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Eating Disorders & Body Image Presentation

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• The reason we decided to do
this was because we may want
other features in which we
don’t have however; no matter
what we are all unique in our
own ways. We are special and
made in the image of God
according to the book of
Genesis and whatever God
created is for a purpose and
most importantly perfect.
Eating Disorders
By: Izaah, Nicholas, Emmanuel
Izaah (until new name seen they have done all the slides below)
Beauty Standards around the
South America
Why is this
The reason I decided to add these images is
because you may aspire to maybe look like or even
be them. In this picture I included Kim Kardashian
because people wish they had the same features as
her but at the same time we must realize that her
body isn’t natural. At some point in her life, she
wasn’t happy with the way she looked and therefore
changed it. We all have something which makes us
unique, and we should be happy with the way God
made us.
What messages about body
image are common in the
media you consume?
What is an Eating
An Eating Disorder is described as “any of a range of psychological
disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits''.
Eating disorders affect an individual’s behaviour, emotions and
ability to function in areas of everyday life. This can also affect the
individual mentally and physically. This is done by having a
negative relationship with food, eating, exercise as well as body
image. The negative relationships and behaviors affect your
overall health in many ways. For example, your body may not get
the significant nutrients needed which then can harm systems of
the body (skeletal, cardiovascular, muscular, digestive etc.) they
then may branch off to other disorders. The death rate for eating
disorders is the greatest of any mental condition. Suicide is
prevalent among those with eating disorders, in addition to
physical consequences from binge eating, purging, starving, and
over-exercise. People who suffer from eating disorders experience
acute emotional pain as well as a significantly reduced quality of
What is an eating
Common Eating Disorders
(Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Pica)
1. Anorexia(Emmanuel)
Anorexia nervosa (also known as just Anorexia) is one of the most well-known eating
disorders. It commonly begins and develops through adolescence or young adulthood
this specific disorder affects more women than men. People that suffer from anorexia
view themselves as overweight no matter how severely underweight, they are which
can also mean they suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. BDD is when you only see
and notice flaws and views on yourself in ways that are different form everyone's point
of view . Anorexic people always monitor their weigh, that food they are eating and
overall limit their calories. They become so occupied with the thought of food it may
even cause them to obsessively hoard food as well as recipes. This becomes a whole
different issue once these victims are in public as they do not want to eat and show how
they want to control the environment around them which makes them enclosed. There
are 2 types of anorexia….
2 Types of
Restricting type
Individuals with the restricting type of anorexia lose their weight through dieting, fasting
or excessive amounts of activity.
Binge eating and purging type
They either eat a large amount of food or a small amount. Anorexia can gradually
damage the body overtime as they may deal with thinning of the bones, infertility,
brittle nails and hair. Anorexia can even cause heart and/or brain as well as multi-organ
Symptoms of
Being underweight compared to other in similar
age and height
Restricted eating habits/patterns
Fear of gaining weight (gain behavior to avoid any
weight gain at all cost)
Continuously want to be thinner and unwilling to
maintain proper body weight
Influence of body weight or body shape on selfesteem
Distorted body image (denial of weight)
2. Bulimia Nervosa (Izaah)
Bulimia Nervosa is also another type of common eating disorder. Similar to anorexia this
eating disorder begins to develop during adolescence and early adulthood which
appears to be more common in women. People with this disorder frequently consume
large portions of food in a specific time period. Each binge eating episode usually
continues until the person becomes painfully ill. During the binge itself the individual
will feel as if they cannot stop nor control how much they are consuming. Binges can
occur with any type of food the person chooses however; this is most common with
food they would naturally try their best to avoid. People with Bulimia will then try to
purge to compensate for all the calories they consumed as well as to relieve gut
discomfort. Purging includes vomiting, fasting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas, and
excessive exercise. Individuals with bulimia commonly maintain a normal weight.
Symptoms of
• Depression
• Low self-esteem
• Irritability
• Moodiness
• Self-harm
• Obsessive-compulsive behaviors
• Guilt, shame, or embarrassment
• Drug/alcohol
• Suicidal thoughts or actions
• Anxiety
3. Binge Eating Disorder (Nick)
Binge eating disorder is another common eating disorder. This disorder begins during adolescence
and early adulthood however, it can also develop later on unlike anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.
People with this eating disorder have symptoms similar to the other 2 that were mentioned earlier
(bulimia and binge eating anorexia). They will consume a large amount of food in a limited period
of time and lack the control to stop it and these individuals will not restrict their calories or purge.
Symptoms of binge eating disorder:
Eating major amounts of food quickly (occurs in secret and until uncomfortably full)
Lack of self-control during the binge eating
Distressed, shame, disgust, and/or guilt when thinking about the binge eating behaviour
Do not purge to restrict calorie intake
4. Pica(Nick)
Refers to when an individual eats non-edible items. People with pica will crave non-food items like ice,
soil, dirt, hair, laundry detergent etc. Pica can transpire during adolescence, childhood and adulthood.
Even though it seems like it can occur at about any age it is most seen in children, pregnant women and
individuals with mental disabilities/illnesses. When an individual has Pica, they are more likely to get
poisoning, infections, gut injuries, and nutritional deficiencies. What is dangerous about this disorder is
depending on what items are ingested, it can be fatal.
Symptoms of Pica:
Nausea and stomach pains (abdominal cramping can be due to intestinal blockage)
Constipation or Diarrhea
Stomach ulcers
Injury to teeth
Behaviour and/or School problems
Poor nutrition's
The issue of body image is
important in eating disorders.
Why do you think this is the
The Pandemic’s Effect on Teen Eating ,COVID news studies have been brought up daily since its start. The effect on how
individuals are treated and how they live their lives. Vaccines are still mandatory after more than a year, and their effects on
patients' health and nutrition are being closely monitored. As parents and children spent all their time at home, routines
quickly changed. The early wonderful family bonding quickly devolved into bored children and teenagers with a lot of free
time. Throughout the pandemic overeating and compulsive eating are frequent eating disorders that have been
researched on. The physical and mental health of a maturing child or adolescent.
Child and teen weight Gain
Many of my patients have consumed more than they previously had due to a lack of structure and more time at home. Kids
do not have access to food at any time during in-person school days. They can now eat a snack whenever they choose at
home, in between classes. If parents are also working from home, or if children are with new caretakers such as
grandparents, new and diverse food options become available.
Parents are also under pressure. There have been a million reasons to be stressed this year, but it may have resulted in easy
meals or a lack of structured meals for families and many. Families are also encountering financial problems that they may
have never faced before, affecting food access in a variety of ways.
Course Connection
Bioethics: Principle 1. God is the author of life. Humans are the image of God. Human life is sacred and
deserves respect
The term "body image" refers to a person's feelings, perceptions, and attitudes toward their physical
appearance. When you look in the mirror, how do you view yourself and how do you feel about your body (e.g.,
height, shape, and weight)?
A clear, realistic view of your shape is a positive body image; seeing the various aspects of your body as they
are. Body positivity (or body contentment) is feeling at ease and confident in one's own skin, accepting one's
natural body shape and size, and understanding that one's physical appearance says little about one's character
and worth as a person.
When we talk about our bodies:
Are you aware that your bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, who dwells within you and whom you have
received from God?" You were not born free; you were purchased for a price. As a result, honor God with your
bodies." Genesis 1:26-27 is the first book of the Bible. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," God
When we talk about eating disorders the talk about imagery comes to mind. What do I like to others? Am I
normal looking? Am I accepted by God? The answers to all these questions are Yes, we all are. God has no
structure for how humans come to appear to themselves, you may like or dislike your body image but at the
end of the day the perspective/ the real you, you may want to be revealedby the world can only be
found inside Yourself.
Course Connection
• Various people wonder if full recovery from an eating disorder is
achievable. Yes! This cure is possible because of Jesus Christ! The road to
recovery can be long and unpleasant at times. It is critical to have a
supportive community that will love, support, and pray for someone
who is seeking assistance. Control, fear, identity, inner vows, judgments,
lying, emotional healing, physical healing, and death liberation are all
important subjects to cover in prayer. Although instantaneous recovery
from an eating problem is conceivable, it is more common for recovery
to take time. You can assist the individual in realizing that his or her
healing journey is unique and that eating disorders frequently include a
process-oriented approach to recovery. Fear and control are inextricably
linked. Eating disorders are a type of self-control that is employed to
keep fear at bay. The individual gains a sense of power and control over
other aspects of life by meticulously regulating food and weight. Pray for
the individual to be set free from their fear and for God's perfect love to
take its place. It is important for the person to let go of their control
addiction and eating disorders. Pray for the courage to take chances and
step out in trust. Every mouthful, and every refusal to weigh themselves,
is a leap of faith for some, especially those suffering from anorexia. Fear
and control are inextricably linked. Eating disorders are a type of selfcontrol that is employed to keep fear at bay. The individual gains a sense
of power and control over other aspects of life by meticulously
regulating food and weight. Pray for the individual to be set free from
their fear and for God's perfect love to take its place. It is important for
the person to let go of their control addiction and eating issues. Pray for
the courage to take chances and step out in trust. Every mouthful, and
every refusal to weigh themselves, is a leap of faith for some, especially
those suffering from anorexia.
Course Connection (Izaah)
When talking about the topic of eating disorders most of the time it has to do with body image and internal factors which then cause the pain to become
external. The internal pains are something you must work on and be delivered from with and by the power of God. The internal pains that eating disorders
bring are guilt and condemnation, low self-esteem, pain, anti-social behavior, emotional pains/wounds, and insecurity. Within the course we learned
about forgiveness and reconciliation. I am connecting this towards that specific unit because that is where change begins, with forgiveness. The reason
you must ask for forgiveness is because you've been disrespecting God’s creation (yourself). You also must forgive yourself for treating yourself poorly as
you matter as well!
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (ESV) “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God wil l
destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.”
When you have all those internal pains within you God cannot dwell within you therefore it will not be as easy. We must understand God is not going to
do it all for you. In the scripture we learn he helps those in need however, he will only do it if you are putting in effort as well. Low self-esteem is what
makes all this possible, it may seem hard as we are very influenced by media and the ideal look/fashion/style, but you must try/continue to be happy with
yourself because you are perfect just the way you are as God made you in his own image.
Genesis 1:27 (NIV) So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Jesus helps those pure in heart and attitude he cannot do his works when your heart is hardened, cold and bitter. Wherever the good lies the evil cannot
and vice versa. Remember to love yourself and value yourself as we are all created by God no matter gender, race, age, ethnicity etc.
Joshua 1:19 (ESV) “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God wil l be with
you wherever you go.”
Always be strong and courageous!
• The story of Naomi is a great story when
talking about self. In a brief summary Naomi
lost her husbands and sons which then
makes he go back to Bethlehem to in-laws.
At one point in the story, she asks to be
called Mara instead of Naomi. Mara
translates to bitter. The reason this is an
important aspect is because the power of
your tongue is the most powerful weapon
God has given us.
• Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the
power of life and death, and those who love
it will eat its fruit."
The Story of Naomi (Izaah)
• If we speak positively and only feed our
thoughts on it we will have a lot more
positivity. It is also important to note that
our thoughts justify who we are.
The Church's Teachings
Eating problems are a difficult subject to broach. People who suffer and their families sometimes feel shamed, and the
disorders are difficult to treat. Eating disorders are unfortunately not uncommon in Modern society. Psychologists and
other experts today acknowledge three types of eating disorders, as well as disordered eating, whichdo not fit into any of
the three categories.
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder in which a person will not maintain a normal weight (85 percent or less of what would be
considered normal for a person of the same age and height), is afraid of weight gain, and has a distorted image of his or her
body (often believing he or she is fat or refusing to acknowledge the seriousness of his or her low body weight).
Binge eating disorder has been given a new name. It's basically a condition in which a person binge eats without
compensating or cleansing.
Though it is disordered eating and frequently includes obsessive thoughts about food, compulsive overeating or food
addiction is not formally defined as an eating disorder. (While some individuals believe gluttony to be an eating disorder, we
will not discuss it in this article.) Please check our page about gluttony for more information.)
Eating disorders are in direct opposition to God's design for our lives. Binging, purging, and starvation are not God's
methods of physical care. "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you and was given
to you by God?" says First Corinthians 6:19–20. You do not belong to yourself since God paid a hefty price for you. As a
result, you must glorify God with your body" (New Living Translation; see also Romans 14:7–8). True beauty and worth are
found in one's identity in Christ, not in one's weight, external appearance, or personal accomplishments, according to the
Online Activity
• https://jamboard.google.com/d/
Emma nuel’s Pra yer:
Lord Your Word reminds us that our body i s the temple of Your Holy Spirit that dwells within us. I pray that those with eating disorders will
remember that their body i s not a bnormal but is s omething that is so precious to You. Lord help them to know that they a re not their own,
but they were bought for a price. Father, please help us to glorify You i n our body. Help those with binge eating disorders to love their body
jus t a s You love i t.
Ni ck’s Prayer:
Al mi ghty God we see that va rious people wonder if full recovery from an eating disorder i s achievable. Help us to believe tha t the cure i s
pos sible! Although the road to recovery ca n be l ong a nd unpleasant at times. Help us to understand that it is cri tical to have a supportive
community that will love, s upport, and pray for s omeone who is s eeking assistance. Help us to commit fear, i dentity, i nner vo ws, judgments,
l yi ng, emotional healing, physical healing, all to you in prayer. Help us to realize that my healing journey i s unique and that eating disorders
frequently i nclude a process-oriented a pproach to recovery. Help us to be set free from our fear and for God's perfect love to ta ke i ts place.
It i s i mportant me the person to let go of their control a ddiction and eating disorders. Give us the courage to take chances and step out in
trus t. Every mouthful, and every refusal to weigh themselves, is a leap of faith for us.
Iza ah’s Pra yer:
Hel p me take care of myself as you have given me this temple to tend to and respect. Thank you for gi ving me the gift of life everyday and
ma y I not a buse the gi ft you have given me. Remind us the importance of watering our l ife physically a nd spiritually, bless the people who
ha ve trouble tending to their temple physically, emotionally, a nd mentally. Remind us that everything we do is for you a nd yo ur gl ory s o
ma y we respect the way we treat others and ourselves. Help those who s uffer from eating disorders a nd their families. Help th em work on
thems elves within and may they forgive themselves a nd begin to see them for who they a re your perfect creation.
Thank you for listening to our
presentation ☺