Uploaded by Oscar Sanchez

"The Story of an Hour" Essay: Freedom & Opportunity

Oscar Sanchez
English 2
Mr. Carrol
February 9, 2022
Everyone in their life needs a sense of freedom to open up new opportunities. Marriage in
some cases reduces one's freedom and is more focused on another person. On the other hand, a
solitary life allows a person limitless freedom in the sense of unlimited opportunities. In “The
Story of an Hour”, Mrs. Mallard's realization of her freedom from her marriage opens her eyes to
more opportunities. Possibilities that she is blinded from by her lifelong commitment to her
husband. In "A Story of an Hour" the significant message the author expresses is the importance
of freedom, as well as the fact that a bad thing can have many positive outcomes, depending on
how it is viewed.
It is evident throughout the story that freedom is essential, but it is not explicitly stated in
the text. In “The Story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard I an ordinary housewife who depended on her
husband. News broke out that a railroad accident occurred and Mr. Mallard tragically passed
away in this accident, Mrs. Mallard became shocked and grieved from the news. The view
outside Mrs. Mallard's window made her realize what life had in store for her. In the text, Mrs.
Mallard indicates her recognition of freedom: “ She knew that she would weep again when she
saw the kind… But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that
would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in
welcome”(Chopin). As stated, she will grieve the loss of her husband, but she still has years to
come entirely to herself. She gains that sense of freedom in herself that she seemed was lost in
becoming dependent on Mr. Mallard.
An additional message the author is trying to convey is that you can find better
opportunities out of bad situations, depending on how you view them. It was expected that Mrs.
Mallard would be saddened by the death of her husband. However, her reaction was the opposite,
since she became overjoyed at this opportunity. Mrs. Mallard states, “And yet she had loved
him—sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matter! What could love, the unsolved mystery,
count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the
strongest impulse of her being!” (Chopin). indicating that it would seem that yes, she loved Mr.
Mallard, but it didn't matter at this point. She now has the chance to seek these new opportunities
and a new life for herself. When one door closes, another one opens, that's what the author is
indirectly trying to depict in the story. Negative situations can be turned into positive ones if they
are realized.
In "A Story of an Hour" the significant message the author expresses is the importance
of freedom, as well as the fact that a bad thing can have many positive outcomes, depending on
how it is viewed. Freedom is crucial since it opens doors to new possibilities. Some things may
be unfortunate, but that does not mean they are entirely bad. A new life of opportunities begins
with the realization of all the possibilities.