LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG The digital dividend spectrum can be used for innovative services, from improved and new interactive television broadcasting to mobile communications and wireless broadband Internet access. Only a fair and well-balanced distribution of this spectrum among different information and communication technologies will deliver the full social and economic benefits of the digital dividend, thus maximizing its value for all users. This can only be achieved by effi cient and effective spectrum management. All concerned sectors need clarity on this issue when developing their strategies for the coming years. LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG MEDIA TRANSMISI SATELIT DVB S/S2/S2X TERESTRIAL DVB T2 DAB+ DRM PAL FM AM KABEL DVB C PLATFORM LAINNYA BROADBAND INTERNET 5G IBB HTHP LTLP HbbTV eMBMS Hybridcast FeMBMS LATAR BELAKANG LATAR BELAKANG MODEL PENYELENGGARAAN ANALOGI LATAR BELAKANG DASAR HUKUM UU NO. 11/2020 TENTANG CIPTA KERJA UU NO. 36/1999 TENTANG TELEKOMUNIKASI UU NO. 32/2002 TENTANG PENYIARAN PERATURAN PEMERINTAH TURUNAN DARI UU DIMAKSUD PERATURAN MENTERI KOMINFO NO. 6/2019 TENTANG RENCANA INDUK FREKUENSI RADIO UNTUK KEPERLUAN PENYELENGGARAAN TELEVISI SIARAN DIGITAL TERESTRIAL PADA PITA FREKUENSI RADIO ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY • PERATURAN MENTERI KOMINFO NO. 6/2021 TENTANG PENYELENGGARAAN PENYIARAN • • • • • MODEL PENYELENGGARAAN EFISIENSI SUMBER DAYA MODEL PENYELENGGARAAN MODEL PENYELENGGARAAN CAKUPAN WILAYAH LAYANAN DAN JUMLAH KANAL CAKUPAN WILAYAH LAYANAN DAN JUMLAH KANAL ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF Daftar 10 merek STB yang bersertifikat Kominfo di antaranya: 1.Nexmedia (NA1300/DVB-T2 MPEG4 HD) 2.Polytron (PDV 600T2) 3.Ichiko (8000HD) 4.Akari (ADS-2230, ADS-168 dan ADS-210) 5.Venus (Brio) 6.Tanaka (T2) 7.Matrix (Apple) 8.Evercross (STB1) 9.Nextron (NT2000-D dan TR 1000) 10.Evinix H1 ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF ANALOGUE SWITCH OFF KESIMPULAN MIGRASI KE TV DIGITAL 1. Mendapatkan variasi konten yang lebih banyak 2. Membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru 3. Menghemat atau mengefisiensikan penggunaan sumber daya terbatas 4. Menghindari menjadi negara tempat pembuangan sampah teknologi 5. Menghemat cost bagi penyelenggara penyiaran 6. Mengatur waktu tayangan dan dapat menunda tayangan melalui perekaman 7. Mendapatkan digital dividen untuk layanan baru seperti EWS, bit rate internet dsb. Pendidikan 1. S2, OPERATIONAL TELCEMMUNICATIONS, COVENTRY UNIVERSITY, COVENTRY, INGGRIS, 2001, BRITISH COUNCIL 2. S1, TEKNIK ELEKTRO, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA, YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA, 1994 Pengalaman Kunjungan : 1. Jerman Advanced Profesional Training In The Field Of Information Technology Consulting, CDG 2. Malaysia Data Communications Training Course, AusAid, Kualalumpur 3. Jepang Ip Network Basic Technologies Course, Asia Pacific Telecommunity, Kitakyushu Swiss The 5th Meeting Focus Group On The Future Network, International Telecommunications Union, Jenewa Filipina The 15th Asean Telecommunication Regulators Council Technical Working Group (Atrc-Wg), International Telecommunications Union Perancis Lg 309 Simulator Training, Cholet Swiss Working Party On Broadcasting Services, International Telecommunications Union, Jenewa Luxembourg Satellite Conference 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. Korea 4G Mobile (Imt Advanced) System And Applications, Workshop, Internasional Telecommunication Union, Busan Swiss Multilateral Meeting, Total Policy Review, WTO (World Trade Organisation) , Jenewa Korea Bilteral Meeting, Korea-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement, Seoul 13. 14. 15. Jerman Telecommunications Regulation Issues For Open Accesst : . National Broadband Strategies . Carrier Broadband Rollout Strategies . Monetizing Broadband & Next Generation Bsa . T-Mobile - Approach Jepang ASEAN-JAPAN. The Next Generation Broadcasting System, Tokyo Jepang JICA, Knowledge Co-Creation Programe, Digital Broadcasting. Tokyo