SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 9th Name ___________________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ (3) What type of land is Arabia? What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool? What was the first revelation? Q.2: Translate the following passage (7) The fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization which had taken four thousand years to grow had sorted crumbling. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage on his sister (10) SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 9th Name ___________________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ (3) What type of land is Arabia? What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool? What was the first revelation? Q.2: Translate the following passage (7) The fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization which had taken four thousand years to grow had sorted crumbling. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage on his sister (10) SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 9th Name ___________________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ (3) What type of land is Arabia? What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool? What was the first revelation? Q.2: Translate the following passage (7) The fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization which had taken four thousand years to grow had sorted crumbling. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage on his sister (10) SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 9th Name ___________________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ (3) What type of land is Arabia? What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool? What was the first revelation? Q.2: Translate the following passage (7) The fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization which had taken four thousand years to grow had sorted crumbling. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage on his sister (10) SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 11th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. (3) What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor? She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she? What was the condition of tonsils of the sick girl? Q.2: Translate the following passage into Urdu: (7) “Get me a smooth-Handled spoon of some sort,” I told the mother, “We’re going through with this”. The child mouth was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hysterical shrieks. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother Q.4: Use following pair of words into your own sentences: (3) I. II. III. (7) Fair, Fore Feet, Feat Fiction, Faction SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 11th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 4. 5. 6. (3) What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor? She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she? What was the condition of tonsils of the sick girl? Q.2: Translate the following passage into Urdu: (7) “Get me a smooth-Handled spoon of some sort,” I told the mother, “We’re going through with this”. The child mouth was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hysterical shrieks. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother Q.4: Use following pair of words into your own sentences: (3) IV. V. VI. (7) Fair, Fore Feet, Feat Fiction, Faction SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 11th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. 8. 9. (3) What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor? She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she? What was the condition of tonsils of the sick girl? Q.2: Translate the following passage into Urdu: (7) “Get me a smooth-Handled spoon of some sort,” I told the mother, “We’re going through with this”. The child mouth was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hysterical shrieks. Q.3: Write a letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother Q.4: Use following pair of words into your own sentences: (3) VII. VIII. IX. Fair, Fore Feet, Feat Fiction, Faction (7) SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 12th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. (6) What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method? Give an account of the early life of Fleming? Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin? Q.2: Write short answers of any five questions in word of your own 1. 2. 3. Who is the hero of the novel? What is the significance of the tittle of the novel? What did chips do after the last bell at school? 4. 5. 6. Q.3: Use these idioms in your own sentences: I. II. To come to To come out (10) When was Mr. chips born? How did he spend his time? In how many days was this novel written? (4) III. IV. To come of age To come to grief SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 12th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 4. 5. 6. (6) What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method? Give an account of the early life of Fleming? Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin? Q.2: Write short answers of any five questions in word of your own 7. 8. 9. Who is the hero of the novel? What is the significance of the tittle of the novel? What did chips do after the last bell at school? Q.3: Use these idioms in your own sentences: V. VI. To come to To come out (10) 10. When was Mr. chips born? 11. How did he spend his time? 12. In how many days was this novel written? (4) VII. VIII. To come of age To come to grief SUPERIOR GROUP OF COLLEGES HAROONABAD CAMPUS Subject: English Class: 12th Name ___________________________ Total Marks:20 Time: 40 min Roll No. __________________ Q.1: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. 8. 9. (6) What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method? Give an account of the early life of Fleming? Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin? Q.2: Write short answers of any five questions in word of your own 13. Who is the hero of the novel? 14. What is the significance of the tittle of the novel? 15. What did chips do after the last bell at school? Q.3: Use these idioms in your own sentences: IX. X. To come to To come out (10) 16. When was Mr. chips born? 17. How did he spend his time? 18. In how many days was this novel written? (4) XI. XII. To come of age To come to grief کالس نہم 10*2=20 سوال نمبر ا :سوالوں کے مختصر جوابات دیں۔ )1افضل االعمال ال الہ اال ہللا و افضل الدعا ِء االستغفار کا ترجمہ و مفہوم لکھیں ؟ مسلم کا ترجمہ و مفہوم لکھیں ؟ علی ک ِل ٍ )2طلب العلم فریضۃ ٰ )3مھیمن کہنے کا مطلب کیا ہے؟ )4قرآن پاک کے نزول کا طریقہ لکھیں ؟ )5سبق میں مومنوں کی کیا صفات بیان کی گئی ہیں ؟ )6اِذَا ت ُ ِل َیت علیھم ٰا ٰیتُہُ زَ ادَت ُھم اِیماَنا ً کا ترجمہ و مفہوم لکھیں ؟ تعالی نے کن انعامات کا ذکر فرمایا؟ )7غزوہ ِبدر کے حوالہ سے ہللا ٰ )8کفار کے ساتھ مقابلے کی صورت میں کیا ہدایات دی گئی ہیں؟ )9کفار کو خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا تبنیہ کی گئی ہے؟ ّ رمی کا ترجمہ و مفہوم لکھیں؟ یت )10 یت اِذ َر َم َ َوما َ َر َم َ ولکن ہللاَ ٰ سوا ل نمبر2 : ْت اِ ْذ َر َمی َ فَلَ ْم تَ ْقتُلُ ْو ُهـ ْم َو ٰل ِك َّن اللّ ٰـهَ قَتَلَـ ُھـ ْم ۚ َو َما َر َمی َ ْت َو ٰل ِك َّن اللّ ٰـهَ کا ترجمہ و مفہوم لکھیں ع ِلیْـ ٌم س ِـمیْـ ٌع َ سنًا ۚ ا َِّن اللّ ٰـهَ َ ـى ْال ُمؤْ ِمنِیْنَ ِم ْنهُ بَ ََل ًء َح َ َرمٰ ى ۚ َو ِلیُ ْب ِل َ ؟ 05 قرآن مجید کی حفاظت اور فضائل پر نوٹ لکھیں؟05 سوال نمبر3: