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Biology Terms: Botany, Cell Biology, Zoology, Physiology

1. adventitious roots - A root that grows from somewhere other than the primary
root, for example, roots that arise from stems or leaves. – Придаточные корни
2. alternation of generations - Life cycle in which haploid and diploid
generations alternate with each other – Чередование поколений
3. anemophily - Seed plants which are pollinated by wind are said to be
anemophilous - Анемофилия
4. angiosperm - n. A group of plants that produce seeds enclosed within an
ovary, which may mature into a fruit; flowering plants - Покрытосеменные
5. anther -The pollen producing tip of a stamen; part of a flower - Пыльник
6. antheridium -The organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the sperm
cells- Антеридий
7. anthophyte - A flowering plant, or any of its closest relatives, such as the
Bennettitales, Gnetales, or Pentoxylales - Антофит
8. apical meristem - Group of cells at the growing tip of a branch or root. It
divides cells to create new tissues – Апикальная меристема
9. archegonium -The organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the egg cell,
and nurtures the young sporophyte - Архегоний
10. axil - The angle formed between a leaf stalk and the stem to which it is
attached. In flowering plants, buds develop in the axils of leaves - Пазуха
11. bipinnate - Describing a pinnate leaf in which the leaflets themselves are
further subdivided in a pinnate fashion - Бипиннат
12. bisporangiate - When a flower or cone produces both megaspores and
microspores, it is said to be bisporangiate. Most flowers are bisporangiate Биспорангиат
13. blade - Any broad and flattened region of a plant or alga, which allows for
increased photosynthetic surface area - Лезвие
14. bract - Any reduced leaf-like structure associated with a cone or flower Прицветник
15. bryophyte - Plants in which the gametophyte generation is the larger,
persistent phase; they generally lack conducting tissues. Bryophytes include
the Hepaticophyta (liverworts), Anthocerotophyta (hornworts), and Bryophyta
(mosses) - Мохообразные
Cell biology
1. bacteriophage - Virus which infects and destroys a bacterial host. Some
phages, however, will incorporate their DNA into that of their host, and
remain dormant for an extended period. For this reason, they have become
essential tools of genetic engineers – Бактериофаг
2. capsid - The protein "shell" of a free virus particle - Капсид
3. cell - Fundamental structural unit of all life. The cell consists primarily of an
outer plasma membrane, which separates it from the environment; the
genetic material (DNA), which encodes heritable information for the
maintainance of life; and the cytoplasm, a heterogeneous assemblage of
ions, molecules, and fluid - Клетка
4. cell cycle - Complete sequence of steps which must be performed by a cell
in order to replicate itself, as seen from mitotic event to mitotic event. Most
of the cycle consists of a growth period in which the cell takes on mass and
replicates its DNA. Arrest of the cell cycle is an important feature in the
reproduction of many organisms, including humans – Клеточный цикл
5. cell membrane - The outer membrane of a cell, which separates it from the
environment. Also called a plasma membrane or plasmalemma – Клеточная
6. cell wall - Rigid structure deposited outside the cell membrane. Plants are
known for their cell walls of cellulose, as are the green algae and certain
protists, while fungi have cell walls of chitin – Клеточная стенка
7. chloroplast - A chlorophyll-containing plastid found in algal and green
plant cells - Хлоропласт
8. chromosome - Linear piece of eukaryotic DNA, often bound by specialized
proteins known as histones - Хромосома
9. coenocytic - Condition in which an organism consists of filamentous cells
with large central vacuoles, and whose nuclei are not partitioned into
separate compartments. The result is a long tube containing many nuclei,
with all the cytoplasm at the periphery - Ценоцитарный
10.colonial - Condition in which many unicellular organisms live together in a
somewhat coordinated group. Unlike true multicellular organisms, the
individual cells retain their separate identities, and usually, their own
membranes and cell walls - Колониальный
11.contractile vacuole - In many protists, a specialized vacuole with associated
channels designed to collect excess water in the cell. Microtubules
periodically contract to force this excess water out of the cell, regulating the
cell's osmotic balance – Сократительная вакуоль
12.cytoplasm - All the contents of a cell, including the plasma membrane,but
not including the nucleus - Цитоплазма
13.cytoskeleton - Integrated system of molecules within eukaryotic cells which
provides them with shape, internal spatial organization, motility, and may
assist in communication with other cells and the environment. Red blood
cells, for instance, would be spherical instead of flat if it were not for their
cytoskeleton - Цитоскелет
14.dikaryotic - Having two different and distinct nuclei per cell; found in the
fungi. A dikaryotic individual is called a dikaryon - Дикариотический
15.diploid - Having two different sets of chromosomes in the same nucleus of
each cell. Most metazoans and plants are diploid. Compare with haploid –
1. mammilla –[məˈmilə] мамилла – мамилла
n. In eggshell, the cone-like structure at the base of the shell unit where the
shell unit attaches to the inner organic membrane
2. marsupial –[ märˈso͞opēəl] Сумчатое животное- марсупиалды
n. A mammal that gives live birth to young that have gestatfor only a short
period of time. The young usually crawl into a pouch (the marsupium) or
protected area and attach to their mother’s teat to finish developing.
Examples of marsupials include kangaroos, opossums, and koalas
3. mesoderm –[ˈmezəˌdərm] мезодерма - мезодерма
In animals with three tissue layers (i.e. all except sponges and cnidarians),
the middle layer of tissue, between the ectoderm and the endoderm. In
vertebrates, for instance, the mesoderm forms the skeleton, muscles, heart,
spleen, and many other internal organs
4. mesogloea - мезоглея – мезоглея
Jellylike material between the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm of
cnidarians. May be very thin or may form a thick layer (as in many jellyfish)
5. metabolism – [məˈtabəˌlizəm]обмен веществ- зат алмасу
n. The chemical processes within an organic body that supply the energy
necessary for life. The rate of metabolic processes is sometimes used as a
way to differentiate organisms. For example, mammals generally have a
higher metabolism than reptiles and can thus sustain higher levels of activity
for longer periods of time
6. microstructure - ˌ[mīkrəˈstrəkCHər]микроструктура-микроқұрылым
n. In eggshell, the shape, size, orientation, and distribution of components
of the shell
syn :polymeric
7. pathology – [pəˈTHäləjē]- патология- патология
The study of disease and abnormalities. 2. The manifestation of a disease,
injury, or abnormality, as in bone or eggshell for example. adj. pathological
Syn: genetics
8. mouth –[ maʊθ]рот-ауыз
Front opening of the digestive tract, into which food is taken for digestion.
In flatworms, the mouth is the only opening into the digestive cavity, and is
located on the "belly" of the worm
9. mucus –[ ˈmyo͞okəs] слизь-шырыш
Sticky secretion used variously for locomotion, lubication, or protection
from foreign particles
10.muscle –[ ˈməsəl] мышца - бұлшықет
Bundle of contractile cells which allow animals to move. Muscles must act
against a skeleton to effect movement
Syn: thew
11.myotome – [ˈmīəˌtōm] миотом- миотома
Segment of the body formed by a region of muscle. The myotomes are an
important feature for recognizing early chordates
12.nematocyst – [nēˈmadəsist] нематоциста- неематоцист
Older name for a cnidocyst
Syn: cnida
13.nerve –[ nɜːrv ] нерв – жүйке
A bundle of neurons, or nerve cells. More properly, it is a bundle of axons
14.nerve cord – [nərv kô(ə)rd]нервный шнур- жүйке сымы
Primary bundle of nerves in chordates, which connects the brain to the major
muscles and organs of the body
15.neuron – [ˈn(y)o͝orän]нейрон-нейрон
A specialized cell that can react to stimuli and transmit impulses. A neuron
consists of a body which contains the nucleus; dendrites, which are short
branches off the body that receive incoming impulses; and a long axon
which carries impulses away from the body and to the next neuron
Syn:nerv cell
1. organ system- [ˈɔːgən ˈsɪstɪm] - cистема органов- жүйе мүшелері:
group of organs that work together to carry out a particular function –
syn:group of organ
2. organism- [ˈɔːgənɪzm]-организм-ағза
living being that has a cellular structure and that can independently perform
all physiologic functions necessary for life –
syn: living thing
3. organ- [ˈɔːgən]-орган-ағза
functionally distinct structure composed of two or more types of tissues –
syn: part of the body
4. pericardium- [ˌpɛrɪˈkɑːdjəm] - перикард - перикард
sac that encloses the heart –
syn: serous membrane
5. peritoneum- [ˌpɛrɪtəʊˈniːəm]- брюшина- перитонеум
serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity and covers the
organs found there –
syn: tummy muscle
6. physiology- [ˌfɪzɪˈɒləʤi]- физиология- физиология:
science that studies the chemistry, biochemistry, and physics of the body’s
functions –
syn: anatomic
7. plane- [pleɪn]- Плоскость- жазық
imaginary two-dimensional surface that passes through the body - ы
syn: horizontal
8. pleura- [ˈplʊərə]- плевра- плевра
serous membrane that lines the pleural cavity and covers the lungs –
syn: alveolus
9. positive feedback- [ˈpɒzətɪv] [ˈfiːdbæk] -Положительная обратная связьоң кері байланыс
mechanism that intensifies a change in the body’s physiological condition in
response to a stimulus –
syn: positive response
10.positron emission tomography (PET)- [ˈpɒzɪtrɒn] [ɪˈmɪʃən] [təˈmɒgrəfi]позитронно-эмиссионная томография- позитронды эмиссиялық
medical imaging technique in which radiopharmaceuticals are traced to reveal
metabolic and physiological functions in tissues –
syn: photoelectric emission
11.posterior cavity- [pɒsˈtɪərɪə] [ˈkævɪti]- Задняя полость - артқы қуыс
posterior body cavity that houses the brain and spinal cord; also referred to
as dorsal cavity –
syn: posterior chamber
12.posterior- [pɒsˈtɪərɪə]- задний-артқы
describes the back or direction toward the back of the body; also referred to
as dorsal –
syn: back
13.pressure- [ˈprɛʃə]- давление-қысым
force exerted by a substance in contact with another substance syn: burden
14.prone- [prəʊn]-лежа-жата
face down –
syn: horizontal
15.proximal- [ˈprɒksɪm(ə)l]- проксимальный- проксимальды
describes a position nearer to the point of attachment or the trunk of the
body –
syn: contiguous
1. paleosol – палеопочва-палеозоль
Soil horizon from the geologic past –
syn: ancient soil
2. peat - [piːt]- торф- шымтезек
A deposit of partly decayed plant remains in a very wet environment;
marsh or swamp deposit of plant remains containing more than 50
percent carbon –
3. permineralization – [ˌpe rrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən] ПерминерализацияПерминерализация
Fossilization process that occurs when minerals, carried by ground
water, enter and harden in the pores of an organism’s structures –
syn: silicification
4. Phanerozoic – |fanərō|zōik -фанерозой- Фанерозой
The geologic eon that includes the interval of time from approximately
543 million years ago to the present, comprising the Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras –
syn: Cenozoic era.
5. pillow lava – [ˈpɪləʊ] [ˈlɑːvə]- Подушка лава- жастық лава
Lava extruded beneath water characterised by pillow-type shapes –
syn: crag
6. plate - [pleɪt]- тарелка- табақ
Rigid parts of the Earth's crust and part of the Earth's upper mantle that
move and adjoin each other along zones of seismic activity. The theory
that the crust and part of the mantle are divided into plates that interact
with each other causing seismic and tecotnic activity is called plate
tectonics –
7. pluton – [pluːˈtɒn]- Плутон- Плутон
Any body of igneous rock that solidified below the earth’s surface –
syn: igneous rock.
8. plutonic – [pluːˈtɒnɪk]- плутонический-плутондық
Applies to igneous rocks formed beneath the surface of the Earth;
typically with large crystals due to the slowness of cooling.
syn: abyssal
9. radio-carbon dating – [ˈreɪdɪəʊ]-[ˈkɑːbən] [ˈdeɪtɪŋ]-Радиоуглеродное
датирование- Радиокөміртекті анықтау
Method for determining the age of an organic substance by measuring the
amount of the carbon isotope, carbon-14, remaining in the substance;
useful for determining ages in the range of 500 to 70,000 years –
syn: dendrochronology
10.rebound – [rɪˈbaʊnd]- отскок- ребаунд
To spring back after a weight has been removed –