Uploaded by Raluca Neamtu

Map Making

Map Making
Symbols are pictures on a map that represent something. The symbol can look different than the
real thing.
A legend is a group of symbols found on a map.
 Have students identify and describe routes within the school (e.g., fire route, exit route),
using familiar symbols (doors, exit sign) and landmarks
 Discuss what a landmark is.
o Write on the chart paper some landmarks within the school ( washroom,
drinking fountain, offices)
 Ask the students what a symbol is. Can you give examples.
o What are some examples of symbols in the community (H for hospital; M for
MacDonald’s; - a heart symbolizes love, a stop sign symbolizes to stop, etc.).
 Ask student volunteers to orally describe their route to the bathroom using familiar
landmarks and symbols.
 Tell students that they will make maps to a hidden treasure for a partner.
 Make a chart with symbols that can be used to help their partner find the hidden treasure.
o Students will use arrows, and number of steps to get from the classroom to the
hidden treasure.
 In class, students add on symbols and landmarks to their own map that they found along
the route, using the class chart.
 Make a chart with symbols that can be used to help their partner find the hidden treasure.
o Students will use arrows, and number of steps to get from the classroom to the
hidden treasure.
In class, students add on symbols and landmarks to their own map that they found along the
route, using the class chart.