Room 126 Cell Phone Policy Purpose: The purpose of this cell phone policy is to create an appropriate and productive working environment in the classroom. Cell phones and all functions within the cell phone (i.e. cameras and all other applications) are prohibited in the room 126 unless expressly permitted by Ms. Houlihan for educational purposes. Students must comply with directives, including but not limited to, ending phone conversations for student-staff interaction and using appropriate voice volume and device volume. When in use, cell phones must be on silent mode so that no audible ring tone is heard. Students using cell phones or other functions on electronic devices in any manner that disrupts the educational environment, from within or from outside the classroom, or violates the rights of others, including, but not limited to, using the device in violation of our academic honesty policy, violating school conduct rules, harassing or bullying staff or students, photographing or video recording or using their device for unlawful purposes will be subject to more severe disciplinary action. The respectful, non-disruptive use of cell phones is permitted in the school cafeteria during lunch period. As soon as the threshold of the classroom is crossed, during the school day, cell phones need to be put away and made undetectable (i.e., silenced without vibration/airplane mode). Violation of the cell phone rule as stated above will result in disciplinary action. Important: Failure to follow this policy will result in a reduction of daily assignment grade and could result in disciplinary action. Reduction & Action/Bonus Cell Phone Use In the real world, people have their cell phones and devices with them at their jobs, meetings, or college courses. Adults do not have their cell phones taken away from them because they are expected to manage their own use. -5, Parent Contact & Referral(Dean) -4, Parent Contact, Referral Use is inappropriate Device is a distraction to others. Plays games, views non-academic material or holds conversations via chat/text Using Air Pods during class. Use is distracting. Device is a distraction to the student. Student frequently checks phone during learning. EX: o A student takes out their phone to look at a text several times in one period. 0 +2 Device is not used except for designated appropriate times OR use is limited to quick pre-approved checks. EX: o If a student receives a text/message from parents, they quickly check it while still engaged in class and not distracting classmates. Device is put away until period is over or permission to respond is granted. Device is not used except for as an efficient academic tool for a direct purpose. Device is not a distraction. Used at appropriate times and as an extension of learning. Device is in the Charging Station for the duration of the class.