Professional Ethics CPNP 213 WEEK 2 CLASS 1 History of the Code of Ethics This code has a long history not only with nurses but other health professionals, such as Physicians. Members of professional bodies have this obligation because their roles, missions and ethical foundations focus not only on the individuals they serve but also on society as a whole. They have changed over time but are deeply based on Ethical Principles. The evolution of the Code for Nurses has mirrored the growth of nursing from a focus on character and behaviors of the nurse (obedience, compliance, loyalty), independence and actions (judgment, reflection and critical thinking). Early codes were also grounded in Christian morality and etiquette. Legal Obligations History of Canadian Law: The Canadian legal system (excluding Quebec) is derived from English COMMON LAW, (rules often based on common sense or common practices that had evolved over the centuries) In the Common Law system many of the essential rules and principles that govern day-to-day life (for healthcare such as professional misconduct & malpractice) are contained in an extensive body of precedent, referred to as CASE Law. Sources of Common Law Case law (precedent) – based on a body of judges decisions rendered over centuries Statute law – formal written rules passed by a parliament or other legislative body – highest degree of authority * Custom – less prominent source of law, which means that in the absence of specific legal principles/rules/statutes the courts will be guided by the longstanding practices of a particular industry or trade Doctrine – least authoritative based on rules of a particular trade Regulation of Nursing Nurses throughout Canada are held accountable for making decisions that result in safe, effective and ethical practice with the main focus on the safety and well being of the public. In Alberta, Health Professionals are regulated by the Health Professions Act. This Act established the healthcare ‘rules’ through legislation. This includes PT, OT, SW, Pharmacy, RN’s, Doctors, etc. Health professionals are then regulated by their own Regulatory bodies (CLPNA). This Self-Regulation reflects the trust the public has put in Health professional. CLPNA The CLPNA’s Purpose/roles includes: Monitors entry to practice education and testing which leads to ‘Licensing’ Setting education and registration requirements to ensure only qualified individuals are licensed. Setting and enforcing practice, conduct, and ethical standards that direct how professional services are to be delivered and/or performed. Ensuring compliance with healthcare legislation and regulations. Setting continuing competency requirements and administering mandatory continuing competency programs to ensure LPNs’ professional knowledge, skill and performance continually evolve. Investigating concerns regarding the conduct of an LPN. Maintaining a public database of LPN registrants who are licensed to practice in the profession. Providing information about the practice of the profession, professional standards, and guidelines. To understand the disciplinary component Professional disciplinary – designed to make sure the nurses’ conduct conforms to the Code of Ethics, professional behavior, capacity (mental and physical or dependencies) and competence for LPN’s. LPNs, other health care professionals & employers have the obligation to report concerns of conduct or practice behaviors of an LPN that affects client safety or puts clients at risk. (CLPNA’s Duty to Report). Some Examples include: repeated medication errors, theft of medication, breaching confidentiality, practicing nursing without a license, falsification of information on the health records, abandoning clients, patient abuse and theft. Criminal disciplinary – initiated against a nurse if it is alleged that he or she has committed an offence under the Criminal Code. Charges would normally be laid by the police following a complaint filed either by a member of the public or by police investigating an offence. Some Examples include: theft of narcotics, theft of patient or institutional property, assisted suicide, criminal negligence, threatening or inflicting bodily harm, and sexual assault. Consent for Treatment Consent can be given in writing, verbally or simply implied (by holding out our arm for blood to be drawn, or a blood pressure to be taken). Consent must be: Free of coercion (voluntary), Specific to the proposed treatment/procedure and Legally capable of that level of decision Patient must be told the risks inherent Specific to who will perform the treatment/procedure Lack of consent is legally called Battery. Client’s Autonomy is of utmost importance regarding consent – withdrawal of consent. One exception for the need for consent – when acting in an extreme emergency. Strategies for nurses to ensure they respect the client’s autonomy and right to informed consent: Ensure the environment is suitable Provide more time Ensure the patient understand the information and options Consider past experiences which may alter responses Provide written material If the patient chooses have a friend or family present Be sensitive to cultural and language issues Be aware of psychological and emotional responses Consent issues Types of Consent: Expressed – clear statement of consent from the patient Implied – inferred from a patient’s conduct/actions Withdrawal of Consent Record of the consent is critical Competency, consent and substitute decision makers