, distortion and corrosion
Inspection of skin thermocouple weld joint in superheater section
Inspection of tubes weld joints
Replication test on superheater tubes (if necessary)
Sampling of a tube in superheater for sectioning and corrosion analysis
Inspection of tubes replacements
Supervision of tubes hydrostatic testing
Inspection of Burners
Inspection of refractories around the burners
Burner belonging components inspection such as burner tile, burner impeller, air register and
Thickness measurement on fuel gas and fuel oil piping systems
Inspection of air test process on the flexible hoses for fuel gas system
Inspection of Soot Blowers
Inspection of blowing tube for deformation and breaking
Inspection of supports and their welding joints
Inspection of blower tubes replacement (if necessary)
Inspection of Boiler External Parts
Inspection of paint and insulation
Inspection external surface for bulging and mechanical damage
Inspection of expansion joints in the ducts for any warpage, tearing and burning
Inspection of thermowells for erosion and cracking
Inspection of gasket seating area
Inspection for performance of explosion and inspection doors (proper opening and closing)
Inspection of Stack
Thickness measurement in different locations
Inspection of thermowells for cracking and burning
Inspection of refractories
Inspection of concrete foundation and anchor bolts
Inspection of earthing system
Inspection of guillotine frame and valves for corrosion and performance
Inspection of paint surface
Inspection of end nozzles
Inspection of Steam Drum
Inspection and supervision of cleaning process
Inspection of thermowells for corrosion, erosion and cracking
Inspection of nozzles, manway weld joints for corrosion and cracking
Inspection of internal surface for fouling, discolorations and cracking
Inspection of longitudinal and circumferential weld joints
Inspection of demister pads for corrosion, cracking and deformation
Inspection of internal ladder and supports for corrosion and deformation
Internal inspection of tubes by borescope
Inspection of chemical injection and blowdown holes
Inspection of gasket seating area for corrosion and erosion
Inspection of reinforcement plate and welding joints
Inspection of supporting plate and structure
Inspection of small bore connections for corrosion and mechanical damage
Inspection of Silencer
Inspection of cleaning process
Inspection of ceramic blankets and perforated plates
Inspection of weld joints
Inspection of silencer heads and components
Hydronic Piping Systems
Posted by Dave on June 19, 2014
Hydronics is the use of water as the heat-transfer medium in heating and cooling systems. A hydronic
piping system is used to circulate chilled or hot water with the connections between the piping and
the terminal units made in a series loop. The terminal units are the heat exchangers that transfer the
thermal energy between the water and the spaces to be cooled or heated.
Hydronic systems may be used for both a chilled and a heated water loop with chillers and cooling
towers used separately or together as a means to provide water cooling, while boilers heat the
Types of hydronic piping systems are:
1. The Series Loop – This system is aptly named because all of the units are in series, and one
loop is formed. In this system the entire water
supply flows through each terminal unit and then
returns to the generator and pump. Although it is
a simple arrangement, this setup has its
o To maintain or repair any terminal unit,
it requires a shutdown of the entire
The number of units is limited because in heating systems the water temperature
continually decreases as it gives up heat in each unit in series. That can cause a low
temperature in the far units in the system which may not provide adequate heat for
The series loop arrangement is basic, inexpensive and
mostly used for residences.
2. One-Pipe Main – With this system, each terminal
unit is connected by a supply and a return branch
pipe to the main. By locating valves in the branch
lines, each unit can be separately controlled and
serviced. In this system, like in the series loop, if
there are too many units the heated water going
to the far units may be not sufficient for room
3. Two-Pipe Direct Return – This is generally used for
larger systems and consists of two mains. One main is
used for supply and one main is used for return. This
system is more expensive than the one-pipe main and
series loop, but it allows each terminal unit to be
separately controlled and serviced because the supply
water temperature to each unit is the same. The twopipe system is called direct return because the return
main is routed to bring the water back to the source by
the shortest path.
4. Two-Pipe Reverse Return – Here we have
a supply and a return that are equal in length
and size. The first terminal supplied is the last
terminal returned and vise-versa, making it
is easy to balance the flow rates.
Combination arrangements can also be made to create a
three-pipe or four-pipe system. In the threepipe arrangement, simultaneous heating or cooling can
be made available. There are two-supply mains, one circulating chilled water, the other hot water.
Three-way control valves in the branch to each terminal unit will determine whether the unit
receives hot or chilled water and the return main receives the water from each unit. However, the
three-pipe system can waste energy because the return main mixes chilled and hot water. In this
mixing process, the chilled water is warmed and the hot water is cooled, which results in extra
heating and cooling in the boiler and/or chiller. The four-pipe arrangement is expensive, but it
separates two-pipe systems – one for chilled water and one for hot water. Therefore, no mixing
occurs making it an ideal arrangement to avoid wasted energy.