Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN POLICING FUNCTION IN TAGAYTAY A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Philippine National Police Academy In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Public Safety CDT 2C ALDRICK RENZ AROMIN MANZANO CDT 2C AKSAD SAWADJAAN LACSON CDT 2C JOHN DAVID JARA MACAGBA December 2019 HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified ii APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled, “THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN POLICING FUNCTION IN TAGAYTAY ”, prepared and submitted by Cdt 2C AKSAD S. LACSON, Cdt 2C JOHN DAVID J. MACAGBA, and Cdt 2C ALDRICK RENZ A. MANZANO, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Public Safety, is hereby recommended for oral examination. DR. JUDE THADDEUS BARTOLOME Adviser Approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Public Safety, with a grade of ______. _________________________ Chairman _______________________ Member _______________________ Member Accepted as partial fulfillment for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PUBLIC SAFETY. PBGEN JON ARANDIA ARNALDO Dean of Academics December 2019 ii HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors of this research would like to thank those who contributed and inspired us to complete this research. To PMGEN JOSE CHIQUITO MIPARANUM MALAYO, for the approval of our research. To PBGEN JON ARANDIA ARNALDO, for the close supervision on our academic activities. To DR. JUDE THADDEUS BARTOLOME, our thesis adviser, for the guidance in completing our research. To DR. NIMFA C. GAMBAN, for the time and effort in teaching and assisting us in making our research. To the TAGAYTAY POLICE STATION, for the active participation of their personnel and staff. To our classmates, upperclassmen and those who helped us finished this research, thank you and our deepest gratitude and appreciation is yours truly. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified Title Page APPROVAL SHEET................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................ 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND .................................................................... 4 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................... 7 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 11 Scope and Delimitation ......................................................................................... 12 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................... 13 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................ 15 Acronyms .............................................................................................................. 15 CHAPTER 2 ......................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES AND STUDIES ............Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Technology Acquisition……………………………………………………………..Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Impact of Technology……………………………..……………………………..….Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Computerized Crime Mapping…………………………..…………………………17 Social Media ...........................................................………………………………Ошибка! Закладка не определена. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified Relevance of the Related Literature and Studies ....................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Synthesis of the Related Literature and Studies .................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена. CHAPTER 3 ......................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Research Design ..........................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Sources of Data ............................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Population and Sampling Procedure ............Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Instrumentation .............................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Data Gathering Procedure ............................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Analysis of Data ............................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. REFERENCES .............................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Appendix .......................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Appendix C. .................................................Letter of Request to the Participants of the Study.............................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT .........................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. CURRICULUM VITAE ..................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Over the past several decades, policing agencies have implemented an array of technological advancements to improve operational efficiency and outcomes, especially in times of diminished resources and enhanced public attention on and scrutiny of law enforcement activity. However, much remains to be known about the prevalence and utility of technology among the nation’s law enforcement agencies and the factors that influence its selection and implementation. To address these issues, we need to build the knowledge base of why and how police select, implement, and integrate new technology; how that technology is being used; and whether new technology improves policing in a meaningful way for both the agency and the community. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified Technology has been considered a significant driver to law enforcement strategies and tactics for as long as can be remembered. In the 20th century, the introduction of the telephone, the automobile, and two-way radios created seismic shifts in what police do, pushing departments toward a strategy of rapid response to citizens’ request for police assistance (Harris, 2007). These technological capabilities provided closer connections and information sharing between police and the citizens they serve. Now, in the 21st century, powerful technological advancements have emerged, including closed-circuit television, automatic license plate readers (LPRs), in-car cameras, and body-worn cameras (BWCs), predictive policing software, and social media communication and monitoring tools. The proliferation of computer technology, communication technology, and other major technological advancements over the last several decades have made numerous technologies available to law enforcement officers that were virtually unheard of by their predecessors. Many departments are implementing these and other technologies to increase efficiency and improve outcomes, especially in times of diminished resources and enhanced public attention on and scrutiny of law enforcement tactics and outcomes. Technological advances in recent years have changed the nature of policing so significantly that many methods and tools from just a decade ago have become antiquated and incompatible with current technology (Goodison, Davis, & Jackson, 2015). Some of these advances include location-monitoring devices for the tracking of high-rate offenders, predictive analytics and crime mapping software for the deployment of officers HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified into locations that cause or are likely to cause crime, crime scene technology that enhances the collection and processing of evidence, and interoperable Web-based and other communication devices that facilitate connections between police and the communities they serve. Despite the theoretical connections between technology and policing tactics and outcomes, it is not well understood how technological devices are selected among police agencies or the ways in which agency characteristics give shape to their technological portfolios. Moreover, police agencies vary in philosophy, culture, management strategies, and agency goals (Weiss) therefore, technological priorities and modes of use may differ depending on these characteristics. Existing theoretical perspectives on understanding how technology is adopted in organizations seem out of touch with the reality of technology acquisition in law enforcement agencies (LEAs), and they do not incorporate the idiosyncratic differences across LEAs when it comes to decision-making processes or perceptions of impact (Rogers). Likewise, limited information is available about the process by which technology is implemented, including the unique challenges encountered by LEAs, which often translates into fewer resources through which LEA decisions to acquire and implement a technology can be guided. Given that technology can have a dramatic impact on how policing is done, on community relations, and the extent to which public safety is protected, it is imperative that police executives and civilian policymakers have sound empirical evidence about the presence, role, and impact of technology in contemporary policing. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 8 Theoretical Framework The materialization model (Feenberg, 2005) will be used as the theoretical basis of this study. According to Feenberg (2005), much philosophy of technology offers very abstract and unhistorical accounts of the essence of technology. These accounts appear painfully thin compared to the rich complexity revealed in social studies of technology. Yet technology has the distinguishing features sketched above and these have normative implications. As Marcuse argued in One-Dimensional Man, the choice of a technical rather than a political or moral solution to a social problem is politically and morally significant. The dilemma divides technology studies into two opposed branches. Most essentialist philosophy of technology is crit- ical of modernity, even anti-modern, while most empirical research on tech- nologies ignores the larger issue of modernity and thus appears uncritical, even conformist, to social critics (Feenberg 2003). Feenberg find it difficult to explain the solution to this dilemma as it crosses lines we are used to standing behind. These lines cleanly separate the substantivist critique of technology as we find it in Heidegger from the constructivism of many contemporary historians and sociologists. These two approaches are usually seen as totally opposed. Nevertheless, there is something obviously right in both. Feenberg have therefore attempted to combine their insights in a common framework which Feenberg call "instrumentalization theory." Instrumentalization theory holds that technology must be analyzed at two levels, the level of our original functional relation to reality and the level of design and implementation. At the first level, we seek and find affordances that can be mobilized in devices and systems by decontextualizing the objects of experience and reducing them HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 9 to their useful properties. This involves a process of de-worlding in which objects are torn out of their original contexts and exposed to analysis and manipulation while subjects are positioned for distanced control. Modern societies are unique in de-worlding human beings in order to subject them to technical action-we call it management-and in prolonging the basic gesture of de-worlding theoretically in technical disciplines which become the basis for complex technical networks. At the second level, we introduce designs that can be integrated with other already existing devices and systems and with various social constraints such as ethical and aesthetic principles. The primary level simplifies objects for incorporation into a device while the secondary level integrates the simplified objects to a natural and social environment. This involves a process which, following Heidegger, we can call "disclosure" or "revealing" of a world. Disclosing involves a complementary process of realization which qualifies the original functionalization by orienting it toward a new world involving those same objects and subjects. These two levels are analytically distinguished. No matter how abstract the affordances identified at the primary level, they carry social content from the secondary level in the elementary contingencies of a particular approach to the materials. Similarly, secondary instrumentalizations such as design specifica- tions presuppose the identification of the affordances to be assembled and con- cretized. This is an important point. Cutting down a tree to make lumber and building a house with it are not the primary and secondary instrumentaliza- tions respectively. Cutting down a tree "decontextualizes" it, but in line with various technical, legal and aesthetic considerations determining what kinds of trees can become lumber of what size and shape and are salable as such. The HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 10 act of cutting down the tree is thus not simply "primary" but involves both lev- els as one would expect of an analytic distinction. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 11 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The figure below presents the paradigm of the study. It contains the INPUT, PROCESS and OUTPUT. The first box represents the INPUT of the study, which contains the different types of technology used in the police station and contextual information about how local situational characteristics, such as crime issues, prompt the adoption of specific technologies. The second box presents the PROCESS of the study which contains the statistical treatment to be used, the use of survey questionnaire as data gathering tool, data analysis, comparative analysis and lastly, the correlational analysis. The third box presents the OUTPUT that contains the expected outcome of the impact of technology in police function INPUT 1. Types of technology used PROCESS OUTPUT 1. Use of survey questionnaire 2. Implementation issues agencies encountered 2. Data collection, analysis and organization 3. Level of technology integration into policing practices 3. Statistical treatment of data to be used Impact of Technology in Police Function FEEDBACK Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 12 Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the impact of technology in policing function of Tagaytay City Police Station The main thrust of the study is to determine the impact of technology to our policing. It is likewise the intent of the study to determine what are the positive and negative effects of our modern technologies to our law enforcements. 1.How does technology affect our law enforcers in their duty: 1.1. Mentally 1.2. Physically 1.3. Socially 2. How does technology affect our modern policing in terms of: 2.1. Operational 2.2. Intellectual 2.3. Socially 3. Did the use of technology reduce the crime rate of the country? HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 13 Scope and Delimitation The domain of the study would focus on local police stations because as of now police stations have been relying on technology and is now being widely used. The research setting is the Tagaytay City Police Station, located on the center of Tagaytay City. The said city is a developed city where technology can afford by its local police station because of its high-end economic value. The researchers call attention to a few limitations of our study.. Site visit data, however, suggested that there was a great deal of variation in use among agencies that had similar kinds of data. Having a technology might mean that there was one fixed-mount LPR unit or 40 patrol vehicle-mounted mobile units. In either case, agencies may consider themselves fully deployed with no plans to implement any additional units or may think that they are only partially deployed with intention to place more units into the field. Future research should consider the depth of adoption as a continuous variable rather than a simple yes/no variable. Likewise, it may also be considered a limitation that our survey was fielded to only a single agency representative. Perceptions of the extent to which an agency is devoted to a particular policing philosophy or believes that a given activity is central to the agency’s core mission may differ substantially throughout the chain of command within the same department. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 14 Significance of the Study To gain a better understanding of how police strategy is enhanced by technology or even how technology fosters the adoption of new strategy, we need to build the knowledge base of why and how police select, implement, and integrate new technology; how that technology is being used; and whether new technology improves policing. The National Police Commission report details the methods, results, and recommendations from a research project that more closely examined the types of technology that Philippine National Police are getting and using, as well as the degree to which technologies are linked to strategy development and larger organizational change within Philippine National Police. The use of specific technological devices within law enforcement is often credited with helping police personnel perform certain functions or activities more efficiently and, at times, more effectively. There is little empirical or transferable evidence on the extent to which technology has led to changes in overall agency practice or has affected policing outcomes, including responding to calls for service, community relations, and public safety. There is also limited information on the extent to which the adherence and dedication to particular strategic philosophies and models is linked to the purchase and use of particular technological devices. The study will be introductory beneficial to the following stakeholders: Philippine National Police. the result of the study will inform the Philippine National Police the positive and negative impacts of technology in their organization. Police Commissioned Officer. The finding of the study will be a great help in informing Police Commissioned officers the uses of technology for their work. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 15 Police Non-Commissioned Officer- crime recording particularly the blotter will be easier. Tagaytay City Police Station. the findings of the study will enable the police station more effective and efficient by knowing the impacts of technology and applying it to their work. Police Commissioned Officer. The finding of the study will present an overall objective view on what the impacts of technology on their work and also it will help the PCO to observe and find out if the technology is effective and can decide technology can influence their work. Police Non-Commissioned Officer. The finding of the study will be presented with input that will inform and educate them the positive and negative impacts of technology in their work. Researchers. The study will provide an opportunity to widen their knowledge regarding the impacts of technology in policing function for their future services in PNP. HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 16 Definition of Terms Technology - The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes especially in industry Impact- the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another and a marked effect or influence. Result of the technology in policing function Community - refers to a structure of relationships through which a localized population provides its daily requirements Law enforcement - is a term used to define the act of enforcing the law; and a law enforcement officer is a government employee who is responsible for the prevention, investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws, including an employee engaged in this activity who is transferred to a supervisory or administrative position; or serving as a probation or pretrial services officer Acronyms PNPA - Philippine National Police Academy BSPS - Bachelor of Science in Public Safety PNP - Philippine National Police BFP - Bureau of Fire Protection BJMP - Bureau of Jail Management and Penology HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 17 Appendix A. Letter of request to the PNPA Director for the Conduct of the Study. Republic of the Philippines Philippine Public Safety College PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY November 2019 PCSUPT JOSE CHIQUITO MIPARANUM MALAYO Director, Philippine National Police Academy Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite Dear Sir: Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their undergraduate thesis entitled, “The Impact of technology in policing function in tagaytay”. This study aims to determine the effect of our modern technologies in relation to the functions of our law enforcers. In view of this, we would like to respectfully request for your approval with regard to the conduct of the study. Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, Cdt 2C ALDRICK RENZ A. MANZANO Cdt 2C AKSAD S. LACSON Cdt 2C JOHN DAVID J. MACAGBA HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 18 Appendix B. Letter of Request to the Dean of Academics for the conduct of the study. Republic of the Philippines Philippine Public Safety College PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY November 2019 PBGEN JON ARANDIA ARNALDO Dean of Academics, Philippine National Police Academy Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite Dear Sir: Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their undergraduate thesis entitled, “The Impact of technology in policing function in tagaytay”. This study aims to determine the effect of our modern technologies in relation to the functions of our law enforcers. In view of this, we would like to respectfully request for your approval with regard to the conduct of the study. Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, Cdt 2C ALDRICK RENZ A. MANZANO Cdt 2C AKSAD S. LACSON Cdt 2C JOHN DAVID J. MACAGBA HINIRANG CLASS 2021 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY 19 Appendix C. Letter of Request to the Participants of the Study. Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite ISO 9001:2015 Certified November 2019 PBGEN JON ARANDIA ARNALDO Dean of Academics, Philippine National Police Academy Camp General Mariano N Castañeda, Silang, Cavite Dear Respondent: Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their undergraduate thesis entitled, “The Impact of technology in policing function in tagaytay”. This study aims to determine the effect of our modern technologies in relation to the functions of our law enforcers. In view of this, we would like to respectfully request for your approval with regard to the conduct of the study. Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, Cdt 2C ALDRICK RENZ A. MANZANO Cdt 2C AKSAD S. LACSON Cdt 2C JOHN DAVID J. MACAGBA HINIRANG CLASS 2021