Mental & Emotional Health: Grieving, Coping, Stress - High School

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Mental and Emotional Health
Name of Learner:
Grade & Section:
Name of School:
What I Need To Know
Death refers to the end of physical being of a person that is caused by
an illness, ageing or an accident. Loss occurs when someone dies or a life
situation changes or ends and grief refers to the emotional suffering caused by a
loss, disaster, or misfortune. Furthermore, loss and grief may include a change in
the family, changes in living conditions, the death of a friend, suicide, the death of
a well-known person, tragedies in the news, and the loss of special belongings.
Loss, grief and death may greatly affect the mental and emotional health of a
Death is part of one’s life. It is irreversible and we must accept it. After the
death of a loved one, grieving follows. Grieving is a normal, natural and healthy
response to loss. It is important to grieve because it is also a way to release
distress. Releasing bad stress from the body through different actions such as
crying may result to an ease of feeling. Grieving may also be considered a sign of
the capability of a person to heal and move on.
After reading this module, you should be able to;
1. Explains the importance of grieving - H7PH-IIId-c-37
2. Demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grieve – H7PH-IIId-e-38
3. Recognizes triggers and warning signs of common mental
disorder - H7PH-IIIf-h-39
4. Discuss the types, sign, symptoms and prevention and professional care in
managing common mental health disorder - H7PH-IIIf-h-40
5. Differentiate healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping stress
6. Demonstrates various stress management technique that one can use everyday
in dealing with stress H7PH-IIId-e-36
In going through the module, you have to extend your patience in
understanding, analysing what you are reading. Follow the directions and/or
instructions in the activities.
What I Know
Direction: Read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook.
1. The following are characteristics of a healthy mind except _______.
A. Deals with the world as it is rather than what one wants it to be
B. Enjoys and satisfies oneself with simple everyday
C. Accepts self, others, and life’s disappointments
D. Never care on what is happening
2. Which of the following is not a sign of depression?
A. Very healthy
B. Loss of energy and tiredness
C. Unable to concentrate or focus
D. Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
3. An intense emotion from a loss, disaster, or misfortune
A. Grief
B. Death
C. Dying
D. Depression
4. It is a mental illness characterized by severe high low moods and brings
changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior.
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Mood disorders
C. Schizophrenic
D. Post-traumatic stress disorder
5. It’s an emotional disturbance, which affects the way an individual thinks, feels,
and behaves making it difficult to live a normal life?
A. Mental Illness
B. Mental Health
C. Mental Telepathy
D. Mental Capability
What’s In
Activity 1. Let’s Think!
Reflect on the following questions.
1. How does the people and environment around you affect your mental and
emotional health?
2. What are ways on how you can deal with the stressors?
What’s New
Activity 2. Reflections
Aside from common stressors brought about by our experiences with
our family and friends in our environment, “loss, death, and grief (also)
affect everyone regardless of race, gender, or age” (Telljohann, et al., 2007)
Grieving is important and healthy to one’s well-being. In this activity,
you will communicate your thoughts and feelings about loss and grief. Write
your answer in the space provided below.
What Is It
In this activity, you will learn and understand the importance of grieving,
coping skills in managing loss and grieve and triggers and warning signs of
common mental disorder.
Grieving is most often associated with death only. But if you recall its
definition, it is the suffering caused by three factors:
a. loss
b. disaster
c. misfortune
People may also grieve after experiencing earthquake, typhoons, tsunamis,
storm surges, and other natural disasters. These people may have lost their
properties and other important things needed for everyday life.
People may also grieve for a misfortune such as losing any valuable material,
getting robbed, or failure in an examination. People may also suffer from
experiences such as separation from friends and conflict with others.
Managing Loss and Grief
While grieving a loss is an inevitable part of life, there are ways to help cope with
the pain, come to terms with your grief, and eventually, find a way to pick up the
pieces and move on with your life.
1. Acknowledge your pain.
2. Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions.
3. Understand that your grieving process will be unique to you.
4. Seek out face-to-face support from people who care about you.
5. Support yourself emotionally by taking care of yourself physically.
6. Recognize the difference between grief and depression.
Remember, an orderly mind is a healthy, positive and stress-free mind.
Mental Illnesses
If stress is prolonged and you are not able to manage it well, you may
develop a mental illness. “Mental Illnesses are disorders that disrupt thinking,
feelings, moods, and behaviours and impair daily functioning” (Donatelle, 2006).
The disorders may be caused by prolonged stress and mental and emotional
suffering due to various triggers. Triggers are events, conditions, or situations
that may “activate” a person’s tendency to experience symptoms of mental
A. Major Depressive Disorder
It is normal to feel sadness and grief when faced with difficult situations.
However, a person may develop a major depressive disorder when depression is
only the bais, characterized by “persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness”
(Donatelle, 2006). Below are the symptoms of depression:
lack or loss of motivation
over thinking (that others may say something bad about him/her)
slow to react
difficulty in concentrating and remembering
loss of appetite
excessive gain or loss of weight
withdrawal from others/feeling alone
B. Bipolar Disorder
Also called manic-depressive disorder, it is a “form of depression
characterized by alternating mania and depression” (Donatelle, 2006). A person
who experiences this disorder may at times feel very happy and elated, then at an
instant may feel utmost sadness and despair. Other symptoms include:
rapid speech and racing thoughts
difficulty in decision-making
recklessness and impulsiveness
difficulty in concentrating
extreme irritability
C. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a “mental illness with biological origins that is
characterized by irrational behaviour, severe alterations of the senses and often
inability to function the society” (Donatelle, 2006). A person with illness may
experience hallucinations or feeling of being detached and away from reality. He or
she may lose the functions of the sense of organs and thinks and imagines very
differently than that of a normal person.
D. Post-traumatic stress disorder
A person may have this disorder when he or she experienced a traumatic
situation such as being abused, raped, or involved in an accident. Symptoms may
vary from being spaced out (tulala), extreme sadness or frustration, irritability,
avoidance to people or isolation, and others.
What’s More
Activity 3: What’s this Disorder?
Directions: Read the situations and then answer the questions that follow.
Cristina is a 17-year-old female who goes to her doctor stating that
she is troubled by headaches and fatigue. She says that she always
feels tired and can’t sleep well, often waking up early. She describes
her headaches as dull, aching and generalized. These symptoms
began about three weeks ago and have been getting worse. She
reports a lack of interest in her usual activities. She also reports
that she is missing work due to fatigue and inability to concentrate.
She is worried that she might have “something bad” because she
has difficulty concentrating and is having frequent crying spells.
She reports not sleeping well and a loss of appetite, with a weight
loss of 10 pounds in the last month.
1. What mental disorder does Cristina have? ____________
2. What can you suggest to her to overcome this problem?
3. What are the dangers if this problem is not prevented?
Activity 4.
Victor is a 21-year-old man who goes to a doctor for help. He has
been in a relationship for 5 years with his girlfriend but for no
reason, his girlfriend broke up with him. Because of this, Victor
started to spend much of his time alone because he feels irritable
and doesn’t want to snap at people. He is easily startled by noise
and motion. He describes having intrusive memories about his
traumatic experiences on a daily basis but he declines to share any
details. He also avoids seeing friends because seeing them reminds
him of experiences that he does not want to remember.
1. What mental disorder does Victor have? ____________
2. What can you suggest to her to overcome this problem?
3. What are the dangers if this problem is not prevented?
Please be guided with the Rubric:
shows below
average of art.
There are many
mistakes found in
the art.
Student’s work was
done effortless. Does
not follow directions.
Student’s work
shows a careful
and full of effort
while completing
the art.
Student’s work
was done
Minimal errors
and mistakes
were made.
Illustrate s/
shows original
ideas and
interpretation of
the given
activities or
artworks and
innovates on
materials used.
The activity is
beautifully and
neatly finished
and passed on
The student
almost filled in
their finished
The student
tries an idea,
but lacks
does not
innovate on
The activity is
finished and
passed on time
but shows lack
of effort.
Does not try new
idea nor innovate
on materials used.
The student shows
no evidence of
original thought.
The art work was
The art work is
passed on time but unfinished and was
not passed on time.
The student did not
The student left The student left
multiple sections of occupy the
the whitespace.
whitespace of their
whitespace of
their finished
finished work.
Activity 5. A-Okay Steps
Direction: List five steps that you will do when faced a difficult problem. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
What I Have Learned
Activity 6: My Learning!
1. Explain in your own understanding what grief is.
Step 5
2. What help can you give to someone who is experiencing grief?
3. What can you do to maintain a healthy mind?
3. How are you going to prevent and control mental illness?
Cite an example.
Please be guided with the Rubric:
Student’s work
shows a careful
and full of effort
while completing
the art.
Illustrate s/
shows original
ideas and
interpretation of
the given
activities or
artworks and
innovates on
materials used.
The activity is
beautifully and
neatly finished
Perseverance and passed on
work was
errors and
mistakes were
The student
tries an idea,
but lacks
does not
innovate on
The activity is
finished and
passed on time
but shows lack
of effort.
Student’s work
shows below
average of art.
There are many
mistakes found in
the art.
Student’s work was
done effortless. Does
not follow directions.
Does not try new
idea nor innovate
on materials used.
The student shows
no evidence of
original thought.
The art work was
The art work is
passed on time but unfinished and was
not passed on time.
The student
almost filled in
their finished
The student
left small
whitespace of
their finished
The student left
multiple sections
of the whitespace.
The student did not
occupy the
whitespace of their
finished work.
What I Can Do
Activity 7: Thinking, Feeling, and Becoming
Direction: Your task is to produce an educational magazine for your community.
Choose one (1) of the following topics:
a. What Mental and Emotional Health Is
b. Stress: Eustress and Distress
c. Stressors In Life
d, Death, Loss, and Grief
e. Mental Disorders
You may produce your featured topic in the magazine using any of the following:
a. editorial
b. cartoon
c. song
d. poem
e. poster
f. other creative means (in consultation with the teacher)
Activity 8: Let’s do it!
Fill in the table below. Write the healthful and unhealthful ways in coping with
stress. Select your answer inside the box.
Unhealthful ways to manage stress.
Unhealthful ways to manage stress.
Enough deep sleep.
Using illegal drugs.
Over/under eating.
Healthy nutrition.
Know when to take a break.
Slow down.
Smoking cigarettes.
Excessive internet surfing.
Drinking alcohol.
Remember good memories.
Focusing on previous failures.
Arguments about unimportant things.
Overwork to exhaustion.
Calming, mental imagery/visualization.
Social isolation.
Alternate tensing and stretching muscles.
Unnecessary shopping or spending.
Yelling, screaming explosion.
11 Exercise, sports, dance.
Overprotection/overcontrol of others.
Take a walk.
Keeping track of others.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is
_____1. Death refers to the end of physical being of a person that is caused by an
illness, ageing or an accident.
______2. Grieving is a normal, natural and healthy response to loss. It is also a
way to release distress.
______3. People do not grieve after experiencing earthquake, typhoons, tsunamis,
storm surges, and other natural disasters.
______4. Mental illness is a disorder caused by prolonged stress and mental and
emotional suffering due to various triggers.
______5. Triggers are events, conditions, or situations that may “activate” a
person’s tendency to experience symptoms of mental disorders.
______6. A person who experiences major depressive disorder may at times feel
very happy and elated, then at an instant may feel utmost sadness and despair.
______7. Bipolar Disorder is also called as manic-depressive disorder, it is a “form
of depression characterized by alternating mania and depression”.
______8. Rapid speech and racing thoughts, difficulty in decision-making, and
recklessness and impulsiveness are some of the symptoms of a person with
Bipolar Disorder.
______9. A person who experienced a traumatic situation such as being abused,
raped, or involved in an accident may have a Post-traumatic stress disorder.
______10. An orderly mind is a healthy, positive and stress-free mind.
Answer Key:
What I know:
What’s In:
Activity 1
- answer may vary
What’s New: Reflection
Activity 2
- answer may vary
What’s more:
Activity 3
- answer may vary
Activity 4
- answer may vary (with rubrics)
Activity 5
- answer may vary
Activity 6
- answer may vary (with rubrics)
What I can do:
Activity 7
- answer may vary
Activity 8
- answer may vary
Physical Education and Health, Learners’ Material, pp. 356-360.
Writer: Famidah L. Emam
Editor: Mardechona T. Flores
Master Teacher I
Language Editor: Divina Joy Salburo
Proof Reader: Raquel A. Tanangonan
Illustrators: Jeremiah Ramos
Layout Artist: Gregana M. Ethel
Management Team:
Julieto H. Fernandez, Ed. D., CESO VI
SDS-Isabela City
Maria Laarni T. Villanueva, Ed. D., CESE
ASDS-Isabela City
Henry R. Tura, CID Chief
Elsa A. Usman, LR Supervisor
Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land
Here the trees and flowers bloom
Here the breezes gently Blow,
Here the birds sing Merrily,
The liberty forever Stays,
Here the Badjaos roam the seas
Here the Samals live in peace
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
With the Yakans in unity
Gallant men And Ladies fair
Linger with love and care
Golden beams of sunrise and sunset
Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX
Hardworking people Abound,
Every valleys and Dale
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land
Region IX
The Footprints Prayer
by Joyce Kilmer
One night I had a dream. I dreamed I think that I shall never see
that I was walking along the beach A poem lovely as a tree.
with the LORD.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
In the beach, there were two (2) sets Against the earth’s sweet flowing
of footprints – one belong to me and breast;
the other to the LORD.
A tree that looks at God all day,
Then, later, after a long walk, I And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
noticed only one set of footprints.
A tree that may in Summer wear
“And I ask the LORD. Why? Why?
A nest of robins in her hair;
Why did you leave me when I am sad
and helpless?”
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
And the LORD replied “My son, My Who intimately lives with rain.
son, I have never left you. There was
only one (1) set of footprints in the Poems are made by fools like me,
sand, because it was then that I But only God can make a tree.