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Addiction Chapter: Substance Abuse, Withdrawal, and Types

Addiction chapter 19
Addiction is a medical condition that involves the environment, life experience and genetics.
Substance abuse is a national health problem, Some of the problem that are assoictaed with
alchohol abuse is FAS(fetal acohol syndrome). FAS is when a women is pregnant and consumed
too much acohol. The baby that are carried by this women will have a different look in
appearance. Acohol abuse is also related to domestic abuse, homicide, child abuse and neglect.
Types of substance abuse
Sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics
Intoxication- is when you use a substance and cause the person to act in non good behaviors this
person may experience non-productive, and dysfunctional.
Withdrawl syndrome- Negative mental and physical reation that happen when you aren’t using
the drug or when the drug feeling starts to decrease.
Detoxification- when a person is showing signs of withdrawal and receives help safely.
Substance abuse- is using a drug in a way that is not for medication reasons (an example of this
would be a person using percs and not needing them or aginst medical advice). Alcoholism
occurs when people are faced with difficulties and they drink this can be a break up etc.
Substance Dependance- is when a person is dependant on a drug, and the addiction is the
tolerance level itsel. This person may withdrawl and is unable to stop the use of the drug
Blackout- is when a person is intoxicated but continue to function, this person is unaware of his
or her behavior and cant remember what happened while they was intoxicated.
Tolerance- when a person need more of the substance to get he or she feeing the same as they
did the first time.
Tolerance break- is when a person binge drink to get them drunk and small sip after get them
drunk again. An example of this would be to drink a lot at a party and im already drunk.
Immediately when I start to feel my high come down I take a sip of liquor and it gets me super
drunk again.
Spontaneous Remission- is when a person stops drinking on there own without treatment of a
program. (Some people might do this because they promised a love one, he or she may relie on
family and friends they try to stay away from people who use alcohol)*
BIOLOGICAL FACTORS- child that have parent that are addicted to alchol are more likey to
have alcoholism.
Neurochemical influence- taking in substances that stimulate dopamine pathway in the limbic
system, which is a pleasant feeling or high
Some people use acholo as a sorce of coping, to relieve stress, increase feeling of power and
decrease mental pain (High doses of alchol lead to increased musle tension and nervousness)
Seven classes of substances
1. Alcohol
A CNS depressant that get absorb quickly into the blood stream, when you are drunk you
have a feeling of being free
Intoxication of alcohol is slurred speech, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, impaired
attention, concentration, memory and judgment. When a person is intoxicated they may
experience a blackout.
Overdose with alcohol is when a large intake is completed in a small period of time, this can
cause respiratory depression, unconciusness, and spitting up. (THE COMBINATION OF
hypotension can cause shock and death ) A cns stimulant is contradicted
The effects of long term alcohol use is Cardiac Myopathy (disease of the heart muscle),
Wernicke encephalopathy, which is when there is a onset of confusion, unstable coordination,
and and eye abnormalities or Korsakoff psychosis which is a late sign of Wernicke
Encephalopathy, Pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas, Esophagitis, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis
is a slowly developed diease that create scarring , Leukopenia a low level of white blood cells
Thrombocytopenia low number of platelets in the blood , Ascites is fluid accumulation in the
Withdrawl and detox began in 4-12 hours, some of the symptoms that are experienced: hand
tremors, sweating, elevated pulse and B/P, insomnia, anxiety, nausea and or vomiting. Some
of the severs symptoms that are associated with severe alchol withdrawl are haullicination,
seizures and delirum. The peak for alchol is day2 and should be over by day 5, this can
change overall withdrawl may take 1-2 weeks. Withdrawl can be life threatening so it should
be watched under medical supervision. Safe alcohol withdrawl is usually treated with
Benxodiazepines: Ativan, valium, or librum(chlordiazepoxide) Ativan can be given to a older
adult who is experiencing withdrawl due to half life not as strong as valium which can last up
to 18 hours.
Alcohol withdrawl delierm is usually result in sepsis, MI, fat embolism, peripheral vascular
collapse also know as gangrene, fever, electrolye imbalance, suicide.
To determine the frequency a Clinical institute Withdrawl Assessment (CIWA) is used. A
score 1-8 is mild, 8-15 is moderate and 15+ is severe.
Another factor that is used to determnine Alcoholism is CAGE
Have you felt the need to Cut the drinking?
Do people Annoy you when they ask about your drinking?
Have you felt Guilty about drinking?
Have you had a drink in the morning like a Eye-opener drink?
2. Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Anxiolytics
Is a all central nervous system depressants: barbiturates, nonbarbiturate hypnotics, and
anxiolytics, particularly benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates. The effects of
these drugs are similar to alcohol.
Intoxication Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are the most common drug used in this
category. The effects depend on the type of drug. The intoxication of these types of drug are
simular to those of alcohol. With intoxication of benzodiazepine and barbiturates symptoms
my include slurred speech, lack of coordination, unsteady walking, impaired attention or
Overdose Benzodiapine when taken alone tend not to be fatal but this peron will be lethrgic
and confused. Treatemnt to remove benzon id gastric levage (which is to pump or sutching
the stomach) or activated charcoal: if symptoms are severe dialysis can be use. Barbituates
can be lethal when overdosed. Barbituates can cause coma, Respitory arrest, cardiac failure
and death. To treat this you can use a dialysis or lavage(pump the stomach).
Withdrawl and detox the withdrawl symptoms depend on the half life. Ativan last about 10
hours and you can produce withdrawl symptoms in 6-8 hours. Longer acting benzos like
valim you may not experice withdrawl symptoms for a week. (WITHDRAWL
SYNDROME) is when you are expericing symptoms that are opposite of acute affects of the
drug so this person may experience HIGH pulse, B/P, RR, temp, hand tremors insomnia,
anxiety, nausea, and agitation. Seizure and hallucination may be experienced with severe
withdrawl symptoms. DETOX from sedatives, hypnotics and anxiolytics is managed by
TAPERING, This is essential for Barbituates to prevent coma or death, this should not be
stopped abruptly.
3. Stimulants
Are drugs that excite the CNS, there drug arent use clinically but with an exception of
ADHD. Amphetamines are (uppers) they were used by people who wanted to lose weight
quickly or stay awake. Cocaine, an illegal drug with no clinical use in medicine, is highly
addictive and a popular recreational drug because of the intense and immediate feeling of
euphoria(a extreme feeling of happiness and pleasure and excitement)
Intoxication and overdose of stimulant develop quickly the feeling is euphoric, hyperactivity,
hypervigilance, talkativeness, anxiety, hallucinations, stereotypic or repetitive behavior,
anger, fighting, and impaired judgment. Physiological effects include tachycardia, elevated
blood pressure, dilated pupils, perspiration or chills, nausea, chest pain, confusion, and
cardiac dysrhythmias. Overdoses of stimulants can result in seizures and coma. With the
stimulant you want to treat the symptom such as High B/P, hallucinations, nausea.
Withdrawl and detox this can occur within a few hours to several days. the main symptom od
this is dysphoria(which is when a person feels uphappy with life) this person my also feel
fatigue, unpleasant dreams, insomnia, high appitie, agitation and feeling od crashing which is
SUCIDE. This isn’t treated with any pharm medication.
4. Cannabis
Has short term effects that lower intraocular pressure, relieve nausea and vomiting in
chemotherapy, anorexia and weight loss of AIDS.
Intoxication and Overdose can begin to act in less then 1 min and peak 20-30 mins, it last 2-3
TO 8 HOURS Symptoms that are included is relaxiation, increased laughter, impaired
judgement, short term memory, Anxiety, dysphoria and social with drawl. Some of the more
serious sign are dry mouth, low b/P, tachycardia, and blood red eyes Physical: bronchitis,
weakening of heart contractions, immunosuppression, & decreased serum testosterone &
sperm count.
Withdrawl and detoxification sweating, anxiety, muscle aches and tremors.
OTHER: Can remain in the body for up to 6 weeks, in the blood and urine it can be detected
any time around 3 days to 4 weeks and up to 90 days in the hair.
5. Opioids
Opioids are a CNS depressant and a popular drug due to desensitizing (lower sensitivity) in
the function and mental pain. Opioid compounds include both potent prescription analgesics
such as morphine, meperidine (Demerol), codeine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, methadone,
oxymorphone, hydrocodone, and propoxyphene as well as illegal substances such as heroin,
illicitly produced fentanyl, and normethadone. Fentanyl (Duragesic, Actiq) is a synthetic
opioid used in clinical settings for anesthesia. It is 50 to 100 times more potent than
Intoxication and overdose is a euphoric feeling, impaired judgement, agitation, drowsiness,
slurred speech, impaired attention and memory. Severe intoxication can lead to coma and
respitory depression, pupil restriction, death and unconciousiness. Narcan is the treatmeant of
overdose because it can reverse the symptoms of opioid toxicity, this is given ebery couple of
hours until the opioite level drop. HEROIN HAS A HIGHER ABUSE POTENTIOAL
Withdrawl and detoxificatiom symptoms of ‘withdrawl began when the drug starts to
decrease initial symptoms are anxiety, aching pains oif the back and legs, Yawning, dilated
pupils, goose flesh, comiting, diarrhaea, runny noses and eyes, sleepiness, elevated BP and
heart rate. Tapering with methadone or other tapering opioids. Methadone is whats given for
heroin. Heroin is a short acting drug that produce withdraw in 6-24 hours and peak in 2-3
days. and subside in 5-7 days. A DEVICE CALLED NSS-2 BRIDGE
6. Hallucinogens
Take away the perception of reality and replace them psychosis, which include
hallucinations(Usually visually) with hallucinogens the HR goes up, Ataxia(lack of
coordination), euphoric, vomiting, salivation(excess siliva production), hostile, blank stare,
bizarre behavior and agitation.
Intoxication and Overdose when these people become intoxicated they feel anxiety,
depression, paranoid, fear of losing there mind, blurred vision, unsteady gait ect. PCP
consumption can lead to unpredictable behavior, this person may become aggressive. And
this can last 6-8 hours. They have a increased B/P and HR Ataxia(lack of coordination),
euphoric, vomiting, salivation(excess siliva production. They can be managed by isolation
from external stimuli and physical restraints. PCP TOXICITY include seizure and respitory
depression. Cooling blanket (for high temp)and mechanical devices (breathing device) are
used to assist with the symptoms pcp.
Withdrawl and detox no withdrawl may be presenct just craving for this drug. Although these
people may experience flashbacks and this can last up to 5 years.
7. Inhalants
Are drugs that are inhaled most of the inhalant is spray paint, glue, lighter fluid, propellant
gas. These inha;ants can cause severe brain damage, peripherial nervous system damage and
liver disease.
Intoxication and overdose involves dizziness, nystagmus, lack of coordination, slurred
speech, unsteady gait, tremor, muscle weakness, and blurred vision. Stupor (near unconcious)
and coma can happen.
Withdrawl and detox there is no withdrawl symptoms only the craving for more of the drug,
later in life these people can suffer from dementia, psychosis and anxiety or mood disorders,
when a person experiences these they only treat they symptom.
12 STEP PROGRAM – based off total abstinence is is essential.