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Aviation Regulations & Information: FAR 91.175, Aerodynamics, Systems

FAR 91.175
Can’t operate an aircraft, below MDA or continue an approach below the DH/DA unless:
- In a continuous position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal
rate of descent using normal maneuvers
- Flight visibility not less than prescribed
- At least one of the following visual reference for the runway is visible and identifiable
 The approach light system, except that the pilot may not descend below 100' above the touchdown
zone elevation using the approach lights as a reference unless the red side row bars are also
distinctly visible and identifiable
 The threshold
The threshold markings
The threshold lights
The runway end identifier lights
The visual approach slope indicator
The touchdown zone or the touchdown zone markings
The touchdown zone lights
The runway or runway markings
The runway lights
Holding Speeds
Altitude (MSL) Airspeed (KIAS)
MHA - 6,000'
6,001' - 14,000'
14,001' and above
Radio station license
Operating Manual
Weight & Balance
EX 17347:
It allows a 121 flight to be dispatched to a
destination airport or alternate when the
TAF is forecasting below authorized
weather minimums at the ETA.
[The remarks section of the TAF can
forecast weather below authorized weather
mins at ETA, eg TEMPO, BECMG,PROB.
However the body of the TAF must indicate
that the weather will be at or above
authorized weather mins at ETA.]
How High is class G airspace
When to File an Alternate
Airspeed restrictions in National Airspace
AERODYNAMICS Dutch Roll – An oscillation that occurs in the
VR – Rotation speed.
roll and yaw in swept wing aircraft when the
VLOF – Lift‐off speed. The speed at which
dihedral effects of an aircraft are more
the airplane leaves the surface.
powerful than the directional stability.
VX – Best angle of climb speed. Greatest
Usually dynamically stable but objectionable
altitude for a given distance of forward
because of the oscillatory nature.
VXSE– Best angle‐of‐climb one engine inop.
Swept wing Con’s –
VY – Best rate of climb speed. The speed to
gain the most altitude for time.
 Reduced lift
VYSE – Best rate‐of‐climb speed with one
 Wing tips Stall at low airspeeds
engine inoperative.
making ailerons ineffective
• Marked with a blue radial line
 Poor yaw tendencies
VSSE – Safe single‐ engine speed,
 Susceptible to Dutch Roll
minimum speed to make the critical engine
Swept Wing Pro’s –
VMC – Minimum control speed with the
 Allows for faster airspeed by delaying
critical engine inoperative. The minimum
onset of critical mach.
speed at which directional control can be
 Higher cruise speeds
• Marked with a red radial line
Stall Speed and Altitude – As altitude
• VMC only addresses directional control. No
increases, IAS for a stall remains the same,
requirement the airplane be capable of
but TAS increases as temperature and
climbing at this airspeed.
density decrease, which means a faster TAS
is needed in order for the pitot system to
M – Mach number is the ratio of TAS to the
sense the same pressure.
speed of sound.
Factors that determine an engine is critical
Mcrit – Critical Mach is the speed at which
 P‐Factor:
the airplane first experiences airflow that
The descending prop creates more
reaches the speed of sound, typically
thrust than the ascending blade
somewhere over the top of the wing near the
creating asymmetrical thrust on each
side of the propeller.
(Since the effect of the yaw is
Mach Buffet – As the wing approaches
greater if the left engine fails, the left
Mach a shock wave starts to form, and a
engine is the critical engine.)
buffet known as “Mach Buffet” will occur. It
 Accelerated Slipstream:
will continue to increase with speed.
The props accelerate air over the
wings creating more lift.
Mach Tuck – Above the critical Mach
 Spiraling Slipstream:
number a shock wave forms. As the
As it strikes the vertical fin on the
movement of the shock wave starts aft with
left, it causes a yaw to the left
the increase of speed the pilot will
 Torque:
experience pitch-down tendencies known
As the engine and prop rotate in one
as “Mach Tuck”.
direction, they try to rotate the
airplane in the other direction.
Coffins Corner – When the stall speed of the
aircraft in Mach number equals the Mmo
(Max operating limit speed in mach) of the
aircraft, you can’t slow up (without stalling).
You can’t speed up either (without
exceeding Mmo (the max operating speed of
the aircraft).
AC is the primary source of electrical power.
The #1 & #2 gens are the Primary source of AC. ( 115V AC, 3 Phase, 400Hz Gen’s)
Two SLAB Batteries are a secondary source & energize the BATT UTIL BUS, BATT BUS, & DC ESS
BUS when AC powers not available. (2, 24V, 9.5 amp hour)
Primary DC power is obtained by two converters that convert 115 VAC to 28 VDC
Priority of power allows for #1 and #2 generators to supersede
o APU generator
o External power (on ground)
o Battery (on ground or in flight).
Distribution of power during a normal start:
1. Battery connected, the
Battery Utility Bus is powered.
2. With battery switch on,
Battery Bus and DC Essential bus
are powered.
3. After APU start, APU generator switch
comes on, AC from APU generator
goes to the #2 AC Primary Bus through
the 60 amp current limiters to the
#1 AC Primary Bus. The #1 AC Primary
Bus which powers the AC Essential Bus.
4. AC from each AC Primary Bus powers
the converters, supplying DC power to
their respective DC Primary Busses.
The #1 DC Primary Bus powers the DC
Essential Bus and the Battery Bus.
5. With main gens on line they supersede
the APU gen, and power the primary
AC Busses.
If a GCU disconnects its gen , the 60 amp current limiters connect the AC Primary Bus of the
bad gen opposite AC Primary Bus.
Current limiters protect the good bus from a short circuit in the faulty primary bus.
The only way for the AC Essential Bus to receive power from the #2 AC Primary Bus is for the #1 AC
Primary Bus not to be powered.
If a converter fails, a 100 amp current limiter connects the DC Primary Bus of the failed converter with
the other DC Primary Bus.
T700 is a front drive turboshaft engine of modular construction divided into four modules producing
1600 SHP.
1. cold section
a. Has 5 axial stages, 1 centrifugal stage.
b. Variable inlet guide vanes and variable stage 1 and stage 2 vanes.
c. (ECU) for the 700 , (DEC) for the 701C
d. anti-ice and start bleed valve, history recorder, ignition system, and electrical cables.
2. accessory section
a. (HMU)
b. engine driven boost pump
c. oil filter, oil cooler, oil and scavenge pump
d. alternator oil and scavenge pump
e. particle separator
3. hot section
a. gas generator turbine (NG)
(a two-stage air cooled turbine rotor assembly which drives the compressor and the
accessory gear box)
b. stage 1 nozzle assembly
(They direct gas flow to the gas generator turbine)
c. combustion liner
(a ring type combustor cooled by air flow from the diffuser case)
4. power turbine (NP)
a. a two stage power turbine
b. exhaust frame
c. shaft and C-sump assembly
d. torque and overspeed sensor, and
e. Np (% RPM 1 or 2) sensor.
Airport Signage