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Europe Guided Notes

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Physical Geography of Europe
Seas, Peninsulas and Islands
• The majority of Europe lies within ________________(483 km) of a
• The sea is part of ______________________of Europe
• ______________________à 25% lies ______________________________
• ______________________to hold back the watersà Drain lakes
and flood areas to ______________________
The Northern Peninsulas
• Scandinavian Peninsulaà ______________________
• Ice Age glaciers melted à Creating ______________________.
• Glaciers ______________________along the coastline
• Denmark’s mainland, _________________________________
The Southern Peninsulas
• ___________ Peninsulaà Southwestern Europe, Spain and
Portugalà Between the _________________________________
___________à Mostly a ___________
• ___________ Mountains form a ___________ between ___________
___________ and the rest of Europe.
• ___________ Peninsulaà _________________________________
mountain range, active volcano __________________, 30% plains
• ___________ Peninsulaà ______________________ Europe,
mountain ranges and valleys, terrain makes ____________________
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Europe’s Islands
• ___________à South of the Arctic Circle in the North Atlantic
Oceanà ____________________________________________.
• The ___________à ______________________; cool, hilly, and rainy
• ___________à 2,000 islands in the ______________________, sunny
climate, rugged landscape
• ______________________à 5 major islands; ______________________,
______________________; rugged terrain, volcanic mountains
• ______________________
Mountains and Plains
• Northwestern mountains à ______________________à Peaks low
from _________________________________
• Southern Europeà ___________ mountains, high and jagged
• ___________à highest peak in the ___________à over 15,771 feet
(4,807 m) high
• ___________à eastern Europe
Plains Regions
• _________________________________à Fertile, southeastern
England and western France to Russia
• Major ___________region, location of ______________________.
• _________________________________à fertile
• Hungary to Croatia, Serbia, and Romania.
Water Systems
• Flow from ________________________________________to the ______
• Networks of ___________ built for transportation and irrigation
• Scandinavian rivers à ___________
• _________________________________à shallow and narrow, difficult
for large ships
• The ___________ Riverà Through ______________________ into the
Netherlands, western Europe, connects cities to North Sea
• ___________à Germany’s Black Forest to the Black Sea, Major
river of ______________________
• _______________________________à 1992, link between
___________ and the ___________.
• ______________________à Britain, allows ships into ___________
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Natural Resources
• ___________ (veggie) composed of mosses, _____________________
Water and Land
• ___________ depends on _________________________________
• Closer to ______________________and ______________________à
Milder temperatures
Western Europe
• ___________à _________________________________trees
• Mountains have _________________________________
• ___________à Highlands climate, colder temperatures, more
• Dry winds can trigger avalanches
• Europe was __________________, but people have cut down trees
• 1922 ___________ à _________________________________
• Government pushed ______________________ to increase
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Southern Europe
• ______________________ climateà Warm, dry
• Summers & mild, rainy winters
• ___________à ______________________in southern area due to
blocking the moist ______________________
• ___________à An ______________________, sometimes blows cold
air into southern France.
• ___________à high, _________________________________—will bring
___________ weather to Europe
Eastern and Northern Europe
• _________________________________à cold, snowy winters and hot
• ___________from warm ______________________à summer and
winter temperatures vary
• Covered by ______________________à Hungary and Romania
• ______________________ à deciduous and coniferous.
• ______________________ à subarctic and tundra climates, winters
are bitterly cold, summers are short and cool
• _________________________________à only some vegetation
can survive
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Cultural Geography of Europe
Diverse Ethnic Groups
• Over ________ countries, ________ languages, ______ethnic groups
• One ethnic group in some countries, two or more in others
• ______________________à 1990s ___________between ___________
from former ___________
• ______________________à _______ attempt to kill all ______
• Refugees by the millions flee the country
• Europeans have tried _________________________________
• Common valuesà
• The _________________________________
• ___________ achievements of their ancestors
• Desire for ______________________
• ______________________as government responsibility
Population Characteristics
• ______________________continent in land area
• 3rd largest in ______________________
• Densely populated cities;
• ______________________
• ______________________
• _________________________________
• _________________________________
• ______________________
• ______________________
• Most densely populatedà have ______________________________
• ___________à due ___________ ___________
__________(manufacturing) in the late 1700s people moved from
a rural, agricultural society
• 75 % Europeans live in cities
• Challengesà _________________________________
• Western Europe 1950s and 1960sà Immigrants from ___________
_______________________________________________________ due to
labor shortage
• ______________________à __________________population in Europe
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History of Europe
Early Peoples
• 1 million years ago, people lived, according to ________________.
• 6000 B.C.à ___________
• Farming à ______________________
Ancient ______________________à ______________________
• Foundations of ___________ civilization.
• Greece’s geography (_________________________________)
led to the development of a ___________ made of separate
city states that ___________.
• We get ____________________________________________ from
the Greeks
• Romansà 1st ______________________
• ______________________covered most of Europe, Southwest
Asia, and North Africa.
• Romans followed ______________________and also came up
with ____________________________________________.
Christian Europe
• Roman Empire divided into ________________________________with
each developing different cultures
• Westà ____________________________________________
• Eastà _________________________________
Choose either
Greece or Rome
and give 5
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Middle Ages
• Middles Ages/ Dark Ages _________________________________
• Central government replaced by ______________________
• ___________ became powerfulà ______________________
• ___________ settled in ___________ Europe
• ___________ spread to ___________
• ___________à fight between _________________________________for
• ___________ lost, ___________ increased, and cultures met
The Renaissance
• ___________ of interest in the ___________ period
• European _________________________________was revived
• ___________ Reformation forever changed the ___________
church and Christianity in Europe
European Explorations
• 1400s, ___________ of the world begins
• _________________________________
• Led to ___________being discovered and ______________________
• ______________________, and colonizing countries gained
___________ and ___________
World Wars
• 1900’s = 2 Wars
• WWI (1914-1918)à _________________________________
• WWII (1939-1945)
• WWI issues were not resolved & Great Depression
• Dictators like ____________________________________________
• ___________à ___________ of over 6 million European Jews &
others by Nazis
• ______________________ to Europe due to fighting
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1945-1989 = Cold War
• struggle between ____________________________________________
• Western Democraciesà _______________________________________
• Eastern Communistsà _________________________________
• Germany was dividedà _________________________________
• ______________________was built symbolizing split
1980s = reforms (changes for better)
• Free Countriesà ____________________________________________
1990 ___________ reunified
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Modern Europe
• Major _______________________________________________________
• ______________________à trading community among western
Europe, use of Euro
The European Union
• Created in the 90s to help European countries align and
• It ____________________________________________among
members, created bank, and common trading policy
• ___________à ______________________, Britain still used the pound
Eastern Europe
• ____________________________________________
• Eastern European countries slowly move from ___________
• They receive loans from other countries
• The transition from a “______________________” that provided
many services has been difficult
• ______________________
• ______________________
• ______________________
• other social benefits
• Manufacturing industries develop near natural resources like
______________________in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Czech
• Other countries like Netherlands or Denmark have light industry
• ______________________in a large part of the workforce in western
Europe (______________________________________________________)
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• Farmers are varied by region, few in the Untied Kingdom and a
lot in Albania
• Southern Europeà __________________________________________
• Northern Europeà _________________________________
Farming Techniques
• Western farmersà ____________________________________________
• Eastern farmersà ____________________________________________
Agricultural Issues
• Move to ____________________________________________ due to
diseases and toxins
Transportation and Communication
• _____________________________in world, modern communications
• ___________ move freight trains (high-speed)
• Great highway systemà 2nd largest ownership of cars to U.S.
• ___________ highwayà high speed limits
• ½ of world’s ______________________comes through European
• ______________________à vital, runs through central Europe
• ___________ link port cities
• Fax machines, Cell Phones, Internet, Mail
• Eastern Europe is _____________________________until end of 1980s
• More ___________ working
• ______________________is on the rise
• ______________________Football
• Celebration of _________________________________religious
festivals & national/patriotic holidays.
• Greek: _________________________________
• Sweden: ______________________
• France: July 14 = ______________________
• Artsà ___________ in Cordoba, Spain, ______________________
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Humans and the Environment
• Europe was shaped by _________________________________
• ___________ are common in southern Europe
• ______________________à ___________ build
______________________along coastline to combat the great food
of 1953 where over 1800 people were killed
• ___________ is a major concern in Europe
• Industry affected Europe’s _________________________________
• Regulation of pollution in Eastern Europe did not begin until the
_________________________________in 1989
• _________________________________has added regulations
Acid Rain
• ______________________creates acid rain
• Eastern Europe still _________________________________
• Eastern Europe’s ____________________________________________
______________________and ______________________ like the Tower
of London & Acropolis in Greece
Air Pollution
• ______________________are affected by polluted air decreasing
______________________in Eastern Europe
Global Warming
• More ____________________________________________à warming
of Earth’s ______________________à ______________________
• Global warming is a debate among scientists and regulating
committees, so solutions are difficult
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Water Pollution
• Water pollution affects ______________________who eat them
• ______________________takes too long to renew and ensure clean
water due to its only access to the Atlantic Ocean being
through the narrow ______________________
• ______________________in eastern Europe is polluted by
Reducing Pollution
• A renewed effort to decrease pollution is spreading through
• The European Union has begun ________________________________
with fines and legal action.
• Because the countries in Europe are closely connected, it is
important that ____________________________________________
• Following _________________________________is part of the Europe
Union membership requirement
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Europe’s Cultural Geography Facts
• Icelandà Althing, oldest legislature in the world
• Switzerlandà ___________ ___________ (German, Italian, French)
• Greeceà ______________________began in 776 B.C. as part of
religious festival to the gods
• Austriaà 1200 to early 1900s it was ___________ ___________(much
of eastern and central Europe) and now it is small & landlocked
• Londonà _________________________________, one of largest
cities in Europe, 8 million people
• Netherlandsà ______________________, over 1000 people per
square mile
• Germanyà ______________________development
• Vatican Cityà ____________________________; smallest populated
nation, headquarters of _________________________________
• Europe ___________ as populated as United States
Europe’s Physical Geography Facts
• British Islesà ____________________________________________
• Mont Blancà ______________________
• Highest mountain in region of Europe
• 15,771 ft. high
• Swedenà _________________________________
• North Seaà _________________________________
• Income for the _________________________________
• Germanyà Europe’s largest ______________________ nation
• Polandà ______________________
• Croatiaà most _________________________________Soviet bloc
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Europe’s Profile Facts
• ___________ countries
• Mount Etna’s à ______________________
• The Louvreà ______________________à Art museum
• ______________________with a long, irregular coastline
• US is ___________ the size of Europe
• Religions:
• ______________________= 269,000,000
• ___________ = 80,000,000
• ______________________= 45,000,000
• Other Christian* (mainly Anglican) = 35,000,000
• ______________________ = 1,500,00
• ______________________ = 15,000,000
• Nonreligious = 72,500,00
• Other Religions = 2,000,000
• Hungaryà ______________________
• 1 hour in streets = 20 cigarette’s on lungs
• Veniceà ______________________, invented the fiddle
• ______________________à 18th century German composer
• ___________à Irish rock group
• ______________________à Liverpool, Englandà1960s icons
• Guitarà ___________ 1500s
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