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Special Education & Equity Essay

Fraser Reading Response 1
Reading Response #1: (attach Reading Response Rubric found in folder) Please reflect on the
readings and videos and respond in a multi-paragraph essay about how the definition of
special education in the text is similar or different to your prior understanding. Offer
information from the text and your own ideas to respond. How does special education fit into
the context of equity?
The definition of special education is similar to my prior understanding however I was
able to further my knowledge after viewing the texts. While I was familiar with its definition, as
reported by the USDOE, “Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the
unique needs of a child with a disability”, I did not possess a complete understanding of its
components. My definition of fairness was misconstrued nor was I aware of the complexity
surrounding ones least restrictive environment.
Prior to the readings I was mistaking fairness for equality when fair is not meant to be
equal. Students should receive all that they need to succeed, not what everyone has. Receiving
what everyone else has without any consideration for their personal needs may result in the
inequality that was trying to be avoided. This was illustrated in Lisa Friedman’s side by side
comparison photo. On the left are 3 people who have received what the other has, thus
resulting in1 being at a disadvantage and another being overly accommodated. On the right
each person received all accommodations that were needed, if any, and had enjoyable
experiences. Whether what they need is different or like other students, this is how special
educations fits into the concept of equity. Joe Bower’s illustration helped further this concept.
He provided a photo proposing that all of the animals present climb a tree even though they
were not physically equipped to climb. In the same token children should not be held to the
same standards in an educational setting if they are not equipped to do so.
Fraser Reading Response 2
Prior to the reading my belief of what is considered a student’s least restrictive
environment (LRE) was as follows:
IDEA further provides that States must have in place procedures assuring that, to the
maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or
private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are not
disabled, and that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with
disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or
severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of
supplementary aids and supports.
However not only is the students progress considered when choosing their LRE but so is the
progress of their classmates. If it is determined that a students behavior prevents them from
flourishing as well severely disrupts their classmates, this will prove that their needs are not
being met in that setting. However, this seems to be a rare occurrence. The USDOE has
reported increased test results, more socially positive attitudes towards peers with disabilities
as well as increased self-concept, social, and problem-solving skills from students in inclusive
As an educator, I have recognized that I have much more to learn regarding special
education and its multifaceted components. Nonetheless, I was able to gain a more concise
understanding of what it means to provide one with the best LRE as well as the specific
differences between fairness and equality. While very informative, these readings are the
Fraser Reading Response 3
beginning of what is to come. Every great facility must have a sturdy foundation; this will
contribute to its longevity.
Fraser Reading Response 4
(2017 May 2). Sec. 300.39 Special education. Individuals with disabilities education act.
Retrieved from https://sites.ed.gov/idea/regs/b/a/300.39.
Bower, J. (2011). Fair isn’t always equal. For the love of learning. Retrieved from http://joebower.blogspot.com/2011/04/fair-isnt-always-equal.html
Friedman, L. (2013). Fair isn’t equal. Removing the stumbling block. Retrieved from
Heumann,J & Hehir, T. (1994 November 23rd). Questions and Answers on the Least Restrictive
Environment Requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. United States
department of education office of special education and rehabilitative services. Retrieved from