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Grade 10 English Module: Literary Appreciation (Moralist)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zest for Progress
eal of
Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Literary Appreciation: Technique in Deciding on How Effective Treatment
on Issues Concerning Human Experience (Moralist)
Name of Learner:
Grade & Section:
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 4: Literary Appreciation: Technique in Deciding on How Effective
Treatment on Issues Concerning Human Experience (Moralist)
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module
Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Eleanor L. Jalonfrancisco
Cristina G. Columbres
Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Florenda H. Quinte
Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed.D.
Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD
Aida Coyme, Ed. D
Philippinesby ________________________
– Region
Department Education
IX –IXZamboanga Peninsula
Office Address:
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What I Need to Know
We are humans, and we are gifted with intelligence that makes us different from other
creations. We can learn and apply those learnings in real-life scenarios. As we constantly deal
with other people, we are expected to appreciate each one despite the individual differences in
attitudes, cultures, languages, and beliefs.
You are in Grade 10, you are indeed special, and this module is meant for you. For
sure, you have been experiencing living life in a world with certain personal conditions and
attitudes, the ups and downs, with good and evil, and you have been in a situation of trying to
understand certain actions as right or wrong.
Yes, it is a given fact that we need to learn, enjoy, and value God's greatest gift for us,
which is the gift of life-our existence. Rise, be flexible, and live with pure intentions, for life
well-spent is our gift back to our creator.
This module helps you conclude how effective the treatment of underlying and
overarching issue concerning human experience (moralist).
It is also expected that you have understood and learned your previous lessons before
tackling this module. This entails higher-order thinking skills of analyzing, applying, and
valuing literary texts.
In this module, you are expected to:
a. define and recall stages of appreciation skills;
b. discuss the moral values of literary works concerning human experience;
c. suggest solution/treatment on the issues concerning the human experience.
What I Know
Directions: Read and determine the following statements as True or False. Write
True if you agree or False if you disagree. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. The human experience is a term for the realities of human existence, including the
mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical characteristics of human life.
2. Nature is a gift from God.
3. People will not benefit from slowing down and getting outside, and refreshing
themselves with the beauty that God has created.
4. God created beauty, and the human spirit does not respond to the beauty He created.
5. Every creation of God is unique and incomparable.
Around the world, climate change is predicted to affect human health and the
environment. Unless humans stop using fossil fuels, the earth's temperature will
continue to rise. Scientists predict that climate change will likely bring about
extreme weather conditions such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and severe storms.
These climatic changes can negatively affect local food production and cause severe
economic damage.
Besides severe weather conditions, climate change can also contribute to
increased death rates. Cities that currently experience heat waves can expect an
increase in the number, intensity, and heatwaves duration. More floods are expected
to affect low-lying countries and island-states due to rising sea levels. Scientists
also project an increase in cardio-respiratory diseases caused by smog and other
pollutants. Some infectious diseases carried by insects and rodents may also become
more common. Therefore, the future will not be that sunny, especially for the
weaker species.
6. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?
A. Humans cannot do anything anymore about their environment.
B. Humans should start doing something to protect their environment now.
C. Climate change results to more floods and diseases.
D. Climate change will bring about extreme weather conditions.
7. What does the selection imply?
A. Climate change will have adverse effects.
B. Countries may experience a rise in deadly diseases.
C. People must try to save their environment as soon as possible.
D. Heat waves will increase in number, intensity, and duration.
8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential effect of climate change?
A. food shortage
C. rising sea levels
B. volcanic activity
D. infectious disease
9. When the writer says, "Therefore, the future will not be that sunny, especially for the
weaker species," this means that the future will be
A. grim.
C. happy.
B. bright.
D. uncertain.
10. What does the author advise readers to do in the first paragraph?
A. Help conserve natural resources.
B. Beware of the effects of climate change.
C. Stop the use of fossil fuels.
D. Live a more active lifestyle.
'Literary appreciation refers to the evaluation of works of imaginative literature as an
intellectual or academic exercise.' It is a process when the reader interprets, evaluates or
classifies a literary work to determine the artistic merits or demerits of such work, according
to Ogenlewe (2006). Donelson and Nilsen (2009) echoed sentiments and added that it is the
process by which one' gauges one's an interpretive response as a reader to a literary work'. Let
us expound on the different stages of literary appreciation skills, according to Donelson and
Nilsen (2009):
Level-1, Pleasure, and Profit (Ages 0-5: Pre-school) where literary appreciation is a
social experience; Level-2, Decoding -Learning to Read (Ages 6-8: Grades 1-3) children are
developing a literacy-a process that is never-ending for anyone who is intellectually active";
Level-3, Losing oneself in a story (Ages 9-11: Grades 4-6) where reading can become a means
of "escaping," children read while engaged in other activities. This developmental stage may
not occur until much later than 4th to 5th grade, or it may not happen at all. Level-4, Finding
oneself in a story (Ages 12-15: Junior High) reading is a means of discovering identity. The
more experienced young people have with literature (books or movies), the more
discriminating they become. They are reading to find out about themselves, not simply to
escape from someone else's experiences. They are looking for lives as much like their own as
possible. They are also curious about other sides of life. Their purpose is largely to find
themselves and where they fit in society; Level-5, Venture beyond oneself- (Ages 16-18:
Senior High), the person goes beyond his/her egocentrism and looks at the larger circle of
society. Teenagers are responsible for assessing the world around them. This stage is more
about emotional, intellectual, and physical development instead of advanced reading skills.
Reading at this level allows for focusing on the psychological needs of society. Lastly, Levels
– 6 & 7, Variety in reading or reading widely and aesthetic purposes/appreciation (Ages 19Death) at the college level, the young adult reads best-sellers and is involved in acclaimed
literary works such as novels, plays, and films sharing these experiences with peers.
Throughout adulthood, the avid reader who has developed the skills and attitudes necessary to
enjoy literary experiences at all the previous levels is ready to embark on a lifetime aesthetic
appreciation (understanding the beautiful artistic and value) of literary texts.
Going through these stages means that the reader can gain pleasure and understanding of
the literature, understand its value and importance, and admire its complexity.
Thus, this module is also aimed to help you understand that you must experience
pleasure from reading for you to appreciate literature.
What's What's
Directions: Match the given concepts in Column A with the statements in Column B.
Write only the letter that corresponds to your chosen answer for each item on a separate
sheet of paper.
Column A
Column B
A. It refers to words whose very sound is close to the
sound they are meant to depict.
B. It is a literary device that helps to establish a
relationship based on similarities between two
concepts or ideas.
C. It refers to comparisons between two unrelated and
dissimilar things, people, beings, places, and
concepts. It uses words such as 'like' and 'as.'
D. It refers to the practice of attaching human traits
and characteristics to inanimate objects,
phenomena and animals.
E. It is a literary device wherein the author uses
specific words and phrases that exaggerate and
overemphasize a statement.
F. It refers to the playing around with words such that
the meaning implied by a sentence or word is
different from the literal meaning.
Directions: Read each of the following short passages/selections carefully. Write the
letter of the word or phrase that best completes each item. Write your answer on a separate
"When the world looks hopeless,
And life is not fair;
Throwback your shoulders
And do not despair."
1. The expression "to throw back your shoulders" means
A. exercise your shoulders
C. ignore your problems
B. forget your responsibilities
D. show your feelings
2. The passage appeals more to the sense of
A. feeling
C. sound
B. sight
D. taste
3. Most probably, the writer's purpose in this passage is to
A. express a feeling
C. reveal the truth
B. give an advice
D. win other's proposal
My friend, Chito, found himself in Bacolod City with nothing to do on the day
after his birthday. He was alone in the plaza and thought to himself." There must
be a good reason why I'm here."
Chito sat on a bench and saw a sports tournament going on. What was different
about this tournament was that all the players were handicapped. Imagine a race
with blind people as runners! How did they do it? To each player, a bell ringer
was assigned to run ahead of him so he would know where to go. "It must take a
lot of trusts to follow one's bell ringer," he thought.
Chito was amused when one of the bell ringers got broken, so the runner began
following the team's bell ringer! And when suddenly, several ice cream vendors
began ringing their bells, there was bedlam!
4. What is the theme of the selection?
A. A favorite sports event
B. Love of neighbor and one's self
C. Dedication and hard work in one's hobby
D. Flexibility and trust in the face of life's adversities
5. What value is manifested by the handicapped players?
A. Trust
C. Honesty
B. Loyalty
D. Dedication
What's New
When literary appreciation skills are enhanced, you can better manifest a higher
level of knowledge in literature reading.
This will allow you to understand better the human emotions, insights, themes, ideas,
and significant human experiences conveyed in different literary texts.
Literary appreciation focuses on the adequate grasp of the definitions and
applications of traditional literary devices such as plot, character, metaphor, setting, and
symbolism, which may be encountered within texts.
Literary appreciation is a lifelong process. Early's Stages of Growth in Literary
Appreciation determines that the personal attitudes, reading, and observing skills are all
part of literary appreciation. Stages that readers go through are added unto without
dropping the previous stages.
What is then the importance of understanding the different stages of literary
appreciation? You are right; to appreciate literature, people must experience all the
developmental stages from reading, viewing, and listening.
So, what stage are you in now? Wow, I salute you for such achievements. However,
if you think you fall short of expectations for your age and stage levels in reading, do not
feel bad. Move on, try your best to enhance your reading skills to your advantage. It is
from the highest level of comprehension that you would truly succeed in any endeavor.
Furthermore, it is expected that in reading any piece of literary work, you should be
able to extract important points that will help you come up with a conclusion. Try your
best to see its effectiveness or its worth through your personal experiences and relating it
to other people's human experiences, as well. Wherein you will have a basis for drawing
conclusions and finding effective solutions or treatment concerning issues on human
What Is It
Try to read and be able to comprehend and interpret some literary texts. Then, based on
your comprehension, you will have to do your best in finding the moral values of the literary
Morals in literary works usually reflect truth values according to the author's view, and
that is what it is delivered to the reader.
As for Kenny (in Nurgiyantoro, 2015: 430), he states that morality in the story is
intended to relate to certain practical moral teachings and taken or interpreted through the story
concerned by the reader.
Bear in mind, examples of morals in a story are different from the moral of a story.
Morals are rules that govern a person's behavior. The moral of a story, however, is the
overarching teaching the author is trying to present.
Let us study the given sample of Moral of the story:
A character might be fighting to release his wrongly convicted wife from prison because his
morals tell him a man's job is to defend his wife. In his quest to free her, he will do anything,
including lying and deceiving (which we know to be in contrast to sound morals), to get her
out. In this case, the moral of the story isn't "Be honest" or "Don't lie." Instead, it could be
"Family comes first."
A work of literature can be valuable in several ways. Literature has moral values if
reading teaches a lesson that will inspire the reader to live a better life.
Yes, to delve deeper into the meaning of moral values of literature, it has to be in
consonance or in relation to the reader's understanding (knowledge on inferencing, drawing
conclusions, summarizing, etc.), attitudes, beliefs, experiences anchored on one's readings and
viewings, and even one's viewpoints which might be similar to or different from the moral of
the story from the author's view.
Your main task in this module, which is to conclude the underlying or overarching
issues concerning human experience, is not easy. But, if you can appreciate literary texts,
coupled with proper motivation and enthusiasm, for sure, you can do it. Just keep on reading
and strive your best to achieve your goals in learning. Always bear in mind that there is no
shortcut to success; you need hard work and perseverance. Focus and have fun learning the
right way. Believe, you can.
What's More
Activity 1: Word Search
Directions: Hidden among the letters are words associated with literature. Find the word that
corresponds to each of the statements below. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
It is the serial arrangement of incidents, ideas, or events.
It refers to the problem or struggle between two opposing forces.
It is the main idea or message about life the author wishes to express.
It is a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration.
It is a figure of speech that appears to be self-contradictory but reveals something
6. It is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are compared to each other
using the terms "like" or "as."
7. It is a type of literature or artistic writing that attempts to stir a reader's imagination
or emotions.
8. It is a behavior a person adopts toward other people, things, incidents, or
9. It is the understanding and interpretation of what is read.
10. It is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't true but
helps explain an idea or compare.
Activity 2: Review of Knowledge of Poetry/Literary Interpretation
A. Directions: What is your understanding of each of the following phrases? Choose the
letter of the correct answer from the given options. Write your answer on a separate
… the sound of silence
A. absence of interaction
C. no miscommunication
B. failure to understand
D. search for sounds
2. … people talking without speaking
A. no serious message
C. no communication taking place
B. speaking without feeling
D. sign language
3. … people hearing without listening
A. People are not paying attention.
B. People are being very noisy.
C. No one is talking, all just listening.
D. people are deaf.
4. … silence like a cancer grows
A. Silence is not always welcome.
B. Silence could explode and kill.
C. Silence is like a disease.
D. Silence spreads.
5. … the wells of silence
A. containers for water
B. holes in the ground
C. increasing, a worsening situation of miscommunication
D. a silent place
Directions: Identify the figures of speech that are used to express the poet's ideas. Write
Simile, Personification, Irony, Metaphor, or Paradox. Answer on a separate sheet.
1. “People talking without speaking,
people hearing without listening”
2. “Hello darkness, my old friend…”
3. “silence like a cancer grows…”
"…my words like silent raindrops fell…"
4. “…the flash (of a neon light) that split the night”
“…my words…echoed in the wells of silence”
5. “…the sound of silence…”
Activity 3: Find the Theme/Conclusion in Literary texts
Directions: Read the following selections/passages and decide on the best answer for each item.
Write only the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet.
Walking is considered one of the best exercises for losing weight, far better
than calisthenics. Walking moves the entire body over a distance rather than a
single limb in a small circle. And it is in moving the most weight, the greatest
distance for the longest time that you burn most calories. It is suggested that you
spend an additional 30 minutes on your feet every day to burn off your additional
fat in a week. Walk an extra yard and take stairs instead of elevators and feel good.
1. What is the main topic of the selection?
A. It is better to walk than to exercise.
B. A lot of calories are burned when walking.
C. Walking is the best exercise for losing weight.
D. To lose weight, one must refrain from exercising.
2. Why is walking considered one of the best exercises?
A. It is easier to perform.
B. It makes the whole body move.
C. It doesn't require a lot of effort.
D. It takes much less time to accomplish.
3. What conclusion can be drawn from the selection?
A. Walking a mile everyday is good for the heart.
B. Walking is best during fair weather conditions.
C. Taking a walk is better than doing stationary exercise.
D. Weight-conscious people should walk instead of taking rides.
The Pile
I once dreamt a dream, when I was young,
About a pile of men.
And at the bottom, they were black,
And at the top, they were white.
And everyone was trying to push down his neighbor,
To reach the top.
And then the plane flew overhead and dropped a bomb.
And the pile was dust.
And the dust at the top was the same.
As the dust at the bottom.
But I was young then and did not understand.
Source: The Pile by Anonymous, Karlin Robert,
Teaching Reading in High School, 1972
4. What is the central theme of the poem?
A. Men of all races want to excel at others' expense, yet they all end up the same after
B. Whether white or colored, all men try to outdo one another, but they eventually fail
in the end.
C. A lot of black men and white men turned into a pile of dust when they were bombed.
D. White men discriminate against black men, but during a war, they die together.
5. What do Lines 5 and 6 imply?
A. People tend to cooperate to succeed.
B. Every man uses his fellowmen just to gain his ends.
C. A person tries to downgrade his fellowmen just to gain his ends.
D. A man achieves success if he can belittle his fellow human beings.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Answer the following questions as briefly as possible. Write your answers on
a separate sheet.
What is literary appreciation?
2. How stages in literary appreciation be developed?
3. What is the importance of knowing the different stages in literary appreciation? How
could it be of help in comprehending and valuing literary texts?
4. What could a reader do to conclude how effective the underlying/overarching issues
concerning human experience (moralist)?
What I Can Do
Directions: Read or sing Paul Simon's "The Sound of Silence." Then, decide on the best answer
for each item. Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet.
a neon light
The Sound of Silence
Paul Simon
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools," said I, "You do not know
Silence like cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you,
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed in the wells of silence.
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk to you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon gods they made
And the signs flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming
And the signs said "The words of the
prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls" and whispered in
The sound of silence.
1. What is the message of the song?
A. People are noisy.
B. People are mute.
C. People no longer listen or pay attention in silence.
D. People want to keep silent.
2. Is the title a clue to the message?
A. Yes. People love to talk out loud.
B. Yes. People are very good at listening.
C. Yes. Only when people stop in silence can they begin to listen and care.
D. Yes. People do listen.
For Items 3-5, Identify the figures of speech as used by the poet. (Personification, Paradox,
Metaphor, Irony)
3. People writing songs that voices never share.
4. Vision softly creeping.
5. Stabbed the flash.
Directions: Read the following selections/passages and answer the questions that follow. Write
your answer on a separate sheet.
The trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight
The water mirrors a still sky
Upon the brimming water among the stones
Are nine and fifty swans.
1. As used in the poem, what is the synonym for the underlined word?
A. clean
C. spilling
B. still
D. pouring
2. What time of the day is referred to in the stanza?
A. after sunset
C. during sunrise
B. after sunrise
D. during daylight
3. What feeling is expressed in the poem?
A. sadness
C. happiness
B. confusion
D. appreciation
Life is often described and compared to one long journeyfrom the warmth of a mother's womb to the coldness of the
tomb. Along the way we travel and move, not just from one
location to another but through the different stages of life:
infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
For those who believe in God's promise: "I will be with
you till the end of time," I am sure that His holy presence is a
constant source of strength through the ebb and flow of the tide
of life – guiding, comforting, and revitalizing at all times.
4. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. It is enough to entrust everything to God since He will always provide.
B. Those who believe in God's presence are the only ones who will survive.
C. One must be religious to please God and attain salvation.
D. A strong faith in God is necessary to withstand the difficulties in life.
5. As the writer uses in the second paragraph, what does the phrase "the ebb and flow of
the tide of life" mean?
A. The various natural events which enrich life
B. The success or failure of our aspirations in life
C. The battle between good and evil in this life
D. The happiness we encounter in life
The ultimate dilemma of any teenager is to distinguish love from
infatuation. A young mind may consider every liking to be a case of pure or
undying love. He/she would see any attempt to question of this "love" as an
insult to his/her feelings.
Infatuation is a feeling that has a reasonable basis. One can point out
exactly what she/he likes about the apple of his/her eye. Good looks is the
most reason behind an infatuation. Intelligence, personality, a cheerful
disposition or a great sense of style are other things that might lead one to
be infatuated toward someone. However, the one thing common between
most cases of infatuation is that the positive usually outweigh the negative
aspects of a person. In other words, you are temporarily blinded to all the
flaws of the person in question.
Love is quite the opposite in these cases. In love, what matters is not
the absolute, but the relative. What appears flawless to you might be
perceived as worthless by someone else. Love is the marriage of true minds,
because it is about finding a perfect match to your temperament. Also, love
does not allow us to be ignorant about our partner's wrongs. On the contrary,
it is something that makes us want to seek and reform those imperfectionstogether.
6. What does the article remind us most about infatuation?
A. Infatuation has reasonable bases.
B. It helps us see the positives and negatives.
C. Good looks are the usual reason for infatuation.
D. It keeps us from seeing the wrongs of the person.
7. What does the idiom "apple of one's eye" mean?
A. favorite apple
C. an apple for the eyes
B. very best friend
D. object of one's affection
8. To what sensory image does the following sentence appeal?
Intelligence, personality, a cheerful disposition, or a great sense of style are
other things that might lead one to be infatuated by someone.
A. tactile
C. auditory
B. visual
D. olfactory
9. What can you infer about teenagers who experience infatuation?
A. They are blinded by the feeling.
B. They are loving and lovable.
C. They seek love and attention.
D. They are optimistic people.
10. Which would be an appropriate conclusion for the whole passage?
A. Love is more difficult than infatuation because it is more lasting than the latter.
B. Infatuation is generally for teenagers, while love is for the more serious adults.
C. Love considers both the positives and negatives in a person; infatuation does not.
D. Infatuation and love are both wonderful feelings.
Additional Activities
Read the poem "In Heaven." Then answer the questions that follow.
Stephen Crane
In heaven
Some little blades of grass
Stood before God.
Then all save one
Began eagerly to narrate
The merits of their lives.
This one stayed a small way behind,
Presently God Said:
"And what did you do?
The little blade answered,
"Oh, my Lord, memory is bitter to
For if I did good deeds,
I know not of them."
Then God in all his splendor
Arose from his throne.
"Oh, best little blade of grass!"
He said.
1. Who stood before God?
A. Heaven
B. Some little blades of grass
C. God stood before himself
D. Nobody stood before God
2. Which of the following words best describe the little blades who narrated their good
A. humble
C. proud
B. hardworking
D. shy
3. Which of the following words best describe the little blade that stayed behind?
A. timid or shy
C. forgetful
B. conceited
D. arrogant
4. Which of the following virtues is most pleasing to God?
A. being patient
C. being humble
B. being arrogant
D. being proud
5. Whom do grasses really stand for in the poem?
A. The proud and humble people
C. The blades of grasses
B. The grasses in the field
D. The young and old ones
Answer Key
Alen Mateo S. Muñoz, et.al. Functional English for Today, SEMP-IV, Dane Publishing House Inc.; Quezon
City, Philippines, 2000. pp. 388-391.
"Definition of Literary Appreciation Skills," Dec. 4, 2020
Images Newspaper Creazilla, Dec. 5, 2020
Journal on The Human Condition, Collin Welch's Education Resources
Dec. 4, 2020, https://learn.lexiconic.net/humancondition.htm
"Stages of Literary Appreciation," Dec. 4, 2020
Development Team
Eleanor L. Jalonfrancisco
Zamboanga City High School
Zamboanga City
Editors/QA: Cristina G. Columbres
Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD
Education Program Supervisor
Layout Artist: Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD, JD, CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed.D.
Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD
Aida Coyme, Ed. D.