STATION ONE PROCEDURE: 1. Examine the three spheres. 2. Drop the spheres from a height of 1 m and measure how high they bounce. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSION: A sphere dropped from a height of one meter converts ____________ energy into __________, _____________, ____________ as it collides with a table. STATION TWO PROCEDURE: 1. Inflate the balloon to a safe size then release the balloon. 2. Observe how energy is stored in the balloon, and yo-yo. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSION:A yoyo converts _____________ energy into _____________ energy which is stored as __________energy which then can convert to ___________ and ______________. Balloon: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ STATION THREE QUESTIONS: What happens when you bend a piece of metal back and forth? What happens when rubber bands stretch and contract? How does friction create thermal energy? PROCEDURE: 1. Observe the piece of metal after it is bent and record your observations. 2. Stretch and contract a rubber band against your forehead and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: Bending the metal converts __________ energy into ___________ energy. The balloon converts _____________ energy into ____________energy. STATION FOUR QUESTIONS: Why does a bi-metal bar bend when it is heated? PROCEDURE: Observe the bi-metal bar as it is heated and cooled and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: The bi-metal bar converts _____________ energy into _____ energy. STATION FIVE QUESTIONS: How does a lightstick produce radiant energy? PROCEDURE: Observe the lightstick in hot and cold water and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: A glow toy converts ________________ energy to ______________ and then allows it to return to ________________ energy. STATION SIX QUESTIONS: How does a radiometer work? PROCEDURE: Observe the radiometer and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: A radiometer converts ________________ energy to ______________ and _____________ energy. STATION SEVEN QUESTIONS: How does a Photovoltaic (PV) cell produce electricity? PROCEDURE: Observe the solar panel, motor, and car, then record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: A Photovoltaic (PV) cell converts converts _______________ energy to ______________ energy. STATION BETA QUESTIONS: How does an apple battery change chemical energy into electrical energy? What happens when the copper wire and the nail touch inside the apple? PROCEDURE: Observe the apple battery with different metals. Record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS:__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ STATION EIGHT PROCEDURE: Observe how the motors and batteries work and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: An moving ___________ creates _____________(energy) A motor converts ____________ energy into _____________ energy. STATION NIGHT PROCEDURE: Observe how a generator works and record your observations. OBSERVATIONS: CONVERSIONS: A generator converts _______________ energy into _____________ energy. Summative Idea: How does a hand-generated flashlight transform motion into light?