Timestamp Score NAME CLASS Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question (9) Question (10) Question (11) Question (12) Question (13) Question (14) Question (15) Question (16) Question 17 Question 18 Question 19 5 / 40 Nor izzat 2D B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from A. Monday AB property to Thursday. is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that C can sells be cheap recycled. food from local Wes farmers. Chidl Warchede Warem Ore Heav Thinge Goode The Rainforest Expecting about 20.000 Belgium acoustic 2 / 40 Christinaperia 2D B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player A. AB property is workingB. hard university to showstudents her otherfor houses. boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. A all onisstudents 21 open November. full day on Saturday Was and Sunday. to Watched have the Question good What So are bornena what are questionn what are dongi ... 11/25/2021 8:47:26 12 / 40 Alysha Nabilah 2B 11/25/2021 8:55:19 19 / 40 KHAIRUNNISA JASMIN BINTI 2A MOHD ADRIS @ MOHMAND C. wear superhero ADRIS clothes.A. giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about B onoffers 21 Earth November. good Day.food from local had farmers. 11/25/2021 8:22:50 11/25/2021 8:39:32 11/25/2021 9:01:58 11/25/2021 9:04:36 11/25/2021 9:07:31 11/25/2021 9:15:52 9 / 40 FELIX ZAGARINO RABENG 2A ANAK ROBENA 4 / 40 Anelka lana 2C 10 / 40 JEFFERSON AWRY APAT2A ANAK JERRY children watch hungry are have thinking good 14-16 July Kuching C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday Were and Sunday. Kuching 20,000 visitors C. wear superhero clothes.B. open for 10 hours on 31st A. DecemberOption you are 15 years2 old. A. AB property is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. A. can send in their work after A celebrates 21 November. Earth day withC all sells students cheap food from local Go tofarmers. Want Wacth Warm Hungry Of Have Good 14 -16 july Sibu 20 000 Children Watch Worn Are How Those Good 14-16 july Kuching 11/25/2021 9:26:22 25 / 40 Nur qyra ariana 2A 11/25/2021 9:29:19 24 / 40 MERCHELL LIKA ANAK JIRAM 2A 11/25/2021 9:29:22 11/25/2021 9:39:23 29 / 40 STEPHANIE NATASHA ANAK 2A JUGAH 1 / 40 HUCKYLIS DEKER 23 / 40 Dzul Najmil Faiz A E Ice tea Arts Area A few great Same class Become a history journalistSchool bus Both play Cannot amegine B F C G B H Her class Eat together B D G F H D a bus best 14-16 July Kuching about 20 000 Belgium Acoustic Band fun workshops mini concerts ice tea a cheap price a few great the class a history journalist a teddy bear netball a fair person sister Fun story Changing mind A F D B H E 14-16 july Kuching 20000 of visitors local musicians workshop mini concerts ice tea independent area a few learn in the same class to become a history journalist bus a teddy bear same love for netball fair person sister good story exchange opinion D F A B C E C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local were farmers. local musicians mini concert to become a history journalist Bus a teddy bear B. open for 10 hours on 31st B. DecemberOption you are a national 2 player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. A all onisstudents 21 open November. full day on Saturday The and Sunday. B. open for 10 hours on 31st C. DecemberOption you only have time 2 from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local Werefarmers. C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed B. his university mind. students for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before A celebrates 11.00 a.m. Earth on 21 dayNovember. withA allisstudents open full day on Saturday a and Sunday. A. be there at 7 p.m. B. open for 10 hours on 31st B. DecemberOption you are a national 2 player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about A is Earth open full Day. day on Saturday Was and Sunday. C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local Havefarmers. C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday go and Sunday. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local manyfarmers. children watching hungry and have thing great 14-16 July Kuching 20,000 of visitors workshops ice tea independent area a few close friend learn in the same class F D G H A B Fair person H F A B E D About 20,000 visitors Children Watching Hungry And Hade Activity Happy 14-16 July Kuching childrens watch hungry and has things Good 14-16July Kuching are the to Ther Was Oh Are Music Festival Watched Hungrily Or Have Thing Good Was planned to take placeThen in sibu island of broneo Watching Hungry And Was Things Happy 14-16 July. childed watch hungry and haved thinged best 14 to 16 july kuching Watched Hungrily Or ate Have fun Thing Goodday Date Location 14-16 July Cheap price Few great Learn in the same class History jurnalist School bus Teddy bear School netball team Fair person Sister Jokes Thing D F A B C E Cheap price Few great Learn in same class History journalist Bus Teddy bear Three times a week after school Fair person Sister Joke Changed E A D C H G Visitors this year the main stage Workshops and mini concerts. One the final night. On the main stage The festival has three afternoons The festival site is set up with drinks a variety stalls of good anda Borneo drink stalls jungle Famous world musicians Live performance on the main Mini stage concert 20000 international superstar Number of visitor Kuching Newly performers Variety of food and drink stalls. too many Art area Lily and we go the same school. I love science and she loves Lilyhistory. and I live in the same neighborhood. Meke two. B D F A B F A B H E fun workshops mini concerts ice tea latest music with a cheap price too many learn in the same class a history journalist school bas teddy bear netball team a fair person sister jokes knowledge D A F B H E Evening Free drink Place Lilu writer For sport Coach Loves Thinks Flash Funny stries Exchange ideas Stories B B B G E D bus having thing a good 14-16 july kuching Him Bad 14-16 july Sibu Were Children Watch And Need The Good's 14-16 July Island of borneo happy best A D F D G C Horror No mins A D C B G H I love science and she lover Has history a good Live in the same neighbourhood She always Fun workshops Mini concerts Ice tea The festival site A few great Learn in the same class History journalist bus Fun workshop Mini concert An ice tea Area to offer Great Learn in the same class To become a history journalist Bus together Independent singers Many friend but a few child watching hungry and having things good 14-16 Juy Kuching 20,000 of visitor this year Bring a famous world musicians This festival from allhas continets three afternoon and Followed localofmusicians. interesting by eveningand livefun performance The workshop festival site and on the is mini up stage. concerts. with Indepedent a variety of food singers andwill drink also astalls. set up an arts area to offer Learn theirinlatest the same music class at a cheap A humour price. children noticed starving then have fun Thing Good 14-16 july Kuching 16,000 and 20,000 Having About Nice Sibu but was then changed20,000 to kuching of visitors this year16,000 people kuching C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that B can onoffers 21 beNovember. recycled. good food from local Werefarmers. C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player A. AB property is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about A is Earth open full Day. day on Saturday Are and Sunday. B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. B. A. be there at 7 p.m. the owner is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about A onis21 Earth open November. full Day. day on Saturday are and Sunday. A. giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday are and Sunday. C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from A. Monday AB property to Thursday. is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about A onis21 Earth open November. full Day. day on Saturday Was and Sunday. Evening live performancesserved on the an stage ice tea a few great friends Arts area A few Watching Warmed Hungry And Haved Things 14-16 july Kuching 20,000 of visitors Belgium acoustic band Fun workshops Is Feel After Was The A 14-16 July Place in sibu 20,000 visitors Belgium acoustic band Live performances on the main Proven stage to be a hit with the Variety audience of food and drink stalls Rainforest world music festival Great watching warmed hungered having things most good Ice tea stalls Children kid Mini concert At rainforest world music festival A few great closed friend The same class The heart of the Borneo Jungle The Rainforest World Music Friend Festival are important 16000 famous world musicians from fun all workshop continents andand minilocal concert set musicians up with variety from theofhearts food and ice of tea the drink islang stalls of Borneo Going Same class To become a history journalist Bus Love science different interests in studies history journalist D F A B H E A F G C B H few great friends makes learn in the same class become a history journalistbus together a few great learn in the same class. Dreams to become historyschool journalist bus. together Children Watch Hungry And Having Thinking Best 14-16 July Kuching B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player B. the owner is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. B all onoffers students 21 November. good food from local To farmers. Children Watch Hungry To Having Thing Nice 14-16 July Kuching B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from A. Monday AB property to Thursday. is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. B. have to see Mr. Siva before A celebrates 11.00 a.m. Earth on 21 dayNovember. withA allisstudents open full day on Saturday Was and Sunday. Children Wathing Hungry Or Having Things Good 14-16 july Place in sibu Fon Khh Has three afternoons of interesting There willand alsofun beworkshops sing-together Free andjuices session mini concerts, forthat visitors willfollowed be butled Independent youby by will an evening be international served singers performances anwill superstar. ice also tea Good when set onfriend the upyou an main enter. artsstage. area to offer Same their class latest music at cheap Become price. a Scientist 20,000 Belgium Acoustic Band Workshops Mini concerts Ice tea 20000 Workshop and mini Perfomance the stage Mini consert Juice 20.000 Of visitors Lily Famous world musicans Musicans from all continents Local musicans the heartsFree juices Independent singer will also Many set up an arts area to offer Thetheir same latest class music at a cheap Idie price Borneo jungle Friend make a huge rainforest world music festival We are the same age she is a fair person sister to she might become a teddy bearsame love for netball. is a fair person sister. So much make two packed meals love for netball Coach likes that she is s fair Besides person Netball Jjj Jju Lif life Going Become a teddy bear Make two packed As punishment Recently chosen as the team Likecaptain a sister Good She Same class She is a pair person . . . Learn in the same class History journalist Same neighbourhood Her Packed meals to give lily Always jokes that Going something joke and make different they fun mind amusing World Strong switch Her knowledge in world is She amazing 33 Become a teddy bear Lough D B H 1 A B B C E B G H B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. A. AB property is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. A all onisstudents 21 open November. full day on Saturday Was and Sunday. Child Watched Hungrily Or Have Thing Good 14-16 July.Planned to takeKuching place inbecause Sibu many foreigners 16,000 people are expect and ittoiscome expecting The Rainforest about 20,000 World of music visitors Interesting Festival this year and fun Workshop Perfomance and mini have concert proven on the to Free main be a juice hit stage with for visitors the audience an ice The teaRainforest World Music Important is a not to be missed occasion We do in notthe learn heart in the of the same Borneo Lilyclass ambition Jungleis history journalist Bus together Make two packed to give one Netball to lily Fair person with both netball Good friends She always jokes that i might Shebecome trains toahard teddyand bear always A communicate B B E E H C. wear superhero clothes.B. open for 10 hours on 31st A. DecemberOption you are 15 years2 old. C. Childrens Watching Hungry And Had Things Best On 14-16 July A teddy bear Fair Joke F A B H E the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday Were and Sunday. learn in the same class netball team comedy discourse D The main stage Fun workshop Sing together session Free juices a cheap price a learn in the same class Netball team together keep same team recently chosen as the team sister captain. comedy discourse D Audience Workshops Mini concerts Free juices Borneo Jungle A few great friends Different interests in studies History jurnalist Bus Teddy bear Netball team Fair person Lily sometimes makes jokes Her knowledge in world history D is amazing 11/25/2021 16:46:11 13 / 40 REBECCA MENDUNG ANAK 2B HEROLD bus 11/25/2021 20:22:05 1 / 40 KRISTUS ESTHER HRONS 2CANAK HARRISON 19 / 40 Muhammad Yusuf Bin Jaaba 2C keep same team recently chosen as the team sister captain. Sister G F B E H G F B E H F A C B E Childing Watch Hungry And will thing good 14-16 july kuching 16.000 people 20,000 of visitors Fun workshops Mini concerts Drinks stalls Main stage friends learn in the same class netball player statement the ring a fair person like a sister stories changed A D F G E H Can Why What Horror On Dhat Go The vestivel Kuching Visitor On the final Famous The has Borneo jagle Followed by everething Life withour Week after school One time i was late for training For the amount Lily for time Food she eats Lily as her Dose frends The table Form the best D B G H F A In Kuching Mini concert Ice tea An arts area Great friends and Same class Lily ambition become history School journalist bus A teddy bear Netball team A fair person Sister Joke Has Children Watching And Having Idea Fun 14-16 july Child Watchat Hungryli Or Have Thing Good Was planned to take placeIndependent in sibu but was singer thenwill changed also Last setto year, up kuching anthe arts festival because area to had offer many 16,000 Ontheir the foreigner main people lateststage are music andexpected /ithave at is aexpecting chepp proven This to came will price to about give be a20,000 everyone hit withofthe visitors a great audience Give this everyone timeyear in the a hearts great time of We the in the are borneo no heart longer jungle of the serving borneo free There jungle juices will also for visitors be a sing but together you Wewill dobe sesion notserved need that too anwill ice many be teaLily led friend when by hasan you a but international good enter a few sense greatsuperstar of friend humour Interests makes in studies a huge difference We take in ourthe lives school bus together Together to during go school the schoolAnother break reason lily and i became Likes that so close she isisa because fair person Lily weand share i live theinsame the same love for Funny neighbourhood netball stories When Kids Warming Are Having Think Right On 14-16 july Kuching 16000 20000 Fun workshops About 20000 of Victors thisFamous year world Musicians Fun workshop and mini concert Fun workshop and mini concert Ice tea Borneo jungle To The same class Love history Bus Two pack meal Netball She is a fair person Has been like a sister to me Happy Change D F A C H E Exchang ideas D C F G G A Idea D F A B E H Watching Hungrily Or Haved Thinking Gooded 14-16 July Kuching 20,000 Sing together live performers audiencr juice and ice tea Cheap prince Too many learn in same class History journalist Use bus together meals netball fair person trains hard I watch funny stories on television I exchange idea for buy racket B D A C E G Correct Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct 14-16 July Kuching 20,000 Many Mini concerts Main stage Free juice Cheap price Too many friend Learn in the same class History journalist School bus Meals Netball Fair person Sister Fun B F A E G Idea H A. be there at 7 p.m. C. offering cash money worth B. RM10,000. you are a national player B. the owner is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding A. can send in their work after A celebrates 21 November. Earth day withC all sells students cheap food from local It wasfarmers. a sunny day and there Weto saw many some people. children flying After their wekites found and a place playing to volleyballs. put Theour water things was, my warming sister and Weiti Jumped went was nice back into totoswim. the the sea beach while Also, was my we ate mother having the delicious was fun singging watching. food One my and of mother chatting the most prepared. together exciting after than I think that. there it was wasthe to feed good's thedah birds The of 20th the withyear. our Rainforest bread. WorldThe Music place Festival. in Sibu but was Last then year changed , the to festival Kuching. hadThe 16,000 Rainforest people World and it is Music expecting The Festival festival about ishas a 20,000 special three of afternoons festival visitors Followed that this ofbrings by interesring year. evening together and livefamous performances fun Theworkshop festival world musicians site anda on is the set mini main up from concert. with stage. This all acontinest will veriety give of everyone and food locals andamusicians drink great To many. stalls. timefrom in thethem hearthearts of theIofhave Borneo the island such Jungle. aofgood Borneo. friend in I love my life. science and she loves Mother history. would make two packed I knowmeals and she to give is never Oneselfish toLily Lily.and in sharing I become what so she close knows. Lily is because is recently wechosen share the as the same Lilyteam has love Been captain. for neetball. like a sister to The mefunny stories I and friend I exchange go to playing ideasfootball. go to cycling. B D G A C F A. be there at 7 p.m. B. open for 10 hours on 31st A. DecemberOption you are 15 years2 old. B. C A E C B the owner is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that B can offers be recycled. good food from local have farmers. B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed B. his university mind. students for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before A celebrates 11.00 a.m. Earth on 21 dayNovember. withA allisstudents open full day on Saturday For and Sunday. 2C B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. 2A C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local were farmers. 11/25/2021 20:59:52 22 / 40 Siti Ayu Farzana Binti Taim2B 16 / 40 SENEEKINE ANAK DONNY 2CHAM together Had children 30 / 40 Iven ballyson 11/25/2021 21:14:58 a Correct 20 / 40 Muhd Aniq Irham 2C a cheap price C. wear superhero clothes.B. open for 10 hours on 31st C. DecemberOption you only have time 2 from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisA. Friday. adult passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about B offers Earth good Day.food from local Was farmers. 11/25/2021 20:26:45 2 / 40 Nur fariesya free juices C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. A. AB property is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday Wrongand Sunday. 11/25/2021 20:57:17 11/25/2021 21:12:47 fun workshop D Sibu changed to Kuching Expecting about 20,000 13 / 40 SYAHELMIE BIN ABU BAKAT 2A sing together session Communication Sibu 20,000 visitor the main stage Sister 14-16 july 10 / 40 Nur lailatul Mursyidah binti2B Awang Mohammad hasrekim. B. inform Romeo before 30B.October open for 10 hours on 31st B. DecemberOption you are a national 2 player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday A and Sunday. sibu changed to kuching expecting about 20,000 Same team 14-16 July the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday Travelling and Sunday. 14-16 july To become a history journalist The school bus best C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. best The same interests Better B. inform Romeo before 30B.October open for 10 hours on 31st A. DecemberOption you are 15 years2 old. A. AB property is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. C all onsells students 21 November. cheap food from local Was farmers. think A few think 2B having Arts area It 2C and Ice tea having the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about A is Earth open full Day. day on Saturday Was and Sunday. hungry Sing-together session Had C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. watching Live performances and B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisA. Friday. adult passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday When and Sunday. children's 20,000 Belgium Acoustic Band And 11/25/2021 19:55:06 B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before A celebrates 11.00 a.m. Earth on 21 dayNovember. withA allisstudents open full day on Saturday were and Sunday. Kuching hungry 11/25/2021 20:20:47 D B F Hungrilies 2A H A D watching 11 / 40 Melvin Sereng A D A Watches 14 / 40 Mark Emanuel Anak Lumpu 2B C Exchange ideas Love for netball children's 11/25/2021 19:33:13 A E F Funny stories My best friend Childs 11/25/2021 19:46:45 B H . B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. A all onisstudents 21 open November. full day on Saturday were and Sunday. 11/25/2021 19:53:13 B B We are close friend B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth B. RM10,000. you are a national player A. AB property is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about B onoffers 21 Earth November. good Day.food from local Has farmers. 2 / 40 Irin shima B D She is a fair person 2A 25 / 40 Mclarrenze junior B F Same love for netball 2B 11/25/2021 17:30:06 E E E 13 / 40 Nur Syazwani 11/25/2021 17:38:58 H C C 15 / 40 Patricsa Bangie 2D C F D 11/25/2021 15:48:22 5 / 40 Natasha A G B Recently chosen as the team A captain think a idea F A A 11/25/2021 16:30:07 11/25/2021 17:15:13 E A E Sharing Selfish and sharing arts area Questionoo H Sense of humour set up and arts Pigmentasi C Jokes ice tea Otber A Sister ice tea Disember F F Good friends sing -together session Oktober D A fair person intenational superstar 20,000 Belgium Acoustic Band H H She always jokes that i might I love become science a teddy and she bear love ifDi history keep eating too much Great live perfromances Chou netball School netball team sing-together session Ling i would be the first Netball Belgium Acustic Band Kuching E G Teddy bear Belgium Acoustic Band World C E Meals Bus 20,000 of visitors 14-16 july Sister A D Become a history journalistBus expecting about 20 000 Good A fair person F F Saintis kuching Happy Netball team D A Learn in the same class changed to kuching Maka Teddy bear Change the mind Loves history Some class 14 - 16 july Think Make a laugh B 14-16 july Foukus Sister H The 20Th Rainforest worldthe music event festival was planned will be taking to take Theplace place festival on inhad sibu 14-16 16,000 but july. was people then The festival changed and it ishas expecting to three kuching. afternoon about On the 20,000 offinal interesting of night,there visitors and this will fun year. The also workshops festival be a sing-together site andismini set concerts upsession with Serving a variety that freewill juices of be food led for and by visitors drink an Independent international stalls. but you will singers superstar. be served will also Too an set ice many up teaan when artsyou Aresenter to offer Same their class latest music at a cheap Becomeprice a history journalistBus one day Very A fair person C nice Fried Friend B Good And E B Home H item Mother G H E A Thing Hungry B B C She dreams to become a history E journalist one day A having Hulind C A A Communicate Have Children H F F She always jokes and Child F D D Jokes Or The A Discussion Good time A few great friends warmer B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from A. Monday AB property to Thursday. is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about A onis21 Earth open November. full Day. day on Saturday Warsmand Sunday. Ideas Jokes Memories sister Hungrily C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday Go and Sunday. Stories Sister Like a sister During games observe 2D Another reasone A fair person Fair person fair person Watch 1 / 40 Alexzander Become so close Same love for netball Communicate withus during Coach games likes that she is a fair Good person sense of humuor children 15 / 40 Milton Jenang Anak Budit 2C A teddy bear if keep eating School netball team bus Child 2B We take the school Eat together need too many friends but we a few do great not learn friends in the makes same dreams a class. huge to difference becomein a our history lives wejournalist take the one school day.bus together my mother to gowould to school. make two Another packedreason meals Lily to give andone I become Coach to Lily.likes so close that she is because is a fair Lily we person. has share been like a sister to Besides me Many 2 / 40 Erikson bidin B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that C can sells be cheap recycled. food from local Are farmers. Set up with a variety of food Served and drink an ice stalls tea when you Served enter an ice tea when you World entermusic The 20th rainforest world music Location festival of event will be is in taking kuching Predicted place on 14-16 number July. of visitors Belgium is expecting acoustic about band 20.000 Live of performent this year of the main Fun stage workshops and mini concerts Ice tea 14 - 16 july 14 / 40 Zumegawati Binti Wahab 2A the best Cannot imegine Belgium Acoustic Band 14-16 july 2D captain Fair person Three performances Good 31 / 40 ABANG DAMIA AHZA BIN2A ABANG WASLIE netball Five round 20,000 of visitor this year Performers on the main stage Famous world musicians from Localallmusicians continent from the heart Food and drone stall fun 2A journalist one day Teddy bear Amazing 20 000 of visitors Things 11 / 40 Regina Alam anak Murshidi 2C world history has amazingcar Netball 20,000 visitors Things 17 / 40 Markaze Clary Anak Tonny2C loves history Same class Kuching Have 15 / 40 Muhammad Irfan friend Many Changed to Kuching Had 11/25/2021 14:11:44 cheap price Cheap prise 14 to 16 July And B E E free juice Juice On 14-16 july Or H H H great And G C B Best Hungry A F A experience Hungry F G F That Hungry D D D had Watching discourse interchange discourse Had Watch comedy funniest comedy and Children sister sister sister live performances C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. A all onisstudents 21 open November. full day on Saturday saw and Sunday. the owner has changed B. his university mind. students for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. B all onoffers students 21 November. good food from local Werefarmers. fair person fair person a fair person And Rainforesr world music netball same love for netball school netball team International superstar C. wear superhero clothes.B. open for 10 hours on 31st C. DecemberOption you only have time 2 from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about A is Earth open full Day. day on Saturday Was and Sunday. B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. teddy bear teddy bear a taddy bear hungry Watching 11/25/2021 14:14:34 same class Hungry Children 11/25/2021 14:47:49 many watching Childrens 18 / 40 nurul ainie nabilla binti sulaiman 2A Borneo Jungle Saw B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisB. Friday. university students for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. B all onoffers students 21 November. good food from local Was farmers. 14 / 40 SYAMIMI IZZATI BINTI SANI 2A Ice Tea Kid C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about B onoffers 21 Earth November. good Day.food from local Werefarmers. 11/25/2021 13:04:56 Mini Concerts Kids 2C 2D world music The Rainforest World Muzic Belgium Festival acoustic band 2B 11/25/2021 13:43:47 2 / 40 Mohd saifullah 20000 on the main stage 16,000 people Fun Workshop Writer think school bus together Full A fair person Activities history journalist or B C D history journalist Cold G Exchange ideas Share become a history journalistthe bud together hungry F Funny stories Burlesque learn in the same class No watched B Been Like a sister Sister learn in the same class watch G Together to go to school Recently Netball one People F Sisters to me Teddy bear a few great many The Good frinds School bus food and drink stalls She I cannt imagine my life withouther On Another reasion History journalists In the same class arts area B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisC. Friday. adults with kids for boarding A. can send in their work after makes 21 an November. announcement about B offers Earth good Day.food from local have farmers. Would eat together during Love the school for netbreak. netball She diways makes when i Every am down, moning One ice tea B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. B. 20,000 Belgium Acoustic Band Sing -together session Ice tea an ice tea 11/25/2021 15:48:22 nice Free juices sing together 11/25/2021 15:00:38 things Wise Ice tea live performance 11/25/2021 15:39:32 will Funny Mini concert mini concerts 11/25/2021 14:07:51 and Sister Mini concert mini concert 11/25/2021 14:10:55 hungry Bus together to go school Teddy bear audience 11/25/2021 14:07:35 watching In same class Belgium Acoustic Band 9 / 40 Muhd alif sahfiee childs Few great Fun workshop Take place in Sibu but change About to 20.000 Kuching. visitor Child Ice tea 20,000 There will also be a sing-together Fun workshop Sibu but was then changed20000 to kuching. of visitars Child Children Belgium Acoustic Band Mini concerts about 20000 of visitors 15 / 40 siti nurbatrisya binti morad2B E The netball team anda we Lily trainisthree the captain times to CoachAlways likes that communicate she Is a fairwith person Cannot us during imagine gamesmy life without I keepher eating so much Netball Famous world musicians Fun workshops 20,000 of visitors 11/25/2021 12:01:24 C In live in the same neighbourhood World make two packed meals To take to give first food One to lily Journalist 20000 visitors Kuching the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local are farmers. B The singers to offer their latest I have music suchata agood cheap price During the school break International superstar Kuching changed toKuching B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisA. Friday. adult passengers for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday Go and Sunday. A The event was planned to The taketo place Sibutobut in was Sibuthen changed About 20000 to Kuching of vistors because thisThese year many performances foreigners are have ex We proven are now to belonger with audience servingBut freeyou juices will be for served visitors am The ice yea freethen juices enter 14-16 july 14 to 16 july C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. F Happy Good 14-16 July B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that C can sells be cheap recycled. food from local Werefarmers. D Your Things great 28 / 40 Stephenie Dilly Anak Mok 2A interact Place Having best 22 / 40 Norita anak duat. joke War Or things 11/25/2021 11:28:50 Sister Watch Hungry Activity 11/25/2021 11:55:10 fair person Or Watching had the owner is busy thisB. Friday. university students for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. C all onsells students 21 November. cheap food from local Go farmers. same love for netball To Children having 31 / 40 Cynthia angle anak kohggha 2A E History is amazing Your recently for 11/25/2021 12:45:30 H Recently School neatball and 11/25/2021 12:56:52 C Keep eating We train hungry 7 / 40 Collekesyiana Ak Baba A Reason Teddy Bear hungry 18 / 40 Angelie rendie anak jambai2D F Take the bus History is amyzing watching 24 / 40 putri nurmarisha D Journalist Same school watching 11/25/2021 12:34:15 Think Selfish in sharing Our live children 11/25/2021 12:35:49 Joke Huge difference Friend children 11/25/2021 12:42:25 Sister Word music festival Borneo jungle the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before makes 11.00 an announcement a.m. on 21 November. about B offers Earth good Day.food from local were farmers. 2C A fair person Free juices Chips prise the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that A can is open be recycled. full day on Saturday were and Sunday. 8 / 40 Siti nur zainirah School netball team Latest music Ice tea C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. 11/25/2021 12:14:28 A Teddy bear Sing together On the festival C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. 2C B A H C F 2A 2A H C E F D 24 / 40 Elyzza Linah 5 / 40 Mohd Akhmal Qerni G B B C B 27 / 40 Alvin Sandom anak Benet 2A 11/25/2021 11:28:07 F H C D C 11/25/2021 10:48:33 2B D F F A A 11/25/2021 10:55:19 7 / 40 HAFIZI BIN ABDULLAH C D Mr beans Good good C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. 7 / 40 FATIN NASUHA BINTI MOHD 2B KODRI Friends different interests in studies D Have idea I Fun things B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from B. Monday the owner to Thursday. is busy thisB. Friday. university students for boarding A. can send in their work after A celebrates 21 November. Earth day withB alloffers students good food from local Was many farmers. people 11/25/2021 11:11:23 Lily good sence of humour Stories Can in one maneger thing 2A 11/25/2021 11:10:54 Best friend sister Been like she sister We use s or Perfect really 2D 28 / 40 MOHAMAD AMIRUL BIN ABDULLAH 2C Mini concerts to the best fair person She is fair person You love you ok Stadium having A. be there at 7 p.m. 11/25/2021 10:36:36 Fun Workshops same time school netball team Netball I lavo lily A and C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player B. the owner is busy thisA. Friday. adult passengers for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday is and Sunday. 2 / 40 WAN FAJRUL NIZAM E A Belgium Acoustic Band Island of borneo 20,000 World music festival Good same love The teddy bear I kitil Car and 2A 24 / 40 joeanna madu Question 40 D B Bus school bus Bus Hi so you Dunno hungry 2A 11/25/2021 10:25:43 Question 39 A D homour a history journalists To be captain for netball You and Together hungry 30 / 40 Marry Janam 11/25/2021 10:31:51 14 July Question 38 C A the same class learn in the same class Same class Is writer A watching A. be there at 7 p.m. 2C Great Question 37 F A Idea the We are no longer Shop watching C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that B can onoffers 21 beNovember. recycled. good food from local Is farmers. 4 / 40 ERICKA FLISSIA ANAK BERUDI 2D Activity Question 36 B C Shop The rainforest world musicafestival few Area latest give everyone Free drink and food kids 19 / 40 Roland Padan Matius 2 / 40 Martin fendy Were Question 35 Fresh - Art ice tea Juices children 2B 25 / 40 SIMON ANAK SYLVESTINE 2A And Question 34 Many - festival will be tacking the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local were farmers. 2B 11/25/2021 10:12:11 Hungry Question 33 The - famos would music interesting , fun workshop Manstage and mini concert C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesB. on itsyou grand are opening. a national player C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that C can onsells 21 beNovember. cheap recycled. food from local were farmers. 11/25/2021 10:00:27 11/25/2021 10:03:16 Watching Question 32 Floor - Artist sing-together session Live promance on stage Perfomences C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. 11/25/2021 10:01:07 11/25/2021 10:06:52 Children Question 31 Game - The festival site 20,000 Dunno B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth C. you RM10,000. only have time from C. Monday the owner to Thursday. has changed B. his university mind. students for boarding B. have to see Mr. Siva before B helps 11.00 collect a.m.all onitems 21 November. that B can offers be recycled. good food from local Werefarmers. Question 30 Been - Belgium Acaustik Band The festival has three Kuching Question 29 The - 16 000 people and it is expecting mini concert about 20 000 of visitors fun work this shop year 20,000 Visitor 14-16 July Question 28 Interests in studies - Kuching Kuching The rainforest would musicfestival Nice Question 27 Learn in the same class ... 20th 14-16 July Good Thinking Question 26 Difference in our lives Frides are importan best Goodde Thing And Question 25 On the final night Food benroe things Thingking Have Hungry Question 24 At a cheap price docs music has Haved Or Warming Question 23 Musicians island Local and Or hungrily Watching Question 22 Last year the festival hangrier Warmer wacthed Kid 2B 11/25/2021 9:49:08 Question 21 International superstar Worla watches Wachted Child the owner has changed A. his adult mind. passengers for boarding A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that B can offers be recycled. good food from local Was farmers. 2B 5 / 40 Mohd Imannul Iqram Question 20 20000 Belgium Acoustic Band children Children B. inform Romeo before 30A.October giving out people prizesC. on its yougrand only have opening. time from A. Monday AB property to Thursday. is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that B can onoffers 21 beNovember. recycled. good food from local Was farmers. C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. C. 10 / 40 Christian Kong 11/25/2021 9:17:01 11/25/2021 9:18:05 23 / 40 HARRY WONG BIN ISMAIL 2AWONG B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth B. RM10,000. you are a national player C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding A. can send in their work after B helps 21 November. collect all items that B can offers be recycled. good food from local was farmers. C. wear superhero clothes.B. open for 10 hours on 31st A. DecemberOption you are 15 years2 old. A. AB property is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. B. have to see Mr. Siva before A celebrates 11.00 a.m. Earth on 21 dayNovember. withA allisstudents open full day on Saturday Wass and Sunday. C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about A onis21 Earth open November. full Day. day on Saturday were and Sunday. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that B can onoffers 21 beNovember. recycled. good food from local were farmers. B. inform Romeo before 30C.October offering cash money worth B. RM10,000. you are a national player A. AB property is workingC. hard adults to show with her kidsother for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. B helps William collect before all 11.00 items a.m. that A can onis21 open beNovember. recycled. full day on Saturday To and Sunday. C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizesA. on its you grand are 15 opening. years old. C. the owner has changed C. his adults mind. with kids for boarding C. will send their work to Mr. makes William an announcement before 11.00 a.m. about B onoffers 21 Earth November. good Day.food from local Go farmers. 11/25/2021 21:28:44 14 / 40 Muhammad idris bin masri2D C. wear superhero clothes.C. offering cash money worth A. RM10,000. you are 15 years old. A. AB property is workingA. hard adult to passengers show her other for boarding houses. C. will send their work to Mr. A celebrates William before Earth11.00 day with a.m. C all onsells students 21 November. cheap food from local Goingfarmers. 11/25/2021 22:01:16 35 / 40 MUHAMMAD IRFAN HARITH 2C BIN MESRA C. wear superhero clothes.A. giving out people prizes on its gr Children Were Watch Childrens Hungry Watching A Hungry Was And Thinking Had Nice Things 14-16 july 14-16 july Island of borneo 20,000 These perfomances have proven Followed to by be evening a hit with the On audience. the main stage Kuching children watching hungry and had things best 14-16 july Kuching kidded watcing warming hungered and had good on 14-16 july Kuching Kuching Free juices 16000 From all continents and local Workshop musicians from the hearts Miniofconcert the Islana of burnes Ice tea The borneo jungle Just a few Drink stalls Few great fun workshops mini concert ice tea the festival site a few great 20000 belgium acoustic band fun workshop mini concerts ice tea The Rainforest World Music a Festival Belgium Acoustic Band fun workshop mini concert will be served when you enter art area 20000 vositors sing-together session children watching warming and had things great 14 July That Is Your A Are When Your Rainforest world music festival The event was planned to Last take year place, in theSibu festival but was hadIsland 16,000 then changed ofpeople borneoto and kuching it is expecting because Acousticabout many band 20,000 making foreigners oftheir visitors are The first expected final appearance thisnight yearto come this .yearThe festival site is set up with International a variety of superstar food and drink Great stalls friends Kids See Hungry Eat Has There Nice 14-17 July Kuching So Childrend Watch Hungry Haved Go Best 14-16 july. Kuching. 20,000 people 16000 20000 Belgium Acoustic Band 20,000 of visitors this year.International superstar. Fun workshop. a Same age history journalist Different interests in studies History journalist A bus Bus The school would be the first Netball Netball Fair person Fair person Sister Sister Sometimes make jokes Jokes She never selfish in sharing D what she know Communicate D F A B H E in the same class become a history journalistthe school bus a teddy bear school netball team a fair person sister comedy discussion D F A B H E learn in the same class a history journalist bus a teddy bear netball captain sister amusing tale concept exchange A F D B E H a teddy bear team captain fair person her sister funny story same class history journalist bus My best friend Makes me smile Lily has a good sense of humour Lily and i live in the same neigbourhood She always jokes that i might Hard become my stomach a teddy hurts bear ifI ilove keepscience eating so andmuch she loves Storie history 's exchange idea D A F B C H Idea 's C A F G B H Live performances on the main Juicesstages and Ice Tea Arts area To many Learn in the same class She loves history School bus Are teddy bear School netball team Fair person Sisters Teddy bears Sharing person D B A A D A Mini concert. Borneo jungle. One Learn in the same class History journalist Bus A teddy bear Netball team A fair person Sister Comedy Interacting F A D B H E Free juices for visitors.