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Nursing in Today's Evolving Health Care Environment

● Nursing in Medical Offices
○ Collaborate with physicians, NPs, and patients
○ Performs health assessment, reviewing medications, drawing blood, giving
immunizations, admin. medications, provide teaching
○ Act as “liaisons” between physicians and patients
○ Require good communication skills
● Nursing in the Workplace
○ Occupational and environmental health nurses to provide basic health care
services, health education, screenings, emergency treatment to employees
○ OHNs represent an important investment by companies for safety of their
■ Serve as consultants on health matters within a company
■ Policies, acquisition of placement
■ Require a bachelor
● Nursing in the Armed Services
○ Practice in both peacetime and wartime
○ Military nurses have broader responsibilities and scope of practice
○ Required a BSN and age of 21-46.5
● Nursing in schools
○ Specialized practice that protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal
development, and advances academic success
○ Minimum of BSN
● Nursing in Palliative Care and End-of-Life Settings
○ Hospice and palliative care
○ 3 major concepts
■ Persons are living until the moment of death
■ Coordinated care should be offered by a variety of professionals
■ Care should be sensitive to patient and family diversity (cultural beliefs)